TIME OUT with Pastor Ben Talley June 22nd 2020


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Morning y 'all This is Pastor Ben I'm The associate pastor at Witten Memorial Baptist Church And This is another timeout
So I was a little late getting here and I apologize but uh Had to go to the doctor
Had to make sure I didn't have the Rona But I don't so That's that's good
No, I had to get a checkup Just making sure I'm not dying
Not yet at least Lord's not gonna take me home yet. Hey Julie, how are you?
What's up, Andrew Hey Heather Morning, how's that Elise doing?
Um so it is a good day to be alive in Jesus Christ and It's a beautiful day out there.
I saw a little rain clouds Supposed to rain today. I think hey
Andrew, so you're staying at the church late today, I think So, I hope everybody has a good day today and I Just wanted to share some things with you a
Lot of the times You know Christians get a lot of Hack for Being easy believe ism, you know
You just believe and it's all you do you just believe go to church and just live your little lives
All this other stuff, but uh, you know being a Christian it's hard work
God doesn't call us to sit by and just Just not do nothing, you know
God requires us to go to work He requires us to work hard and so I Wanted to share some things with you that I shared with the staff, but it's coming out of Jude and It's it's
Jude 20 through 23. I think it's a good reminder to us all
That we ought to be going to work What's up, Josiah or pastor
Um, you're you're a pastor now, well, it's not official but you are a pastor now in my eyes
What's up Rodney, all right, so Jude 20 through 23 says this but you beloved build yourselves up in your most holy faith praying in the
Holy Spirit Keep yourselves in the love of God Waiting for the mercy of our
Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life and Have mercy on those who doubt
Save others by snatching them out of the fire to others show mercy with fear hating even the garments stained by the flesh
So There's four things I want you to know here one is that God requires us to go to work building
Yourselves up in the faith in your faith for his service
God requires us to go to work building our faith working on our own
Sanctification and our growth, you know, we are to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling
We are to go to work in doing that Spiritual growth is
God is more concerned about our spiritual growth than anything else more than the car you drive more than the marriage you're in and actually
Marriage is a sanctifying issue. It is spiritual growth in itself
So for me to say that is a flawed statement, so I take that back but Marriage is spiritual growth, but God is concerned about your spiritual growth
So any friendship you're in any Relationship you're in that's sanctifying work.
God will sanctify you through that relationship So God is more concerned about your spiritual growth than anything else
He wants you growing spiritually if you're in a relationship and you're not growing spiritually
God will remove it God will remove you from that relationship or he will call
Circumstances to happen in which you will he will push you to grow That could be trials that can be suffering that can be hardship
Anything like that. God will cause you to grow. He will grow you We know from Philippians 2 13 that God wills that Works in you both the will and to do of his good pleasure.
He will cause you to grow in his in your sanctification God works in you
You know God will complete the work he has began in you you know so God will grow you
God will complete the work he started in you and That's that's also you participating with him.
If you're not growing God's gonna move you so you will grow so Go to work go to work building your relationship with him growing in your relationship with him
Don't be stagnant go to work it says Be but you beloved build yourselves up in your most holy faith.
And the second thing is praying in the Holy Spirit Go to work seek him wholeheartedly pray praying through All things in the
Holy Spirit pray in the Holy Spirit. Well, what exactly does that mean? That means pray in the power of the
Holy Spirit Pray With being submitted submitting to the power of the
Holy Spirit in you Submit to the Spirit submit to his leading submit to his power submit to his character his nature his leadings
Submit to him in prayer You know with humility with patience
Be fervent in prayer Always praying, you know a lot of Christians there they might be they might be good at reading the
Bible, but They might suck at prayer spending time in prayer
You know, yeah, I asked people how's their prayer life going and they might say all it's okay, you know
What does their life look like? You know, you can always tell a lot of the times you can tell what someone's
Prayer life is like if you look at their life so be be Reverent in prayer third thing is this says
Keep yourselves in the love of God verse 21 Keep yourselves in the love of God waiting for the mercy of the
Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life Keep yourselves in the love of God waiting for the mercy of the
Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life So he says this is my point go to work keeping yourselves in the love of God This is what sustains you.
I'm gonna tell you this Nothing in this world worse will sustain you more than knowing that God loves you
More than anything else and his character will come through his love his kindness his sovereignty his his goodness his wisdom his
You know his righteousness it flows through his love towards you
So if you know that he loves you and he know that he's wants what's best for you Let that saturate in your mind let that saturate in your mind that he loves you and he knows what's best for you
He's in control of every situation and he cares for you Let that saturate in your mind
Let that just flow through every thought every word every deed every action in your mind
And in your thought and in your life Just keep yourselves in the love of God Knowing that Practicing that I'm telling you
If you are anxious about any situation in your life right now Know that God cares for you, and he knows what's best for you, and he loves you
Let that just let that just soak in okay, because if you know that truth you can trust him
He you can trust him he is trustworthy so remember that and lastly verse 22 and 23 and Have mercy on those who doubt and save others by snatching them out of the fire
To others show mercy with fear hating even the garment stained by the flesh
Go to work Snatching those who are perishing with mercy and fear
Out of the fire Go to work snatching those who are perishing with fear who are with mercy and fear
Who are perishing snatching them out of the fire Who are you witnessing to?
Who do you have a relationship with that you are sharing the love of God with Who are you witnessing to who in your sphere of influence even outside of your sphere of influence?
Who are you sharing the gospel with daily? Who are you approaching with who are you approaching and sharing the love of God with?
Who are you who are you communicating the gospel with in your life? family members People at the gas station people that you come in contact with at church
You know even church people aren't saying not all the church people are saved those those that you live with Your father your grandmother your your brother your sister
Who are you who are you witnessing to who are you sharing the love of God with? You know these are the people you should be sharing with This is
I mean Jesus said you know preach the gospel
You know we are to go throughout the world preaching the gospel preaching the good news
This is good news. Do you really think it's good news? Really, do you?
If it's good news to you, then are you sharing it? Because if you're not sharing it, then are you really treating it as good news?
I mean if it's this great news to you, and it's so great then
Why are you not sharing it? So that's just something you might want to think about you know if you're not sharing it with your sister over in Texas on the phone or Your your
You know your your Brother who lives next door or your neighbor who lives next door or the the postman who stops by and drops off the package and says hey
I got a package for you, or maybe maybe the the the the waitress who says hey
You know do you need anything you get you could probably say do you need any prayer for anything?
Before we pray for our meal you know do you you know maybe just showing sharing a little
Information saying hey, can we pray for you? Maybe enter into a gospel conversation there?
You know what what methods? What what opportunities do you have what kind of methods?
Are you using to share the gospel with people in your daily life? You know what what what what kind of thoughts?
What kind of thought processes? What kind of ideas? Are you coming up with in your mind to?
Get the gospel out there. You know are you sharing with the maintenance man who came by to fix fix your refrigerator?
Hey, man, you fix my refrigerator. Do you mind if I share something with you just real quick? I think
I think it might be helpful to you. You know Hey, man.
Oh, you know I'm a Christian. I go to church down here.
You might want to would you ever thought about coming to church or? You know what kind of Christian would
I be if I didn't share my faith with you? I wouldn't be a very good one would I you know just what kind of ideas or phrases or something it may sound quirky But who cares?
It's the gospel You know you know so think about it The Gospels got to get out there somehow
So think about it. What kind of methods? What kind of ideas? What kind of? Tactics are you using to get the gospel in someone's ear?
So I Was I remember a short little story. I remember a
FedEx while I was at FedEx I Would approach people in the parking lot and witness to them
I Took joy in that You know coming up with ideas of how to approach them and stuff like that find ways to get the gospel out there find ways to Come up with a conversation or conversation starters to approach people with the gospel
Be as wise as does or no As gentle as does but as wise as serpents, sorry even pastors get it wrong sometimes
Love y 'all God, thank you for this day. Thank you for loving us.
Thank you for taking care of us Lord. Keep us safe and please please please Help us get out there with the gospel
The gospel is that you died on the cross for our sins and you shed your blood so that Anyone could place their faith in the
In the work that you did you died on the cross you rose again, and you ascended on high
That anyone who placed their faith and trust in you could have salvation through your name in Jesus name