Reconciliation - Part I
Grace Reformation Bible Church
Wrestling with Providence
The Answer of Conscience
Established by God
The Butler, the Baker, the Destiny-Maker
Ruler of the Roundhouse
"Have We Trials and Temptations"
Judah, Tamar, and the Righteousness of God
The Passion of Joseph
"They Conspired Against Him"
Joseph Had A Dream
Common Grace Is Not Enough
"A Voice Was Heard in Ramah"
Israel and the Shechemites
The Land, the Tent, and the Altar
God's Gracious Dealing
Israel at Penuel
God's Camp
"Whatever God Has Said To You, Do It"
Speckled Blessings
The Fruit of the Wombs
Laban and Leah
Only A Few Days
The Importance of Influence
Reaping and Weeping
Jacob's Blessing
Bitter Marriage
Dwelling in the Land
Like Father, Like Son
Despising the Birthright
God's Purpose, According to Election
Who Is This Man?
Prayer and Providence
Edification - Part II: How to Be
Edification - Part I: What to Do
The Hope of Glory
The Faithful Sacrifice
Living Among Those Outside
Isaac Arrives, Ishmael Departs
Grace in Gerar
Lot's Legacy
Remembering Lot and His Wife
Stand Before the Lord
Infinite and Intimate
You and Your Children
The Promise Revealed and Realized
These are the Two Covenants
"Heirs According to the Promise"
"I Am Almighty God"
"The God Who Sees"
Abram's Adamic Failure
The Abrahamic Covenant - Part II
The Abrahamic Covenant - Part I
"Accounted for Righteousness"
Melchizedek, the King of Peace
Deliverance and Witness