Sunday Night Bible Study - Hebrews 13 - Part 1



Sunday Night Bible Study - James 1 Part 2

Sunday Night Bible Study - James 1 Part 2

Good evening and welcome to Sunday night Bible study with pastor Joe size Shipley of Wynton Baptist Church We're gonna spend
I'm gonna change it up a little bit. I spend a couple weeks here. Maybe three on Hebrews chapter 13, so let's get right into it.
Okay, we don't know exactly who wrote the book of Hebrews It's the only New Testament book. We're not sure if we wrote it.
There's a few Old Testament books We're not sure but I'm a New Testament. So long when we're not sure of some say
Paul I don't find that convincing because this person in chapter 2 claims to not be an eyewitness
Some say Luke though this person clearly has a lot of Jewish knowledge
Some say Priscilla even or Aquila the husband and wife couple
That were friends of Paul still others say Bonner Barnabas, etc. We're not really sure
But having said all that That's what the book of Hebrews is. It is a book written to Hebraic Christians Jewish ethnically
Christians who some of them are reverting back to the
Mosaic wall as a means of salvation, there's a key term and rejecting the
Messiah's justification by faith, etc The whole book of Hebrews has led up to showing that Jesus is the better covenant.
Jesus is the eternal covenant Jesus is a new covenant prophesied in Jeremiah 31. It's all about Jesus Don't make it about yourself or works or or the
Old Testament all those were a shadow of things to come but the substance has always been about the Christ and This is the final chapter of the book of Hebrews.
I'm just going to read the first six verses Let brotherly love continue do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for thereby some of the entertained angels unaware
Remember those who are in prison as though in prison with them and those who are mistreated since you also are in the body
Let marriage be held in honor among all and let the marriage bed be undefiled for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous
Keep your life free from the love of money and be content with what you have For he has said
I will never leave you nor forsake you So we can confidently say the Lord is my helper.
I will not fear. What can man do to me a Few things about these first six verses first off.
Let brotherly love continue You should know that word especially those you who live in America that word is
Philadelphia philio Family love and Delphi brother
Philadelphia is the city of brotherly love so it's called Here it says let brotherly love continue
This is used elsewhere in the Bible Romans 12 10 about outdoing one another and showing honor in first Peter chapter 1 verse 22 the first sign of obedience of the faith
To Jesus is loving the brethren Ladies and gentlemen, let's remember
What did our Lord say the world will know that you are really my disciples by the way you love one another
Such an astonishing phrase think about it The world a lost unregenerate soul can tell a true
Christian from a fake Christian By the way, they how they dress on for church on Sunday who cares?
Not how much they tithe none of that the world will know that you're actually my disciples By the way, you love each other notice it doesn't even say the world will know you're my disciples by the way you love them
And of course, we're supposed to love the world I'm not that's not what I'm saying But that's not how they tell a true from a fake the world can tell a real from a fake
Christian by the way They love each other the world can look back at some Christians and see that they don't have love for each other and know that they're fake
But the world knows a real Christian even if they don't buy into it a real from a fake by the way They love each other and then amazing
Let brotherly love continue What did Jesus say? When he separates the sheep from the goats
He looks at the righteous and says For I was hungry and you gave me food and I was thirsty and you gave me drink and when
I was in prison You visited me and when I was sick you visited me so and so forth and the righteous look at each other and say
Lord when did we see you hungry or thirsty or visit you when you were sick? And Jesus said this if you have done this to the least of these to each other to other believers
You've done it to me because those are my children when
Peter when Jesus asked Peter Do you love me Peter said, you know, I love you Then Jesus said then feed my sheep prove that you actually love me by feeding machine
The love of the brethren the love of the brethren is how the world knows that we are actually
Christians Now that's for other Christians verse 2 is about the love for the world
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unaware Yes guys angels aren't a bunch of people
Pale skin blue eyes blonde hair with wings and long white robes and halos around their head.
Okay, but The point is you show hospitality to even strangers growing up in my house anyone who came through our door
Did not leave hungry or thirsty unless they chose to I can leave a couple times We had to kick somebody out but apart from that if they came in that door, they would get food
They weren't gonna leave hungry. That's hospitality and you do that even for people. You don't know. It's a strangers
Guys We do a food pantry here. We don't want people who come through these doors leaving hungry
Money is a different thing. Remember Peter and John told the lame man silver and gold have
I not Mm -hmm. We show hospitality even the strangers verse 3
Remember those who are in prison as though you're in prison with them and those mistreated since you're also in the body verse 4 let the marriage bed be held in honor by all and Let the marriage bed be undefiled for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous
Now when you read the Mosaic Law Much of Exodus Leviticus Deuteronomy There are 613 laws the 10 commandments are just the first 10.
There's 613 There are 16 of those crimes of those laws that are capital punishments
Meaning they get the death penalty and yes for you liberals. God is in favor of the death penalty when implemented justly
There are 16 capital crimes When you look at that list, you're like, okay. Yeah, right Murder Then you keep reading the list those who are unrepentantly rebelliously disobedient the parents
Mmm, you're a fornication sex before marriage Adultery you start reading it like hmm.
There's not a whole lot of people who aren't guilty of one of these in fact remember
One of them was don't worship false gods when Moses came down from that mountain all three million or however many it was
Jews Were doing exactly that God's justice said every one of them should die.
God's mercy said I'll only punish 3 ,000 What's amazing about that is we like to look at why they got to kill 3 ,000 question is why do they not kill all 3?
million There was a law Ladies and gentlemen, there's no such thing as mercy if there's not an establishment of justice the law and justice
Show what mercy is if there was no law and there was no justice It wouldn't be deemed as mercy and you know this in your own life
When you have children if you let them do whatever they want. They're not appreciative if You say hey if you let them eat whatever they want all the time
Whatever they want all the time. They're not appreciative if you give them a piece of candy But if the structure and rules and laws
On what they can and cannot eat what time of the day they can eat it and then you say, you know what? You've been good.
Here's a Hershey's bar well, then they're grateful because they received something
Mercy in this case grace point being is the law shows justice and Makes it even more possible to show mercy
Romans says he has imprisoned all and disobedience so he can have mercy on all you will judge the sexually immoral in the adulterous
Ladies and gentlemen, do not forget if you are a Christian you have already been Sentenced you were found guilty
But for those in Christ Jesus has already taken the tab And the punishment has been poured out on him
Romans 8 1 says this there is therefore now no Condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus when you read that tomorrow
It's gonna say there's therefore now no condemnation when you read that next year. It's gonna say there's therefore now no condemnation
Christian you've already been tried. You were guilty and Jesus took the punishment But for those who are not in Christ Jesus, they stand condemned
Our judgment Christian is what we did at the time we had The judgment for those who are not in Christ is for their sins
Keep your life free from the love of money money is not the root of all evil the love of the money the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil
And be content with what you have for he said I will never leave you in all forsaking So we can confidently say the Lord is my helper.
I will not fear. What can man do to me? That's a little intro into Hebrews 13
We're gonna do Part two next week. I hope this was somewhat encouraging to you as it was to me.
This is what we went over tonight I love you guys very much. Be encouraged get into the world into the world read
Hebrews 13 There's a lot of practical stuff in it. If you need something else to read or to be encouraged about I've told you before one of my favorite passages in the
Bible is Revelation 15 verse 3 through 5 check it out. All right.
I love you guys very much. I hope you feel encouraged We'll do Hebrews chapter 13 part 2 next week.