1 Thessalonians 1, What Do You Do While Waiting in 2023?

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1 Thessalonians 1 What Do You Do While Waiting?


1 Thessalonians 1, What Do You Do While Waiting in 2023?

1 Thessalonians 1, What Do You Do While Waiting in 2023?

First Thessalonians chapter 1 be reading the here the word of the Lord Paul Sivanus and Timothy to the church of the
Thessalonians and God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ grace to you and peace We give thanks to God always for all of you constantly mentioning you in our prayers
Remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love instead fastness of hope in our
Lord Jesus Christ for we know brothers loved by God that he has chosen you because our gospel came to you
Not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction
You know What kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake and you became imitators of us and of the
Lord? For you received the word in much affliction with the joy of the Holy Spirit So that you became an example to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia For not only has the word of the
Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia But your faith in God has gone forth everywhere so that we need not say anything for they themselves report concerning us the kind of reception we had among you and How you turn to God from idols to serve the living and true
God and to wait for his Son from heaven Whom he raised from the dead Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come
May the Lord add his blessings to the reading of his Holy Word Well, the new year is here and the media has been over the past week indulging in his routine year -in -review
Kind of things highlights of the year Biggest news story. I guess the Russian invasion of Ukraine the then the best of 2022 best of everything best books
I wish they'd say mine somehow they never do best movies It wasn't a great year for movies But Top Gun Maverick got a lot of attention everything everywhere and all at once which
I haven't seen is supposed to be good Menu is better than the glass onion. I don't care what
Rotten Tomatoes says best sports moments Wasn't Tom Brady coming out of retirement, but maybe
Argentina winning the World Cup Oh, we got we got Argentina fans here. Welcome to the
Argentinians There we go And so they did all this year -in -review kind of stuff and last night then they rang in the new year hopeful
Waiting on what's next? What are you waiting for in 2023? Some of you may be waiting a long term to retire 2023 will be the year to make progress toward that make enough money be financially secure
So you don't have to worry about work anymore some of us know people who are so focused on that that they can't make any time to seek the
Lord to come to church to Bring their children to church coming up in March It will be three years since a pandemic hit in which we close down schools and cut off other experiences like church for our children
Waiting for a virus to pass and at first I could understand that the need to wait I've kind of see what this is gonna happen what this is gonna be a lot down stay at home for a couple of weeks 15 days to slow the spread remember that but then as it went on indefinitely,
I thought this is horrible For the kids. I mean it's someone individually. They don't have any responsibility.
They want to be locked down sure for them. But what about For the children a study showed that this generation of children school children right now have lost a great deal of learning
Because of it because the schools are shut down in some places for over a year Some of them missed once -in -a -lifetime experiences of the end result of that For us here is only just recently like in the past month or so as Jim jr.
Bounced back And the children and some of the children of our own members who were at least occasionally coming to church.
They've gotten out of the habit We can just we can't Just wait for them to get back on the habit kind of hoping things will go back to normal Because which once a habit is broken you got to develop new habits
We can't just wait for them To come back. We've got to do something about it because their youth is flying by As youth always does and they are missing what we pledge in our
Church Covenant to instruct them in nurture in admonition meaning the teaching the correction of the
Lord a New Year's resolution for 2023 should be To get our children back in church
What are you waiting on? some Some of you you were here last year
That may sound familiar Like sometime last year if you can remember way back to last year
That I was also asking you What are you waiting on that ring a bell?
Sounded all familiar. I was asking what are you waiting on? Last year we saw that if we wait on the
Lord wait based on what he's done already Then he'll renew our strength we get strength while waiting so we can mount up with wings as eagles
This is all sound familiar sometime way back last year run and not be weary walk Endure the daily grind and not faint not get too tired to give up get depressed
That we can't go on anymore But what exactly are you waiting on and what do you do while waiting?
What resolutions are you waiting and working to bring to pass? Well, we see that here at first Thessalonians 1 in 10 parts one per verse
I racked my brain to how to outline this chapter and then it occurred to me
I'm just gonna go verse by verse one part per verse. Okay, we'll see how long it goes Well, what do you do while waiting first greet?
Paul begins the letter with greetings. This was the typical way to begin a letter in their day What we see here is the typical way a letter would start in their time
State who it is from Notice that although the letter is clearly from Paul Identifies himself as part of a team.
Oh, we Individualists ask well, who is this way you're talking about? But here he says the we includes
Sylvanus otherwise known as Silas and Timothy the young protege So he's waiting as part of a team
He's a group of believers part of a group of believers that he's attached to he's greeting a church So he says to the church the word church.
It really just means assembly the gathering of believers of Thessalonians of the Thessalonians So the gathering of believers who live in the city called
Thessalonica The believers from them from that city gather together and he's greeting them every one of the believers there is a member of this gathering and they come together to greet each other and to worship and to Hear the
Word of God sing psalms you spiritual gifts pray and encourage each other and probably sometimes they ate together, too
And this gathering of Greek believers is in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ What you do while waiting is you
Actually do what you're doing right at this moment You join with other believers who are also in God the
Father and the Lord Jesus and you greet them and so resolve To go to church to assemble in 2023 and congratulations, you've gotten off to a good start you're doing it you greet each other typically
In a letter the recipients would expect to hear greetings Otherwise like here Paul Savinas and Timothy to the
Church of Thessalonians to the fourth you expecting to hear greetings To you, but instead he says something else greetings is
Karen in Greek. He's playing on words He's playing on sounds making a little pun here instead of Karen Paul says caris playing on words
And the caris means grace and is derived from Cara Karen caress
Cara, which means joy Grace is that which causes joy? So it's not just greetings the typical way to begin a letter in their day
He puts a little twist in there a Christian twist. I'll just greetings Karen, but grace
Caris to you what you do while waiting is give not just greetings but grace which gives joy and peace and a
Hebrew piece would be Shalom you the usual Jewish greeting give grace and Shalom to each other the gathering the body that you are a part of The one you just resolve to join together with every
Lord's Day greet with grace What do you do while waiting second in verse 2
Thank Be grateful and express your gratitude With thanks we that's the team.
He's part of give. Thanks to God the one who gave always so continually
They are giving thanks to God for all of you for the church. Thank God for the church that you gather
With be thankful to God and affirming To your church to the church constantly as without ceasing don't stop doing it mentioning you in our
Prayers, that's why we have a Wednesday night prayer meeting to mention you in our prayers and we probably mentioned all of you in our prayers
Bobby even you Hayes bunch we probably Herbie has probably mentioned you in our prayers by name at some time in those prayer meetings
That's why we have that and if you can't make it you got to work or whatever Then please make sure to mention us discipline a time of your own when you can when you're praying mention us
Thankfully, thankfully, don't forget that part. Don't just don't call down curses on us, please in your prayers resolved to pray more and more thankfully for the church in 2023
What do you do while waiting? third in verse 3 remember
Paul is remembering before our God and Father three qualities of the Thessalonians and hopefully of you first your work of faith work produced by faith faith
Inspired work. That's what he's remembering. He's remembering the work That comes from their faith not just their profession of faith
But the but faith that shows up that you can see and the work that they're doing now some people like to claim that Paul and James Contradict each other that Paul teaches that salvation is but faith alone
Not by works and he does and that James says that faith without works is dead and he does say that But notice here that Paul is thanking
God for their work That is the fruit of their faith
Living faith in both Paul and James they agree living faith produces work
Just like good apple trees produce good apples We're saved through faith alone, but faith that saves is never alone.
It produces work Like prayer like thankfulness to God like being part of a church
I Get remember still in verse 3 Paul remembers before the father in verse 3 your labor of love your labor from love labor prompted by love and the word therefore labor very unusual word only occurs here in the entire
Bible and it means laborious toil involving weariness and fatigue
So just like faith produces work Love produces labor
And it produces a labor that will wear you out but If you wait on the
Lord Remember all the way back from last year. You can remember that far back You wait on the
Lord Wings his Eagles. Does it ring a bell at all? Paul said in 1st
Corinthians chapter 15 verse 10 for I have worked Harder than any of the other apostles yet.
It was not I but God who was working through me by his grace He worked harder because he loved
Third still in verse 3 Paul remembers before God the Father their steadfastness of hope
Just like faith inspires works and love motivates labor. So hope produces steadfastness in endurance perseverance
You keep going You keep running Running from temptation fleeing from the devil running after the
Lord You keep walking walking day in and day out at daily grind because You have hope
The hope is in our Lord Jesus Christ. So it's not just kind of an ambiguous positive mental attitude.
It's in Jesus he's the one you're waiting on you're hoping for you wait expectantly on him
Hopefully and so you continue your your strength is renewed and you don't collapse at exhaustion hope in Jesus gives you perseverance all the way through 2023 so resolve third resolution
Resolve to remember your faith That inspires work Your love that labors and your hope in Jesus That keeps you going.
What do you do while waiting? fourth in verse 4 No No To wait you need to know for we know he says what do you know?
brothers and sisters Loved by God. There's that corporateness again that Venus being part of a body know who your brothers and sisters are
That's what church membership does saying I know I'm part of you and you know, I'm part of you know that They are loved by God Commonly people they assume that God loves everyone
It's it's assumed that But we know from Romans chapter 9, but that's not so remember God hated
Esau Jacob. I love he saw I hated Meaning that God did not love him. Oh God gave him some blessings on earth
But God did not choose him to inherit the birthright to being among God's people to be one of the
Beloved He saw was not one of the Beloved So being loved by God here is a special phrase meaning love completely settled in the past by God's choice to love you
To be in covenant with you for known Predestined justified all that being loved by God is a special status
Know that there is a people your brothers and sisters who are loved by God and they are he says there verse 4 they are chosen
That's that specialness again. It's not for everybody. Not everyone's chosen. No who is
We know That he has chosen you
Do you know that? Do you know that there are? That there is a chosen people and that you are part of them
Resolve to know that in 2023 Well, what do you do while waiting fifth in verse 5 assure
He's continuing the sentence in verse 4. We know that he has chosen you
He's continuing the sentence One of the questions of what's called Calvinism is how do you know we know that he's chosen you how exactly okay people ask
Calvinist Well, how can you know you're saved by Calvinism? I mean what that gospel explained it in Romans God's salvation comes to those he has mercy on but some people ask that well then how do you know you're safe if it depends on God's decree
God's grace Can you know that you are saved? If you think salvation depends on your choice if it is a
Mike making the right decision that that it happens automatically if you make That decision. Well, then assurance of salvation is easy.
You know if you made the decision Then you can be assured in their way of thinking you understand you said the right words
They would say well you're saved don't ever doubt it Even if your life doesn't show any difference But if it's different than that if it as in Romans chapter 9 verse 16 salvation does not depend on man's desire or effort
But on God's mercy, in other words, it doesn't depend on what I choose. Then. How do you know if you're saved?
How can you have assurance? Well, he tells us here Two reasons how you can have insurance first how the gospel came
Second how it was received How the gospel came to you? we know
This is verse 5 we know that he has chosen you because our gospel came to you not only in word
But also in power at the Holy Spirit the gospel came not just kind of mindlessly You just repeat after me you or you sign your name
You say I believe this say you believe something say the right words and then you're saved not like that No, it came powerfully.
He says with power to change you Give you that That faith that produces works that love that produces labor that hope that produces steadfastness
To inspire all that in you it came in He says here in the
Holy Spirit the gospel came to you in the Holy Spirit as the Spirit Empowered the preaching or the teaching of the sharing your own parents sharing with you or something you read something you heard
The Spirit empowered that however, it came the Spirit was speaking through that That's one way you can know second
We can know that we're saved by how we received it. The gospel was received. He says with full conviction
I'm just apathetically You know, I'll go along with that. Sure. Why not? I'll say
I believe it I'll repeat the prayer It's after all, you know mom or dad
They want me to The preacher or the Sunday school teacher is manipulating me
You know, they're playing that just as I am behind Move music as he's making a
Emotional invitation putting the pressure on why not? Everyone else around me is doing it
Who knows might be true kind of attitude. I don't have anything to lose might as well say I believe it
No, you can be assured of salvation If suddenly the words that before they were boring all this gospel stuff this
Bible stuff is just boring It was dead. Suddenly it came alive. That's the Holy Spirit You received it with an overwhelming confidence that it is true
You know that you know So you can have assurance of your salvation your personal salvation if you have assurance of the truth of the gospel so resolve to bolster your confidence in the gospel in 2023 what do you do while waiting six in verse six?
imitate Continuing from the end of verse five. They've seen the example of a believer's life and Paul and Silas and Timothy and now they imitate them they follow their example as a way of imitating the
Lord and his team because Just like Paul and his team suffered for the word the gospel so the
Thessalonians Received it received the gospel and much affliction The word therefore affliction literally means are pressing a pressure like pressing grapes to get juice
Take some squeezing make some pressure These people that has alone Ian's were pressured
For having believed the gospel They're probably insulted for not worshiping the
Roman and Greek gods Maybe they were thrown out of their homes If they were children, they were dependents.
They're thrown out humiliated Insulted you join that Jewish sect
People with scorn at them the Romans accused Christians of being cannibals for talking about eating Christ's flesh and drinking his blood
They kind of overheard that and they what are they doing there in their meetings? They're eating each people They were accused of having orgies for having love feasts and say come on Let's have a love feast and they were of course would imagine all kinds of crazy things
Maybe some of you are pressured to put business money -making ahead of gathering with the church
This past year someone who lives near this building Accused you all you members here of being insane
For coming here. She claims to be a Christian but seems to use every weekend going on camping trips, but defames you as Being insane for coming to church here
But like Paul and Silas singing hymns at midnight after having been flogged for preaching the gospel the Thessalonians received the gospel not only
With affliction with being pressed and pressure with insults and scorn and rejection
But also he says with the joy of the
Holy Spirit Like James says they counted it all joy When they fell into trials when they were pressured the joy overcame the pressure resolve in 2023
To have joy in the Holy Spirit that lifts you above anything
That pressures you The seventh thing you do while waiting is in verse 7
Exemplify in verse 5. They knew what kind of people Paul and his team were at the end of verse 5 for your sake
That's what kind of people they were Paul and his team were As they were for the sake of the
Thessalonians to bring the gospel to you so that they the Thessalonians imitated
Them imitated Paul and his team in verse 6 and the result of that in verse 7 was that they exemplified the
Thessalonians exemplified That is they modeled they displayed for all the people of that country
Macedonia and Achaia what we now call Greece They demonstrated the Thessalonians demonstrated what it means to be a believer in Jesus Their life was a testimony to the gospel so that all people around them all the people of Greece they could see it exemplified in The lives of the
Thessalonian Christians the world needs churches that exemplify the gospel
I Told you about an insult that we suffered from someone in this area on the other hand when we were at the
Averitt new students orientation some lady there from another church came up to us and said she was sure that we
Held up well through the pandemic because we're such a lively church This is the reputation she had gotten from us
Mary and I repeatedly It's almost commonly now have people come up to us when we're out and about in Danville or Yancey Ville Greeting us and thanking us for our churches programs
Some of them are we're children with us early on for our programs are now grown up and we try to be imitators of the
Lord And we may not be successful in big numbers of members But I think we've been successful in exemplifying to the community what the body of Christ looks like so resolved in 2023 to help make covenant an example to exemplify
The body of Christ a thing you do while waiting in verse 8
You reverberate That's a great word isn't it? Just like saying that word reverberate They became an example.
That's only this became an example for all the people of Greece of the body of Christ so that First the word of the
Lord, that's the gospel Sounded forth it reverberated from you from Thessalonica because of their church the gospel came to them from the
Apostles from Paul and his team and Then because they received it in the power of the
Holy Spirit and it proves confidence in them that full conviction Confidence that is true because of that it echoed out from them
It reverberated like shouting hello in a canyon and it echoes back
Hello, hello So when the gospel comes to a people by the power of the
Spirit they receive it confidently Then they spread it to others it reverberates
Sounds forth into the community around them to the nation around them and then to the world here
Not only in Greece, but your faith and God has gone forth Everywhere It bounces off of you and it sounds out into the world
That's why here we host Jim jr For local kids Jim for youth and young adults and when we want our children to hear the gospel
So the faith doesn't end with us. It'll keep reverberating for generations down to our families
It's why we send money to Ethiopia and I hope hoping we can do more so that the word that came to us
Would then reverberate into the whole world? so resolve eighth resolution
Resolve in 2023 to do your part to make the
Word of God echo out First from you and to your family did
Caswell County and Danville and to the ends of the earth Nice while waiting you report
Calls others to report in verse 9 the news of the Thessalonians faith in God has spread
So that everyone knows it Others they have a reputation For their faith.
It's so widely known that Paul and his crew They don't have to tell others about the
Thessalonians Now when he goes back to his home base in Antioch or to the mother church in Jerusalem, he'll have to give reports
Maybe it's I guess they didn't have slides But whatever if something equivalent had to give reports the
Philippians what's what's going on there in Philippi the Corinthians and the Ephesians But he would have to tell him about the
Thessalonians because everyone had already heard about them already We need not say anything says at the end of verse 8 notice that the liveliness of their faith was common knowledge
Believers everywhere they go have already heard the report in verse 9 how eagerly the Thessalonians received
Paul and the others Otherwise the believers he's visiting wherever he goes would be telling Paul About the
Thessalonians a Paul. Did you hear about those people at those believers the church at Thessalonica? He go.
Oh, yeah I heard they rolled up the red carpet for you Paul. Yeah, they did
Boy, those Thessalonians really pulled out all the stops for you Paul. I don't know we here and Philippi or Corinth or Ephesus.
I don't know we can compete with them. They had a reputation for how generous They were and how earnest they were in their faith
They also had a reputation for turning away from idols Christians and other churches were reporting to Paul and that the
Thessalonians turned to God from idols To serve the living in the true
God really emphasizing God here Does he turn to God first from idols to serve the living and the true
God God at the beginning and the end of that? They were Greeks They were raised Greeks or so They were raised to worship
Zeus and Poseidon and Apollo and Artemis and Hermes and others and like anyone else They're proud of their culture and it was all part of their culture
Now they had to change and some of them were raised to worship the some of you here have been raised to worship other idols to worship the
Queen of Heaven or worship your ancestors or Maybe you worship the state the government you do whatever it says by example many are now taught to worship money to live for wealth
You know when kids see their parents certain to work on Sunday morning when they never can skip work But they can't skip church that sends a lesson that money is more important than God And some religious people tell us now that we can serve
God and mammon the Lord Jesus says we can't in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 5
Paul says that covetousness that is living for the thing For the wealth the bank account the cash the house the car the success
Whatever trinket it is that the world says that successful people must have living like that covetousness is
Idolatry, so we still have plenty of idolatry in this culture
Even if we rarely see people bowing to literal images in their hearts, they're bowing to the dollar to the house the car the next
I gadget Or even to the family or the relationship the
Thessalonians had a good reputation for having turned away from idols Do you
Well the report about them was it just that they had turned away from But what they've turned toward they turn toward the living and the true
God secular people whether atheists or not May have turned away from literal idols in our cultures
We have a lot of secular people that have turned away from literal idols course They worship money or whatever their worship their ego
But they have a turn They have it turned toward the living In contrast to the dead gods of the idolaters the dead statues of Zeus the dead ancestral tablet
They have turned toward The living God they have it turned toward the true in contrast to the fictional
You know the mythological gods of Homer's Iliad and the Odyssey Atheist mockers now say the
Lord is just another mythological God Like Greece's and we're silly people that still believe in an ancient
God But the living in the true God came in actual history at a time dated by a census
Right. Remember the Christmas story all that It's what is telling us he came in an actual time that you could date in an actual real town
Bethlehem and was seen and heard by people all around When even still around when
Paul wrote this letter about 80 50 So all these things happened with Jesus only like 20 years before Paul said 500 people saw
Jesus After he was raised and can attest to it and most of them are still alive He told the
Corinthians now we don't ask people to turn to miss we don't ask them to create cute feel -good stories
That didn't happen just got kind of motivating them. No Soon after we moved here in 2007
I went to a funeral a nearby funeral in which a preacher told a cute little story Told this story was the graveside of how an angel came down Looking for a soul to escort to heaven told it really well really effective storyteller good speaker angel came down from heaven looking for a soul to take and it goes like to this one person in this child or whatever sick on the sick bed and One person to another comes to a sick person and is told no this is not the one and then finally
Comes to the person is now deceased about to bury and is told this is the one This is what he's the one take him
That was supposed to be comforting. He told him us better than I just did So he sounded almost comforting in tone, but I was offended by that There's offended because it's fiction.
We don't serve a Fictional God We don't serve a
God. We just make up cute stories about like Homer did If it's just a good if it's a psychological trick
If it's a good gimmick to make people feel better at the moment. Our God is true and actually alive
Notice again how faith inspires works in verse 9 the report about them wasn't just that they have faith in the true
God Rather than the mythological one the report was that they serve the true
God To serve means to be subject to to obey to be devoted to He says when when the true
God says worship you worship when he says give you give
You serve him by doing what he says. So the report about them was that they were serving
God Not just talking about him We should have reputation
In other words people should be reporting about us That we've turned away From all the dead idols of our culture of money things pleasure relationships to serve to serve
Now just talk about the Lord so resolve ninth resolution in 1023 resolved to get a reputation
So that people report about you How eagerly you receive the
Word of God and you put it into practice that you serve the living and the true
God What do you do while waiting? Well the 10th
The last thing you do while waiting in verse 10 It's probably the hardest thing on the list.
I almost certainly it's the hardest thing on the list in verse 10 The last thing you do while waiting is wait
You've got to wait. Sorry hard to take isn't it? You got to wait while waiting the report about them was that they had turned from idols to God and in verse 10 to waiting for God's Son from heaven like last week, we've got to know what to wait on and What is accomplished?
Don't confuse the two Don't start talking about things that are accomplished is that we still got to wait on them.
It just confuses people that causes doubts Jesus was not born last week He doesn't suffer and die all over again in the
Lord's Supper every time we take it or a good Friday Is it resurrected again on Easter? All of that has been
Accomplished in fact, that's what we come together for on Sunday to remember what has been accomplished
It's the foundation of what we wait on joy to the world the
Lord has past tense come But we still have to wait on his second coming
There are things we have to wait on don't talk about it all as if it is all Accomplished and this is a large part of what the letters of the
Thessalonians are about Christ coming again Apparently despite all these good things that he says about the
Thessalonians about their great reputation They had some confusion among them about the second coming and so Paul wrote this letter to correct them and if we have if we have
Some confusion about it. This letter can correct us in verse 10.
We wait for his son God's Son from heaven
It's a lot there Notice first that we're not waiting on going to heaven
We're waiting on Who is coming from? heaven We're not waiting to be taken out of the world.
That's not our hope. That's not what we're waiting for to escape We are waiting on him who is right now
Putting all his enemies under his feet. He says that first Corinthians 15 He he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet
Suggesting that reigning and that putting enemies under his feet is going on right now We're waiting as he's putting those enemies under his feet
We're waiting on him to come here and finish the work that he's begun so that He'll make the nation's
There's all kinds of people that were told to make disciples of the nation's remember.
He'll make them prove Because he has authority in heaven all authority in heaven and on earth and so he will make them prove the glories of His righteousness and the wonders of his love
So we're waiting on him to come here So that he will no more
Let sins and sorrows grow. That's still some of that going on, too He is reigning and yet still sins and sorrows are growing on this in this time
But we're waiting for the time that he will come and he will stop that and no more Letting sins and sorrows grow nor thorns infest the ground
Because he comes to make his blessings flow far as the curse is found to our hope
That gives us perseverance is in what comes from heaven
Not are going to it Our hope is in him who comes from heaven
Not our going to heaven So we're waiting on him who
God raised passed from the dead not a myth Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come notice the present tense in that verb, but all the tenses
Jesus who? delivers present tense now delivers
Other words rescues. He's rescuing out. There's wrath to come
And we're not waiting for that we're hoping to get away from that Jesus is rescuing right at this moment rescuing the rescuing is going on now presently from God's wrath
That is coming in the future The wrath is future But the delivering is now
So this here in verse 10 isn't a promise of future deliverance But the statement of an ongoing present deliverance from a future wrath from the final judgment
Now some have used this claim and use this verse to claim that there's a future escape coming
But that's not what he says. It says that the rescuing is happening now Jesus is currently rescuing his people from a future
Judgment he's he's rescuing us from having to stand before the judgment seat and being condemned from being damned
He's rescuing us from that and that rescuing is going on at this very moment
You are here right now Being rescued from that wrath that is coming your faith inspired work your love
Motivated labor and your hope fueled Perseverance is how
Jesus is now rescuing you from God's wrath so resolved in 2023 to have that rescuing
Continue to go on in your life Notice again in verse 10 the future past and the present in that last verse the difference between what we wait on and What has already been accomplished?
We wait for what's coming Jesus coming from heaven. We can wait
Because God raised him from the dead That's accomplished. The resurrection is done for him the result
Between what's done in the past Jesus's resurrection and what will be done in the future.
It's coming from heaven is now We wait and as we wait
God will restore our strength So we can fly Can fly over the world we can run
Run from temptation flee from the devil we can walk daily with faith that inspires our work and love that prompts our labor and hope that energizes our perseverance in 2023 resolve to wait