What do we do with Israel? part 2 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)



What do we do with Israel? part 3 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)

What do we do with Israel? part 3 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)

Now I want you to pay attention. It wasn't anything in Israel. It wasn't their military gods.
It wasn't the type of people. Today is setting the groundwork for next
Sunday. Next Sunday is when we have a culmination of this sermon series on the idea of what do we do with Israel?
Why is it a big deal to us? What is Israel? It's a nation. Whoop -dee -doos.
There's 168 others like it all over the world. Why does Israel seem to be in the center of everything?
And that's what we're going to talk about next Sunday. Now next Sunday is going to deal with a lot of prophecy.
It's going to be a lot of eschatology. And so I'm going to give you some things this week that you really need to study for you to comprehend it on a fuller nature.
But let's just review just for a second. First of all, let's read Psalms 105 starting in verse 6 through 11.
It says this, He is the Lord our God. His judgments govern the whole earth.
Now let me stop. Don't just read through this. The words actually mean things.
He governs the whole earth. He remembers His covenant forever. Not just in the times of David or Abraham, but forever
He remembers His covenants, the promises He ordained for a thousand generations.
The covenant He made with Abraham, swore to Isaac and confirmed to Jacob as a decree and to Israel as a permanent covenant.
I will give the land of Canaan to you as your inherited possession.
Portion, I'm sorry. Last week we talked about four things that we had already seen happen.
I'm going to wait a minute. It's my fault. There we go. There we go. And we're going to go over those.
But before we do, I'm going to kind of set the stage on who's who. Okay. Some of these things that I'm going to be talking about, if you don't already know who's who, it's going to be kind of hard for you to understand.
First of all, I want you to understand that Islam is like Christianity. I know they're in the
South and the Southern Baptists and all that other stuff. Muslims are all
Muslims. That is not true. Do you all realize there are 10 ,000 different denominations of Baptists alone?
Just Baptists. There are over 10 ,000 different denominations. I can't even begin to tell you how many different Christian denominations there are, but there are a bunch.
Well, Islam is the same way. You have Sunni and Shia, and you've heard of those two before.
But what I want to mark out for you real quick is I want you to notice the difference in numbers.
Sunni Muslims are 1 .39 billion people. 3 .9 billion people who follow
Islam. The Shia is 200 million. So there is a great difference between the two.
Now there's Zayda, and there's others out there, but these are the two main you hear one.
Now, like other religious people that have theological disparities,
Sunni Muslims they shoot and kill each other. Now, we Christians have never done that. Never have done that because we're
Christians. Guys, our history, and you've got to understand when I say Christian, I am talking about something different than the religion.
If you've sat under my teaching for a while, you know that I hate religion with a flaming passion.
One that is unbridled in just absolute disdain. Our history as a
Christian religion is soaked in blood. It just is. It is absolutely atrocious.
I was talking to someone the other day about the Spanish Inquisition, and they said, oh, well, that's Catholic. That doesn't count.
Really? Wow, that's awesome. You are a stud. So what do you do with the Salem Witch Trials?
What do you do in 1848 when the Southern Baptist Convention became the Southern Baptist Convention to keep millions of people into slavery?
So please make sure you understand that that second switch by the light switch in your bathroom is an exhaust fan.
Please use it because you'll crap stink too. All right? Now, I want you to understand the difference between the two, and you've heard some of this.
Everything in red is Sunni Islam. All this is Sunni. Everything in blue is
Shia. Now you might say, why is that important? Well, if you look right here, see this itty bitty little, this is
Israel right here. And right, I can't keep it steady enough, but right there is
Gaza. Now, you've heard about Hamas a bunch in the news.
Hamas is the political organization in charge of the Gaza Strip right now.
Now we're going to do a little history, so don't let me lose you. But also you've heard of Hezbollah.
Hezbollah is the Shia group, Hamas is Shia, Hezbollah is
Shia, and they're north here in Lebanon. Actually, you have this third group down here that's been firing rockets.
These are the Houthi rebels. They are Zeta. They are a different type of Islam, but there's a lot of Shia down here too.
So the reason I point this out is Hamas and Hezbollah are two different groups.
These guys down here are a totally different group, but all three of them follow these guys right here.
This is, Iran is the power broker of the
Shia Muslims in the Middle East. These guys right here, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, but mostly
Saudi Arabia, are the main Sunni Islamic tribe. Now you're saying, pastor, my gosh,
I came to hear about Jesus. Well, you are, because what's really cool about Jesus, he told us all this would happen.
So anyways, this is kind of the political setup you have. Now, if you ever have someone tell you, well, if Israel would just let
Gaza be free, everything would be okay. Well, there's a problem with that, because back in 2005,
Israel said, we done. And they pulled all their troops out of the
Gaza Strip and said, y 'all got it. Here's the ball. There's the end zone.
Y 'all run the touchdown. Well, at the time, there was a group named Fatwa, and they were the political organization.
Think of Republican and Democrat. The Republicans were in charge.
They got kicked out, and the Democrats came in. Well, that's what happened. Fatwa, in 2005, they were in charge of Gaza, and they said, yes, peace, let's give peace a chance.
And then the radicals, the Shia radicals in Gaza said, man, no.
Our stated goal is not just to be free. Our stated goal is from the river to the sea.
And what that means is Israel has got to go. We are not going to take this anymore.
Quiet right. Never mind. So anyways, that's what was going on. And so from 2005 onward,
Gaza was in charge of itself. They really were. People say, well, you know, they didn't get a fair break.
That's not true. There were nations all over the world, not just the United States of America.
The U .N. were funneling money in there to try to help establish a sense of normalcy.
People say, well, they were in a prison. Well, yes and no. I strongly disagree with that.
I think that's an apple and orange idea, because 25 ,000 Gazans came to work in Israel every day, every single day.
It was easier for a Gazan to walk across into Israel than it is for a Mexican to walk across the
Rio Grande, okay? You don't even have to get wet. They just walked right in there and said, here, I'm here. And that's how it was.
But just like everything else in life, you have the people that, yeah, they're
Islamic. Here's something you need to understand. In Israel, there are a bunch of Muslims.
There are a bunch of Arabs. There is a whole Israel Defense Force Brigade that is made up of Arabs.
It's not all the Arabs against the Jews. It's not as simple as that. The world's a lot bigger than Bartlett, guys.
There are a lot of Arabs that are fighting for Israel. There are a lot of Arabs fighting for Israel, okay?
It's not as simple as we or the news want to make it sound. It's not
Arab against Jew or Arab against Christian. It's something bigger, and we're going to get to that in just a minute.
So this is kind of the setup you got. I hope that kind of clarifies some things, and it is important because of this right here.
Now, this is a little bit better map. This is a little bit better map, but I want you to understand some things.
Israel, as a nation, has only existed as a modern nation since 1948.
1948. And we're going to go over all these next week.
We're going to talk about the wars. And Israel has antagonized the situation as well as the
Arabs. Christians, let me bring this to you face -to -face. I love reading the
Word of God, but here's what I hear some preachers do. They take all of the main protagonists in Scripture and make them out like they're wearing white hats and they're the hero.
I can't ... David was a scumbag. David was a cheating, adulterous murderer.
Solomon Abraham was a racist. I mean, he's talking about racist pig. Every single person in Scripture was not a pure driven person, and this is what gives me such hope in my own self because I'm a big scumbag too, right?
Now, I don't cheat on my wife and haven't murdered anybody yet, but at the reality, well,
I haven't had a deacon's meeting in the past few weeks. But anyways, we're all sinful.
There was this guy that once said, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, for there are none righteous, no, not one.
Oh, that's right. His name was Jesus. Understand the only universal truth there is, is that all men are totally depraved no matter where you come from or what you call yourself.
And just because you're a Baptist Christian or a Methodist or a Presbyterian or a
Muslim, it don't matter. You still hold the stain of sin. Now, are you righteous if you're covered in the blood of Christ?
Yes, but that flesh is still condemned. So here we are. Here's Israel.
Now, you have to understand, and this is really important, you have to go back. Oh, I was talking about the
Jews are antagonizing this. So this idea was made up in 1967.
In 1948, Israel became a nation. They had to fight a war of independence, which is really, like, miraculously cool.
We'll talk about that next week. And these were the boundaries that were drawn up except for this part right here.
And if you look right here, this is Jerusalem, way over here. And this is the Jerusalem.
And it's actually split in half. We were going to Israel this spring.
Of course, we can't now. But one of the places I wanted to go was Bethlehem. And Bethlehem is about 10, 15 miles south of Jerusalem.
Well, I can't go there because it's in Muslim hands and they're not really kind to Christian peoples.
But anyways, here's what the Jews are doing. They're saying, okay, we'll give you Gaza. We'll give you West Bank. And by the way,
West Bank and Gaza are basically the same people group split in half, okay? And here's what the
Jews say. They say, okay, we'll respect your boundary. Here's your boundary.
We won't encroach on it. We're going to get right here. We're going to build a camp. And this is where we're going to build the camp.
But Bob wants to build a house right here. But that's fine. Our mayor's office is back over here on this line.
So we ain't touching that. And then over the years, it just spreads and spreads and spreads.
And basically, the Jews are walking up to the Muslims doing this. I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you.
I'm not touching you, right? And so once again, you cannot look at this as simply good and bad.
Like it's not a story that began once upon a time and you have the good guys and you have the bad guys.
Remember, everyone's the bad guy. The only good thing is God's sovereign hand. All right? Watch this.
Last week, we talked about this. Ready? God promised Abraham, sorry, that's cut off.
God promised Abraham that his descendants would be a nation. Way back in Genesis chapter 12, verses 1 through 3.
Now remember, here's Jesus Christ. Here's 2 ,000 years later and we're sitting here in Witten Baptist Church.
Here's Jesus Christ 2 ,000 years before that was Abraham. Okay? God told
Abraham 2 ,000 years before Jesus Christ, yeah, you and your wife are going to be a great nation.
And he's like, dude, I'm 75 years old. I ain't even got a kid. You know? I'm like Pastor Josiah.
All I can have is girls and I ain't even got them. Right? How am I going to be a great nation?
How is that going to be possible? God said, because I said so. And Abraham believed
God and it was imputed to him as righteousness. So Abraham started having kids.
And people think he just had Isaac and Ishmael. That's not true. After his wife died, he remarried again.
And like Rodney, even at a mature age, he was a player. All right? Rodney getting married next week.
That's my boy. So Abraham's descendants,
Abraham had Isaac, Isaac had Jacob, Jacob had 12 sons and God changed his name to Israel.
That's where you get the 12 tribes of Israel and that's where Israel came from. They grew, they grew, they grew.
They ended up in Egypt. They got in slavery. They grew some more. They grew into this massive amount of people over 400 years.
They walked out of Egypt with about a million and a half people and took over Canaan. And that's where all that started.
God told them that's what was going to happen. And the fact that we have a nation called Israel today, that's not church talk.
That's not a government conspiracy. You people that look for black helicopters, answer yourself this question.
We have the written text of this from Genesis predating anything of Israel predating anything of Jesus and it said that.
You would be a great nation. It'd be like me looking at Mike and looking at his wife and going, one day y 'all are going to have your own state and it's going to be the state of Mike.
And it's going to be filled with nothing but descendants of Mike. God, I wouldn't go there.
But anyways, the Jewish people will be scattered for their disappearance.
Now once again, I'm just doing a little history lesson with you. This is reality.
If some of you who spend too much time playing video games and you're mad at the church because you're rebelling against your parents because you have daddy issues, that's fine.
Use Wikipedia if you want. Don't listen to me. But in 722 BC, after Israel was a nation, the nation of Assyria came in and captured a bunch of Israelis and took them off and spread them out all over the place.
They went everywhere. Here's an example that I have for 6 ,000 years.
I'm sorry, 4 ,000 years. 4 ,000 years an entire people group has looked at God and said, whatever.
Turn their backs on him. God spanks them and says, now come on back home. Man, isn't it good that no matter how idiotic we are and for how long we are,
God already has a plan to bring us home? Israel in Isaiah 66, written 700 years before Jesus, there was no
Israel. There was no nation. And I'm waiting for an atheist or anthropologist or archeologist to explain this to me.
Their people group ceased to exist. Their national identity ceased to exist.
Not for 10 years, not for 20 years, for 2 ,000 years, actually 2 ,500 years, you can't find
Israel on a map. There is no Israel. Rome actually renamed the whole thing.
Palestine, right? But it wasn't a country. It was a region like Yellowstone.
It was just a region within a state. They ceased to exist.
And then in 1948, in one day, in one day, a nation is born.
People say, well, America was like that. Go back and study history. Man, you're on crack.
Well, they signed that declaration July 4, 1776. It wasn't until 1783, 1783, the war was over and we still hadn't had that constitution ratified.
Israel is the only nation, the only people group in the history of mankind that ever became a nation overnight.
Now let me stop here and just like I did with God's not done with you. For all of you folks in here that are trying to convince yourself and everybody else how smart you are and that God and all this
Bible, Christian stuff is all a bunch of garbage, wrap your head around this for just a second.
God literally fulfilled, regardless of time, regardless of nations, 11
Arab nations said, no, they're not. We're going to wipe them off the map. They ain't going to be a nation in our land.
And they still there since 1948. Things that make you go, hmm.
Here's some things that have not yet been fulfilled. Here's some things that have not yet been fulfilled.
Read with me if you will, and you can look at this in Genesis 15. I told you all to read that for today.
It says on that day, Genesis 15, 18, on that day, the Lord made a covenant with Abraham saying,
I give you this land from the brook of Egypt to the Euphrates river.
Israel has never, ever, ever controlled all that land and all of human history.
They've never controlled that. So if every other prophecy about Israel has come true yet, but not this, what's that mean to tell you?
It going to happen. Well, but pastor, what? Okay. So everything else has come true. Just like God says it is, but God don't drop the ball on this one.
No man. He ain't the Titans. He's going to actually score. Okay. He's going to actually score.
Sorry. I'm still struggling with the volunteers yesterday, but anyways, stop there.
This is what Israel is going to look like one day. All right, let's just go through this. Here's the second thing that's got to happen according to second
Thessalonians. Yes. The new Testament. Watch this now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together.
We ask you brothers, not to be easily upset or your mind troubled either by a spirit or a message or by,
I can't read alleging that the day of the Lord has come. Don't let anyone deceive you in any way for that day will not come unless an apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed the son of destruction.
He opposes and exalts himself above every so -called God or object of worship so that he sits in God's sanctuary publicizing that he himself is
God. Now this is going to be one of our main texts for next week, but let's just go through this just for a second.
Okay. And I don't want to lose you on this one. Here's something else that's got to happen. Not only does
Israel have to control that land, but the temple has got to be rebuilt. Now people have traditionally said, well, for that temple, now let me explain.
This is Israel. This is Mount Moriah right here. All of this is Mount Moriah and you can, once again, if you want to go look this up on Wikipedia, but this is
Jerusalem. This is Mount Moriah, the city of David, Mount Zion's down here. But anyways, in 632, 600 years after Jesus, this new religion named
Islam showed up and it swept over all the Middle East and they took over Jerusalem. And then of course the
Christians came in and said, we've got to free Jerusalem from those nasty Muslims. And so they came in there, they were killing women, babies, children, just like every other totally depraved human being.
But anyways, the Muslims built a shrine to Allah on what they thought was the exact site of the old temple, the old
Solomon's temple. Now, how are you going to have second Thessalonians come true?
How are we going to have the prophecy of God fulfilled if there is a Muslim temple?
Well, people have said, we're going to tear that sucker down. We're going to tear it down and we're going to rebuild the temple of Solomon.
I've heard Christians say that. I'm like, wow, you, you really bleeding Judaism and Christianity together a lot.
But what is the temple of God? Witten Baptist Church, right? This building, this is the temple of God.
Man, God needs to upgrade, man. It's like a Fraser temple, right? We, listen to me, church, this is not the house of God.
This is a building. This is the house of God. Collectively, not just me, collectively.
Okay. I am the temple of God may be a double wide, but I am the temple of God.
Okay. But in prophecy, it actually says that someone will physically go in that temple.
The antichrist is going to go in that temple and he's going to set himself up. Let me explain to you what's going to happen.
We're going to get into this a lot more detail later on, or next week. The guy who can get the
Muslim world and the Jews to be cool, to be at peace, is going to be a political stud.
Nobel Peace Prize in spades. He ain't going to just run around the world apologizing for America like Barack Obama and get a
Nobel Peace Prize. He's actually going to do something. Okay. He is actually going to bring peace to a place where there has been no peace since the dawn of time.
He's going to be a stud. And the Muslims and the Israelis are going to go, and they're going to hug and kiss for three and a half years, for three and a half years.
Now, here's what's really cool. In the last 50 years, people are getting excited because they're saying, we don't have to tear down the
Dome of the Rock, that Muslim place, because we found the foundations of Solomon's temple right here.
Now, watch this. If they build Solomon's temple right next to that, and everybody's good with that, and everybody says, hey, let's just give peace a chance, and Jerusalem is for all peoples.
We all need to be tolerant. We all need to love. We all need to, and, you know, hippies show up and this happens, that guy is going to be, have great political power.
Now, watch this. Now, concerning the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ, we ask you, brothers, not to be easily upset in mind or troubled either by the spirit or the message or letter as is from us, alleging the day of the
Lord has come. Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come unless the apostasy first comes and the man of Lawlence is revealed, the son of destruction.
He opposes and exalts himself above every so -called God or worship so that he sits in God's sanctuary, publicizing that he himself is
God. Oh, sorry. Well, that was a really great verse. That's not the one I wanted you to read you. But anyways,
I'm going to read you the one I wanted to read you. You'll find it there on your paper, on the back of your paper,
Revelation chapter 11, verses 1 and 2. Then I was giving a measuring rod, like a measuring reed, like a rod with these words.
Go and measure the temple of God and the altar and count those who worship there, but exclude the courtyard outside the temple.
Don't measure it because it is given to the nations that they will trample the holy city for 42 months.
Now, wait a minute. Let's go back. Can I go back? Let's see. Yeah, there we go.
You know what would be really cool? If that really is the old site of Solomon's temple, which
I believe it is. He was like, don't worry about that outer courtyard. It's for the
Gentiles. Are you all with me?
Some of you are like, what? Burnettes, help out the blondes. This is really cool. Okay? The reality of this is in the book of Revelation, he's saying, don't worry about the outer courtyard.
It's the inner one that's going to be really the temple of Yahweh. Now it says for 42 months.
Someone good at math, help me out. How many years is that? About three and a half? Wow. So that what
Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Zachariah said, hundreds of years. It's the same thing John said.
It's the same thing Philip said. It's the same thing Paul wrote about. It's the same thing Jesus said in Matthew 24. Wow. You mean all of that is all saying the same thing and 90 % of it has already come real in human history?
Yes. Yes. Now I'm going to actually close here. I'm going to close here.
I just want to ask you just a couple of questions. Number one, is the
Bible to you a moral story that starts out once upon a time and they lived happily ever after at the end?
If it is, you need to put the crack pipe down and you need to wake up.
Now I know, listen to me, listen to me. Some of you in this room are faithful church members, but you're still going to hell in a handbasket.
Let me say that again. Some of you people are faithful church members, but you really ain't part of the church because how many churches are there in the world?
There's one. There's just one and it don't matter what man calls them. There's only one church and it's made up of believers from Abraham to us.
It's made up of different people of different colors with different backgrounds and different everything. There's only one church, guys.
There's only one. Are you part of that church? Here's what I get. Well, I'm a member at Bellevue.
That's what you're going to heaven on? It's going to suck for you in hell. Well, I don't cuss, smoke, or drink or have tattoos.
All right, man. Cool. You get a Bucky Beaver badge. You're still going to hell. Well, I believe in God.
Well, so do the demons. Here it is.
Well, I prayed and I asked Jesus Christ into my heart. I'll give you a hundred bucks if you find me that in Scripture.
It ain't there. Did y 'all feel that spirit?
Wow, that got hitting on somebody. I'm not up here to entertain you.
I'm not up here to make you feel anything. My simple job is this. I'm telling you what's written in God's Word.
And if the Holy Spirit is doing this to you right now, like, ooh, that's me, you have two choices.
You can keep protecting your reputation and your religious resume or you can actually submit, humble yourself, and give your life to Christ.
It's one of the two. Some of you have been sitting in churches knowing that you're not saved, knowing that you are truly not reconverted and regenerated, but you've served as a deacon or you've been a pastor.
I remember preaching Revival one time and the pastor came down front and got saved. Listen to me.
Listen to me. Your spiritual resume ain't got nothing to do with the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
Well, pastor, how do I know I've been saved? Well, if you took our survey, you would know.
The Bible says this, if you love me, pastor, I'm sorry, say that again.
Obey. Obey. Obey. I always think about that.
I'm not even going to mention his name. Obey. Obey.
How much do you obey God? I'm kind of hit or miss. Okay. Well, I did when
I was seven years old and I went to backyard Bible club and I gave my heart to Jesus.
I obeyed then, but I'm 42 now and man, I haven't obeyed since. Newsflash, you're not a
Christian. Wrap your head around that. Hold on. Let me give you a second for judge not let you be judged.
Go ahead. Okay. Now that you've gotten past that, wrap your head around the fact you are not a believer.
You're not. You are not. Well, pastor, I walked down the aisle. There is no walking down the aisle in scripture.
Okay. There is no prayer to ask Jesus in your heart in scripture. It does not exist.
Do you obey God? If the answer is no, you've got problems.
Now here's the next line someone always says. Well, we all sin. Thank you for the newsflash.
Really? Watch this. Is this what your spiritual life looks like? Year one, year two, year three, year four.
Oh, wait a minute. They sung that song from when I was a little kid and I got a little fuzzy, warm feeling in my heart.
Oh, or someone preached a really good sermon and I got encouraged.
But other way, it just looks like this. You got problems.
Okay. And the problem is you're not regenerated because here's what a
Christian spiritual life looks like. It's like a little one engine prop plane with me on it.
It's like, and it's trying its best to get up the hill, the little engine that could, but fat boy's on the plane and they come, everybody coming out.
But it's constantly doing this. Doctrinally speaking, that's called sanctification.
Do you have that? I know some of y 'all are visitors here. You go, that's not what I came here for.
You came here for someone to say, smile. Jesus loves you. It's all going to be good. Trust in God and everything's fine.
Problem is you ain't never trusted in God. You've trusted in religion and somebody in this room is going to go to hell because you're trusting in the words of man or a
Baptist creed or some other garbage rather than the truth of God's word. Now, I have done what
God's called me to do. So guess what? I'm cool. So in other words, you go, you're an idiot.
Peace. I'm going to sleep just as good tonight as I did last night because I got Thanksgiving.
That's fat guy happy day. I'm good to go. It's all on you.
I have never led anybody to Jesus. I have never saved anybody. Only the Holy Spirit of God can.
You've heard the Word of God. It's now up to you. We're going to have a time of invitation. And that means simply this.
There are going to be people up here that ain't going to fix you, can't save you, aren't miracle workers.
The same Spirit of God is in me as the same Spirit of God is in Louise. The same Spirit of God is in me as the same
Spirit of God is in Tacklebox. Everyone in this room is all without power except by the
Holy Spirit of God. So now, here's what these people up front are here to do. They're up front for you to simply open up God's Word and show you the truth.
Because Romans 10 .17 says faith comes by hearing and hearing Pastor Jeff. Oh yeah, the
Word of God. That's what we're here to do. Okay? But we're not the only ones in the room can do it.
If you're scared to come to a fat, bald, ugly guy, I get it. I would be too. How many of you women in here are
Christians? Raise your hand. Okay. So now all you've got to do is look around and find someone who had their hand up and go talk to them.
Christians, if you're in the room, don't sit and hold the pew or the chair in front of you. Go minister.
Let the Holy Spirit use you right now. Be the church. If you need to get saved, if you need to get help with some accountability with a sin, you need to join a church, you need to confess
Christ, you need to be baptized, whatever it is, I'm going to ask you to stand up and as you stand up and the music people are going to come up, you're going to, you're going to obey
God by coming and listening to him and you come this morning as God leads.