TIME OUT with Pastor Ben Talley - Colossians 1 & 2


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Good morning, I Am Benjamin Talley. I'm the associate pastor at Wooten Memorial Baptist Church, and this is another time out so this is a another good day to be alive in Jesus Christ and Just wanted to say good morning and Spend some time in the word with you.
So good morning Harvey and Richard It's a good day so our scripture today will come from Colossians actually pretty much everywhere in Colossians will focus on chapters 1 & 2
But I just want to read verses 15 through 19 but again, we'll be throughout the book of the chapters 1 & 2
Colossians But first In marriage, you know, we we tend to think
What do we bring to this relationship? What do we bring to the marriage? As husbands as wives.
This is something that another biblical counselor has pointed out to me. What do we bring to?
these relationships in marriage well, there's a legal component and there's a personal one the legal component is that we enter into a covenant and then
The other is a personal one We the two shall become one
You know and we when we dive into the love and adoration of each other.
Well, you know We are married to Christ. We are the bride of Christ We are united with him
We are one with him once we repent of our sin and place our faith and trust in Jesus Christ.
That is a relationship that is a bond we are bonded with Christ and With that comes certain responsibilities and but What what do we actually bring to that relationship?
What actually do we bring to the? Bond of the the bride being the bridegroom of Christ or the the bride of Christ, so that's what we're gonna look at today and There's gonna be two things.
I want you to take away from this. Good morning, Heather. Um so Let's just see what what
Christ brings to the marriage What does Christ bring to the marriage it says in first Colossians chapter 1 verses 13 through 19 it says he has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved son
So there's one and then it says in whom he are whom we have redemption for the forgiveness of sin
He is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of all creation For by him all things were created in heaven and on earth visible and invisible whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities all things were created
Through him and for him and it says and he is before all things and in him
All things hold together and he is the head of the body the church
He is the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in everything
He might be preeminent for in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell
Then in verse or chapter 2 verse 3 It says in whom all hidden are our hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge
In verse 9 for in him the the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily and You have been filled in him who is the head of all rule and authority
So that's what Christ brings to the marriage. Okay, that's what Christ brings to the marriage.
We are in Marriage with Christ. We are the bridegroom of Christ Now I'm gonna dare to even mention what we bring.
Okay Now listen to this. This is quite shocking says in verse 21 of chapter 2 and you who are once alienated and hostile in mind doing evil deeds
So that's the first thing second thing in chapter 2 verse 13 and you were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh now,
I don't know about you, but To me that seems pretty bad
Right. He brings all these things and then we just simply bring our sinful flesh
What does that do for us? Man The beauty of it all is that shows his limitless grace
Right his limitless grace He brings all these powerful
Attributes to the marriage yet. We are a sinful Humanity in ourselves.
That's all we are sinful humanity We don't bring anything
Except our sin And what does he does do he forgives us?
He forgives us he takes us in and He is entering into a marriage covenant with us
Now that's beautiful That's that's the marriage of the
Lamb That's the marriage of the Lamb of God, right? So that is a beautiful thing.
He takes us in and he unites with us in marriage
Now the marriage supper of the Lamb Is going to be beautiful. There's gonna be songs and and beautiful celebration there and this shows
Exactly how God takes in what is wretched what is sinful?
He takes us in and he accepts us as we are To transform us into something that we never were in the beginning
But what we were meant to be From the very start we were meant to be something
But we did we we ruined that chance through sin and he is restoring us rebuilding us and Back to what we were originally meant to be in Genesis So, what does that do for us what should we take away from this this should cause us to have mercy towards the lost have mercy toward the lost and Accept the grace of God over our lives
Accept the grace of God over our lives You know because if he shows grace to us
We should accept the grace of God over our lives And This is all he brings in the relationship, right?
So this is all he brings to the relationship and we bring absolutely nothing worth anything
Then man, we should be willing to accept the grace that he offers us
When we come to him We're we're sin abounded grace abounded much more so Look at this look at these passages and accept the grace he's given you
Accept the grace he's given you he has cleaned you up He has wiped you off.
He has dusted you off and Picked you back up. He is restoring you.
He is renewing you day by day and Pushing you along To be the child of God you are meant to be so Accept that grace
Accept that grace you are his child Walk with it walk in such a way that is worthy of the gospel of Christ So I love y 'all
And Heather tell Annalise that we will see her soon. We love her. We love all y 'all
We'll be praying for y 'all or I am praying for y 'all Let me pray for you now
God I thank you for this group. I thank you for your word. I thank you for your grace
Lord I thank you that we bring absolutely nothing to this marriage with you to this covenant with you
Lord But you bring it all You are sufficient for all things. Your words is sufficient for all things and you are the grace giver the life sustainer
And the eternal God from everlasting to everlasting In Jesus name.