2 Timothy (Part 3)



2 Timothy (Part 3)

Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, �But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.�
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn�t for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we�re called by the
Divine Trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her King. Here�s our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth.
Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry. My name is Mike Abendroth. I�ve just sent out a tweet. By the way, you can follow us on Twitter at NoCoRadio.
Here�s my tweet that I just sent out. Recording four new NoCo shows today, especially four at Fred underscore
Butler, hashtag whiteout, hashtag Schnee.
It�s snowing like mad outside. What if I can only get like three shows done today before I need to get home?
I guess I could just spend the night at the church. I don�t know what I�ll preach in. My genes or something, who knows?
All right. Twitter, Twitter, Twitter. I think we�re up to like 490 ,000.
Do I get authenticated at that level? Not. Some of these people that have so many followers,
I�m just like, wow, that�s interesting. Jory, Micah, Jen, is it
Hatfield or something like that? Interesting. Those are interesting. I mean, that�s another show.
Shows in the future, Christian bestsellers, best of 2016. That�s coming up.
That should be good. Can�t wait to know what I�m going to say there. J .A. Meador�s article, questions for Andy Stanley and the
Virgin on the aversion birth. That�s a show coming up. Looking forward to that. Arminianisms, different kinds of Arminianisms stemming from an article by J .I.
Packer and more and more. Thanks again to Todd Freel as I got to host Wretched Radio a couple weeks ago, middle of December.
I appreciate that. I think I�ve had Todd guest host NoCo as well.
He�s the only one that�s ever done it. I asked James White, but he didn�t return my call. James used to.
I remember one time James was here. I know James used to listen to the show 1 .5
Speed. I�ll still take that. But I remember James was in town here in West Boylston and he did a conference on justification.
It was an excellent conference. I remember his sermon on Romans 4, 5 as well.
That�s always an important thing. If you can remember the sermon the guy preached. I remember Tom Nettles once preached a sermon on Ephesians 4.
I remember the actual passage. I don�t remember what he said, but I remember the passage which is more important.
Correct? Correct. We have a little theater down the street and it�s one of those – the show has already run its course.
goes to Redbox or DVD, you can go to this theater for five bucks,
West Boylston Theater. I called
James. He was at the hotel and I just said, �Listen, is there anything else you need ?� You know, conference is over. You know, you need food.
You need this. You need that. Just checking in on you. He said, �I have everything
I need.� I said, �Okay.� He said, �Well, we�re What are you going to do ?� I don�t know. It was like three in the afternoon on Saturday.
I said, �Well, you know what ?� I think I�m going to go down the street to the West Boylston Theater and watch the new
Star Wars movie. I don�t know whichever one it was. I don�t like these new ones, but I said
I�m going to go watch it. He goes, �I�d like to go.� Perfect. So we went down. Mike, do
I like expense this? So we went in.
The good news is only five bucks. We went in and sat down. In those days, I would eat popcorn, movie theater popcorn.
At West Boylston Theater, they have the little fake butter thing to the side of the popcorn deal.
You can put it on yourself. You just push this red button and it just comes flowing out like a geyser.
It�s a variable geyser. By the way,
I come in to do radio shows. This is Saturday. I come in to do shows just because I�d like to laugh a little bit.
So I just imagine the three listeners. It�s Terry and his boys.
Those are the only listeners. Fred, too, once in a while. He checks to see if it�s a new show or not.
If it�s not, it�s just like nope, allegedly. Anyway, I went and got the popcorn, got a lot of butter on it and stuff, the fake butter.
What is that stuff anyway? Anyway, for you listeners that are concerned about my health, thank you. I don�t do that anymore.
I get the smart corn or whatever. It�s 35 calories a cup. The problem is you need a lot of cups.
I�ve got to start counting calories again, man, because this is bad. You�re in New England. It�s snowing like a banshee outside.
Are banshees girls? Is that feminine? Can you say that? Is that derogatory?
Banshee? I have to admit it. I went to a retail store yesterday. It�s obviously a guy dressed up like a girl.
The old Mike would be probably like, �Ew.� The new
Mike, hopefully maturing Mike is, �Ew, sad.�
I�m sad for these folks because to quote the theologian Bono, �I didn�t see he�s a good theologian.
Don�t write me the letters.� This guy still hasn�t found what he�s looking for.
Anyway, I called her a her, called he a her. I called he a her.
The other thing I did in that particular place was don�t get great Mexican food here in Worcester.
Living in Los Angeles for 20 years, it was pretty fair there for Mexican food.
I haven�t really eaten at a good Mexican restaurant here. There�s a restaurant called Mezcal that�s not too bad.
They have good guacamole. Their guacamole, there�s a tropical kind with mango and papaya. There�s another kind that has corn nuts in it.
They make it right in front of you. They put it in one of those like lava bowls or whatever they are, mortar pestle kind of things.
What are those made out of? Pewter lobber? I know,
I know. Anyway, with corn nuts, so that might be okay. But anyway, we go to this mall and it�s one of those malls where literally you walk down through the mall and two -thirds of the stores are closed and the lighting is dim.
It was a Friday night. It was about 8 o�clock and there�s a Best Buy there and some other stores but it�s like, �Oh, man.�
So, someone told me, actually the Tuesday guy told me that his son -in -law, Jerry said there�s really great – the best
Mexican food in all of Worcester is in the mall. Now, maybe where you live, there�s some
Uber malls and some kind of cool Nashville mall, right? If you want movie reviews, you know, I mean restaurant reviews and stuff, you know, that�s what they do at Theocast.
But here, this is Worcester. And anyway, I went to the mall and I went over to see what the food was like.
You know, they got the Chinese deal and you�re like, �Oh, that kind of Kung Pao chicken looks –
General Gao�s chicken looks like it�s about 50 years old.� There�s like a little film skin on the top of the goo.
See? You know what I�m talking about. That�s why you listen to NoCo for this kind of thing, right?
This is why the show must go on. 1 ,500 shows later, now we do restaurant reviews.
Anyway, I went over and I saw the salsa and the guacamole and about 12 different sauces for salsas and sauces.
I live in a sauce -less society here in central Massachusetts. We don�t have a lot of sauces.
You know, you go to even the Panera breads. I�m sure there�s around the country too. It�s like, �Give me some kind of good sauce. I want some –
I don�t know. What is that? A little olive tamponade or something. I want a mango chutney.
I want salsa that�s going to burn my mouth off. Something. I mean, give me some sauce to spice up this bland food.
Anyway, I got a taco, you know, original Mexican. And the place is called
Tacos Mexicos. Making sure the case of each word was the same.
I was showing my son this morning in First John some of the accusative cases.
So, see, here�s ending with a dude. And I got a steak taco and the salsa was awesome.
Taco was awesome. I�m like, �Wow. Finally. Now, how did I get there?
I don�t know what I�m talking about. This is Mike Gaben on No Compromise Radio. Second Timothy. We�re doing a little series in Second Timothy in light of Paul�s final letter to Timothy before he dies.
And we�ve seen the last two shows, the little Trinitarian introduction and then Paul�s desire to tell
Timothy and his emphasis to Timothy to stir up the coals of his heart, as it were, for gospel ministry.
And we come to Chapter 1, Second Timothy 1, 8 and following where Paul�s going to give the first charge.
So, these are charges for gospel ministry, gospel fidelity for leaders.
And if you�re not a leader, you could turn these into prayer requests. Pray that your pastor, your elders, do these things.
Number one, we�re going to do, it�s going to be outlined form, one word. So, seven charges, all one word.
Well, not all one word, but all of them were one wordedly. At least the
Christian bestseller, 2016, according to the ECPA, Evangelical Christian Publishing Association, at least it has sexual fidelity at number 42, if only.
I actually thought that book was going to make me rich. I thought it was going to pay off some debt.
I thought, okay, here�s a book everybody could use, 30 chapters, 1 ,000 words a chapter.
You could read it super simply, easily. It doesn�t take much time. Biblical perspective, gospel -centered on sex, sexual sin, sexual enjoyment in marriage.
And I made 2 ,000 copies, bought 2 ,000 copies, sold them out of the house, out of my truck like every other self -respecting self -publisher.
And I thought, you know what? I�ll order 2 ,000, but I think I could sell 10 ,000. I think with the reach of No Compromise Radio and Wretched Radio and Worldview Weekend and No Compromise Television, I have a television show, you might not know this, but it�s through Brandon House�s Worldview Weekend.
And there�s a station up in Minnesota playing the show. Come on. Leave it to Beaver Rifleman NoCo Radio, Justin Peters.
I know Justin has a new book. I should probably interview him. Anyhoo, I thought
I could sell probably 10 ,000 copies. Well, I want you to know, you can do your deducing now because I don�t want to get into anything technical, anything litigious.
I have not reordered any copies. That�s one. Number two,
I see some cardboard boxes over there. So I have not sold 10 ,000 copies.
But I thought, okay, 10 ,000 copies, let�s say make five, seven bucks a book or something like that. That�s 50 ,000.
I thought I could probably make 50 ,000. Well, I�ve covered my expenses.
I�ve done that at least. You just think sometimes yourself, you�re such an idiot.
You know, you�re like, oh, just do what you did earlier. You write a book.
You hope it�s good for your local church. If anybody else likes it, that�s great. So this is important for the people in the local church.
They all struggle with this particular issue. And do it for them. And if God wants to have more people know it, fine.
Anyway. No, go media, baby. Number one, suffer.
The first charge here is suffer in 2 Timothy 1. The gospel minister must suffer.
And we know, but Paul is going to remind Timothy that the gospel is worth every inconvenience.
The gospel is worth every trouble. The gospel is worth suffering. And Paul in chapter 1, verse 8 and 12 have the little bookends of suffering.
Chapter 1, verse 8, �Join me in suffering.� Chapter 1, verse 12, �For this reason
I also suffer these things.� So see, the cause is worth it.
How do I know I should suffer for something like this? Well, it�s worth it. �Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our
Lord or of me, his prisoner, but join with me in suffering for the gospel, not for being dumb, but for the gospel according to the power of God.�
No matter what happens, the Spirit of God has worked in you, Timothy. And don�t you be ashamed. Don�t you be a coward.
Don�t you back down. Don�t let others intimidate you, even when it comes to what they might do to you.
You just never back down. God�s going to enable you. Notice at the end of verse 8, �according to the power of God.�
I mean, think about it this way. Could temporal suffering ever change God�s eternal plan that was fixed in eternity past?
Well, duh, no. And that�s exactly what he says in verse 9. �Who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was granted us in Christ Jesus from�
Are you ready? �all eternity.� Eternal counsels of God.
Before times eternal. That�s the Greek word.
The worst thing that can happen to you, Timothy, is death. And it is a toothless foe.
I mean, death is going to hurt, but it�s been conquered. 2 Timothy 1 .10. �But now has been revealed by the appearing of our
Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.�
Paul understands what Jesus did and the ultimate effects, keeping your body in the grave, the ultimate effect of having a no -spiritual life in eternity with God, because Jesus has paid for those sins.
Those things have been taken care of by the Lord Jesus. He�s abolished death. And, Timothy, you can trust the
Savior. You personally know it. 2 Timothy 1 .12. �For this reason I also suffer these things, but I am not ashamed, for I know whom
I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.�
Paul trusted. Timothy, you follow me. You trust as well. That�s the inference. Suffering for the gospel.
You are going to suffer. There are going to be hard times for the gospel�s sake. And, of course, we bring on other things in our life by our own doing, our own stupidity and foolishness and sin.
But you�re going to have to suffer for the gospel as well, to think that we�re going to get out of gospel ministries suffering when it is
God�s will for us to suffer. And it might not be fun, but you�ve got the power of God.
You�ve got God with you. You�ve got the Spirit of God. You�ve got his word. You understand what the worst thing that can happen to you is death, and nothing�s going to change.
This is God�s eternal purposes and counsels have determined all this. And so, Timothy, suffer.
Suffer well is what Paul is saying. That�s the charge of gospel ministry from the get -go.
I mean, here�s Paul in jail. Suffer. Timothy, you�re going to have to suffer. I mean, you want to follow me?
Follow me. Suffer. What else does Paul say? Secondly, Paul gives a charge.
Defend. So, suffer is first. Defend is number two. Second Timothy 1, 13 through 18, and you are going to think about loyalty for the once delivered faith, contending for the once delivered faith.
It�s Jude 3 type of language. Holding the line. You know, you capture the hill.
You know, you get the Hacksaw Ridge. By the way, that�s going to be a show, I think, sometime that I should talk about that because you watch the movie is one thing, but if you watch the documentary about whatever his name is,
Desmond, Desmond Decker. No, Desmond something else. Doss. Desmond Decker.
There�s some good songs written by Desmond Decker. You can pull those up on YouTube if you like, if you kind of like pre -reggae reggae.
Roots of Reggae. Roots Rock Reggae. See how this just spirals down into my old punk rock disc jockey past.
But see, you could play reggae if you were punk rock. That was cool. Right? You could just think of, you know,
Sandinista and stuff like that with The Clash. You had to be a liberal. You have to be Billy Bragg socialist, but it�s still okay.
I�d like to still listen to Billy Bragg, but I need to take out the socialist songs and like, you know,
I think he had a girlfriend that was into some witch stuff. I need to take that stuff out. Paul is telling
Timothy, withhold the line language. Guard language. Verse 13 and 14.
Retain the standard of sound words which you have heard from me in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.
Guard through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us the treasure which has been entrusted to you.
When he uses words like sound words and the treasure, he�s talking about the word of God, yes, but specifically the gospel.
Guarding the gospel. He says, I want you to retain.
There are threats from the false teachers. Maybe we even have temptations as you suffer.
Paul says to Timothy, I�ve suffered, but I�ve retained. God has helped me.
Timothy, retain and guard. God has given you something and he says with an imperative, guard, preserve this standard, the content of the gospel.
Don�t cut, paste, alter, change, modify, stop preaching it.
You can�t do any of that. You need to keep or preserve is what you need to do.
That�s the word retain. That�s the first word in verse 13, the first command there.
He says in verse 14, guard. This is to defend. This is if you want somebody, they�re in prison, your job is to let them not escape.
Don�t let any of the gospel escape you. You are to guard it from being lost, to guard it from being damaged.
It�s not of your own strength, even as the text says, it�s from the strength that the triune
God will give you. But this is language of guarding. You might turn the other cheek if somebody personally offends you, but you don�t turn the other cheek when someone�s trying to attack the gospel.
You are to kill false doctrine. You are to murder it. Murder in the first degree.
That�s what you do. This is what�s found in this word, to guard, to protect.
So you can imagine, retain, keep what you�ve been taught,
Timothy. This is on the inside of the preacher. Watch out for yourself.
But there are people on the outside who are after you as well. Guard against them. What Paul says is, you know what?
This is not rhetorical. This is not just language of young men in seminary getting ordained and installed in ministry.
There are real people who haven�t done this. There are people who have done this.
And Paul lists. He says, you know what? You are aware of the fact that all who are in Asia turned away from me, among whom are
Phygellus and Hermogenes. They didn�t retain. They didn�t guard.
They were with Paul and then they left. But Timothy, you can�t do that.
You�ve got to proclaim Christ. Remember in Colossians 1, verse 28, him we proclaim.
Who�s the we? We�re proclaiming Christ, said in an odd way with emphasis given.
Who do we proclaim? Him we proclaim. Who�s the we? That was Paul, Timothy, Epaphras.
The false teachers of Colossae weren�t doing it, but we did. They�re out of step.
We�re in step. We�re to proclaim, present tense, to preach, to teach, to make known Jesus the mediator, advocate, savior, risen savior, substitute, representative.
There are people that didn�t retain and didn�t guard. Phygellus and Hermogenes did not do it.
This is not just theoretical. People just stopped preaching Jesus.
And you know about people who are just like that. Barnhouse said if Satan really were to take over a city, here�s what would happen.
All the bars would close. No alcohol would be sold. There would be happy marriages, well -behaved children, no crime.
Everyone would be in churches on Sunday where Christ is not preached. And Paul says, that�s not going to be you,
Timothy. You retain and you guard. That�s what you have to pray for your elders to do.
And if you�re a leader, that�s what you have to do. My name is Mike Abenroth. This is No Compromise Radio. We have 24 and a half minutes for the show.
We�re going to get a new ending and new close pretty soon, hopefully. And you can write me,
Mike, at NoCompromiseRadio .com or just generally, info at NoCompromiseRadio .com. Guys have done a great job,
Jonathan and Josh, on the website, Ben�s help and Jim, Spencer. You can search any show you want.
Great search engine. NoCompromiseRadio .com. Or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.