Sunday Morning Sermon Series - 02/14/2021



You can actually make an impact for the kingdom of the Living God And you ain't got to go to Turkey to do it or the
Bahamas or somewhere else. You can do it in your own building. Listen, what's the two laws God gives us?
To love him with all of our heart and to love each other as we love ourselves. If we do that guys, we're doing great!
Hey Michelle Michelle! We got something going on on the 21st don't we? You mean
March 21st? Yes I do! Oh are you talking about the spring break block party? I am. Where on earth am
I going? You're going to be at Witten Baptist Church which is 6773 Macon Road. It's right on the corner of Witten and Macon.
Across from the Walgreens. We're going to have free hot dogs. I like free. Popcorn snow cone machine and cotton candy.
Also it's not just food. We're also going to have games. So you know little hoops and we've got some other games going on.
The first 100 families to come to our spring break block party on March 21st from 4 -7pm will receive a free gift bag.
And that's actually what I was just working on right now. Do we have a slide? We do have a slide. Should I post it right now?
Yes! Post the slide right now! Exegetical or I should say expository flavor this morning.
We're going to be talking about the blood of Christ. Now, let me explain this to you. If you are a lost person in this room,
I'm not saying if you've gone to church. I'm not saying if you've walked down the aisle. I'm not saying if you've prayed little
Jesus into your heart. I'm talking about you know today, right now, that your salvation is based more upon a religious experience than a life altering or a change by the
Holy Spirit of God. This sermon is for you. But also, if you are a born again believer, secured by the blood of Christ, but you keep having those nagging doubts, and they make you weak, they make you come to a place where you want to have the desire to have the desire, but your desire has gone so far that you need something to pick you up and give you that desire again, there is no preacher, there is no music, there is no religion, there is no service that will do that better for you today than the
Word of the Living God. The Word of the Living God sets you free from sin, but folks, it will keep you focused on a path of sanctification.
Where are we right now? Well, it's 1400 -ish B .C., maybe 1450.
That's a long time ago. Rena, I love you.
By the way, I want to commend two groups of people real quick.
First of all, these young men. Every Monday, about 10, 11, 12 young men go into the upper room of my house.
I always think that's apropos. And you can hear them for about three hours singing, praying, and praising
God. It's so weird, because I remember when I was 17, 18, and 19,
I wasn't doing that. How many people of my generation were doing that at 17, 18, and 19?
Are you a young man, Tracy? No. Oh, by the way,
Tracy, that bag's for you. Guys, I appreciate these young men. They all went on a bro trip, they called it.
And they went to, where'd you people go? Mountain View, Arkansas. How many beers y 'all drank?
None? Smoked a little weed? How many women did you pick up?
You found two more. Did you witness to them?
They ran away. They ran away. Well, that's good. Also, I want to talk to the, is it
Homemakers? Is that what it is? I was talking to a person the other day who told me they got a card in the mail from Shirley.
Baby, that did so much for that person.
That did so much. Verbal is in the kitchen sweating like a hog every
Wednesday. You don't look like a hog, you just sweat like a hog. Rena is 80, she is about 89 years old.
And she's up there working that camera every day.
Here's the point. Whether you're young or whether you're old, if you got the blood of Jesus on you, you can actually do something.
Besides come to church and get a gold star on your Sunday school report. You can actually make an impact for the kingdom of the living
God. And you ain't got to go to Turkey to do it or the Bahamas or somewhere else. You can do it in your own building.
Listen, what's the two laws God gives us? To love Him with all of our heart and to love each other as we love ourselves.
If we do that, guys, we're doing great. Guys, focus on what you can do, not what you can't do.
Now, let's read Exodus chapter 12 starting in verse 13. This is one of my favorite verses in Exodus.
It says this, The blood on the houses where you are staying will be a distinguishing mark for you.
When I see the blood, I will pass over you. No plague will be among you to destroy you when
I strike the land of Egypt. 1450 B .C., God's people have been in bondage.
They're about to be liberated by God. Egypt as a nation has been devastated economically, militarily, every way that you can think of by nine judgments of God that have hit the land.
Now, it's amazing. They have hit everybody and everything except the people of Israel.
But now the hand of God is fixing to fly. It is fixing to get beefing.
Beefing? Is that right, Amber? God's fixing to beef. Translate that into my generation.
He's fixing to get bad. He is fixing to wear it out. And so he tells the children of Israel, because of this, you people need something to distinguish you and mark you.
And so he tells them, I want you to take an animal and kill it and pour the blood over your doorpost, and when
I see that, I'm coming to kill the firstborn of everything, but if you have that blood on your house,
I will pass over you. Three things this morning about the blood. Three things about it.
First of all, the blood is demanded. Second of all, the blood is distinguishing. Third of all, the blood is deliverance.
First of all, let's look at this. The blood of God is demanded. The blood of Christ is demanded.
Look at verse 13. It says, when I see the blood. Why does there have to be blood?
Because of the wrath of God. It's amazing how many preachers and people today want to preach, smile,
Jesus loves you. He does. Well, okay, but there is more to the trichotomy or the triune nature of God than just Jesus.
You see, God cannot, will not tolerate sin, and he's not going to punish sin.
Get that out of your mind. He's going to destroy it. The enemy of God is sin, and anything that it touches will be destroyed by God.
God's wrath has fallen, will fall, and will culminate in the final judgment.
Chapter 11, verse 5. If you read there, God says exactly where his target is.
He says, I will go throughout the land of Egypt, and every firstborn male in the land will die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sits on the throne, to the firstborn of the servant girl who is behind the millstone.
I'm going to kill even the firstborn of every animal. Ladies and gentlemen, you have no escape.
Hebrews 9, 27 says this. It is appointed unto men once to die, and then after this, the judgment.
Has anybody ever been in trouble with the law in here? Okay. Okay, several people.
Ben, you've been in trouble with the law? Our youth pastor? Golly. It wasn't for solicitation, was it?
Okay, good. I'm just checking, man. I mean, you're going to guide our kids. I need to know this stuff.
Guys, understand this this morning. Understand this this morning.
You are going to die. You're going to die.
And then after that, you're going to be judged. Have you ever stood in a courtroom and been found guilty and had to wait on that sentence?
Man, that's a fearful thing. To know that there is no control that you have.
Ladies and gentlemen, people get a little ouch or a bump or something, and they get scared because they're going to die.
They're more worried about the disease of the world than the judgment of the living God. Understand this. It is not the death of the body you need to fear, but you need to fear the judgment of a holy and righteous
God. For if you have but one stain of sin on your life, the hand of God is going to fall, and trust me, it is a fearful thing to fall in the hands of an angry
God. The wrath of God demands blood. But on the other side of that same coin, the love of God demands blood.
God's propitiation must be settled in the blood of Christ. Now what's propitiation mean?
Okay, sort of. Covering of sin. To... Thank you.
The 18 year old got it. To appease the wrath of God. The turning away of the wrath of God.
I remember my wife played this rollout one time. I don't remember which one of the four boys it was, because I know it wasn't my perfect daughter, but one of those four boys were stupid, and I remember getting out of my truck, taking my belt off.
I'm sorry, this generation. Back in the old days, we used a belt to discipline children, not a corner of a wall.
But anyways, I remember taking my belt off and heading towards my children, and my wife, guiding out of the other side of the car, coming around the front and going, okay,
Jeff, focus for a second, okay, because you're angry. And I'm like, yeah,
I'm angry. By the way, have you ever heard someone say, never punish your children when you're angry? I would never punish my child!
What do you mean don't punish them when you're angry? That is such little dirt munching, druid, hippie garbage.
But anyways, I remember her telling, you need to think about this, you need to think about this, you need to think about this, and the more she talked, the more
I settled down. Guys, it ain't like that with God. God said,
I'm fixing to kill you. Jesus Christ said, I'll pick up the tab. Jesus Christ said,
I will appease it, and He did that because we're white, Anglo -Saxon, Southern Baptists in the
United States of America. Amen. For God so loved thee that He gave
His only begotten Son. Ladies and gentlemen, life in world is bigger than Memphis, Tennessee.
It really is. Life in the plan of God goes a lot further than 19th century
America. God, since the foundation of the world, has been sending Christ to Calvary.
Before that foundation, God's plan was to save us. We'll play that out in just a second.
Watch this. John chapter 1, verse 29. I wrote it for you. Jesus, John the
Baptist is out preaching, and he's been preaching and preaching and preaching. All of a sudden, one day while he's preaching,
Jesus walks up, and John says, stop! Everybody just stop!
Everything I've been telling you, look this way. Churches, Christians, that's what we need to be doing.
Don't come to us. Don't look at us. Same Spirit of God is in me as the same Spirit of God is in you. If you're a
Christian, my job as a believer is to go stop and look. Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
The hope that you have is found in Christ, not in a religious institution. And that's what
John did. You see, the propitiation of God, the wrath of God was satisfied by the blood, but also the love of God was demonstrated by the blood.
Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Side note here in theology, and Witten can handle this, side note in theology is this.
This is one of my biggest issues with the new Calvinistic flair that's following in a lot of our churches and seminaries, is limited atonement.
Let me explain to you real quick what limited atonement means. It means this, that the blood of Christ was only shed for God's elect.
That's what it says. That's what it says. We're not going to discuss that, but what we are going to discuss is this.
Go back to Genesis chapter 4 in your brain for a second. Just for a second. Cain and Abel brought offerings.
Abel brought the firstborn Lamb, the best of his flock and sacrificed it.
That was for one man. Then you get to Exodus 12. You get to Exodus 12, our text this morning.
And there was one Lamb sacrificed for each household. Then you fast forward to Leviticus 17 and the wandering in the desert.
And God set up His tabernacle and said now take an unblemished Lamb and slaughter it for the nation of Israel.
Then you fast forward to John chapter 1 and 1 John chapter 2 and it says this.
Jesus Christ is the final sacrifice, not just for your sins, but the sins of the...
See, limited can not be true. I get total depravity. I get perseverance of the saints.
I get all that stuff. But the blood of Christ is so powerful. It's effective power comes from the source of which it was given, i .e.
God, and not the effect upon who it was given to. That's what makes it so precious.
It comes from God Himself. Back to our sermon. The blood is demanded, but also this.
The blood is distinguishing. Go back to our original text, chapter 12 verse 13. Look what it says.
The blood on the houses where you stay will be a distinguishing mark for you.
When you boys were up in Pleasant Hill. Pleasant, what is it called? Arkansas.
Hey Adam, how you doing, bud? Love you. Biggest razorback
I've ever seen in my life, man. He's like an eclipse. But, they're over in Arkansas. Now, how many boys were with y 'all?
Seven of you young men from this chair. Okay. Alright, good. Did y 'all do anything to slander or put down the blood of Christ?
So, by default, you were different than any age group guys that were there that you saw.
Is that too many words for you, son? He's a mechanic, so he's not that smart. In other words, if we took another seven boys from this age group and plucked them out of any high school
USA, would there be a difference, more than likely? Big time.
Big time. Why? I'm going to tell you why. Because the blood of Christ distinguishes us.
Notice where the blood was put. It wasn't put inside the house. It was put outside the house.
You think because God couldn't see through a wall? No! It was a distinguishing mark, not for God, but for the entire world to sit there and know that these people are different.
2 Corinthians 6, 17 and 18. I'm sorry I didn't write it bigger. It says this,
Therefore, Christians, believers, people of God, come out from among the world and be separate, says the
Lord. Touch not the unclean thing and I will be with you. Is it okay to smoke marijuana?
Well, it depends on what state you're in in today's world. It does. If you're in Colorado, man, you can bust a bowl anytime you want, right?
If you're in Washington, you can twist up a fatty real quick, right? Some of y 'all are giggling way too much.
Tiz, what do you got in your purse, baby? Someone asked me,
Brother Jeff, is it really wrong to smoke marijuana? According to the Tennessee Department of Corrections, yes, or not corrections, the laws of Tennessee, yes, it is.
It really is. It is wrong. That argument should not come within the purview of a born -again believer of the
Son of the Living God. You see, we have got to be marked as different from the rest of the world.
There has to be something different, but it's not about what we're against and what we don't do, legalistic person.
It's about what we stand for and what we put out there. How many times do you take the opportunity as you're going through life to speak the name of Jesus?
How many times? Guys, it's stupid, simple. It really is. You just got to get over your pride of embarrassment.
Oh, Brother Jeff, I'm embarrassed. I'm too ashamed. I'm not ashamed. I'm just embarrassed.
What's the difference between the two? What's the difference? Well, Brother Jeff, I'm just a shy person.
No, you are more worried about what someone will think of you than the proclamation of the name of Jesus Christ.
I remember someone once said, for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God and the salvation to all who believe.
How are they going to know then unless the preacher is sent? Be a fool for Christ. Be an absolute idiot for Jesus.
It's okay. You're going to look like one anyways on judgment day when God doesn't judge you for your sin, but he sits there and goes, look at the grace
I gave you. What did you do with it? While I was standing in the elevator, I didn't want people to think I was weird.
Dude, really? I really need the acceptance of them? Guys, I'm accepted by God Almighty and the people in this room.
I'm good to go. That's all the security I need. That's all the validation I need.
I only really need you people because you don't think I'm a loser.
Guys, God accepted me. Be bold in the name of Christ. Let it be a distinguishing mark on the outside of it.
It told the world who they were, that they were different. Guys, you know what's the difference between us and cults?
You said Mormons. You know what the difference is? The blood of Christ. It is the grace of Almighty God and the propitionary death of Jesus Christ that separates us from the world.
But ladies and gentlemen, the blood of Christ is also the difference between hope and hopelessness.
It's the difference between security and fear. It is the blood of Christ and it's screaming out it is finished that will give you the power to stand in approval of Almighty God.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm telling you churches today that preach a bloodless gospel, preach a useless gospel.
It is the blood of Christ that separates us. Guys, it's not just a mark of separation. It's a mark of newness.
2 Corinthians 5 .17. What's it say? If any man... Hey, bunch of losers.
Come on, y 'all. It's the Word of God. Put it to memory. That word of I hid in my heart that I might not...
Well, Brother Jeff, I keep struggling with the sin. Start memorizing Scripture. I mean, that's what God said to do, right?
If any man be in Christ, King Jimmy style, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.
All things have passed away. Behold, all have become new. Ladies and gentlemen, it is a mark of separation, but it's a mark of newness.
Again, I give you this analogy. Remember when you got your first pair of glasses? Wow! Right?
Remember when you were first saved? Wow! At least it was for me. I was just like, wow, this is so cool.
I had three jobs. I worked at Sears Security. I was a bodyguard and worked for Imperial and was doing some other things.
Right? I remember having those three jobs. I remember walking around the outside of Sears.
I'll never forgive this. Had my little radio, my little slapjack, my little handcuffs. I always loved chasing people down and telling them to not resist.
Police officers. But anyways, I remember walking around there and something came out.
I was like, I don't care man. I turned into like super hippie. I went from like a storm trooper to a hippie in one second.
Guys, I remember someone hitting my truck. I remember going, I don't care.
It's just a truck. There was a newness, a weirdness. There was a peace that came into my life.
Now, I'm going to be honest with you. I was justified by faith and that peace hit me through our Lord Jesus Christ.
And man, for the first three months, I was lit. I was down at Tom Lee Park. I didn't know anything about the
Bible. I mean, I thought Moses and his wife Eve were the first people. You know, I thought
Peter was on the ark. I didn't know nothing, but I knew that I had found something more of a reality.
It had found me. And I was so excited to tell people, man. I was just like, guys, I mean, you don't understand.
And then something happened to me. I started getting religious. I started looking at all the rules instead of the grace.
And my justification went from boom to pfff. I remember on January 15th of 1989,
I said this is stupid. I'm putting all that away and I'm focusing on Christ. And man, that peace hit me again.
And after 20 something years, I'll be honest with you, I still have to go back to the blood of Christ to find the peace of God again.
You see, it is the blood of Christ and his death that gives me peace with God. Not the rules and regulations of a legalistic church, but the grace of almighty
God that gives me peace. Look at this. It says this. It says that Jesus was chosen by God to be the
Passover lamb for the world. If you go to verse 3, the blood and the newness comes from the choice that God made.
Jesus was absolutely perfect. Turn with me. I didn't write this up here. It won't take too long.
Turn with me to 1 Peter chapter 1. Just for giggles. 1
Peter chapter 1. It comes right before 2 Peter.
And after James. 1 Peter chapter 1 starting in verse 18.
It says this. Now he's talking to us. Hey guys, are you bored yet?
I know this whole God and Bible stuff gets boring and you got to stretch and watch your phone. Put the phone down and leave here different than you walked in or you're going to be as big an idiot as you did when you walked in.
I think this is dying. But anyways, watch this. Verse 18. For you know that you were redeemed.
What's redemption men in the doctrine of the word of God? Bought back. Right. You were redeemed from your empty way of life.
Oh, I got to go to work tomorrow. Oh, I got to worry about my checkbook. Oh, I got to worry about this. Oh, I got to control this.
Oh, I got. It's empty. It's fruitless. And you're not going to have peace in your life. You're going to keep searching and you're going to search in stupid things like religion or preachers or songs to give you an emotional upswing thinking that's peace.
That's not peace. That's emotion. The only thing that will bring you peace is the blood of Christ.
But watch this. It says this. From your empty way of life, inherited from the fathers. What is another doctrinal word from that?
The inherited sin. Imputation. Very good. Not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious, listen, the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without defect or blemish.
Verse 20. Watch this. He was chosen before the foundation of the world, but was revealed at the end times for you, who through Him are believers in God who raised
Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.
Jesus Christ was chosen. He was clean, but He was also this. He was consecrated and set apart.
When were you saved? Please do not give me a date, because you don't know it. You don't know it.
Oh no, Brother Jeff, I was in the Billionaire Crusade in 1970. No, that's not when you were saved. That's when you were converted.
When did the plan of God take effect in your life from His perspective, not yours?
Before the foundation of the world, guys. I remember a great author said this.
No sooner than the crunch of the apple had left Adam's lips than Jesus Christ was on His way to Calvary.
That's beautiful. It really is. But it's not doctrinally correct. It wasn't a whoo, whoo, whoo.
They ate the apple. They ate the apple. Red alert. Send Jesus in. That's not how it worked, guys.
God wasn't caught on by surprise. He wasn't like, oh my gosh, what do we do now? Gabriel, Michael, to the staff room.
Let's figure this... to the bat cave. It wasn't anything like that.
God said, let there be light, knowing that the light of the world was going to come one day. God said, let there be the firmness of the land separated.
And Jesus Christ was already there, and it's as if He was slain from the foundation of the world from God's perspective, not ours.
Think like Him, not you. Think like God. God loved me so much before I was created.
He died for me. That's not a separation of 2 ,000 years.
That's a separation of everything. How precious is that blood of Christ that was shed for you before you even knew you what sin was?
Guys, last thing and I'm done. The blood is deliverance. Turn with me to John 5, 24.
I wrote it up here. But if you want to turn in your Bibles, that's good. But let's read
John 5, 24 for a second. It says this. And this is Holman. I learned this in King James.
But it says this. Truly, truly, I say unto you, he who believes in me shall have everlasting life, and will not come into condemnation, but has passed from death unto life.
You know I love that verse so much. It shows me how saved I really am by the blood of Christ.
Let's just in an expository fashion break this down. Truly, truly,
King Jimmy's, or I assure you. Jesus said, I assure you.
I'm not joking. Jesus is coming up and going, hey, stop wondering, stop doubting, stop fearing.
You have my word on this. When my kids were growing up, I had something called the daddy promise.
And I never gave the daddy promise unless I was 100 % sure it was going to happen. You know how kids will come up to you and they'll go, hey daddy, can we go to the fun park or whatever it was called?
I don't know. Josiah would come up, daddy, daddy, can we go eat? You know, because that was all he'd say.
Can we go to, what was that place you went? The Golden Corral? Guys, God, that was so embarrassing.
Man. Huh? I ate a salad. That was it. Guys. Amen. Amen.
And you would tell your kid, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, sure. Yeah, whatever. Yeah, that's on my date book.
But you know, in other words, what you're saying is, shut up. You know?
Shut up. I know that sounds mean and harsh, but usually the people who are looking at me mean are usually the ones that don't have children.
Okay? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But if they asked me a question, they said, daddy, do you daddy promise me?
I would stop. And I'd go, nope, I can't do that. Or I would say, I daddy promise you.
And I never broke one of those. Ever. Jesus says to me, son, this is a daddy promise.
I assure you. Now, watch this. Anyone who hears my word and believes in an infilapsarian, hyper -Calvinistic idea of salvation and then, therefore, is baptized to in the
Southern Baptist Church and tithe. How many of you people didn't tithe today?
You're going to hell. Just kidding. Some of our visitors are like, oh, God. They're digging.
Tithe and then just kidding. Now, watch. Here's the prerequisites. Look, kids.
Brother Jeff, I sinned again. Brother Jeff, I promised God I wouldn't do it and I did it again. Brother Jeff, I failed. None of that's in here.
Here's the prerequisite. Hear and believe. You know what that's called?
Salvation. And it's the same thing from Genesis to Revelation. And it doesn't dispute grace, mercy, justification, sanctification, glorification, propitiation.
In other words, it lines up with every other doctrine and it lines up all the way through Genesis to Revelation in systematic theology, meaning that it's absolutely true.
Brother Jeff, what about baptism? Jesus said do it. But that's about obedience. That's not about salvation.
How many of you have ever spoken tongues before? One, two, three.
Well, then the rest of you ain't saved. I remember three ladies praying over me for 45 minutes, speaking tongues.
I was so young. I didn't know. They just knew I was, you're gonna be a great preacher. They were wrong, but you're gonna be a great preacher.
And they started praying over me. And they were like, somebody stole my Honda. And they were just going nuts. I never did it.
I was worried about that forever until I re -read Scripture. Hears and believes.
Well, I don't have a good church. Hears and believes. Brother Jeff, I keep saying hears and believes.
Now watch this. Notice that's all you have to do. Now notice what God does.
Number one, you have eternal life right now. Look right here.
All the doubts and fears, see the reason you have them is because you're looking at your sin instead of the blood of Christ.
You have eternal life right now. You see, eternal isn't something that starts.
Eternal means both ways forever. That's the very definition of the word. Eternal.
As if I was never removed from God by sin in the first place. I have eternal life.
Now watch. That's present. Look at the next one. It will not come under judgment.
You scared of the future sometimes? If you're a daddy and a father, you will be.
If you're a mommy, you will be. But sometimes you're scared of the future even though you ain't that.
What's going to happen with North Korea? You know? I mean, it's total chaos in the world.
I heard today that there's a company in America that's putting chips in people's hands. Have y 'all heard this?
That's scary, isn't it? That's like Mark of the Beast, Hal Lindsey stuff, right? I ain't really scared because I got a shotgun rifle and a four -wheel drive.
Some of my Hank buddies know what I'm talking about. But listen. That's not why I'm scared.
Because I have the mark of the blood of Christ on me way before they can do anything to my mortal body. In the future,
I'm 100 % confident and assured that I'm going to heaven. You know why?
Because my God promised me, and He don't break promises. The blood of Christ is that powerful and that effective.
Last thing. That has already passed from death into life. I got present, I got future, but the blood of Christ is so powerful, it's not just I walk down the aisle and that's when
I got my sins forgiven. But what am I going to do tomorrow? I need to get them forgiven again.
Hey, ding -dong. The blood of Christ forgives you past, present, and future.
When Jesus bought you, He bought all of you. Lock, stock, and barrel. Your failures are irrelevant to the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Now, for those of you that are just religious and you're seeking a religious feeling, that didn't really do anything for you, for us believers, man, thank you,
Jesus. Man! You mean God knew I was a big, fat, stupid loser?
Yeah, and He knows you still are, but with the blood of Christ, you're a child and heir to the kingdom of God. Cool, man!
Right? I mean, you can be a dumb hick from Kentucky. You can be a big, dumb, redneck piece of white trash from Arkansas.
I mean, not that Adam is. I was talking about the
Mississippi boy in front. You can be whatever you are, right? But the blood of Christ still forgives you.
Now, here's the difference. I always have one intellectual pseudo -genius say something like this. Well, if I'm really saved,
I can go kill 10 million people. Go for it, man. But if you're really saved?
God, man, I freak out when I find a pen from the church in my home. I'm like, oh my God, I stole a pen!
I know that sounds stupid, but I'm not joking. I stole a pen. Oh, God, I gotta get them back.
It's not because I want to be Mr. Goody Two -Shoes. I don't want my daddy be disappointed in me. Them daddy issues sometimes serve you well.
Guys, last thing. I know I said it, but I'm gonna say it again. Last thing. Shut up.
Guys, I am accepted by God because God accepted the blood of Christ. And listen, no man has ever been lost who put his trust in the blood of Christ.
Last verse, and I'm serious, I'm done. Hebrews chapter 10. Turn your pages,
Pavlovian! I was trying to get a Pavlovian response, but someone explain that to the
Mississippi guy. Alright, Hebrews chapter 10. It's right before James.
Hebrews chapter 10. I'm gonna start in verse 28, and I'm serious. Music dudes, y 'all can come up.
Music peopleettes, whatever you are. Band, choir, praise team, whatever the nom de guerre is today.
Alright, watch. Hebrews 10, starting in verse 28. Do it quietly, though.
Gosh, Andrew. I'm just kidding. Verse 28. Watch this. It says this.
If anyone disregarded Moses' law, he dies without mercy based on the testimony of two or three witnesses.
In other words, back then, two or three witnesses, he did it. They didn't have a 14 different appeal process like we went down that express lane to death.
Alright? If two or three people said, I saw him do it, they just flat killed you without mercy. Now take that and contrast it to this.
How much worse punishment do you think one will deserve who is trampled on the
Son of God, regarded as profane the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified and insulted the
Spirit of grace. For we know the one who has said, vengeance belongs to me.
I will repay. And again, the Lord will judge his people. It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living
God. Ladies and gentlemen, if you are out there today and you really are a born again believer, listen, stop squirreling.
If you're a born again believer in the Son of God, then take the Word of God, take the Word of God and let it give you hope.
Let it restore that peace. But don't rely on those feelings of peace.