SNBS Revelation Part 16



Sunday Night Bible Study - Revelation Part 17 - Chapter 18

Sunday Night Bible Study - Revelation Part 17 - Chapter 18

Um, yeah, we know about the 10 horns. We read about them in chapter 13 These are 10 kings kingdoms that will receive power under the antichrist
Good evening and welcome to sunday night bible study with pastor. Josiah shipley of whitman baptist church good to be with you
We're going to be covering revelation chapter 17 Today and we may get into revelation chapter 18 because they're very similar
Remember revelation 17 and 18 are an in -depth look at what happened in specific judgments from chapter 16 and before it doesn't progress as far as chronologically the story because after The seven bowls wrath got us finished.
We have the return of jesus So again, we're going to cover chapter 17 and maybe 18 the night kind of a overarching
Flashback look at what happened to certain key figures. I almost said characters. That's why
I did that Key figures in the book of revelation during all this judgment and then we'll move on with the return of jesus.
We're almost there so chapter 17
Let's read a little bit So this is right after the seventh bowl if you don't know what that is go back and watch last week's video
Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came to me came and said to me Come and i'll show you the judgment of the great prostitute.
That's what this chapter is about Who is seated on many waters? With whom the kings of the earth have committed sexual morality and the wine of whose sexual morality the dwellers of earth have become drunk
And he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names and had seven horn seven heads and ten horns
The woman was arrayed in purple scarlet adorned with gold jewels pearls holding in her hand a golden cup full of the abominations and the imperatives of her sexual morality
On her forehead was written a name of mystery babble on the great mother of prostitutes and of the earth's abominations
And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and blood of the martyrs of jesus. I saw her and I marveled greatly
Okay now what's great is You read all that you're like, huh? And then the next eight verses are the angel explaining
Who that all is so let me read that real quick and we'll go over it The angel said to me why are you marveling?
I'll tell you the mystery of the woman and the beast and seven heads and ten horns that carries her The beast you saw was and is not is about to rise from the bottomless pit.
That's the antichrist We already read about him in chapter 13 and go to destruction. Remember jesus is already one
And which dwells on earth whose names have not been written the book of life and the foundation of the world will marvel to see
The beast because it was and is not and is to come This calls for a mind with wisdom to seven heads or seven mountains on which the woman is seated
There are also seven kings Five of whom have fallen one is and another is yet to come when he does he must remain only a little while As for the beast that was and is not is an eighth, but it belongs to the seven and goes to destruction
Ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received royal power They are to receive authority as kings for one hour together with the beast
These are of one mind they hand over their power and authority to the beast They will make war on the lamb and the lamb will conquer him for he's lord of lords king kings and those who with him are called chosen and faithful The angel said to me verse 15
The waters you saw where the prostitute is seated are people's multitudes nations and languages the ten horns you saw
They and the beast will hate the prostitute They will make her desolate naked devour her flesh and burn her up in fire
For god has put it in their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and handing over their royal power to The beast until the words of god are fulfilled
And the woman you saw is the great city has dominion over the kings of the earth. Okay Now Let's let's go over those key figures again
Remember the woman the prostitute is called babble on the great the woman the prostitute and babble on the great are the same thing um
But if as long as long as you read that last verse, you know That the woman babble on the great has dominion over the kings of the earth
So some people that's why they'll call babble on the great instead of a city. They'll call it a world system Which I mean it depends on how you look at it
It's a city that has dominion over the kings of the earth so you could look at it as the world system.
I'm finding a way um, but I'll Specifically babylon is a great city at least in my view look at verse 18 the great city.
I take that pretty literally As we'll see more in chapter 18 The beast is the antichrist not satan the antichrist the seven heads are seven mountains
And seven kings we'll come back to that in a minute We have already read about the ten horns
We already know these are ten kings and kingdoms who receive authority under the antichrist the waters are multitudes of peoples
And then we'll come back to the lord of lords, okay, so The babble on the great we're going to talk about The destruction of babble on the great a lot more detail in chapter 18, which we may glance over at in just a minute
We know about the antichrist remember when he comes to power he has 10 kingdoms nations kings on his side
Until he becomes a worldwide power When he becomes a worldwide power
He is the one those 10 that destroy the great city babble on the great isn't that ironic
He's the one that does that god uses them to do that. God has always used hardened hearts to carry out his
Will Um about the seven heads they are seven mountains and seven kings this is where it gets a little tricky
Because we know the new testament often calls You know us from tennessee, especially east tennessee would call
Those mountains hills we know what real mountains look like right and there's often a time where You know the bible and the new testament in that area will call something a mountain and really it just looks like a big hill
To us, but that's not the point It's like okay. Well, we know that rome Was founded on seven hills, right?
At least that's uh, what the stories tell us and then there's some like, okay Well jerusalem if you count the amount of olives and you count zion, you can count you can get to seven, right?
Um All that's fine, I think it's going to be tough to be dogmatic about that um
I think that might be a little tough One way we could look at this especially where it says they are also seven kings verse 10
Let's look from john's perspective He lives in the first century, right? Five of these have fallen one is and one is yet to come
So this is just a possibility let's think of the five biggest world powers before john Egypt I'd say so assyria
And then remember who took over assyria babylon Then uh persia or we could say the medo -persia empire
And after then remember was greece So there's five that have fallen in john's day. Who was the world power because he said one that is rome
The seventh being the antichrist and then says since there's an eighth that belongs to the seven
Remember the antichrist starts as a 10 kingdom system And then after he's revealed kills the two witnesses destroys babylon.
He becomes a worldwide power. So he goes from being one relatively local
Kingdom to a global kingdom. So he's the seventh and the eighth That's how I read it could be wrong and I am welcome to hear differing opinions there
It makes the most sense to me, especially for what we're about to read um
Yeah, we know about the 10 horns. We read about them in chapter 13 These are 10 kings kingdoms that will receive power under the antichrist
Remember the antichrist is an actual human being jesus will kill him himself according to second thessalonians chapter 2 3 3 11 1 3 2 3 3 11,
I think Go back to verse 14 uh
The antichrist and his 10 kings will make war On the lamb the lamb will conquer them guess who's going to win
For he is lord of lords and king of kings and those who are with him are called chosen faithfully Lord of lords and king of kings.
Let's talk about that title just for a minute These are some uh scripture verses for you to read for later deuteronomy 10 17
Daniel 2 47 First timothy 6 15. I love that verse the blessed and only sovereign king of kings and lord of lords
Psalm 136 3. Let's read those again. Deuteronomy 10 17. Daniel 2 47
First timothy 6 15 and psalm 136 3 all call. Yahweh God The lord of lords revelation 17 14 and 19 16 called jesus the lord of lords
Wrap your head around this If yahweh has the title lord of lords and jesus has the title lord of lords
The only way to reconcile that is that jesus is god guys remember And if this goes over your head,
I want you to rethink about it God has eternally existed as one being essence nature in three persons
Okay Jesus while he was on earth was the exact opposite He was two natures being essences in one person.
It's called the hypostatic union Okay And there are all types of analogies we can try to use
To explain that and they're all going to fall short, right? We can try water Right water
At room temperature. We just call water. It's in a liquid form if we boil it 212 degrees fahrenheit.
We call that steam if we Freeze it to where it's below 32 degrees fahrenheit.
We call that ice Ice liquid water steam all instantly recognizable as h2o
Yet we call them different things and they serve different purposes But all identical
That it's not perfect. That's one way to look at it. Another way to look at is this Josiah the father josiah the husband josiah the pastor
I can distinguish between josiah the husband josiah the father josiah the pastor, but I can't separate them because they're the same
They're the same being But three different persons if you will again human analogies will always fall short and we're trying to describe an eternal
Triune god But that's what the bible teaches There's you won't be able to make heads or tails of the new testament if you don't understand that jesus is god
You won't be able to do it You will go mad With all the old testament quotes that were originally attributed to yahweh the new testament writers now attribute to jesus
You will go mad Now let's talk about this last part
Where the antichrist and his ten kings are the ones that killed babylon the great the great city
We're going to talk about that great city in just a minute Some of you may say oh, man, that's kind of harsh.
You tell me god put it in their hearts to destroy that city Yep God has always used hardened hearts to carry out his good purpose
Remember god has never been surprised at rebellion And he will always use rebellion to accomplish his plan
God using the rebellion was always part of plan a there is no plan b God's hand has never been thwarted.
Remember in daniel 4 what nebuchadnezzar said after god brought him back to his sanity All the inhabitants of the earth account is nothing
Um, the lord does with whatever he wants with the host of heaven and those on earth may be confusing psalm
And then he says this No one can stay his hand can stop him or say to him.
What have you done? no one romans 9 17 god says the pharaoh
I have raised you up for this very purpose. I may display my power. Remember that first power egypt
God used the rebellion to do what he wanted. The next world power is syria. Isaiah 10 Israel if you don't get right i'm sending a syria
They are the rod of my wrath A syria not being forced by god to doing whatever they wanted went and uh tried to destroy
Israel and then god punished them for it Because they did what was evil And if you think assyria gets away with it god says nope i'm raising up babylon jeremiah 20 verse 4
And i'm going to hand over judah to the king of babylon And he will deport you If you think nebuchadnezzar gets away with it.
Nope Isaiah 44 28 and 45 1 god declares that I will be sending cyrus from the medo -persian empire to destroy babylon and to return the jews back to Their land to jerusalem even after nebuchadnezzar deports them
What's amazing about isaiah 44 28 and 45 1 is that was written before nebuchadnezzar laid siege to jerusalem
Meaning that is god predicting The medo -persian empire under cyrus will allow the return of the jews before Nebuchadnezzar is laid siege to jerusalem.
That's power. That's sovereignty If you medo -persians get away with their evil nope
Daniel chapter 8 alexander the greatest prophesied is the goat with a horn that destroys the ram with the two horns
Its feet barely touch the ground. It's moving so fast from east to west from west to east And then daniel 8 describes his empire being splitting up into four kingdoms.
Remember Alexander the great's empire was split up into his four generals When alexander does that the entire known world now speaks greek
And if you think alexander the great gets away with his Conquest.
Nope. God sends the romans Acts 4 25 through 28.
Why do the nations rage magentos plot against god's anointed? For in this very city both herod
Pilate the jews and magentos came together against your messiah to do whatever your hands and your plan had predestined to take place
God has always used heart and hearts to carry out his purpose. The antichrist is no different God when we say he's at war with satan and the antichrist not really at war.
He's conquering I Mean, that's what it says, right? Verse 14 the lamb will conquer them.
Remember armageddon is not really a battle. It's an execution jesus wins Babylon appears to be in verse 18 a literal city with worldwide influence
Now it's possible the antichrist will start there. That's what it makes it sound like because you know, the Babylon is sitting on top of the beast
But he won't stay there after he's revealed and travels to jerusalem to kill the two witnesses I believe he'll set up shop somewhere else
Because no longer will he just be ruling ten nations, but he'll be worldwide Babylon that city will have worldwide economic influence before the antichrist comes to power
We're going to read in more detail about babylon the great next week I thought we might get to chapter 18 a little bit today, but we're not going to and we'll try to Make some guesses at what city is babylon the great, but we're not going to go crazy with it because We don't know for sure um, so Next week we'll do chapter 18.
There was chapter 17. We zoomed through that one There's chapter 17 of revelation
As always I hope these videos are helpful to you guys. I sure do like doing them. We're almost there through revelation Tune in next week for chapter 18 online and I went ahead and did this online and I pre -recorded it because Next sunday night
We won't have an in -person bible study because we have the block party Uh the one that commercial keeps popping up for in these videos
If you're somewhere in the area, you should come to that. We're gonna start it. I believe it's 4 p .m You have fun guys.