Asking rightly in prayer, James 4:1-3


Pastor Josiah Shipley continues his study in James in this weeks SNBS


Good evening and welcome to Sunday night Bible study with Pastor Josiah Shipley of Witten Baptist Church.
We are continuing our study on James This is chapter 4 and this is mostly about prayer in these first three verses.
Let's get started James chapter 4 verse 1 through 3 what causes quarrels and causes fights among you?
Is it not this that your passions are at war within you? You desire you do not have so you murder you covet and cannot obtain so you fight and quarrel
That's such a hard word to say, isn't it? You do not have because you do not ask you ask and do not receive because you ask wrongly and spend it on your passions
And just quickly verse 4 you adulterous people Do you not know that?
Friendship with the world is enmity with God Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God We'll get to that more
Later on. So let's start with the section in verses 1 through 3 and our reminder
Most of you that have listened for any number of time have known and have learned if you didn't already know
Remember the Bible was not originally written in chapter and verse format You can make an argument for the book of Psalms because it's written
Musical lines or poetry but apart from those Wasn't really originally written in chapter and verse 4 form
So, of course, we got to remember that chapter 4 is immediately preceded by chapter 3 about About righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace and then we have the opposite of making peace in chapter 4
What causes quarrels and causes fights among you is it not this that your
Passions are at war within you so in keeping
With the teaching on jealousy and selfish ambition in previous section James teaches us that our inner passions pleasures and desires are the true cause of our infighting
The fighting in this section is both physical and argumentative as it talks about even murder here
We must remember that not everyone in the congregation is a Christian That certainly does not help the fighting because in that case there are some members of the congregation
But you don't even have the same starting point of what our goal is supposed to be which is unity But of course even amongst true
Christians, we can still have infighting but remember Disagreement does not have to be disunity
Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you have to be disunified We disagree in all types of things the best football team best food the best
Movie or even some theological things non -definitional theological things
You Know I I have brothers and sisters in Christ disagree with me on Baptism and how we're supposed to administer it and what age is appropriate and all that stuff.
That's okay They're wrong, but they'll find out that later. Just kidding. That's okay
We don't have to disagree on everything the pastors of this church do not agree on every single sub point of theological implications that come from every passage of the
Word of God Right You know on the point -taking podcast one of the questions we did was was
Bathsheba raped You know, you can read that passage and say no she was totally complicit or you can read that passage and say
David used his kingly authority to subdue her
You can make an argument either way. We don't have to agree on that. That's fine however
Disagreement does not have to be disunity. What the text is teaching us is
That this is caused by one side or even both sides of the argument arguing from the point of jealousy or selfishness
Now look in verse 3 you ask and do not see because you ask wrongly and spend it on your passions
What I want to talk to you about For a moment is prayer. What is asking?
Wrongly And the key here is that you're doing it to spend on your passions and not to honor
God But what does that look like asking wrongly and then obviously what is asking rightly look like?
Yeah So highlighting verse 3 for just a little bit We're gonna figure out the reason that you can ask
God in prayer for something and not receive it Is because you ask wrongly with the wrong motives the wrong intentions
To spend it on your passions not on God's So, let's start by saying what is asking wrongly look like let's look at some other passages
How about Isaiah 1 15 through 17? I'll just go here Yeah, Isaiah 1 15 through 17 says this
When you spread out your hands, I will hide my eyes from you even though you make many prayers
I will not listen Your hands are full of blood Wash them make yourselves clean remove the evil of your deeds from before my eyes
Cease to do evil learn to do good seek justice correct depression bring justice to the father's plead the case of the widow in other words
One of the reasons God will not listen is because they have unconfessed sin they have guilt before them
The clearest example this in my mind is Isaiah chapter 59 now Isaiah 59 2 says but your iniquities have
Made a separation between you and your God and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear you
This verse I heard quoted to me one time as your iniquities have Built a barrier or separation between you and your
God your sins have hidden his face from you so that he cannot hear you That is not what the text says then say he cannot says he does not he chooses not to unconfessed sin
May be part of the problem that if you have Unconfessed sin before God and you're asking him
To bless you. Are you not fooling yourself? Proverbs chapter 28 verse 9 if one turns away his ear from hearing the law even his prayer is an abomination
So if someone's not obeying the law of God his prayer is an abomination And this one is for you gentlemen
This is one of those that hurts every time I read it But it's in there so we have to deal with it
Likewise husbands live with your wives in an understanding way Showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel
Since they are heirs with you of the grace of life So that your prayers may not be hindered
Gentlemen husbands you see that your prayers will be hindered if you do not honor your wife as the weaker vessel
Okay, so removing unconfessed sin in your communication God is one way to ask wrongly
Another way is to ask With The right intention of the right mindset know that he hears you and he will answer in his time
Not yours his time not yours Psalm 37 for says delight yourself in the
Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart Likewise John chapter 15.
Oops. Sorry about that guys John chapter 15
Verse 7 says this if you abide in me and my words abide in you ask whatever you wish and I'll be done for you if See that if you abide in me and my words abide in You Ask for whatever you wish and I'll be done for you because your wish your will your fillet a your
Your will will be God's will if you abide in me and my words abide in you
You know first John Tells us this first John chapter 5 verse 13 15 says
That God hears us Even if and look guys some of us need to wake up to the reality that sometimes his answer is no and we're not allowed to Call that an unanswered prayer
If Ava asked me for a piece of candy my four -year -old and I tell her no She's not allowed to say but I didn't answer.
I did the answers. No guys. Sometimes the answer from God is no And we have to accept that as his answer
He'll answer it in his time that ours but sometimes the answer is no and we have to be willing to accept that his ways are higher than ours
Another way to pray and ask correctly
Correctly is to be persistent in prayer. Do not stop That's exactly what Romans 12 12 says be persistent in prayer
Matthew 7 7 says keep asking you will be given keep knocking the door will be open Luke 18 talks about the the lady who wants justice from the judge and she
Pleads with him day and night until he gives it There's a key about being persistent in prayer
Being completely persistent in Romans 12 12. I cited a minute ago
Rejoice and hope be patient and tribulation be constant in prayer constant so asking correctly looks like removing unconfessed sin looks like Having the right intentions in the right mindset toward God getting the glory and knowing that he will answer in his time not yours is to Being persistent is three and then as I mentioned earlier recognizing the answer may be yes or no or wait
Just two examples of God answering a prayer no in Scripture the first is first Corinthian second
Corinthians 12 Second, let's see if I can do this, right?
second Corinthians 12 Let's see verse 7 through 10
This is Paul speaking so to keep me from being conceited because of the surpassing greatness of revelations of all the stuff
Paul had seen a Thorn was given to me a flesh a messenger of Satan to arrest to keep me from becoming conceited.
I want to want to pay attention a Thorn was given to me a flesh a messenger from Satan's arrest.
No one might say see this is all from Satan Oh to keep me from being conceited to keep me from being conceited.
Satan doesn't want him to not be conceited That's God's job God allowed a messenger from Satan to be the thorn and Paul's flesh
Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this that it should leave me But he said to me my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness
Therefore I'll boast all the more gladly in my weakness Henna, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me for the sake of Christ Then I am content with weakness insults hardships persecutions and calamities for when
I am weak then I am strong So to keep
Paul from being conceited a thorn was giving him in the flesh now some people may say this is eyesight
We don't exactly know a good argument can be made for that. That's fine He asked God to get rid of it and God said no my grace
Carice my grace is sufficient for you Another example is
Genesis 17. This is when Abraham Slept with Hagar to have a son when
God said it would come through Abraham and Isaac Abraham and Sarah, excuse me, and Ishmael was born and God said no
Ishmael is not the one I said that your generations will be more numerous as the stars from and God said
Sarah is your wife and She will be the one you get the son through not
Ishmael Your son you have with the slave woman Hagar Abraham fell on his face and laughed and said to himself
Shall child be born to a man who is a hundred years old shall Sarah who is nine years old bear child and Abraham said to God Oh that Ishmael might live before you
That he would be acceptable that he could be the one to be the son That God promised and God said what what's it say right here?
God said no But Sarah your wife will bury your son you call his name eyes
I will establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his offspring after As for Ishmael, I've heard you old.
I have blessed him. I'll make him fruitful most likely He'll be the father. He will father twelve princes and I will make him into a great nation
But I will establish my covenant with Isaac whom Sarah shall bear to you at this time next year so There we have it
Abraham asked that Ishmael be accepted and God's answer was no because that's not what
I said so asking rightly is Removing unconfessed sin it is having
God's glory in mind not ours It is being persistent and it's understanding that God could say yes or no.
That is his prerogative Okay, so James 4 1 through 3 on Prayer, we'll call that good for today and we'll pick up in verse 4 next week
Love you all very much as always like share subscribe, you know when you share other people get to see this
Not that I'm any great Preacher or teacher or whatever, but at least they get to see the Word of God And maybe can be encouraged.