Sunday Morning Sermon Series - Galatians 1


Sunday Morning Sermon Series - Galatians 1 Pastor Jeff Shipley Date: 02/06/2022


Now, I want you to pay attention. It wasn't anything in Israel. It wasn't their military size.
Put with me, if you will, in the book of Galatians. We're going to start in chapter 1.
We're going to start in chapter 1. Now, Paul is serious.
Usually, when Paul writes a letter, he starts out in this flowerly language.
Peace and grace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed you with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places.
And he goes on and on and on and on like some preachers you know.
But here in verse 6, Paul gets straight to the point and he says this,
I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting
Him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different Gospel.
Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to understand, and once again, this is addressed to believers,
I want you to understand that anything other than the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not going to bring peace to your life.
You know how they train the Secret Service? It's amazing. Some guy years ago, when the
Treasury Department was in charge of finding counterfeit bills, they tried to get an example of every counterfeit bill and every method used to make counterfeit money.
And then finally, some guy stood up and said, why are we doing this? Why are we getting our people to try to memorize and recognize falseness?
The best way to do that is to inundate and familiarize that individual with what is absolute truth and then they will be able to spot by knowing the truth, anything that is not truthful.
Does that make sense? Yeah. Guys, we as God's people when facing adversity, we sometimes try to use something other than absolute truth as a canon or a measurement or a standard to find truth.
Here's the number one thing Christians try to do. You ready? Well, I feel led to believe.
I feel that. I think that.
It's hilarious. When I went to the MIT class the other day, these are supposed to be the delta force of wit.
These guys are being trained to be leaders and teachers of the
Word of God. And Brother Jeremiah asked a question. And there was like a smattering of opinions.
Well, I think, I think, I think. And then someone said this. Well, Pastor Josiah said, and they quoted something.
Brother Jeremiah sat there and waited. And then after about a five minute discourse someone said, well, in the
Bible it says, And Brother Jeremiah stopped the class and said, yeah, you got it now.
If you don't quote Scripture, you're looking at counterfeit or at the best a facsimile of truth to find peace.
What's really funny is when Brother Jeremiah told Pastor Josiah this, Pastor Josiah said this.
I never said that. It's amazing. Guys, let's get right to it as Paul did to the
Galatian church. Now remember, this is the church of Galatia. It's a region. It's not a singular church.
It was a circulatory letter written to the state of Alabama. Well, they can't read.
The state of Tennessee. Okay? It was a region of the Roman Empire.
Now, let's first look. The true Gospel can deliver us from the adversity of sin.
Look at verse 4. Listen to this. It says this, Who gave
Himself for our sins to deliver us from this present evil age according to the will of our
God and Father. Understand this. The truth of dealing with adversity is this, that if you are a born -again believer today, you have been rescued from the penalty of sin, but not the presence of sin.
And this translation here does a mediocre job in communicating that.
Understand this. Understand this. You as a child of God have been justified by faith, which means you have been rendered innocent.
Dieou in the Greek. You have been rendered innocent. Okay? You have been rescued from the penalty of sin.
I will never pay in eternity for my sin for Christ has paid it all.
Okay? I have also been rescued from the power of sin.
Okay? That means that the Holy Spirit that lives within me is able to help me overcome the power of sin.
Here's what most Christians do. They try to rededicate their lives to Christ without ever repenting of their sin.
And it don't work, does it? How many times have you walked down that aisle and cried and prayed, and you're still in the same sin because you've never repented in using the
Gospel of Jesus Christ and the formula God put out? You want to make sin in your life as less palatable as you can and fight it on your own.
It don't work, does it? That's why some of you are still going to go to hell. See? Because you come to a church building,
I believe in Jesus, but nothing in your life has ever changed. But repentance was the first word out of John the
Baptist's mouth. No! Out of Abraham's mouth. Out of Moses' mouth. Out of the entire law of the
Old Testament. But yet, out of the mouth of Christ it was the first one as well. Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.
You're going to go stand before God one day as that man in Matthew 7 did that Jesus spoke about.
And God's going to say, Who are you? And this is what you're going to present. Go read it.
Matthew chapter 7. Lord, You know me. Lord, I fed the poor.
God, I healed the sick. Now listen to this. I cast out demons in Your name.
This was a preaching individual. This was a pastor. This was a man who everyone thought believed in God.
Yet what are the words of Jesus? Depart from Me, you worker of iniquity, for I never knew you.
Hmm. How many demons did you cast out? Shoot!
The fact that you actually got up in time to show up to church is the highlight of your Christian life. That's the high water mark.
I've been to church three weeks in a row. Woo! I know I'm a Christian. I'm trying to help you.
I'm not trying to make fun of you. See, I'm trying to give you some truth. Because the adversity and the defeat you are facing are going to continue because you're listening to the rules and moral understandings of a religious idea rather than the repentance and the freedom found in the blood of Jesus Christ.
Can you hear what I'm saying to you? Some of y 'all, your rear ends have just grown legs because your butt's walking all over that chair.
That's called conviction. That's where the mask of religion is starting to crumble away in your heart from the truth of God's Word penetrating that godless religious understanding.
Now the question in a few minutes is going to be what you going to do to it? Oh, pastor,
I've been a member. I don't want to hear it all. Don't care. It's going to do you as much good as it did the man in Matthew 7.
God's Word can rescue you from the penalty and power of sin. But here's the reality.
It won't rescue you from the presence of sin. You see, that's sanctification. See, that's sanctification.
I was watching the History Channel. The History Channel, man!
And there's an AHC or something. Anyways, it's got a bunch of military history on it.
Man, I'm a nerd now, right? And as I'm sitting here watching this, I'm working at my desk, you know.
I'm building something, you know. And all of a sudden, this is the History Channel. I hear, oh.
I ain't going to explain or describe it anymore because it gets a little weird. But it was a chick advertising a soft drink.
And I look up, and I'm like going, what?
What's this got to do with having a Coca -Cola or Sprite or whatever it was? And there was this 20 -something year old girl making this noise and, you know, something like that.
I would copy it, but I'm afraid some of you men might get a little, you know, confused. But it, you know, something like...
I did, didn't I? Probably too well. Pastor John, stay seated. Listen to me for a second.
You can't escape it. Now here's what some of you legalistic heathens try to do. And we're going to get to you in a second.
You try to take and remove your presence from the world when
God said you were to be in the world. But I'm tempted. Yeah, that's why you have the Holy Spirit of God.
You don't win a fight by running away. See? You can't be the salt of the earth unless you win the earth.
Now, as 1 John says, Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. For the love of the Father is not in the world.
Now you're not going to find me going to the Purple Diamond down there to witness about Jesus. I ain't going to grab my
Bible and a roll of one dollar bills and go down there. Okay? I ain't actually getting my dollar away from Snaggletooths.
Alright? The point is this. You cannot get in bed with the world and still maintain a reality of the image of the righteousness of Christ, but at the same time, you can't hide in here in the moral cultural legalism you call
Christianity and escape it either. I've got to reach out. And sometimes, and Wynton, we do real good at this.
I mean, we go get the ones no one else wants. You've been delivered from the penalty and the power, but not the presence.
And if you're not strong enough to realize that truth and the adversity of that presence can be overcome, then you still are in your infancy of your
Christian walk. And you need to get sanctified a little bit by accountability and actually learning something other than John 3 .16.
Second point. Understand this. To distort this truth, whether you are a
Christian, a pastor, a deacon, or anything else, is an indictment not only on your life as a
Christian, but you are dangerously close to recognizing the fact that there is punishment waiting for you that you have not experienced before.
Read with me here. Verses starting in verse 6. He said that I'm astonished that you are so quickly deserting
Him who called you to the grace of God and turning to a different Gospel. Not that there is actually another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the
Gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from Heaven should preach to you a
Gospel contrary to the one we have already preached to you, let
Him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone is preaching to you a
Gospel contrary to the one you have received, let him be accursed.
Now understand that that word accursed might be just a little like, yeah,
I have to start the level all over again, or I'm going to have to have time out, or I've got detention.
Understand the power of that word. It actually means to be damned.
To be damned. Guys, if you notice, whenever we have a guest preacher preach up here, you will see a pastor, one of our pastors, sitting right there.
And I'm going to tell you why. I've had to do this twice in my career. Twice in my career as a pastor.
Because this guy starts preaching something other than what's in here, that pastor has my command to walk over here and remove this guy from this pulpit.
I've had to do that twice. Once here and once in Nashville. You know why? Because it is my job to protect you people from hearing stupid.
Now, let me take that a step further. I am not above being stupid.
I'm not. So, all of you guys hold me accountable.
If I'm preaching to you something other than the Gospel of Jesus, if I ever trade the
Gospel of Jesus for the Gospel of Jeff, you need to fire me then.
You don't need a committee. You don't need to just say, pastor's smoking crack, he got to go.
And walk me to the door. And here's why. Here's why. Guys, there are almost 11 ,000
Baptist denominations in the world today. 11 ,000. Let me say that again.
11 ,000 Baptist denominations. There are over 34 ,000 denominations in the
United States, just on its own. Now, why do we have so many denominations?
Because we have traded the truth for man's theology. And men try to build ministries around themselves.
The day you hear of Reverend Jeff Shipley Ministries is the day you know somebody hijacked my account.
I am not in the ministry of Jeff Shipley. I'm in the ministry of Jesus Christ. Okay? If you start writing checks to ministries based on people's names,
I guarantee you that same idiot has a reserved parking lot by the front door with his name on it.
He is the same pastor that is more in love with titles and the glory that comes from preaching the
Gospel rather than the reality of the truth of the Gospel that sets people free. And if that day ever comes, and no matter where you go, when
I die, you better make sure a man who can preach God's Word not just unapologetically, but truthfully fills this pulpit.
Because the distort the true Gospel has consequences for that who is preaching, but also those who receive.
You fathers take note of that. You take note of who you sit your children under in learning.
Now, how do we have distortion of truth? Well, here's where we go.
Go to chapter 2, and I'm going to talk to you just real quickly about two of the biggest distortions of the
Gospel of truth. Here are the two biggest distortions. Chapter 2, verse 21.
It's one of my favorite verses in the whole world. It says this, I do not frustrate the
Gospel of Jesus Christ, for if righteousness comes by the law, then
Christ died in vain. Let me put that to you in Jeff terms. I'm not changing the Gospel.
I'm changing the wording. Watch. Man, I am not going to touch.
I am not going to play. I am not going to mess with the peace of God.
You go to heaven by the grace of God only. What were the people coming to the
Galatian churches doing? It were the Jews. It was the Jews who were
Christians who were coming and saying, oh, brother, you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord?
Excellent! Have you gone down to the local synagogue and got snippety -snipped?
Now, some of you don't know what I'm talking about. That's okay. You can go to Pastor Josiah. He'll explain it to you. But, they were coming and saying, oh, you've been saved by the grace of God.
Great! But you don't look like us. You're not dressing like us. Now, some of you old heads in here, we've got very few, but some of you old heads need to listen and repent of them arrogant ways.
Well, they don't dress like us, look like us, or talk like us, so they cannot be among us. You godless heathen with your 30 -year church membership, have you never matured past the point of your own scruples to actually understand the grace of Almighty God?
And not only are you damaging the children of the grace of God in this generation, you need to look at the reality in the mirror of the truth of Jesus Christ and understand whether you truly found grace in the first place or not.
Because there are some people that have the greatest church attendance. And they're usually the idiots that stand up and say, well,
I've had my letter in this church for 30 -something years. They're usually the idiots that are going to split gates of hell wide open.
Here's how they first tried to use the distortion of truth. They took the
Gospel of Jesus Christ and said this. Well, let's add to it just a little bit to make sure they're really saved.
Watch this. Oh man, here we go. You ready? Woo! I can feel the holiness coming up out of this tub.
Right? I mean, I can feel it. Because when I put water in here and you get dunked in it, man, your sins are washed away.
What about that thief on the cross, man? He sat there and was dying on the cross and he chose to do one thing.
He chose to believe in the words of the Savior Jesus Christ. And Jesus said to him,
I'm telling you the truth, this day you will be with Me in paradise. Then he said, go get baptized or join your local
Baptist church or please put on some more respectable clothing. No, the grace of God does this.
It takes you where you're at. It accepts you where you're at. But then it's going to change you forever.
Some of y 'all want to hold that, well, it'll accept me where I'm at without the reality of it's going to change you forever.
And see, that's the second part. It flip -flops. Some of us want to deny the grace of God, but then this, some of us want to deny the commands of grace.
Hear what I'm saying to you? Some of you in this room, you've never come to a place in your life, oh yeah,
God forgave me. I'm looking at a couple of you right now because you counsel with Me.
You counsel with Me. And you actually think you're going to heaven because your grandmammy made you feel special in the kitchen over a hot cup of hot cocoa when she was talking to you about the
Lord. And you prayed some stupid little prayer in that kitchen and mama or grandma cried and took you down to the front of the church.
And you got baptized. And nothing changed in your life. Huh. Read the verse prior to chapter 2 verse 21.
It says this, I am crucified with Christ, yet nevertheless
I live. Yet not I, but Christ that lives within me.
And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by of the
Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. See, you want to bypass verse 20 to get on down to verse 21.
But you have to understand for you to be truly saved, for you to understand the truth that overcomes adversity, for you to understand the difference between the counterfeit and the reality, it means this, if you are truly a
Christian as Luke 9 .23 says, Jesus said, if any man wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow
Me. Not that day. You know, one of the vernaculars that I hate in the church is this, when did you get saved?
I got saved on August... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Knowing your day doesn't make you saved.
Knowing the Savior does. What you wear does not communicate that you are a
Christian. What you do with the grace of God does. You see,
God's love came down through Jesus Christ. Our job is that we go out. Stop worrying about you coming down on folk.
That's God's job. Okay? That's God's job. I'm not here to condemn the world.
The world's already been condemned. Okay? If you read Scripture very carefully, all of the words of condemnation aren't for the world.
They're for believers. We need to hold ourselves accountable. Stop worrying about what the strippers at the
Purple Diamond are doing. And start worrying about what you and your family are doing. Now, let me explain to you what
I mean by accountability. I'm going to pray for you. That is not accountability.
Pastor, will you please pray for me? No! No! I'm not going to pray for you.
I know that sounds horrible, but you don't need my prayers. What you need is about four or five of the fellow believers in here with size 12s polishing their boots on your butt.
That's what you need. I know that sounds harsh, and I know some of you are offended, but if you are, use that as a green light to indicate you're the idiot
I'm talking to. Your self -righteousness and your thought process that you can continue to mature in the
Christian life without brothers and sisters holding you accountable, you are out of your mind.
You're the person that will go to a Baptist bookstore, spend $32 on a little devotion book and a pencil with a fuzzy little thing on it, made in a sweatshop in Vietnam for the glory of God by the
Southern Baptist Convention. You'll make a little place in your office or in your kitchen, and you'll put a little coffee cup there and have your little devotion books, and it'll last three days if you're lucky.
And then three years later, you're going, man, I really need to do a devotion again. The height of your spiritual maturity is to do a devotion.
Devotion! Guys, can we talk for a second?
Please stop making that the height of your spiritual growth.
God doesn't want your stupid devotion. He wants your life devoted. Can we be real for a second?
Please. Your church attendance and your dumb devotions, they're so tiring.
It just makes me feel tired all over. Well, I'm doing my devotions.
It's like your 32 -year -old son that still lives at home says I took out the trash. I'm going to be beating him about the head and shoulders.
Really? Whoop -a -dee -doo! I mean, I swear, I want to get little badges, little
Baptist badges for you and give you one so maybe you'll matriculate past the kindergarten age of your
Christian life. It's just tiring. I'm sorry. I need to vent for a second.
I haven't had a day off in 31 days and I'm losing my mind, okay? This is where all y 'all are supposed to go.
Thank you. God! I'm taking my bottle and I'm going home.
Be committed. If you can't commit to Christ, you'll commit to anything. Second thing, consistency.
Oh my gosh! How many of y 'all struggle with your consistency in your Christian life? The rest of you are liars.
Guys, listen to me. You just are. I struggle with mine.
I'm a licensed, ordained, senior pastor. I'm sorry.
It's just the way it is. We all struggle. You know the best struggler -helper? The best help for you.
I'm sorry, baby. I know. Hang with me. The best help for my struggle is when
Pastor Josiah or Brother Shane or even Hay... For those of you who don't know, if you know
Justin, you will hear the word Hay. It's Hay, Hay, Hay, Hay! God!
It's like an arrow through my skull. Be silent, stinking cop. Listen.
Notice how all the jack -booted thugs are all kind of over in that area. There's one, there's one, there's one, there's one, there's one.
Where was I? Huh? Oh, yeah!
Consistency. Be consistent. Alright, anyways. And kids, this brings me to the next part of my sermon.
When you're young, don't smoke crack, okay? Consistency is one of those things that I struggle with.
But I have a bunch of people who are involved. You know how many accountability groups
I'm a part of? Five. Five. Five.
I have a guy who takes great pleasure in calling me, but he will not let me talk to him on the phone.
I have to be on the video text. What's it called? FaceTime. I have to be on the
FaceTime, right? I get on the FaceTime, and he goes, how you doing, Pastor? Doing good, bro.
How are you? Hmm. You looked at pornography this week? No, sir.
And he'll just sit there and look at me for a second. It's very uncomfortable. He'll look me in the eyeball and go, did you just lie to me?
No, sir. Man, do you know how good it feels to say no, sir?
You know? When you succeed, it feels good. Now, I'm going to be honest with you.
At 54, that's not really the questions that he needs to be asking me. I'm just going to be honest with you, okay?
I ain't 20 no more. You boys will get there, trust me. But here's what he'll do ask me.
How much you weigh, boy? Well, I'm down to 285, thank you. Kiss my,
I'll beat your, he'll ask me that again. That's when you know that's what you need accountability on.
When you get defensive, some of y 'all will smile, look at my bad ride back there. He's like, yeah. When you get defensive over the questioning, you know that's the thing that you're struggling with, okay?
And he'll ask me, how consistent are you being? Now, I'm just going to let all y 'all know, a year ago
I was three, the heaviest I ever was was 317, okay? And I know that's hard to believe because before you, you see the image of the perfect specimen of the male species.
But I've gone down to 285, okay? And the reason that has happened in a consistent manner is because I have had people crawling up my backside.
Little Jeremiah, I hate him with a passion. Little Jeremiah, he's so annoying because this is how he holds people accountable.
He doesn't come up to you and say, is that a good idea? This is what he does. Hey, you be eating that...
And we'll talk to you until you just acquiesce because you want him to shut up.
How many of y 'all can agree? I understand what I'm... Yeah. God, man, he's so annoying.
But you got to have consistency. It's not just about commitment. It's about consistency as well.
You can get on an airplane and fly to France. And that pilot can be really committed.
But unless he's consistent the whole flight and doing his job, it ain't going to be a good day. I got you halfway there.
You ain't carrying, right? You're in the Atlantic Ocean. Consistency is as important as commitment.
And then the last thing is this. Look at the last few words of verse 10. Consecration.
Consecration. You say, Pastor, we just talked about commitment. Commitment and consecration are the same thing.
Now some of you don't know what that word means. And that's cool. That's cool. I joined a group one time.
And to be part of that group, I had to receive a mark on my body.
I'm trying to be really cool about this. Because I don't want to glorify sin. And I was willing to do that.
No problem. Until they pulled out a blowtorch, a pair of vice grips, and a gutter nail.
And then I was like, let's talk about this. Guys, how consecrated are you?
If you look at the last part of verse 10, this is what Paul refers to himself as. A slave.
Some of your Bibles may say servant. That's okay. The Greek word is doulos.
Doulos. Struggle to be a doulos. Now it shouldn't be that hard for most of you because you're already dorks.
Doulos is just a little step away, okay? Doulos. Are you a slave of Christ?
Okay, if you are, how many rights do you have? What right do you have to be offended if you're a child of God?
Man, I'm writing a letter to Bartlett City Hall because they done took that nativity scene out of here.
And you know how many people are going to be saved by that nativity scene? Millions. You're more fired up out of taking the
Ten Commandments out of a courtroom than you are taking sin out of your own life. Come on.
Yes. How consecrated to Christ are you today?
Some of you in this room, you are so wrapped in sexual proclivities and bondage, you can't find your way out.
Some of you little girls are going to keep getting abused by a codependent relationship with a guy who does not love you.
Oh no, but he wrote me this note on Valentine's Day and went out and spent $2 on a rose at the 7 -Eleven.
Listen, I used to stop at a graveyard and plant my girl and her mama flowers every date.
They thought I was the sweetest guy in the world. I wouldn't take them off a veteran's grave. But everybody else is fair game.
I would show up with two bundles of flowers and that woman thought I was the nicest guy in the world and I treated her daughter bad.
But they were free. How consecrated are you?
How many rights do you got? How many rights do you claim?
Some of you are in this room right now and you feel like you have this right, this right, and this right.
If you are a child of God, you ain't got no rights because you're supposed to be a slave.
Oh, I know. That's a politically charged word. All the black folks get all up in the air about that.
Well, y 'all gonna get up in the air, but the most black folks that I know that are born -again believers, they ain't gonna get all up in the air about it.
You're uncomfortable. Be uncomfortable. You're too inundated with the culture of this stupid world rather than the culture of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Stop. How many rights do you got? Now, I am a citizen of the
United States of America. Huh?
Man. Now, I will exercise those rights to vote. I'll exercise those because I pay for them rights in taxes, which means are they really rights?
I don't want to get in a political lesson. But anyways, I will do those, but I have given up the right to be apathetic to the gospel.
I have given up the right to have my will try to walk beside God's will. I've given up the right for happiness.
I've given up the right to not be tired. Christian, stop saying you're tired. It's so infuriating.
You don't do anything. Well, Brother Jeff, I work two jobs. Quit one.
Move into a house that costs you $800 ,000 a year. Stop trying to live like the world and reinvest your time and your resources into the kingdom of God.
Brother Jeff, I got to keep up with... Man, some of y 'all are still in high school.
I went to a school where everybody wear duck heads and polos and eyes eyes. You know what
I did on the weekends? Beat them up. Took their money. Loved it.
I found a pair of angled needle nose pliers. Me and my brother did. Went to all...
I better not say that. But we went to a certain vending machines in a certain section of town and shoved paper towels up the vending machines.
Came back two days later with them pliers. Pulled them out. We made bank. Right? I didn't care about them peoples.
Guys, quit worrying about stupid things. It don't matter what you wear.
It don't matter what you look like. It don't matter where you come from. You are now a slave of Jesus Christ.
I'm going to ask the music dudes and dudettes to come up. Now let me ask you. Please don't zip up your Bible and disengage and go to your phone.
Focus just for a second longer. Remember this. I... You're an idiot.
So am I. Okay? Just because I'm up here preaching doesn't make me this.
Okay? We're all in the stupid boat together. Okay? I don't have any more holiness than you do.
Same spirit of God send me. Same spirit of God send Vicki. Okay? Scott finds that hard to believe but it's true.
Okay? You can't come to me. I'll pray with you.
I'll show you in Scripture what it says. Okay? Alright? But this church or the pastors cannot save you.
Okay? That water that we baptize you with, same water comes that goes to the toilets.
Before, not after, but before. It ain't sanctified and holy and you can throw it on vampires.
Okay? It don't work like that. But I can be one beggar showing another beggar where to find food.
Okay? Now I do that. If you are not 100 % sure, please, if you're not 100 % sure that you are going to heaven, leave where you're at and come down here and find someone who can show you the truth of the adversity that you're facing.
Number two, if you're not a member of a church that's holding you accountable, okay, you need to find one.
And now some people say, well, I'm an introvert. I'm embarrassed. Guess where that exception is found in Scripture.
Go ye therefore, unless you're an introvert. It ain't there.
It ain't there. Well, Brother Jeff, I don't have your personality. Personalities are not spiritual gifts.
Okay? They're not listed in there. That's part of that whole consecration slave rights thing.
You don't have a right not to be embarrassed. You don't have a right not to be made fun of. Look at me.
I'm bald and I'm fat. And I can't even tuck my shirt in. I get made fun of all the time. Right?
It's okay. We'll just as a church get made fun of together. That's what churches do.
And with Wynton, we'd be like, come on, man. Because we'll jack you up, man. No, I'm just kidding.
But we will. Just kidding. But don't touch our people. Just kidding.
Not really. Guys, if you are not a member of a church, you need to come join one.
Now, unlike other churches, just to give you fair warning, you will be held accountable.
If you're one of those people that say, really? If you're one of those people that say, listen, that's between me and God.
That ain't nobody's business. You need to go on to Bellevue. Where you can hide in that back pew and keep living that life.
Okay? But if you actually want your life to change, come on and join someone that's going to help you do it.
Number three, if you have not been baptized, you've heard me, you might think making fun of baptism.
No, sir. I have not. I've made fun of you believing that baptism will save you.
Okay? Jesus gave us the example of baptism as one of the very first things new believers need to do.
Because what you're doing is taking off the uniform of the world and you're making a public declaration, this is the team
I'm playing for now. Okay? Number four, if you're hurting in here, if you're hurting in here, or you just need prayer, or you just have a question, where did the dinosaurs go with Adam and Eve?
That's okay too. Come on up, talk to one of the pastors. Last one, number five, if none of those four things apply to you, then go find someone that it does.
In other words, stop being an idiot Christian who looks at a screen, holds the back of the chair with your hands in your pockets, waiting to know when this is going to be over so you can go eat at Chili's.
Okay? In other words, stop coming to church and actually be the church.
Well, pastor, I don't know someone. I don't know anybody. Well, you're going to have about 15 minutes to find someone out. Okay?
Or do you need to go to another EE program? Do you really need another
Roman's Road to figure out how to actually minister to somebody? Or you just need a little humility?
Which one? Slave, humility, no rights, Scripture, truth, your thought process, lies.
Are you going to repent? Or is it just going to be another manic Sunday? The 80's people got it.
Guys, stand up with me. And if God has called you today, you submit to Him right now.