A WOW Moment with Vicki, Mercedes and Pastor Josiah (Date: November 12th 2020)


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Hey guys I'm always positive until she asked me and then
I'm not positive Because I have been on their own one Hey everybody
So you did it was that loud Good evening everyone and welcome to our
Bible study. We're gonna try to get started Kind of on time today or tonight
Because I know there's an important football game coming on soon. Oh, is there I had no idea
So anyways tonight By the way, I'm Vicki everyone has
Mercedes and I think everyone should know pastor Josiah ship Pastor Josiah simply
So we're going to have a great night tonight and it's gonna be fun because it's always fun with pastor
Josiah You know something else Us doing another
Saturday Great you know, he's probably might go back and rewatch this
No, it was fun, I would be okay doing it again, yeah
Yes, we are live
You can Everybody this is Ricky. Hi Ricky.
Hey all you beautiful honeys, honey. I love you all I Anyway, so we are so happy to have
Pastor Shipley with us this evening I have to get out of the habit.
I'm just calling you Josiah. That's fine, too But anyways By the way,
I'm it it just thrills me to know in that you have
Decided to listen and take it on the path that I feel like the Lord has put you on It really does warm my heart
Deeply because I saw it in you many years ago and you were like,
I'm teaching Spanish That's what I'm like But you know
See there you go Like she was
So tonight We're gonna be in the book of Isaiah verse of what verses or what we are in chapter 46 verses 1 through 4
If we feel like we'll skip on down further, but specifically chapter 46 verse 1 through 4
I Have one through six All right,
Mercedes Yeah, okay, all right 46 right?
Yeah Bell crouches Nebo cowers their idols were consigned to beast and cattle
The images you carry are loaded as a burden for the weary animal the gods coward they crouch together
They are not able to rescue the burden, but they themselves go into captivity Listen to me house of Jacob all the remnant of the house of Israel Who have been sustained from the womb carried along since birth?
I will be the same until your old age and I will bear you up when you turn gray I have made you and I will carry you
I will bury bear and save you Okay, so Pastor why did you choose this first?
Meditating on from the encouragement from Comparison of the idols the would -be
And if you don't mind So It's not the same as bail
Nebo stoops their idols are decent livestock, right? So they're images of their gods, right?
They have to play obviously they can't move right there wouldn't stone They place them on animals to be carrying them, right and it says these things you carry are born as burdens on weary beasts
Your your would -be gods have to be carried And these are even gods the gods people sometimes from time to time turn to Yeah, so in a literal sense the burden of the weight is heavy because it's a big rock or carved wood
And they're having to put on their animals or carry it themselves and they're having to carry it around right this supposed powerful being right
Right you look at verse 2. They stoop. They bow down together They cannot save the burden, but they themselves go into captivity
Verse 3 for those you jump it on Isaiah 46. I'm in verse 3 Listen to me a house of Jacob all the remnant of Israel Who have been
In ESV. It says who have been instead of sustained who have been born by me
Since before your birth. I want you to hear that sentence again You have been born by me since before your birth
Carried from the moon Even to your old age. I am he and to the gray hairs.
I will carry you I've made you I will bear you. I will carry you. I will say We have these would -be gods being carried
But if you notice our God carries us listen to comparison between Yahweh Yahweh our
God That's his personal name right like Jehovah Yahweh, right? Listen to me a house of Jacob.
So these are what your would -be gods They have to be placed on animals to be able to move right? But listen to me a house of Jacob all the remnant of Israel.
You have been born by me since before your birth Just stop and think about it for a minute just that one sentence you've been born by me since before your birth
Pastor Jeff often says Vicki why do we love
God? Because what? He loved us first, right?
We love him because he first loved us. Oh, I could go Okay, fair enough
I was quoting first Look you have been born by me since before your birth and not just born by me carried from the moon
Even to your old age I am he Even to the gray hairs.
I'll carry you. I've made you I will save you. I'll carry you You know think about that for a minute
Yahweh just means I am right like he told Moses I Am that I am right?
I am tell them I am I said Yahweh. I am that's what Yahweh means Okay, and so thank you for saying that What did
Jesus say in John 8 58 as Mercedes quoted? Jesus said before Abraham was in John 8 58
I am Look at this again Yahweh says even to your old age.
So not only did I Were you born by me from before your physical birth?
Right? You were you were born by me from where the physical birth? He's telling all of Israel and the individual members of the house of Israel.
You're born by me from your own birth Not just that Just like God didn't just create the world and see what happens
He didn't just create you and see what happened you have been sustained and carried even to your old age and your gray hairs and Then Jesus when he said before Abraham was
I am listen that again even to your old age I am he in Greek ego.
I'm me which is exactly what Jesus said in John 8 ego I'm me even to your old age.
I am Exactly as Jesus said because before Abraham ever was
Holman says I will be the same until your old age, which I like to because God never changes.
Yeah, never Yeah I would be the same. It's the same yesterday
Gospels it's a Matthew, but I don't know the chapter This is let me teach you something
This is when you can use your phone and cheat all you have to do is get your phone out My yoke is easy
You'll keep reading I Know my glasses
One time I was looking for my sunglasses Worst one was
Hey, sweetheart, I call you back I have lost my phone in the couch for hours.
I was like, I'll just call it Thanks Come to me all of you who are weary and burden and I will give you rest
All of you take up my yoke and learn from me because I am gentle and humble in heart You will find rest for yourselves for my yoke is easy.
My burden is light when it was talking about The burden that the animals had to carry
While they were carrying those statues of those God those gods that my brain went to that Where is that's great.
This is it. No, this isn't that's really good. That's fantastic Yeah He goes on You I'm still in Isaiah 46
Verse 5 To him when you liken me and make me equal compare me that we may be alike
There's your lavish gold from the purse and weigh out silver on their scales the higher goldsmith and make them into a god
And then fall down and worship. Yeah, so you've got to go get all this gold. You got to work for this gold Yeah Then you gotta weigh it melt it down Make a goldsmith making this on you fall down and worship something that you paid for you work for you did all this, right?
Verse seven They lifted to your shoulders. They carry it set it in place and it stands there
It can't move from its place. If one cries to it, it doesn't have an answer can save them in trouble verse 8 Remember this and stand in front of a car.
We're called to mind you transgressors. Now, this is the part I think we have all read before it here.
I think I was here first not All I'd ever say is do a job Remember what happened long ago for I am
God and there is no other I am God and no one is like me I declared the end from the beginning and from long ago
What is not yet done saying my plan will take place and I will do all
Yes, that that's that I need to write that down So verse 8 remember remember this
Stand firm recall it to mind you transgressors. One of the ways that you can stand firm is remembering what
God has done in the past Remember the former things of old. Okay. Now he's speaking to the Israelites.
Now. This is an Isaiah 46 Remember what I did for Moses and bringing you out of Egypt, right?
Remember we're bringing you into the promised land. Remember King David Remember it right. Remember the things of old how
I sustained you like I told you I would for I am God and there is No other hey, you're the would -be gods
I am God. There's no other I am God and there was no one like me. I Declare the end from the beginning that sentence right there should bring us so much.
Peace Yeah, I declare the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet seen or not yet done
Saying my counsel will stand and I will accomplish accomplish all
My purpose that that right that right there Eases my
Soul yes so much because Where the my plan will take place.
Yeah, and I will do all You can just go
I Mean it's it this chapter
The sovereignty of God laid out right he's he's in total control whatever other God, whatever the
I know whatever the thing we're trusting in we're having to work for it, you know, whether that be
Status or Whatever it is attention
We're having to work for it, we're wavering over it we're staying up at night Oh, we're working for it and just like with these gods we're doing all the work
Yeah, nothing in return. Yeah, and then still longing after these things exactly But our
God we have been born by him since before birth carried from the land even to your old age even to your gray hairs
I've carried you and you know sitting here it There's so much that I've sat back and looked at and wondered well before I Would sit back and wonder.
I don't know make it through all that. I think I really do that, but I didn't do that It wasn't me at all
I was just Is it safe to say that The description of all the labor that they had to put into With weighing up getting the gold and weighing it all out and all that with that being more of like a works based
Oh, of course, I mean, yeah exactly with with these would -be gods, you know, it's like we've said before Christianity Is the reverse of all the would -be
Religions the others are about man climbing the ladder to get the God piling
Robbie Zacharias Who's in glory now said it this way. He said every other
Religion if you will, even though religion is not the term we prefer Is about piling up merit to climb it to reach
God you got a pile it up Christianity is story where God came down to man
You look at this verse six You lavish gold from the perch way out the so on the skills you hire a goldsmith
He makes it into a god then you fall down and worship it And then they lift it to your shoulders you carry it set in place it stands there and it doesn't move
It cries out you cry for help and it doesn't save you from trouble We were separated completely from God there would be nothing for us to climb
In order to reach him, right he had to reach down for us That's why the whole thing goes
That's why people tell you all the time you can witness to people But you don't lead anybody to Christ The Holy Spirit does that work and all we're to do is to plant the seed because it's his will
Yeah, we're shining a light we're planting a seed those are the terms that we do, right We're not we're not taking someone by the hand and carrying them to the cross, right?
We're just Showing them this is that right? So it's not None of it's us.
We're not the ones carrying and sustaining Like These these statues that are made by these people they will deteriorate
Deteriorate good graces, sorry over time with weather and Everything else and that's something else like Yeah God does not deteriorate.
He is not They just think they gotta do more work and build in another one Right, right, right
And then that one's probably the next one's probably not gonna look just like the other one did It is gonna have some sort of difference and I think in our modern context every one of us could
Replace this veil and Nebo with some of the God or idol we have in our life. That's exactly what
I was thinking I mean Every one of us either have or currently have something like that.
I'm sorry. I said that backwards either had or currently have Something like this.
Yeah, and it's happy and we certainly do this we work for we pay for it
Whether it's with our sweat with them or whatever and then we expect it to work for us, right? That's exactly what happens whether that's acceptance mental
Yeah, and it will cause you to have the gray hair Truth So I have a new
I think I have a new favorite Now I declare the end from the beginning
And from long ago What is not yet done saying my plan will take place and I will do
The problem example of that alone is you know when An angel of the lord came down to speak to mary telling her about she was going to be pregnant with You know jesus,
I mean and he was going to be the savior of men And it happened and then
And there was prophecies in the old testament of his dazzling across right and then that happened and then
I mean It's undeniable truth Just like the end
I would have done what has not yet been done. Let me let me ask you do you think?
Which I know that you don't like to Thanks for your experiences, yeah, okay
Anyways, so are we going because I know we're we are Studying revelation.
Yeah, good job. I didn't use put an s on it, did I? That's so good, did you hear the the
How much concentration that took she's like just thinking about god only needed one god only needed one god
Yeah So because you you've told me that several times so, um, so in revelation and what we've been studying um
I know that we've gotten to the this the The people are going to be lifted and the dead are going to rise and all that stuff.
Yeah. Okay, so Hey janine Sorry work for you.
Oh, hi work friend. So do you think that? Yeah, we're gonna
Okay, we're we're gonna meet each other right because that's that's his that's his will we're gonna meet each other.
Yeah In my way. Yeah, yeah So that's going to be something that's going to be hot.
Okay When he calls his church home from all the earth, yeah, all believers will meet him in the air.
Yes. Okay. Yes like a hoover Yeah, he'll be like, okay let's let's grab the russians let's grab the australians they met
Yes, and we'll all be in the air like a hoover. Sure, but it says in the blink of an eye and those hoover
No, they're not but you know, but that's what I you know, because you see all these pictures of people like You know, it says the blink of an eye.
I know it's just gonna be like that. Yeah, that's not even that's not even as fast Ah, but still right.
Um But that too is his will Yes, so It will happen it will happen
And then in that seven years There's going to be
A lot of people Crawling to christ Yeah, and uh, just to leave room
Just um, do you think that I mean, I know that it's all part of his will but My thing is and this is what kind of strikes me with with that one passage right there
In 10. Yeah Um Is it
You know, it would really be cool to say all that but I don't want to Does that make sense?
Yes So the ones that are going to be left here if everybody goes then who's going to be left here to To do that to lead people in christ during that seven years
You follow that there'll be a lot of people that convert and become believers and then continue to do so So is it gonna they're gonna have to like start from scratch
Oh Yeah, thinking about like all the knowledge and like self -taught. Uh, well kind of but remember
Well, okay. First off just to make sure i'm being fair to everybody There are plenty of believers even in this church who who hold to more of a mid
Trib rapture or a post -trib rapture, but since i'll share my bias I tend to believe pre so I do believe it'll be seven not three and a half years after that.
So yes So I could totally be wrong but at any rate that's not the point of the question one of the question is if When the lord calls his church home?
Yes. Okay a few things first off The day of pentecost 3 000 people came believers that day.
Gotcha the holy spirit Salvation is of god God saves
Okay, I know you know, that's uh, not pastor. Jeff. Not billy graham. Not right Not me.
No, no god saves. Yes also You know it even says uh, you will be taught by god
Keep in mind this that Abraham did not have a pastor right neither did moses, right?
The lord can teach everyone's if the lord Right now it is the lord's will That pastors shepherd his flock.
Gotcha, even though jesus is the great shepherd, right, right, right but the lord There are nothing more than a tool for god to use for that purpose.
I mean god told moses Explained the creation the beginning so that he could record it.
What's that? Yeah, so Yeah, that makes sense. Um Keep in mind even though Uh, it'll be whisked away by many people
I think there'll be plenty of people get saved in that time Uh, and once the holy spirit regenerates someone james 1 5 and if you're listening out there and you're
A new christian you're not a christian or you just don't know where to start with memorizing scripture I always encourage everybody the first verse.
I think everyone should memorize is james 1 5 james 1 5 or psalm 119 11 but james 1 5 james 1 5 says
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of god Who gives to all generously and without criticizing?
If you trust and believe that verse If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of god or gives all
Don't happen. Also. Um, I just looked for my phone's about the night miss quinn made a comment
There's a lot of people with head knowledge of jesus right now, but no heart knowledge Well the next day that heart knowledge is going to activate that see right now they have
Their trichotomy backwards of what's in charge, right? and that That's where the holy spirit's going to be saying i've been telling you
So miss quinn's got a good point there What's fun for me was james 1 5 is
I didn't even know that was a verse And I did that and I literally started understanding
As as soon as I opened my bible back up after I said amen And I didn't even know that was a verse in scripture i've shared your stories of Sanctification of you growing of your salvation before mercedes
Okay, mercedes, I think I said this last time I was on you it's a beautiful I told her last week I don't remember the chapter i'm going to say it's ephesians one that may have been it but Mercedes is reading
The bible as an unbeliever. This was some years ago. So let's say i'm just gonna make up a number three years ago, right? Four years ago five years ago, whatever right?
She was reading it some years ago last year last year Okay, so okay last year as an unbeliever mercedes is reading
I think it was ephesians one Yeah, because I'm gonna do that one And she's I don't understand it now
That has nothing to do with head knowledge She understands every word that's on the page.
She knows what it prays The god and father of our lord jesus christ.
She knows what those words mean You don't need a dictionary. She knows what they mean, right? She knows what they mean.
So let me Mercedes gets saved and the next month goes back and reads that and understands that now what happened in those two or three months
Did mercedes go to college? Did mercedes get a tutor did mercedes take a speed reading program?
None of those things because it had nothing to do with a head knowledge had to do with a heart
I literally said help me understand Now don't get me wrong There are genuine things that god has ordained that we can learn to help us read the bible.
They're called hermeneutics Yes, okay And it's a process by which you read the bible and helping those can help us understand some very difficult passages
But at the core of it is a spirit -led thing and that's not a Supernatural set the lighting just right make sure the worship music's on in the background
And I mean those things can help the focus, but you don't need to create an ambience. It's about a Contrite and humble heart.
Yeah, I was laying in bed had my bible app open on my phone going. Yep I don't get it.
Yeah exactly. I stopped and I asked just help me understand this. Yeah open my eyes started in I was like Oh Okay, I can get that one.
Let me write that one Yeah, and me and vicki have talked about it. Like that was I think the point of my conversion
That was when it started that was it. Let me tell you why I agree and i'm not you uh
In other words, I can't tell you this for sure because you only let me tell you why I agree We see that in scripture all the time where the holy spirit
Enters in the son of life and their salvation and they can finally understand the things of god
And I think you're probably right I think that moment in time that day May have been that moment for you and it's just a beautiful thing to see and I love using that example
Because so often we let our head knowledge or human knowledge get in the way of god. Yeah Well, like you say we're saying what would go where you know
You can't dim the lights and light your incense or light your candle and turn your worship music on I found some of my best study time was when
My husband was in the recliner passed out And I was stressed out to no end and all
I could do was say god Show me Teach me what am I doing? And why am
I doing it? And show me what you want me to do And how i'm to do it and It just went from there
It's like when you keep hearing one specific verse over and over throughout the period of like a week and you're like, all right
All right. Let me go look at yeah, and then you're like, oh and then you just keep going Well, what I what
I would have to do is I would just have to sit there quietly Because the kids by this time were in bed
But like I said, he was passed just move out And I would just pray Show me now today
What I am to learn and what I am to see what you want me Yeah, and I would just open my bible
And start reading and there would be I mean, I kid you not it would be and I started doing this at least three nights a week when the night would
Go in such a manner as i've already spoken of which was Seven days a week, but seven days a week.
I didn't have the time to sit and do that seven days a week So I tried to do it at least three nights a week but in the chaos
Of my life at that time is when he spoke to me the loudest I just had to be still
So it can be done yes, you just have to take that minute You just have to take that And and i'll tell you once I got started and my eyes were being open more and more and things were getting clearer and I was going well, i've just been messing everything up because I was like, well,
I need to be doing this and it's on me to do this and it's and there was so much of Cleansing I had to do myself
Of myself. Yeah Yeah, it's definitely a wake -up call. Yeah. Okay. Oh, I got this wrong.
Yeah Yeah, I need to yeah, let me step back for a second martin luther um said the more holy a man becomes
So we would say the more sanctified a man becomes the more disgusted he is with the sin that remains
Because now he's more aware of it than he's ever been right? Yes, then you look back because before I just known then what
I know now Right things would have been so much easier. Yeah, exactly But you wouldn't be where you're at now if you hadn't gone through what you went through then
Or if he hadn't gotten you what you went through then Does that make sense?
Yeah, I think so I was actually talking to a young lady at work today and um
She was having some issues because she does some leadership she has some leadership role in her church and um
I was trying to help her With applying scripture. I said I don't don't give them thoughts
Give them truth It's not what you're thinking. It's what he says well said
So, you know It's not what you're thinking. It's what he says how far apart
Are because isaiah wrote isaiah So how far apart are david and isaiah isaiah wrote isaiah as best we can tell 700 maybe 650 years before jesus david became king a thousand thousand fifty years so roughly
Well a thousand so roughly three hundred and three hundred fifty years so david before Isaiah david before isaiah by three centuries.
Yeah david in psalm Psalm 33 11 says the counsel of the lord stand forever the plans of his heart from generation to generation.
Yep Watch this. Yeah And then watch this the council so it says the same thing right and the point being of course is that This is why we always say
We believe that the bible is the word of god Written by 40 some different people over a period of 1500 years, but all says the same thing nebuchadnezzar who
Learned who the real god was said this something very similar to daniel four. I just read this Somewhere.
I don't know where daniel four All right, so you just read psalm 33, right read that again 33 11 the counsel of the lord stands forever the plans of his heart from generation to generation
At the end of the days i'm nebuchadnezzar with some eyes to heaven my reason returned to me I bless the most high and praise and honor him in this forever for his dominion is an everlasting
Dominion his kingdom endures from generation to generation From All the inhabitants of the earth are counted as nothing
He does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth No one can stay his hand or say to him what have you done?
33 12 also says happy as a nation whose god is yahweh the people he has chosen to be his own possession and then over here
In 46 13, I am bringing my justice near if it's not far away. My salvation will not delay
I will put salvation in zion my splendor in israel. Yeah I I love being able to find parallel passages
Exponential amount of years in between them because it proves it's unchanging.
Yeah, it's consistent Yeah but I mean You know what?
I just accidentally turned here. This is isaiah 52, right? It says behold my servant This god speaking of jesus will act wisely.
He will be high and lifted up and exalted Jesus says unless the son of man is lifted up Right and he'll draw all men to himself
He recognized And It's not just us our church
Brothers and sisters and fathers for many years are recognized that the old testament prophesied about our lord 700 years before he was ever born on this planet
Oh, what a night God carrying us and sustaining us from birth.
So We are he said he
He intervenes and protects us from things that we don't even see we needed protection from Therefore from the time we were before we were born that protection was there
Because we were already chosen That's my boy That's there are gonna be things when we get to heaven.
We're gonna be able to look back and see Oh That's why you did that lord
That's why you did that because if you didn't do that this would happen That's yeah for me sometimes it's just going down the road like the other night last saturday night we were out
There's a long story. We were out having to handle some some family issues and We're coming down the interstate.
It's pitch dark and there is a car flipped over upside down And another car off in the ditch the people were safe.
They were fine But had we been Just a few minutes sooner
You know my my brain went that could have been us Could have been you run late in traffic or you run late to work so you get stuck in traffic because there's a bad accident
But if you were on time You could have been in that accident, right? Like that's just how my brain was like That's why
I don't fuss about being late to work sometimes but Sometimes it's just me going
It's not there's no time to get in a hurry. Yeah, don't run people over Don't create that accident, right?
perfect I can't tell you how many times i've said that myself. I'll put it to you this way.
I was in little rock arkansas back in my hem holidays and um I was in a corvette
With three people in it Okay corvettes were two seizures, right? um
And the driver says How did I end up on this? How did
I end up going the wrong way on this one -way street? I was like Oh, there was one time me and justin were on the going the wrong way in a one -way and I went oh
I don't think the street signs should be backwards He's like, oh crap, I did it once downtown
I immediately put the thing in reverse back into a uh
Traffic light. No, I didn't back into a crossway. What am I trying to say? Intersection intersection goodness gracious.
Yeah I've done that. You know where the starbucks is on poplar where it is legitimately a one -way right in that one little area
I had no clue. It was one way. I was in a little panic attack because I was trying to go take my state board test
For my massage license and all of a sudden I see cars coming at me and I was like, this isn't good
This isn't good. This isn't good Why are all these people going the wrong way, right?
What is happening? Why are they all? All these people which did not help the the anxiousness at all about the test
I failed it the first time three weeks by like I missed it by like five points I took it again three weeks later and upped it by like 70 points and passed it.
So All right, good job, this is out of 100, um, this was out of Because if you upped it by 70 that means the first time you made it really bad
It's one of those tests where you can only miss so many before it's an automatic failure Yeah, there is a whole lot of question on that test
Yeah, it was like a two or three hour test understood It's okay. Oh, um
Hello, let me ask you a question real quick that is james and not jane, right james
You know, i'm just i'll be careful with my essence, right Is it song or songs
Psalms, it's 150 of them. Oh, yeah What verse was that again
James no in songs, uh 33 10 and 11 She read 11 and 12 11 12, sorry
Thank you. I like to take notes of what we cover while in the midst of the
We actually went all the way to In 46, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Well she finished reading it actually so we really did the whole chapter Okay, 46 1 through 10, but I did end up hitting on 13 a little bit was
I've been in 13 I just like it was it was spoken about either way. Gotcha All right, and um one more question, you know
Is it joe or job? Well in english it's job but as far as we can tell his name would be pronounced joe
Perfect, and there's no s on that, right? No. Okay. Hey, we're doing good because there is an s on x
It's not act It's x yeah, because That wednesday night he said we're going to be an axe and I said where's the act and you slapped me
Did I he said just because I didn't say it out loud You've never it was probably one of those stop it.
Yes. Okay Because you always get me on the s I don't think i've called you on that before have
I? Yes, you have. Okay Well, anyways, thank you so much for coming tonight And I will be
I have to be honest before when you went out to check the Door She's gonna throw us under the bus after he's decided she wasn't gonna throw us under the bus
Because i'm feeling convicted. Let's just what did we do? What did you take? I didn't take anything and I didn't do anything
But I told mercedes I said, you know the last time he was on he wanted us to do a question and answer with him And we promised that that question and answer
And I said, you know, he hasn't even asked us so let's just not even mention it But then I started feeling convicted about it because it's something that we agreed that we did and we definitely didn't hate it
We didn't it was fun. It was all right So when you get back because I know you're about to be out for a bit when you get back just let us know
I think it's the 22nd. I get back friday night and i'm doing it 2 p .m. Live. So Saturday 2 p .m.
Live on the 22nd. I think the 22nd is saturday I'll check there's not a calendar here, but we'll get with you because now you've done make that mark.
I'll probably That's two weeks from now, right 22nd 22nd is a
Here here we go. I know the 27th. Here we go. I said here we go 21st saturday the 21st and 2 p .m
Saturday the 21st at 2 p .m 21st at 2 p .m. Saturday the 21st at 2 p .m
I think it's saturday 21st 2 p .m. Because he said Thanks for coming with us tonight and I hope y 'all enjoyed this as much as I do
I love sitting with this young man and talking to him about just about anything And I just love hanging out with mercedes.
So, um But the two of them together, it's a blast It really is and um
Like It just literally makes peanut butter caramel just say hey,
I want to shake peanut butter caramel just that's all No, I don't mean with the caramel. I mean half peanut butter half caramel.