ATONEMENT THROUGH THE LAMB OF GOD - Isaiah 53 Part 3 with Josiah Shipley


Part 3 of our study through Isaiah 53 with Josiah Shipley If you like what you hear, please like the video, share with your friends and subscribe for more content produced every week.


Sunday Night Bible Study - Revelation Part 4

Sunday Night Bible Study - Revelation Part 4

Good evening everybody and welcome to Sunday night Bible study with brother Josiah Shipley of Wynton Baptist Church I am pleased to be with you again.
We have been working through Isaiah chapter 53 for the past three or four weeks now
I Think we're gonna be able to finish it tonight and After this
I'm considering doing a maybe a two -part Lesson two -part series if you will on the relationship of faith and works
And how if we don't believe which we don't that works are necessary for salvation Then how do they demonstrate faith?
So we probably spent a couple weeks on that after this Okay, so I intend on finishing chapter 53 tonight
Lord willing And if not, we'll spend another week. So you see what we got up there about to get straight into it
We've got a define atonement review imputation apply both to chapter 53 Specifically to verse 10 and then finish through the chapter.
It's good to be with you guys. I love doing this. I Read through all the comments and I appreciate you guys interacting
Always let me know if I could be doing anything different something to help Writing something on the board not writing stuff on the board because it's distracting.
Is it helpful? Teach on this don't teach this way, you know that kind of stuff is helpful
So you guys just let me know and I'll try to help you guys the best way I can. Okay? All right, if you
Have not tuned in to last week's lesson. We spent the entire lesson on Imputation.
Okay. So if you have not watched that yet go back and watch that before you watch this
Okay, that's gonna be super helpful. We spent the whole week just on that one word imputation. Okay? I'm trying to think if there's anything else remember a video from witness produced every day in two on Sunday every day except Friday That time out to Pastor Ben's on Mondays.
We got brother Jeff's Bible studies on Tuesday nights live We got him history with brother Andrew Wednesdays.
We got Wow moment with Vicki and Mercedes on Thursdays Saturdays we have a question and answer and Then Sundays we have the sermons in the morning and Bible study in the evening on question and answer if you didn't check out last week's
Brother David McCowan. I told you guys that new people start doing them brother. David McCowan did one
It's a two -part series and it's really good. Go check it out so you can watch part two Well, I guess it would have aired yesterday
So go back and watch last week's part one and then yesterday's for part two with brother David McCowan Alright guys
Love you guys. Let's get started Isaiah chapter 53 We are going to start in verse 4 and read through the chapter.
Here we go Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet.
We esteemed him stricken smitten by God and afflicted But he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities and upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace and With his wounds we are healed
We all like sheep have gone astray We have turned every one of us to his own way and the
Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all He was oppressed and he was afflicted yet He opened not his mouth like a land that's led to the slaughter and like a sheep that silent before the shears
He opened not his mouth by oppression and judgment He was taken away and as for his generation who considered that he was cut off from the land of living stricken for the transgression of my people and They made his grave with the wicked and with a rich man at his death
Although he had done no violence and there was no deceit found in his mouth Verse 10 yet.
It was the will of the Lord to crush him and put him to grief When his soul makes an offering for guilt
He shall see his offspring and shall prolong his days and the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand
Out of the anguish of his soul. He shall see and be satisfied And by his knowledge shall the righteous one my servant make many to be accounted righteous.
He shall bear their iniquities Therefore I will divide him a portion with the many and he shall divide the spoil with the strong Because he poured out his soul to death and was number with the transgressors
Yet he bore of sin and many and makes intercession with the transgressors. All right, very good
You know, I read through the ESV now that's the Bible I got so ESV is the translation
I read from in case you're ever wondering on these videos if you want to follow along But this chapter in particular a lot of ones
I memorized in Holman So sometimes as I'm reading I'll start saying it in Holman even though I'm reading ESV.
So sorry if there's any confusion Okay, let's start by defining atonement
Okay atonement means a blood sacrifice for the payment of sin again
Atonement is a blood sacrifice for the payment of sin
Okay, Hebrews chapter 9 verse 22 Says this is Hebrews 9 22
Indeed under the law almost everything is purified by blood and without the shedding of blood.
There is no forgiveness of sins Listen that again without the shedding of blood.
There is no forgiveness the blood of the animal without spot or blemish was
Sprinkled you remember that from verse 1 and from chapter 52 was sprinkled on the utensils to purify it
So it was cleansed. It was purified by blood and Then blood was shed
To forgive sin we're gonna see that Leviticus in just a minute so Hebrews tells us that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness ladies and gentlemen a blood payment
Had to be paid for you and I sin remember we talked last week That's why I encourage you to go back and watch if you didn't
Imputation at three stages with the first ones Adam sin imputed on all of us. We're all condemned.
We are born condemned David and Jeremiah and Isaiah said in my mother's womb.
I was conceived in sin. We are born that way We're born guilty. We're already condemned. John 3 36 says for those who don't believe and don't obey the wrath of God remains on them
Not the wrath that God has poured out on them. It already has been it remains on them
You are born with the wrath of God already on you That's the beauty of imputation
You know, it's called propitiation when God's wrath is removed from you and placed on Jesus Christ, which we'll see in just a little bit so just to show you what it means in Leviticus because remember the
Old Testament is nothing more than a type a foreshadowing pointing to the cross
Abraham may have been on that mountain saying well God I don't understand why you want me to kill this bull and sacrifice its blood in place of the sins me in A place of the death of my son.
I'm gonna do it because you said so Adam and Eve in the garden in Genesis chapter 3 may not have understood why
God killed an animal To clove their nakedness after they sinned
But all that sacrifice was pointing to the blood sacrifice of the cross that would pay for our sins
Leviticus 5 I'm gonna start in verse 14 I'll just read 14 through 19 of Leviticus 5 then the
Lord Yahweh Spoke to Moses saying if anyone commits a breach of faith and sins unintentionally in any of the holy things of the
Lord He shall bring to the Lord as his compensation a ram without blemish from the flock
Valued in silver shekels according to the shekel of the sanctuary for a guilt offering
He shall also make Restitution stop right there in Isaiah when you said an offering or sacrifice for guilt
Some of your Bibles will translate it a restitution offering Holman will translate that way read again
This ram without blemish a perfect ram is sacrificed for Restitution for what he has done amidst the holy thing and Shall add a fifth to it and give it to the priest and the priest will make atonement will make
Atonement blood sacrifice for payment of sin for him with the ram of guilt offering and he shall be
Forgiven if anyone sins doing any of these things by the Lord's command Ought not to be done and he didn't know it and realizes his guilt.
He will bear his iniquity He'll bring to the priest a ram without blemish from the flock or its equivalent for a guilt offering and the priest will make atonement
For him for the mistake. He made unintentionally and he will be forgiven It is for guilt offering.
He has incurred guilt before the Lord notice Even though it was unintentional once he realizes his sin, he bears a punishment for it and he still needs a sacrifice
For that sin, you remember Romans 5 when it says, okay, the law was not given until Moses Okay, let's say 1500
BC. Well, there are thousands of years of human history before that So did all their sin not count?
You see the law came to multiply the trespass, but it Romans 5 says even still nevertheless
Sin and death reigned from Adam to Moses Okay The litigus 6 goes on talk about when you sin intentionally and how atonement must be made intentional not intentional
Malice in your heart either way once you realize that sin and God makes you aware and convicts you of it you are guilty of that sin and Something must pay for that sin a blood payment to appease the wrath of God must be made and These rams without spot or blemish these perfect lambs
Foreshadow the perfect lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world To keep reading in Leviticus Chapter 16.
I just want to go over a little bit with you Yeah, so let me let me just summarize it because it's a long chapter, but it's worth reading
Aaron the priest the high priest if you will For the sins of the people of Israel so here's what
Aaron Aaron first had to make himself right with the Lord had to had to repent is what
I mean and Purify himself and then Aaron will bring in two goats Okay, and you can see this in verse 5 bring in two goats and a ram and what he would do
Was with one of the goats? He would sacrifice That goat for the sins of the people of Israel Intentional not intended he would sacrifice it and that blood payment was representively through obedience believing in God paying for the sins of Israel and then the other goat
He would set free. Okay, and he would set that goat free and that goat would go out into the wilderness
I'm trying to find the verse you can stay along with me Yeah, verse 21 and Aaron will lay both hands on the head of the live goat not the one he just killed the live goat and confessed over the iniquities of the people of Israel and all the transgressions and all of our sins and I'll put them on the head of that goat and send it away into the wilderness by the
Hand of a man in his readiness and the goat shall bear their iniquities on itself to a remote area
And he'll let the goat free in the wilderness So Not only was a blood sacrifice
Made for the sins, but then those sins and that wrath of God would be taken away
So on the live goat, it would be set free in wilderness never to be seen again taking away
The sins of the people guys when the Bible says that he cast our sins as far as east as the west
It's not that God forgets them He doesn't hold them against you He removes them from you
So that you are not laid down by them If you are weighed down by your sins, you don't have to be because they are forgiven
You will still bear the consequences of them but you don't have to bear the guilt of them anymore because Jesus took them on himself on the cross and then
It's called expiation took them away never to be seen again guys at the end of All things
God doesn't look at weighing you did this much good and you do this much bad I barely made it or you didn't you're already condemned
That's what we talked about last week You were born condemned the wrath of God remains on you if you don't believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross
But if you do, it's not that God forgot your sin. He doesn't hold you against you because he poured out his wrath on his son
Jesus Galatians 2 20 says this I am crucified with Christ.
Nevertheless, I live But it's not really me but Christ living in me.
So the life that I have left in the flesh. I Live by faith in the
Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me I don't frustrate the grace of God for if righteousness comes by the law, then
Christ died for nothing You cannot work your way to heaven you can't be good enough
Romans 3 11 said there's no one on their own even seeking God God in his mercy
Convicts the world of sin, but listen that verse again I'm crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live but it's not really me
It's Christ living in me. You can't serve God without God even as a
Christian Philippians 2 Says work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is
God working in you enabling you Both to desire and work out his good purpose even as a believer
He gives you desire and ability to carry out that good purpose The life that we live in the flesh we live by faith in the
Son of God Who loved us and gave himself for us? He had to give himself for us because a blood sacrifice is necessary for the payment of sin
So tell me is a blood sacrifice being necessary for sin. We saw in Leviticus. Well Hebrews 9 in Leviticus how foreshadowing that the people of God would sacrifice lambs and goats and rams and in their obedience and faith
God would recognize that as payment for sin Hebrews 10 says the blood of bulls and goats never took away the sin
Okay, Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as Righteous.
They just believed and obeyed God God was foreshadowing them the real lamb of God Jesus Christ That would take away the sins of the world
The whole sacrificial system was pointing to the cross It's not that God actually wanted the bloods of bulls and goats what he wanted was obedience 1st
Samuel 15 22 All right Let's read a little bit more.
Let's review a little bit on Imputation for those who weren't here last week and haven't watched last week's yet and decided to go ahead and watch this one before you had
Finished it and we didn't read this passage last week. So that's okay. I'm gonna go to Zechariah chapter 3
I'll go ahead and I'll read the chapter. It's only 10 verses. Here we go. Zechariah 3 1 through 10
The Joshua here's Joshua the high priest not Joshua in the book of Joshua. Here we go Then he showed me
Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord could do a whole lesson on that and Satan standing at the right hand to accuse him and The Lord said to Satan the
Lord Rebuke you Oh Satan the Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you is
Not this a brand or a burning stick plucked from the fire Now Joshua was standing before the angel clothed with filthy garments clothed with filthy garments and the angel said to those who were standing before him remove
The filthy garments from him and he said behold I have taken your iniquity away from you.
I will clothe you with pure vestments and I said let them put a clean turban on his head
So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him in garments and the angel of the Lord was standing by Verse 6 and the angel
Lord solemnly assured Joshua assured him Thus says the Lord of hosts if you will walk in my ways and keep my charge
And you'll rule my house and have charge of my courts I will give you the right to access those who are standing here here now
Are Joshua the high priest you and your friends who sit before you? For they are men who are assigned behold
I will bring my servant the branch That's Jesus verse 9 for behold on the stone that I have set before Joshua on a single stone with seven eyes
I will engrave its inscription declares the Lord of hosts and I will remove The iniquity of this land in a single day verse 10 in that day declares the
Lord of hosts Every one of you won't write his neighbor to come under the vine and under his big tree the branch
Jesus it's repeated in Jeremiah 29 but I want you to notice this this is a vision if you will of imputation
Joshua the high priest the church man Okay, the godly one
Was clothed in filthy garments covered in he was covered in sin And the
Lord removed those filthy garments you see that sin was imputed on Jesus but guys if it stopped there
That would still not be enough to get you in heaven because you have not been Righteous you've been your sins been removed, but you still have
Christ's righteousness on you But then it says this he removed the filthy garments, and he put on pure garments and a clean turban
He put on his right to see Your sin is imputed on Christ Christ righteousness is imputed on all who believe
Okay, and we'll get in this more next week when we talked about what we already said about how the relation of good works
After true faith comes about not that works save you there a result a sign of true faith if you will but notice what it says after That happens if you walk in my ways keep my charge rule my house of charge in my courts
I'll give you the right to access those who are standing here So here's a good picture of imputation you're clothed in filthy garments every one of us
They are removed from you, and they are put on Jesus, and then Jesus is righteous put on you
This is what we read in 2nd Corinthians 5 21 Last week he became sin who knew no sin so that we could become his righteousness, okay?
So atonement blood sacrifice for the payment of sin we reviewed imputation a little bit So let's apply that to Isaiah 53 specifically verse 10, but first verse 5
But he was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities now just stop for a second
Jesus was crushed for our iniquities look at verse 10 Yet as was the will of the
Lord to crush him come to that in a minute He was pierced for our transgressions crushed for our iniquities and upon him was the chastisement or the punishment of our peace
And by his wounds we are healed he was pierced for our transgressions crushed for our iniquities punished for our peace
We are healed by his wounds This is atonement. It's a substitutionary atonement a
Substitutionary death blood payment is required for you, and I sin and a substitutionary atonement
Jesus died in our place That's what that means a substitutionary atonement Because verse 6 all we like sheep have gone astray
Remember, he's the Good Shepherd, and he has other sheep not of that original fold He has other sheep
Gentiles if you want to call them. That's all of us who are non -jews and We've all turned our own way
Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not in your own understanding you see without God we all have turned our own way and The Lord has laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all those filthy garments that Adamic sin
That our sin nature has been placed on Jesus verse 9 they made his grave because he died in our place with the wicked and with a rich man at his death hmm
Where was Jesus buried? It was very close to Golgotha to the place of the skull
Calvary if you want to call it that Joseph of Arimathea you remember
Joseph of Arimathea gave up his tomb a new tomb That no one had ever been in gave up his tomb for Jesus a rich man at his death
They made his grave with the wicked remember Jesus died with two criminals, right? He made his grave with the wicked and a rich man at his death.
He was buried by Joseph of Arimathea Oh, they had done no violence and there was no deceit found in his mouth this whole passage 5 through 9 most of it is quoted in 1st
Peter 2 22 through 25 go read it for yourself later 1st Peter chapter 2 22 through 25
All right verse 10. This is what I wanted to apply here Yeah, here we go Yet it was the will of the
Lord remember all caps means the proper name of God was used Yahweh or Jehovah It was the will of the
Lord to crush him. See earlier. It said he was crushed for our iniquities. Well who crushed him? God the triune
God Okay Eternally planned for the Son of God to be the sacrifice for sins guys.
There are whole books on Asking the question that who killed Jesus the answer is
God. Well, Josiah, I thought you said Jesus is God He is remember what Jesus said in John. No one's taking my life.
I'm laying it down The father poured out his wrath on the son guys
The Jews didn't reality kill Jesus even though they did in human sense The Romans didn't kill
Jesus in reality, even though in human sense they did Our sin was placed on Jesus, but even our sin doesn't have the power to kill
Jesus guys It's not like there's a dualist Universe where there's evil and there's good and they're equally eternal and equally powerful and God is at war with you
God has won No one took Jesus's life. He laid it down.
It was the will of the Lord God the father crushed his son Crushed him
God the father crushed his son Not the Romans not the Jews God the father crushed his son.
It's a very difficult verse to read. It makes you emotional when you think about Crushed him why?
Well, look at verse 5. He was pierced for our transgressions crushed for our iniquities
Punishment for our peace was on him by his wounds We are healed our sin didn't have the power to kill him.
He willingly died For our sin, he wasn't overpowered by it God the father crushed his eternal son for our sins, that's what
Galatians 2 20 says who loved us and gave himself for us and I know
I've said this for three weeks in a row and some of you that listen every week get tired of it But I always know there's new people listening.
So I just have got to emphasize this again the story of the gospel I don't care what modern
Christian music tells you Listen to me the story of the gospel is Not to show you that you were worth dying for You were not worth dying for you're not and neither am
I We all like sheep have gone astray. We've all said screw you God. I'm doing alone. There's no one even seeking him
It's not like anyone's even giving it the good old college try on their own No one's even seeking him and Ephesians 2 says we were dead in sin without hope and without God, but God Demonstrates his own love toward us and yet while we were still sinners saying screw you
I don't need you Christ died for us The story of the gospel is not to show you you were worth dying
But to show you you weren't worth dying for And he died for you.
Anyway, that's grace That's mercy Not that you're worth it but that he you weren't and neither was
I and he died for us Anyway, that's the gospel and it was the will of the Lord it pleased the
Lord to crush him severely and he's put him the grief and when soul makes a Restitution offering an offering for guilt as what we read in Leviticus 5 see
God wasn't just writing Leviticus for them He was writing it for our benefit now We could go back and see that all that was pointing to the cross
Verse 11 and out of the anguish of his soul He will see or see light and be satisfied and by his knowledge
Shall the righteous one my servant make many to be accounted righteous Remember what we read last week the righteousness of Christ is imputed on believers not the whole world only those who believe by faith
It's the righteousness by faith to what Romans says by faith And therefore having been justified by faith we have peace with God through our
Lord Jesus Christ He'll make many to be accounted imputed charged credited as righteous the righteous one
Righteous one Credits us as being righteous by giving us his righteousness for those of us who believe
Therefore I will divide a portion For him among the many he was about to spoil strong because he poured out his soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors
He bore the sins of many and makes intercession for the transgressors. That's quoted in some
New Testament passages I want to Do one more thing Then summarize and then we'll be done with this chapter and we'll move on something else next week
I want to go back to a passage. We read two weeks ago And for those of you that Were here two weeks ago
Look I don't think there's anything wrong with reading the same Bible verse twice For those of you weren't maybe this will give you a new perspective.
You've never Heard it put this way where well God saw you and loved you and thought you'd be worth dying for so he died for you in Exchange for you because you're special when the
Bible says you weren't special You're a sinner just like everyone else including myself and he died for you. Anyway Guys the more and more you realize how sinful you were and you are today
More thankful you are for grace Let me ask you a question You know,
Jesus said I didn't come For the righteous, but for the unrighteous Who do you think gives more praise and glory to God?
The one who says I'm special God died for me because I'm pretty good guy
Or the one who with empty hands Says God I have nothing to offer you and I have brought nothing to the table.
I haven't even brought my faith Because the Bible says that you are the author of my faith.
What is an author? He's the source of my faith I haven't even brought you anything. In fact, not only have
I not brought you anything I have turned according to Isaiah 53 5 and 6 and run the other way.
I have forsaken you And I am not even looking to return to you according to Romans 3 11
There is no one that's even seeking God, but God Being rich in mercy because of his unfailing love.
He had for us made us alive, even though we were dead in Sin, how many dead people, you know searching for God?
Ladies and gentlemen, you may be alive in the flesh But every lost person on this planet and every person who has been saved was lost
Was dead in their sin, dead It is by grace
You have been saved. The passage that we were going to reiterate is Acts chapter 4 verse 26 and 27
And I want to highlight this and it's right here Because Isaiah 53 10 says that Yahweh the father
Jehovah the father was pleased to crush his son With that in mind, okay who killed
Jesus God Jesus gave his life Jesus being God gave his life
And The father poured out his wrath on the son. Let's read
Acts 4 Very quickly. Remember that Peter and John had been in and out of jail in and out of meetings with the
Jewish rulers after healing the lame man being bold in their faith. They had been released and In verse 24, they start a prayer.
Let's let's read starting Acts 4 24 through 28 and when they heard it they lifted their voices together to God and said sovereign
Lord Who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and everything in them? Whom through the mouth of your father
David your servant said by the Holy Spirit Remember the Bible was written by men, but it's authored by God Said this why the
Gentiles rage and the people's plot in vain The kings of the earth set themselves and the rules were gathered together
Against the Lord and against his Messiah verse 27 Remember, they're in Jerusalem a few months after their crucifixion acts 427 says this we're truly in this city
They were gathered together against your Holy Servant Jesus whom you anointed both Herod and Pilate Along with the
Gentiles and the people of Israel to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place
Herod remember Herod at the crucifixion Pilate remember
Pilate If you don't remember this account of the crucifixion go read
Mark chapter 15 sums it up really good in one chapter It says the
Gentiles remember the Roman soldiers. They beat Jesus over the head with the reed they whipped him
They beat him they slapped him they plucked his beard out Some of these you may not even remember.
Yeah, they plucked his beard out They beat him over the head had the crown of thorns on them. They mocked him slapped him
Whipped him made him carry his cross beam and crucified him
There were the Jews Go read in Mark 15 It's prophesied in Psalm 22 6.
Here's what it says. I'll summarize it As he was hanging on the cross nails in his hands and his feet suffocating
Says they Sorry, I get a little emotional about this part says
They walked by wagging their heads at him Wagging their heads at him and said
So you're the king of the Jews. Are you you said you would tear down the temple and build it back in three days?
Save yourself. Oh King so that we'll see and believe they're mocking him right? Oh save yourself
You're nailed to a tree. You can't do anything They mocked him they pretended to worship him
And it's prophesied in Psalm 22 you can read about it it says in Acts 4
That in Jerusalem Herod Pilate those Jews that we were just talking about that said those things and those
Romans those Gentiles that did Those things came together against Jesus verse 28
To do whatever God's hand and God's plan predestined to take place
Beside you're saying that Herod and Pilate Jews and Gentiles are just puppets and robots that God is making it.
No, no, no I'm saying God's even more powerful than that Those groups of people did whatever they wanted to do of their own volition of their own volition
But what Genesis 50 20 what they intended for evil God intended for good
What they planned for evil what they planned for evil in their hearts God planned for only good see
God has never planned evil God's never if God intends it it's good.
Even when we can't see the good guys That's why we can believe the promise that he works all things together for the good of those
Who love him and are called according to his purpose What they intended for evil
God intended for good We spoke last week. There's a popular song out right now that I like a lot.
I listen to it all the time But it stops short of giving God the most glory
I think possible and I don't think it intends to I just I would change one word Okay, and the song goes something like this you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turned it for good
Now, I'm not mocking the song. I like the song. I want you to think about it for a minute He takes what the enemy meant for evil and he turns it for good
Doesn't that make it sound like even if this is not what the songwriter meant that he's reacting.
Oh Man I didn't see the Romans doing that. Oh, I didn't think pilot was gonna do that guys
Genesis 50 20 doesn't say that he took what the enemy meant for evil and then Found a way to make some good come out of it.
No, no, no what they intended for evil. He had eternally intended for good
Jesus Christ was slain from the foundation of the world He chose us in him before the foundation of the world
Romans by the way Revelation 12 9 Ephesians 1 4 and go look for yourself And he always intended for good even though they intended it for evil.
He always intends it for good Peter and John recognized and Luke who wrote
Acts about Peter and John here Recognized as they're praying that what
Herod and Pilate the Jews and Gentiles intended for evil God intended for good So that going all the way back to Isaiah 53
God can prophesy about a horrific evil event of the crucifixion 700 years before it happens and say that even though all those people did all those things
But the Lord was pleased to crush him seriously Ladies and gentlemen God Didn't wait for you to look for him
To come running to you Just like the prodigal son Was off from afar
The father saw him from afar and ran to the son Ladies and gentlemen, we only love
God because he first loved us while we were still sinners Christ died for us God did not wait for you to get right before he loved you and died for you
God wasn't surprised in Genesis chapter 3 when Adam and Eve sinned God isn't surprised when you are
God loves Us and gave himself for us
Before we ever called for him in summary recognize that Isaiah 53 is written in the past tense prophesying about a crucifixion that will take say place 700 years in the future
By the hands of an empire the Romans who aren't even in existence when this was written not even thought about it's the
Assyrians the Babylonians we're not even talking about the Romans right now The Greeks haven't even taken over the world yet much less the
Romans all to the foreknowledge of God's plan That's how much
God loves you Okay, sorry follows all over the place. I love this stuff.
I Will talk about the relation of faith and works and how there is no works based salvation
But works are a sign of true faith. We'll read James 2 we got a lot of stuff to read on that. Okay, I Love you guys.
Hopefully this helps somewhat summarize Isaiah 53 I Look forward to seeing you guys next week
Go ahead and read. I'll tell you what let's do this. I'll just give you two verses read for it for next week
Just to I want you to read John 336 and Ephesians 2 8 through 10
John chapter 3 verse 36 in Ephesians 2 8 through 10.
Alright guys. I love you. Don't forget to tune in the pastor Ben's timeout tomorrow Monday mornings at 10 a .m