Sunday Night Bible Study, Faith Without Works James 14-26


Pastor Josiah Shipley talks about having faith without works


Evening guys and welcome to Sunday night Bible study with pastor Josiah Shipley of Witten Baptist Church today
We return to James chapter 2 and we start on verses 14 through 26 the infamous
James chapter 2 verse 14 through 26 now This is a good example of how to practice proper hermeneutics
The rules for interpretation a method by which you interpret the Word of God and there are there are seven or eight rules that you can use to help guide that grammar and meaning of words and Cultural history and Using scripture to interpret scripture make sure you know who's talking who they're talking to all that stuff but What normally happens is
Someone will just read verse 24 of chapter 2 which says
You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone We'll just read that verse that won't read anything else and they assume that that is
Contrary to what Jesus and Paul taught that we are justified by faith and not by works of the law Now what we're going to do is read the
Bible as it was written and read it in its context now remember these chapters and verses These little the little chapters and then the little verses were added in centuries after the
Bible was written I'm glad they're there because they help us find things But we need to remember this is a letter it was written as a letter and just like some of the letters or text messages
You have written you want to want someone to take one line out of the middle of it without reading the whole text or tweet
Or whatever that's what you're doing the scripture when you do that So, let's read it all in context because what you're gonna see is if you read the whole thing
No one would ever come away with the conclusion that what James is trying to say is that you are actually saved
By obeying the law and not by having faith in Jesus. No one would ever assume And I'll show you
James chapter 2 starting in verse 14 What good is it my brothers if someone says he has faith, but does not have works can that faith save him?
If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food and one of you says to them go in peace be warmed and Filled without giving them the things they need for the body.
What good is that? So also faith by itself if it doesn't have works is dead But someone will save you have faith and I have works
Show me your faith apart from your works and I'll show you faith by my works. You believe that God is one you do well
Even the demons believe and shudder Do you want to be shown you foolish person that faith apart from works is useless
Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar you see that faith was active along with his works and faith was completed by his works and The scripture was fulfilled that says
Abraham believed God and was counted to him as righteousness. He was called a friend of God You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone in the same way
It was not Rahab the prostitute justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way
Whereas the body apart from the spirit is dead. So faith apart from works is dead
Now let's go through that verse by verse and we may be in this section for more than one week.
I wrote Two full pages on this in my in -person class So we see and in our
Greek of the week for in person, that's what I call our little study our Greek of the week We have the word pistis or in this case piston
Which means faith you can see it highlighted on your screen now now What good is it my brothers if someone says he has faith
But does not have works can that faith save him can that type of faith the faith that is said only can that Save him the answer is undoubtedly.
No There's a lot of emphasis here where it says someone says they have faith and the scripture is clear on this, you know
First John 3 18. I wrote that one down which says Little children we must not love in word or deed but in truth and action
In other words, if you just say you believe or say you love someone and your actions don't show it up.
What good is that? That's not real We can all think of many people who have claimed to love somebody but their actions show different and we would all say they don't
Actually love them Words mean little if there's not action to back it up That's exactly what
James is saying here. Someone can say they're Christian all day long, but there's no actions to back it up There's no fruit of the
Spirit. If there's no love Then that is a false faith a dead faith
Matthew 7 on that day many will come Saying Lord Lord not everyone who says to me
Lord Lord one to my kingdom But only him who does the will of my father which is in heaven Matthew 7 21 through 23
On that day, there's gonna be many people that say oh, yeah. I'm a Christian. I cast out demons
I fed the I fed the hungry and healed the sick and I did many mighty works in your hand and Jesus says
Jesus doesn't say they're lying He says depart from me you work for iniquity because I never knew you
I Never knew you you said you have faith, but it was only a said faith
You had works in One sense but not the works that demonstrate true faith
Love joy peace patience kindness goodness gentle and self -control. I didn't know you verse 15
If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food now Yes, we are supposed to be hospitable to all people
We're supposed to try to be at peace with all people when you notice in verse 15.
We're talking about fellow believers Maybe people in the congregation Who are poorly clothed and lacking in daily food and you say to them
Verse 16 go in peace be warmed and filled without giving them things they need for the body.
What good does that do? in other words Man, I'm really hungry.
Yeah. Okay. Well be filled What what? What or if they're freezing and they need a coat, oh, well, hey man stay warm What what good does that do?
What are the what are those words do? so The demonstration is the correlation is the parallel is verse 17 so also faith by itself if it does not have works works to back it up works to demonstrate it works to show itself is dead
It is necro it is dead verse 18
James Anticipates an argument against what he's saying. Someone will say you have faith and I have works and Paul's and excuse me
James answer is Show me demonstrate show me
Your faith apart from your works and I'll show you faith by my works. I will demonstrate my faith through my
There Ergon through my works, excuse me This is no different than what
Paul taught in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 through 10 For by grace you are saved through faith.
This is not of yourselves. It's the gift of God not of works So no no man can boast.
Well, there it is James says it's demonstrated by works. Paul says you're saved by grace through faith.
It's not of yourselves Not of works so no man can boast James and Paul disagree the
Bible's not real eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die There it is now
Allow Paul to finish speaking Well by grace, you are saved through faith Ephesians 2 8 9 and 10
By grace, you are saved through faith. It is not of yourselves. It is the gift of God not of works
So that no one can boast For we are his workmanship
Created in Christ Jesus for good works that God planned ahead of time that we should walk in them
We're created for good works that God has for ordained a Necessary result of the faith from verse 8 you are saved by grace through faith
This is not of yourselves It's the gift of God not of works. So no man can boast now you have faith verse 10
We are his workmanship his creation created in Christ Jesus for those good works that God planned ahead of time.
We should walk in them The good works are necessary result of the faith if the good works do not result from the faith
The question is was that faith ever real in the first place James answer is no James and Paul are teaching the exact same thing.
This is not that difficult James says Faith will be demonstrated
By good works afterwards Paul says faith will be demonstrated by good works afterwards
Ephesians 2 8 through 10 You've just got to read the whole thing and not cherry -pick that what you want James says in verse 19 you believe
That God is one You do well, even the demons believe and shudder
One is demons have the right head knowledge. They know God is one they believe in the triune nature.
They know scripture They believe Jesus rose three days later, but they do not submit to him as God They recognize that he's
God, but they don't submit to him as God many people in church history have failed
With James at this point even great men like Martin Luther Because they failed to recognize that James and Paul teach the same thing if you read them all in context
Notice that sanctification the process of being made more and more like Christ through his grace will result in a continual change of mind and actions
Sanctification is part of God's salvific plan and has always been True faith true salvation always results in a changed life
Even one that is in process is still a life that is changing. There are so many passages
I'll just I'll read my list here and then I'll quote just a few Philippians 2 12 through 13
Titus 2 11 through 14 2nd Corinthians 5 17 1st Samuel 15 22
John 3 36 Romans 12 1 through 2 Paul and James as well as the rest of the biblical writers have the exact same soteriology
The same one that is taught directly by our Lord in Luke 18 9 through 14 Jesus is teaching in Luke 18 alludes to God's justifying us freely by his grace and that grace
Continuing on to bring about good works. Not the other way around All of these scriptures points of the same thing that good works not bring about faith
But true faith alive faith not a said faith not a dead faith But true faith and a live faith will bring about actions as a result.
It won't just be said It won't just be in someone's brain. It will result in a change action if any man is in Christ He's a new creation old things that passed away behold all have become new
Work out work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who's working in you
Enabling you desire and to work out his good purpose
Anyone who believes the Son has life But anyone who does not obey the Son you see obey is used synonymous me with believe
Because it's a necessary result anyone who does not obey to the Son the wrath of God remains on him
John 3 36 So on and so forth Romans 12 1 and 2 I beg you brothers by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living
Sacrifice holy and acceptable. This is your spiritual worship and don't be conformed to this world
But be transformed by the renewing of your mind So you can prove what is the perfect good and pleasing will of God?
Throughout the scriptures the idea is as such That true faith will result in good works afterwards good works
Do not bring about true faith you demonstrate your faith by good works and that clear
Just allow the scripture to Speak We'll continue with verse 19 next week.
I hope this is helpful guys like share subscribe all that stuff We don't get any money for this just to help spread the word