Covenant Theology: The Covenant of Works (Part Three)
Covenant Theology: The Covenant of Redemption (Part Two)
Covenant Theology: The Covenant of Grace in the Old Testament (Part Four)
Covenant Theology: The Covenant of Grace in the New Testament (Part Five)
What Is-and Is Not-the Gospel? | Theocast
Why Does God Not Care About Me? | askTheocast
Is Christ-Centered Preaching Dangerous? | Theocast
How Often Should I Question My Salvation? | askTheocast
Leaving Pietism | Theocast
Did We Fail 2020? | Theocast
The Implications of the Incarnation | Theocast &
Christ Is Enough...Now What? | Theocast
Does Hebrew 10:26 teach that we can and should reach a certain level of perfection? | askTheocast
The Problem With Spiritual Disciplines | Theocast
Are Spiritual Disciplines Biblical? | Theocast
How do you interpret the narrow gate, narrow way? | askTheocast
Should Christians Struggle With Sin?
The Cravings of the Flesh | Theocast
Does God Leave His People? | askTheocast
The Difference Between Sin and Struggle | Theocast
What Is Biblical Repentance (Part 2)? | askTheocast
Agree to Disagree | Theocast
What's the Bible's take immediate deliverance from a particular struggle with sin? | askTheocast
The Covenant of Grace in the Old Testament | Theocast
Should We Live The Gospel? | askTheocast
Fantasy Christianity | Theocast
What Is Biblical Repentance? | askTheocast
HOT TOPIC: Is There Only One Way a Christians Can Vote?
Left Behind: Have We Moved On from the Gospel? | Theocast
What if I'm struggling to forgive, can I still have assurance? | askTheocast
Why Covenant Theology Matters | Theocast
What is the meaning of 1 John 5:16-17 and the sin that leads to death? | askTheocast
Did It Matter How Jesus Died | Theocast
What Does It Mean to Take Up Our Cross and Follow Jesus? | askTheocast
Is Your Theological System Any Good? | Theocast
Is God pleased or displeased by our actions once we are in Christ? | askTheocast
The "Five Points" of Reformed Theology
Does Jesus' Saving Work Violate the Human Will? | askTheocast
Sexuality, Acceptance, and the Gospel | Theocast
Our Weakness, Sex, and the Gospel
In John 15 when Christ says "abide in me..." should we see that as Law or Gospel? | Ask Theocast
How Not To Read Your Bible | Theocast
How Not to Read Your Bible | Theocast
How does God's sovereignty mesh with prayer? |
What Leaving Pietism Feels Like | Theocast
The Slow Death of Pietism | Theocast
Is there a point at which we can no longer repent? |
What Does God Require To Be Forgiven? | Theocast
What the World Needs Now | Theocast
What Does It Mean to Have Saving Faith? |
Does Your Job Matter to God? | Theocast
What Will Heaven Be Like? |
Should We Fear The Judgment Seat (1 Cor 3)? | Theocast
What Is Covenant Theology? | Theocast
Fearing the Judgment Seat | Theocast
What is the Theology of Glory vs the Theology of the Cross? |
How Should We Respond To Cultural Sins?
You're a Bad Christian If... | Theocast
What does it mean to be a faithful and mature Christian? |
Why Dispensationalist Are NOT Reformed | Theocast