Sunday Night Bible Study - Revelation Part 18 - Chapter 19



Sunday Night Bible Study - Revelation Part 19 - Chapter 20

Sunday Night Bible Study - Revelation Part 19 - Chapter 20

Good evening and welcome to Sunday night Bible study with Pastor Josiah Shipley of Witton Baptist Church It is good to be with you guys.
I was making sure there was nothing written on the board that didn't need to be there It's good to be with you guys
We are on chapter 19 of the book of Revelation Last week in our in -person
Bible study brother Christian taught this chapter So I just want to go over it with you guys online who didn't get to be there
And just so we can have a record of it brother Christian Torres jr.
Was Licensed to preach the gospel by our church a few weeks ago
He is an awesome young man, and you've seen him on Tuesday night Bible study before I'm sure So let's uh, let's do an overview of Revelation 19 we've already covered some of this so I Won't sound like a broken record too much
But what we have here is we have the wedding ceremony and we have the Battle of Armageddon Which has already been discussed in chapter 14 and 17.
So without further ado, here we go Chapter 19 verse 1 after I heard what seemed to be a loud voice of a great multitude of heaven crying out.
Hallelujah Salvation and glory and power belong to our
God Remember hallelujah means praise Yahweh that term is used in the Old Testament a lot because yeah is just short for Yahweh in the
New Testament. It's only found here in Revelation Hallelujah praise Yahweh And and this is a celebration of God's righteous judgment on Babylon the great the great whore the prostitute that we talked about from last chapter
And there are celebrating that now some people might say well that sounds mean Why are they celebrating that guys remember
God's justice will be perfect and fair All of the judgments will be perfect and fair.
Everything will be deserved Everyone who gets grace will be undeserved everyone who gets judgment will be deserved.
There will be no unfairness on the part of God's judgment We will agree with this judgment.
We've talked about that before and I know that sounds strange But we will agree with God's righteous judgment and there won't be guys there won't be
As far as we can tell people on the other side of things in hell saying With with any
Proof that what God did was unfair and don't get this idea that people stop sinning in hell and all of a sudden love
God That's not how it works Um Let's skip to the wedding ceremony verse six
Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty
Peals of thunder crying out hallelujah For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns let us rejoice and exult and give him glory
For the marriage of the lamb has come and his bride made herself ready It was granted to her to clothe herself with fine linen bright and pure for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the
Saints And the angel said to me write this Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb.
He said to me. These are the true words of God The angel tells
John tells tells John the Apostle John What's going on and John sees
John sees and hears I should say the marriage ceremony. Remember this is the Bride of Christ Bride of God it's called in the
Old Testament in the New Testament Bride of Christ You know why because Jesus is God and the church the elect the saved
From every tribe nation language and tongue are his bride and what's so beautiful is notice here in verse 8
They are presented With fine linen bright and pure They are presented without spot or blemish.
All their sins have been atoned for and washed away and Jesus will have his bride Pure clean
No taint of sin at all. We often tell people marriage counseling even those who have
Not done things necessarily the right way. We've all in some way have
That you can be virgins on your wedding day of course, we don't mean that in the biological sense, but in the spiritual sense as in cleaned and renewed absolutely, absolutely
The Bride of Christ is no different what God has Atoned for will be presented pure without spot of blemish and sins have been cast as far as east as to west
Remember this guys the best the American Court of Law can do is call you not guilty
That's a whole different thing than innocent not guilty. Just means I can't prove you did what
I think you did innocent means innocent it means Not only are you not
Guilty, but you are completely justified and righteous in what you have done That's how we will be presented
When the angel tells John these things verse 10 John and this is where John goofs up a little bit
And yes, this is sin the Apostle John Falls down his feet to worship the angel verse 10, but the angel said to me don't do that I'm a fellow servant just like you and your brothers who hold the testimony of Jesus worship
God for the testimony of Jesus in the spirit of prophecy John gets a little overwhelmed starts worship worshiping the angel names like uh -uh.
Don't do that worship God Brother brother Christian pointed out in his lesson that this actually gives him so much hope because even the
Apostle John is stupid sometimes Just like the rest of us, right? Even after all this
John Didn't resist the urge to worship something other than God.
I Think right after the angel said that John immediately repented. It's like oh, yeah There's the wedding ceremony the bride will be presented as pure and clean beautiful The rest is the
Battle of Armageddon, which we've read before we'll just quickly go over it again Remember, we really shouldn't call it the
Battle of Armageddon. We should call it the execution of Armageddon as God wins
Verse 11 then I saw heaven open and behold a white horse The one sitting on it is called faithful and true and in righteousness.
He judges and makes war Yes, there is a time where God's mercy ends and his judgment comes to fruition
And the judge of all the earth will do what is right notice that Jesus is the one judging Though in Genesis it says
God's the judge If Jesus is God verse 12 his eyes like a flame of fire and on his head are many diadems
Your Bible may say crowns, but these are not Stephanus. These are diadems as in for royalty
He has a name written that no one knows but himself. I thought God knows everything. How's gonna know
Jesus is God You see a pattern here He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood and the name by which he is called is the
Word of God and The armies of heaven arrayed in fine linen white and pure were following him in white horses from his mouth
Comes a sharp sword which with he will strike down the nations and he will rule them with a rod of iron He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the
Almighty On his robe and on his thigh has a name written King of Kings and Lord of Lords We've talked about that before then
I saw an angel standing in the Sun with a loud voice He called to all the birds that fly directly overhead come gather for the great supper of God eat the flesh of Kings flesh of captains the flesh of mighty men the flesh of horses and the riders and the flesh of all men both slave and free
Great and small I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with the armies gathered to make war against him who was sitting on The horse and against his army and the beast was captured and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those and have received the mark of the beast and Those who worshipped its image and the two were thrown alive in the lake of fire that burns with sulfur
And the rest were slain by the sword that comes from the mouth of him who is sitting on the horse and all the birds Gorged with their flesh more gorge.
Excuse me with their flesh Jesus wins
Brother Christian pointed out last night. Remember the Antichrist the beast the man of lawlessness Who the
Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth? Says they're thrown alive in the lake of fire, which is interesting because the
Antichrist will be a human being so it's like he's Don't alive in the lake of fire dies and his spirit will eternally reside there
Well In an incredible Something I only noticed this week, even though I've read this many times if you notice in You know verse 14 the armies of heaven are all riding with Jesus to make war verse 21
They were all slain by the sword that comes out of the mouth of him is sitting on the horse Jesus is the one who does all the killing
He's the one who does all the judgment he has all these armies with them that are basically cheerleaders Jesus does it all
Those armies don't do anything Jesus does it all and like I said, there's not really a battle they all gather together and the beast is captured and then all the rest were slain by the sword of the of the
The one who sits on the horse out of the comes out of the mouth of him who sits on the horse So Jesus does it all?
They're all just a bunch of cheerleaders Jesus wins we've read this before Jesus wins if you want a synopsis of the book of Revelation It's glorifying
Jesus Christ who will win and again notice in verse 10. It says
Hold to a testimony of Jesus worship God for the testimony of Jesus the spirit of prophecy
We're supposed to worship Jesus if you read the book of Revelation, but here it says worship God because Jesus is
God We've been over this The beast and the armies can do whatever they want
Jesus wins He's not really at war and I understand in one sense.
He is but in reality, it's He has already run he will already win
He's a waiting for the day when his enemies are made his footstool Like I said, it is the execution of Armageddon not the
Battle of Armageddon Okay, there is chapter 19 in a nutshell we got three more
Chapter 20 next week. I hope you guys enjoy these. I hope there are helpful. I love you all very much
Mmm, next week is Easter So I need to find out if we're doing one of these or not because we may have a special at church
So, I don't know if it'll be next week of the week after but the next time I see you on here We'll be doing chapter 20. Love you guys very much.