1 Corinthians 11



Joshua 2 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)

Joshua 2 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)

Now I want you to pay attention. It wasn't anything in Israel. It wasn't their military size.
It wasn't the type of people. We're going to be in 1
Corinthians chapter 11. 1 Corinthians chapter 11. And I won't take too much of your time.
I won't take too much of your time this morning because we are doing the Lord's Supper today.
Now, for some of you, you have no idea what that means. You don't have any idea what that means.
And I'm just going to take a second to kind of explain it to you. Dalty, these much more. Because God gave a warning about it.
And I would not be doing my job if I didn't pass that on to you. It's important.
Because a lot of folks take this as a church medium.
It's an ordinance of the church. Guys, this ain't no ordinance. Alright? This is something holy and sacred and set apart.
And understand what holiness means. Now, y 'all listen up. Understand what holiness means.
Holiness is simply a separation. The Greek word agadizo means something specifically set apart for a specific service.
In other words, like some of you chicks are wearing dresses today. You can wear that dress, that pretty dress you've got on.
You could wear that dress to work, couldn't you? You could wear it out to eat with a husband or a boyfriend.
Which one you got? You got both? Let's me and you talk.
We're going to need to chat. Baby, you get better. You can get better. You can wear a dress to a lot of different places.
But if I said a wedding dress, it's still a dress, but it's a dress for a specific thing.
When we are born again as children of God, we are holy. It doesn't mean we're perfect.
I don't know about you, but I still struggle with a lot of things. It means that I have been separated from a lost and dying world into the child and the kingdom of God to serve.
And that's something churches forgot today. Now, for you godless heathens out there, for you atheists, or you people that don't believe in Jesus, if you'll give me just a second to talk to my brothers and sisters, and I'll get right back to you.
I'll get right back to you. But I want to talk to you people who are Christians this morning, just for a second.
Just for a second. Guys, we have over the years, over the centuries, we have done really good in some things, and we've done really bad.
And God has called us to task several times in history through His spankings and actually some of His butt kickings to get us back right with God.
And I want to talk to you about a few things. Now, in the passages I'm reading from in Good Hermeneutics, it's perfect because Paul is addressing, through the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit, he is addressing the whole idea of Lord's Supper. But it is a culminating event in which he is taking the church to task before and as they're doing the
Lord's Supper. So if you read with me, 1 Corinthians 11, verse 17.
But in the following instructions, I do not commend you. Smile, Jesus loves you.
What would Jesus do? And all that other church bull is not found in Scripture, but how we need to examine ourselves is.
Because when you come together, it is not for the better, but for the worst. For in the first place, when you come together as a church,
I hear that there are divisions among you, and I believe it in part. For there must be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be recognized.
When you come together, it is not the Lord's Supper that you eat. For in eating, each one goes ahead with his own meal, while one goes hungry and another one gets drunk.
What? Do you not have houses to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God and humiliate those who have nothing?
What shall I say to you? I shall not commend you in this. No, I will not.
Now I'm going to ask you to skip to verse 27. Whoever therefore eats the bread or drinks the cup of the
Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the
Lord. Let a person examine himself and then so eat of the bread and drink of the cup.
For if anyone eats or drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment to himself, that is why so many of you are weak and ill and some of you have died.
But if we judged ourselves truly, we would not be judged. Guys, don't you hate those fags?
Seriously. I mean, don't you hate them? Those transvestite, no not trans, what are they called?
Transsexuals. Don't you hate them? Don't you hate them? Don't you hate them? You shouldn't?
Guys, here's the first thing you need to remember. If you are going to come to the Lord's table this morning, and you have a brother and sister in Christ who is doing something that you don't like, you need to make sure you have a humble attitude and you don't have a division.
If you come to this table, this table this morning, and you say, well I don't cuss, I don't smoke,
I don't drink, I don't have tattoos, which around here, we got about $150 ,000 worth of ink in this room, but I don't cuss, smoke or drink and I don't have tattoos, so I'm good to go.
I gave money to the church. I showed up for Sunday school. I'm a really good person. You are the individual that Scripture is addressing this morning.
And I tell you that not to be fussing at you, I'm telling you that as a warning. Because you're drinking and eating unto yourself condemnation.
And men listen to me. Oh by the way, Happy Father's Day. But men listen to me. Listen to me on this.
How you go will be how your family follows. Okay? When you're backing up a trailer or you're moving a trailer, don't blame the trailer when you pop the curve.
It's because you didn't turn right. That trailer will follow the prime mover. And husbands, and for you liberal women in here,
I'm sorry this is going to hurt your feelings, but according to God's word, the husband is the head of the house.
And where you go, that trailer will follow. Okay? Don't quit blaming the world for the failures of your children, men.
If your influence is so weak on the spiritual level that eight hours at school overrides your one hour at home, you're doing something wrong.
It ain't Madonna's fault or drugs fault or whoever. I just aged myself, didn't
I? It ain't them people's fault. It falls on you. So happy Father's Day and get to work and start being one.
Yeah? Listen to what it says. There are divisions among you. How many of you in here are
UT fans? Huh? Come on. Tammy? Tammy. Come on, raise a hand, girl.
Come on. She comes to me all the time singing Rocky Top. Don't let her lie to you.
Don't tie her. That's stupid easy, right?
I mean, that's stupid easy. That ain't a big thing. But how many of you sit there and go, can y 'all think of a person in this church that's hard to love?
I can. I can. They're hard to love. You know what I mean? They don't have what we like to call the social skills.
Okay? That's me. I don't have them. Not that much anyways. But there are people that just get on your last nerve.
Here's what. There's one. Listen to me.
Here's God's command for you. You are to love them as you love yourself.
Anything less, you're in sin. Oh, well, she's an adulterer.
She's a prostitute or a crack -smoking whore or something else. Okay? You're in as bad a sin as anybody else.
I don't care if you're in this room today. Whitten will always be a place where everyone's welcome.
I don't care if you're a homosexual. I don't care if you're a trans, whatever they're called. I don't care about that.
I don't care if you're black, white. We even take Mexicans in this joint. The Guadalajara, what are you?
Guatemalans. We even take them. Someone's got to do the hard work. Guys, everyone is welcome in this place.
And I'm going to tell you why. I'm going to tell you why. Because I am a licensed, ordained, senior pastor of 30 -something years.
And the same spirit of God is in me as the same spirit of God is in every other person. And I don't care how you faltered.
I don't care how you failed. You are my brother and sister in Christ. And it is my job to help you move forward.
I ain't no better than you. And you ain't no worse than me. Especially if you choose
UT. Alright. So no divisions. Here's the second thing. Selfishness.
Listen to verse 21. For in eating, each one goes ahead with his own meal.
One goes hungry and another is drunk. Church. Christians. You know.
You got all the Bible verses up on the wall but you don't know none of them. Okay. I'm talking to you.
Okay. You care more about you and the people in your concentric circle than you do anybody else.
I hate selfishness. When my five, I had five kids. And when they were growing up, I trained.
If you go to McDonald's to get something to eat, you better bring something for everybody else. You better bring, because if you're sitting there eating your
McDonald's french fries and your brother's sitting there going, I want some. I'm going to smack him up out of your hand. I trained my kids.
Boys, when your sister or your wife comes to the dinner table, man, you're to stand up. You think of yourself less.
Boys, don't put a bite of food in your mouth until your mama has taken a bite. You see, what we have failed to do, the entitlement that is permeating our culture, which the culture is permeating the church, there's no difference between us anymore.
Oh, we'll sing a couple of praise songs, glory hallelujah, but we act like godless heathens and wonder why the world calls us hypocrites.
We earned it. We earned it. By the way, if you don't go to church because of hypocrites, come on, one more won't matter.
Okay. Come on, one more won't matter. We can absorb your butt. Listen to me.
Selfishness is disgusting. And when you have a spoiled child that thinks of themselves only, they didn't learn it from school, mom and dad.
Guess where they learned it from? You know, I've actually had parents ask them, how did your kid learn to talk?
And they say they learned at school. Really? Your kid didn't talk to the first grade? No, they learned it from you.
They learned it from you. Guys, don't be selfish. Here's the next thing. Look at verse 22.
It says this. Do you not have houses to eat and drink?
Or do you despise, listen to this word. Do you despise the church of God and humiliate those that have nothing?
By the way, how many churches in the world are there? One. Right. How many races of people are there?
One. That's right. German Shepherd and Poodle, they're both dogs, right? There is only in the
Bible Ecclesia. There's only one church. It has many local bodies, but there's only one church.
God ain't coming back for the Baptists, okay? Some of y 'all are going to have to stress about that. God ain't coming back for the
Pentecostals. God ain't coming back for the Kares. He's coming back for his peoples, right? Now listen.
It says, do you despise the church of God? How do you despise the church of God? Not by smoking a joint last night.
You despise the church of God by humiliating your brother and sister in Christ. How do we humiliate people, right?
I mean, like, you know, my wife has a shirt just like that. You know, I could say that. I could say, you know,
Artie and Jerry at the deer hunting club. You know, I wake up, I find them snuggling together because it's cold.
I could say that, but I'm not going to because I don't want to embarrass Jerry. I could say a lot of things to humiliate you, but the thing that God is specifically talking about here is when you humiliate someone else as a brother and sister in Christ to make them feel less than.
Make them feel less than. Look at this boy over here. Man, he got, like, braids in his hair.
In my day, the only people who wore braids were women, right? This boy over here got braids in his head.
I saw one of the black guys a minute ago look like a dead tarantula was on his head. Got the little, whatever those things are called.
That's not what it's talking about. Here's what it's talking about. Listen to me, church. I'm so much of a better Christian than you.
I am so perfect and you are so pathetic. You are not worthy to stand in my presence.
That's the humiliation it's talking about. It's talking about looking at people like this pretty girl. I ain't going to say nothing about you because you're too cute.
But I'm going to say something about Thuglicious right here, man. He got tattoos on his arm. He's Thuglicious, man.
Look at him. Me making him feel less than because of how he looks or how he acts instead of loving him for where he's at and showing him the same grace that God saved you is a humiliation that makes you unworthy to take this table.
Now, Christian, listen to me. It ain't talked about whether you had a beer last night. It didn't talk about whether you had your quiet time or your devotion this morning with your little
Baptist folding pen, you know, with your coffee cup, said, smile, I love you. It ain't talking about that. It's talking about how you treat your family is how you despise the church of God.
Last one. Watch this. Last one. Verse 29. For if anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on themselves, sunakomai, it means five times to come together.
It just hit me. Right now. Come together, right? Come together.
Five times in those four verses I just read it says come together. The definitive action of a church is that we love
God and that we love each other. Jesus said everything is wrapped up into those two things.
Well, pastor, I'm not doing this right, and pastor, I'm not doing this right, so I'm unworthy. Do you love
God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind? And do you love your fellow brother and sister in Christ?
Do you love them as yourself? Yeah. I'm on the struggle bus. That's my grandson. I said, boy,
I ain't going to be a D .N. right there. I truly love my brother and sister in Christ then you are worthy.
Then you are worthy. Now listen. You say, well, pastor, I'm a drug addict. Okay. Repented that, then take the
Lord's Supper. Well, pastor, how do I do that? Make up your decision in your mind to stop it.
Stop it. Okay. Pastor, I was thinking something bad about Mary this morning.
She was mean to me. Then before you take the Lord's Supper, walk your little
Baptist rear end up to Mary and let's do something different. Let's humble ourselves, ask for her forgiveness, get in a right relationship, then go take the table.
See, the altar here usually is for people who need Jesus. Newsflash for you, church.
You're one of them. When's the last time you went to the altar? Now I know some of you visitors are here going, good
God, this is weird. Right. It's because it's called truth and too many people are saying, smile,
Jesus loves you, like Joel Osteen and them other folks to try to get money. I don't want your money. I don't want your church membership.
I don't really care if I ever see you again. Right. Here's what I want. I want to stand before God one day and Him go, well done, now good and faithful servant, you did what you were supposed to do.
I'm here to please God, not man. Okay. So let me ask you a question. Are you ready to take the
Lord's Supper? Now we're going to have an invitation time. Okay. And what that means is you need to get right.
Husbands, wives, especially you church people, if you were in the car coming here this morning and y 'all were arguing like two drunks at 3 o 'clock in the morning in a bar and then you got out the car and were like, hey, smile,
Jesus loves you. Oh, it's so good to see you. I'll pray for you. All that other church garbage. You two need to get right before you take the
Lord's Supper to the table. You know why it's so awkward to pray with your wife at night? You know why it's so awkward to read the
Bible? Because you're living a veneer lifestyle of Christianity and God is calling you to true holiness.
And it can start today. Well, pastor, I prayed the prayer. Pastor, I've tried. Pastor, I've done this.
Great. Man up. Realize you've got a spine in your back and try again. Failure doesn't mean you falter.
Failure means you stop trying. Man up and get it done. Now, for you people that aren't
Christians in here, first of all, I want to address the intellectual elites in here. If you're one of those keyboard warriors, you know,
Christians are so stupid, you know, because we all evolved. I've got a bet for you.
Okay? Bring your little skippy butt to my office. I'll have $1 ,000 in cash.
And if you can prove to me there is no God, I will give you that $1 ,000. I will burn that Bible and I will never enter this place again.
Come on. And bring your lunch. Okay? You say, and guys,
I'm a high school dropout. I'm a high school dropout. I have no education. I know, right?
Bring it. Okay? Bring it. Number two, if you're one of those people that you have the desire to have the desire because you know you're missing something but you don't understand what it really is, you're missing but the whole church thing is making you weird and you can't figure it out, it's cool.
It's cool. Same grace that saved me is the same grace that will save you. Okay? Jesus Christ is right here in this room.
And I ain't talking about some ethereal plane like Casper the Ghost I'm talking about in real life. Quit taking the blue pill, take a red one and figure out that God does love you and He wants to save you.
For those of you in this room that you've done this, 3 o 'clock at night, preacher's on the
TV, you sit there and go, oh God, that's me. And He says, right now, everybody bow your head, close your eyes and pray this prayer.
Dear Jesus, come into my heart and save me. And you've prayed that prayer 437 times.
Okay? Because you cannot believe that God can actually save you.
Because you are so less than. How many times have you prayed Jesus Christ into your heart?
A thousand? A thousand? Here's why you have to keep doing it. Because you're listening to religion rather than Scripture.
Nowhere in Scripture does it say to pray Jesus Christ into your heart. Nowhere. It doesn't say it anywhere.
Nowhere in Scripture does it say like, geez, some little Labrador puppy, come on, come into my heart and save me.
It doesn't say that. It says repent. Now here's the bad news for you. Are you willing to give up everything in your life and follow
Christ? No, Pastor, I'm not. Then you ain't ready yet. Now I know that sounds weird coming from a preacher because they just want everybody to come.
I don't. I ain't a salesman. I ain't here to talk you into heaven. I'm here to share the
Word of God with you. The first word out of Jesus' mouth was repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand. If you're in this room this morning and you are not willing to give it up for Jesus Christ, you are not ready to be a
Christian. Well, Pastor, when I was in youth camp, there was, you know, some hippie dude in sandals singing a song.
I was crying. Everybody was crying. And I gave my life to Jesus. Did anything change?
Did anything change? Well, no. 2 Corinthians 5 .17 If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.
New. Old things have passed away. Behold, all have become new. You want to know what your salvation is?
Quit listening to your feelings. Because let me tell you, as a pastor, there are days I don't feel like a
Christian. Okay? You know what I'm saying? My wife is all up in my ear, right? She's on the phone.
She has one question for me. Forty -five minutes later, as I'm driving down Germantown Road in rush hour, yeah,
I ain't feeling like a Christian, right? Right? That was my wife, by the way.
Go make me a sandwich. I don't feel like a Christian, right?
But I am. Not because of what I have done, but because of what He has done, and because of my submission to that.
We have made Christianity way too complicated. It's real simple.
I choose to now die so that Christ becomes my Lord. If you want to be a
Christian, this is not a church. It's a freaking gymnasium. This is the church.
If you as a person want, I need to know that I'm going to heaven. I can't save you.
A church can't save you. All religion, all of it, including Baptists, is bull crap.
Forget it all. This, Romans 10, 17, for faith comes by hearing, and hearing the
Word of God. It is the Word of God that will set you free. Everything else uses guilt, and God does not use guilt.
He uses conviction. If you need to be set free from that religious guilt, or if you need to be set free from the power of the sin over you,
I'm going to ask you to come down here, and we've got some pastors that would love to show you in the
Word where you can be set free. If you're in this room, and you're a believer, but you need to get your heart right before we do this, come on, let me pray with you.
If you need to make it right with someone else, go on to them before you come down here.
In other words, let's do this for the next five minutes. Let's get our hearts and minds right with God and with each other, then we're going to be able to do this with God's blessing on us.
So wherever you are today, I ask you to do something different than you've been doing.
Reverence is not still in silence. No time in Scripture do you ever see the reverence of God celebrated with nothing.
Pure reverence and obedience to God is submission which takes movement. Where are you today?
Christians, when's the last time you've been down to the altar? When's the last time you grabbed someone and said, come pray with me?
I'm struggling with pornography. I'm struggling with this. I'm struggling with that. When's the last time?
Guys, if you're an addict in here, I got about 40 of them in here in recovery, okay?
You can't swing a dead cat without hitting an ex -something in here, alright? Now listen, if you're struggling with something and you need some help with that, we got people.
We got people to help you with pornography. If your marriages are jacked up, we got folks for that. I don't care if you're a...
what's the political... homosexual. If you're one of them, we got people for that, okay? I bust them in.
Artie is sitting right over there. And so, wherever you're at today, you're welcome.
Let's do some work for God. I'm gonna ask whoever has to do this up here to come do this.
Is she here? Yeah, Miss Carla. I want you people to stand and let's go to work.