SNBS Matthew Ch 13



Matthew chapter 13 is Basically a chapter of parables
This is one of the major discourses in the book of Matthew where Jesus tells parables about the kingdom of heaven
Welcome to Sunday night Bible study with Pastor Josiah Shipley of Witten Baptist Church. We're continuing our series on Matthew.
We're on chapter 13 And before we get into the text, I need to show you guys our
Greek of the week We have two of them this time Vasileia and Uranus or excuse me
Uranus Uranus Uranus Vasileia and Uranus Vasileia is kingdom used 162 times in the
New Testament and 52 55 times here in Matthew and Uranus that is heaven
Used 273 times in the New Testament no surprise there But 82 times here in math you'll see in Matthew a lot of times these words are used in the same phrase kingdom of heaven
Well, let's just read the first few verses that same day so this is the day that Jesus told everybody
His mother and brothers won't talk to him He said whoever follows me is my mother and brother that same day
Jesus went out of the house and sat by the sea remember he has a house in Capernaum By the
Sea of Galilee great crowds gathered together around him So he got in the boat and sat down and the whole crowd stood on the beach
So there's so many people he gets on a boat gets offshore and he's teaching to the crowds from the boat
And they're all on the beach He told them many parables first one is the parable of the soils or Jesus calls it the parable of the sower
I guess I shouldn't Try to improve on Jesus's words, but it's really about the soils now
What's amazing about verse 3 through 9 is we have Jesus's exposition Jesus's explanation of it in verses 18 through 23, and I dare not improve on it
So as I explain verses 3 through 9 know that I'm just repeating Jesus's explanation in Verses 18 through 23.
I don't want to improve on it. My commentary will be directly from his exposition so a
Sower went out to sow As he sowed some of the seeds fell on the path and the birds came and devoured them
Other seeds fell on rocky down where they didn't have much soil and they immediately sprang up and since they had no depth of soil
But when the Sun rose they were scorched Since they had no root they withered away
Other seeds fell among thorns and the thorns grew and choked them other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain some a hundred fold some sixty some
Thirty he who has ears let him hear or so many translations will say who he has ears to hear
But him here so Jesus says up here on the first example
The sower and The seeds the seeds the gospel of good news, okay the seed
Excuse me the seed that falls on the road is eaten by birds. This is the gospel
This is the gospel being heard by someone who does not understand it Then Satan comes and snatches away.
What was already on the heart. So this is somebody who Who hears the word doesn't understand it and then instead of searching further or Or seeking more
Satan comes and takes away that initial thought in their head or their heart of I need to know what this is
Other seed falls on rocky ground and Jesus says this is the gospel being heard and initially received with joy
But that reception doesn't last long as it has no true root It's only surface level and this wilts away at the first sign of persecution or cost of adhering to the gospel
How many times have we seen this in our own life? It's initially received with joy But there's no root to it.
It's not real. It's surface level only so it looks legitimate Really, it's not and at the first sign of it costing you anything
Like the young rich man will read about later. It's forsaken Because there's no root
And weather away then there's the one that falls among thorns This is the gospel being heard much like the seed on rocky ground
But this time it's not cost or affliction or persecution that makes it not take root But it's the cares of this world the cares of riches
Once again, no fruit is produced Other seed fell on good soil and produced grain some hundredfold some sixty some thirty
You see the seed that's out on good soil This is gospel being heard Understood and submitted to in one's heart so that it actually takes root only this kind of seed producing fruit
Thus signifying true salvation So only kind of this kind of seed produces fruit and it signifies true salvation
Not all seed not all soil produces the same amount of fruit just like not all
Christians produce the same amount of fruit, but all produce fruit if You haven't noticed.
This is a common theme in the New Testament all true Salvation will result in fruit rule result in good works rule result and love joy peace patience kindness goodness gentleness mercy
Self -control not the same amount in everybody, but all will produce fruit Any of that does not produce fruit should tell you that there's actually no roots behind it as our pastor often says their faith may be
A mile wide but an inch deep there's no Substance to it. It's not real Now to the question that Jesus says in verse 10
Why can some of them not understand and why would Jesus use parables to where they can't understand on purpose
This is gonna be a hard teaching for some but understand God is not causing people to reject something that in their heart
They want to accept remember at the end of all things people either receive mercy or justice No one will ever receive injustice from God guys.
We need to remember that That Jesus enters a world that's already rejected him and Every single person on planet
Earth myself included left to their own devices will always choose their own way over God's way
This is what the book of Isaiah 53 says Every one of us have turned to our own way the problem is not that morally neutral people
Don't know how to find God the problem is Morally neutral freewill people will always choose themselves.
Therefore their will is in bondage To their sin because they love their sin
There are some who in their hardness God turns them over to a debased mind to be even more hardened in other words
He removes his hand of restraint and allows them to be as evil as they want to be in this
He's judging them for their unbelief We can't know at what point in someone's rebellion God will do this
So all the while we preach the word now is the day of salvation today if you hear his voice Do not harden your hearts
This type of hardening is God simply allowing people to love their sin instead of him and no longer pursuing them with further revelation so guys
This type of judgment that that we read about here where he says For the one who has more will be given and have an abundance
But for the one who has not even what he has will be taken away This is Why I speak to them parables because saying they don't see hearing they don't hear and they don't understand in their case the prophecy of Isaiah fulfilled saying and this is quoted in John 12 to you will indeed here
But never understand you will indeed see but never perceive this people's heart is grown dull and with their ears
They can barely hear with the eyes They've closed lest they should see with their eyes hear with their ears and understand with the heart and I would turn and I would heal them
But blessed are your eyes for they see in your ears for they hear Truly I tell you many prophets and righteous people long to see what you see
Did not see and hear what you hear and did not hear So guys Jesus judges people and Everyone's already turned to their own way
But God doesn't allow people for a time in his mercy to be as evil as they want to be
He still leaves them open He doesn't allow them he restrains their evil he keeps them from being as evil as they want to be
There comes a time in someone's rebellion Where God says, okay, I will give you no further revelation
No more the only revelation because you've not submitted to all the revelation
I've sent you time after time whether it's a preacher whether it's a song However, God's Word came to bear you've rejected it for so long.
Eventually. God says I will send you no more revelation And the only revelation you have to submit to is that which came years ago that you can recall
But he won't be sending you any further revelation This is an act of judgment of God for people who love their sin so much
He will not send them any further revelation. We can't know at what point God does this. We just know he says he does it
That is not unfairness The fact that people reject God and want to choose not
God Want to choose anything but God and he eventually lets them do that is still them making the choice to choose themselves
They're rebelling against God eventually says okay have it your way That is the type of judgment
How merciful does God have to be that his judgment is simply allowing you to be as evil as you want
That's how merciful God is That in his mercy, he doesn't even allow us to be as evil as we want to be until it's time for judgment now in verse 24
We Have him Exegete another one of his parables
And this is the parable of the weeds and the tears This is how this one goes.
Let's just read He put another parable for them the kingdom the boss away.
There it is of Heaven or unknown here or a nice or there or unknown the kingdom heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his
Field, but while his men were sleeping his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away So when the plants came up and bore grain then the weirds appeared all the weeds and the weirds the weeds appeared also
And the servant of a slave of the master of the house came and said to him master Did you not sow good seed in your field?
How do we then have weeds and he said an enemy has done this So the servants of them do you want us to go and gather them? He said no less than gathering the weeds you root up the weed along with them.
Let them both grow together until the harvest There is smooth and at the
Therismore at the harvest time. I will tell the Reapers gather the weeds first and Then bind them in bundles to be burned and gather the wheat into my barn so prevalent in our day so prevalent in our day
Notice at first the wheat and the weeds are indistinguishable from one another until fruit is produced guys
They weren't able to tell there was weeds with the tears until fruit started being produced or not produce
That's how you tell a true Christian from a faith. What fruit is being produced only when the plants bore green
Is it noticed that weeds were imposters though? They look like wheat. They could not produce grain. I Know of no other analogy in Scripture.
I'm gonna read what I wrote I know of no other analogy in Scripture more important to grass than this one
The master decides to not separate the wheat from the weeds and the tears I'm sorry not separate the wheat from the weeds or tears until the harvest at that time on the threshing floor of persecution the separation of the fake from the real a
Purifying in the church will take place Jesus will do the final gathering and separating as Only he can perfectly identify the identity of every seed in the heart of every man
The weeds will be thrown into a fiery furnace in that place They'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the
Sun in the kingdom of their father Jesus goes on to talk about more parables.
He uses the parable of the mustard seed He came to heavens like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field
It's the smallest of seeds But when it has grown is larger than all the garden plants and comes a tree so that the birds of the air can make their nests on its branches the basic teaching this parable is
Not to underestimate the power and magnitude of impact the gospel can have not just on an individual person's life
But also on the lives around it like the mustard seed analogy the kingdom of heaven is like Is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour till was all leavened the smallest amount of leaven makes the entire loaf leavened
All these things Jesus said to the crowds and parables indeed He said nothing to them without a parable to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet
I will open my mouth in parables and I'll utter what is hidden since the foundation in the world the crowds He's already said you guys are getting judgment.
You're getting no further revelation But he did when the crowds leave explain it to his disciples.
He's not judged them in the same way This is his explanation the parable of the weeds. We've already read this
The field of the world world the good seeds that is the sons of the kingdom and the weeds of the sons of evil
Okay, and then oh, yes verse 44 the boss away tone
Urano Urano, excuse me The kingdom of heaven is like a this sorrow like a treasure hidden in a field which a man found and covered up then in his
Karosh his joy. He goes and sells all that he has and he buys that field Again, the king of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls who upon finding one pearl of great value went and sold
All the he had and bought it the teaching of these two parables is the same But verse 44, let's just focus on this one for a minute
Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field which a man found and covered up then in his joy
He go to he went and sold all he had and bought the field One of the greatest lies
Satan can ever tell is that if you start obeying God, you'll be unhappy Nothing could be further from the truth
Because the miracle of sanctification is that the more you obey the more you love
What you used to hate and hate the sin that you used to love It's like a treasure hidden in the field that kingdom of heaven and when you find that treasure you sell everything you have and With joy you go buy it because it's a good trade
Everything I have every friend every relationship every love every desire for sin every
Pride and lust of the heart. It's worth getting rid of it all for the precious Valuable kingdom of heaven it's worth it.
You'll do it with joy Ladies and gentlemen, if you submit to God Yes, it is a lifelong life altering 100 % of you giving of yourself to God you laying yourself on the altar
But when you do it You'll do it with joy because it's worth everything you could have ever thought
It's worth it Jesus is more valuable than everything this world has to offer again, the bosley don't
Or on known or on known Uranium run on there. We go.
The kingdom of heaven is like a net that's done to see and gathered fish of every When it's full men drew to shore and sat down and sorted the good into containers, but through the bad away so it will be at the end of the
I Own us at the end of the age and angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth
Weeping and gnashing of teeth Unlike the crowds who
God is judging by sending no further revelation. He explains these things to his disciples He says therefore every scribe who's been trained from the kingdom of heaven is like a master of the house who brings out of his
Treasure what is new and what is old? I want to read what I wrote here Jesus tells his disciples that since they've understood the parables they're like scribes who have been trained for the kingdom of heaven
This is a foreshadowing of their writing What will be seen what they've seen and heard ie the
New Testament They're not to forget what they've already known the Old Testament But see how the new information that Jesus has brought them fits in perfectly with the
Old Testament Revelation When Jesus had finished these parables he went away from there and coming to his hometown
Remember that tried to kill him before he taught them in their synagogue So they were astonished and said where did this man get this wisdom these mighty works?
Is this not the carpenter's son is not his mother called Mary are not his brothers James Joseph Simon and Judas Are not all his sisters with us
Where did this man get all these things and they took offense at him? But Jesus said to them the prophet is not without honor except in his hometown in his own household
And he did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief Just one side note here is not this the carpenter's son is not this the his mother called
Mary are not his brothers James Joseph Simon and Judas guys
Roman Catholic Church will teach you that Mary was a perpetual virgin and that is a sin to say that she ever had sex and That's blasphemy
Just read this with me Talk about Jesus are not his brothers James Joseph Simon and Judas No, not that Judas This is the
James by the way That wrote the book of James and this is the Judas that wrote the book of Jude.
Jude is the nickname for Judas four brothers Also at least two sisters.
You see it says sisters. Maybe more it says all So Jesus had six or seven siblings, maybe more when you have a system of religion
You will turn text on their head. You will rip them apart to make them agree with your system
If you show this to a Roman Catholic, they'll say oh, yeah Joseph had another wife or another marriage or cheated on Mary or they just will defame the character of a man just to keep their tradition
Guys, the most plain reading of this text is that Mary and Joseph had kids after Jesus Logical understanding of the text you're married
Jesus Again, it recognizes that he's not accepted in his own hometown He did not do miracles there because of their unbelief another act of judgment.
Not that he was unable to Chose not to because of their unbelief
All right, that's Matthew 13. That's just a quick rundown of those parables We have the death of John the
Baptist in chapter 14 next week Love you guys very much as always keep up with all of our sermons and all of our podcasts on the