The History of Israel - Part 10



The History of Israel with Pastor Jeff Shipley - Part 11

The History of Israel with Pastor Jeff Shipley - Part 11

I hope today you will be encouraged. If you are not a believer, if you are a skeptic, if you are one of those folks trying to figure out what's so stinking important about all this
Jesus stuff. If you're one of those people that in your mind the world has convinced you that this stuff right here is just all a bunch of hogwash,
I want you to listen. Now everyone in here, this is what I want you to do. Get rid of stupid religion.
It is all bull crap, including Baptist. Listen to that again.
It's all bull, including Baptist. Religion is the best invention
Satan ever created to jack you up, okay?
Because here's what a lot of people do. They know there's a calling on their life. They feel innate inside that something's missing.
And so they turn to religion and that religion satisfies your soul for about a week or two.
Then you go right back to what you were doing and then you're confused on what is going on in your life. And you get one of those, you're one of those
Baptists that ends up in my office going, I feel like I've lost my salvation, right?
Or God doesn't love me anymore, or my prayers don't get further than the ceiling. You're one of those people, okay?
That's because you're entrusting in religion. Now what I'm giving you today is not a sermon, okay?
We're not talking about a sermon. I'm not giving you a five -point homily and look right here. There is nothing you have that I want or need.
I don't care about your silly money. I don't care about your church attendance. I care about this.
As Jude says, I want the word of God to snatch your soul out of the dangers of the burning fires of hell.
And people say, well, there really isn't no hell. You will believe one day. Trust me on this one.
You will believe. You see, you've taken the red pill, man. You have bought into the idea that we came from nose -picking apes and the world's been around for five billion years.
You actually believe the lies and the conspiracies that are trying to be proffered today to get you in a place where you don't hear
God's word. What I'm going to offer you today is not a sermon. I'm going to offer you facts.
You choose today whom you're going to serve. You can keep serving your fears.
You can keep serving your insecurities. Or you can start knowing the peace of God that's eluded you by serving
Jesus Christ, our Lord. So for nine weeks now before the great pandemic of 2020, have y 'all ever noticed that it's the only worldwide pandemic and plague that you actually have to take a test to find out if you got it?
Anyways, we started this way back here. We started talking about this with Abraham.
We've gone all the way through this. It's kind of dark over here.
Can y 'all see? Okay. We've gone all the way through to where we're about right here in 1948.
For those of you that don't know, this little itty -bitty black line encapsulates the total existence of the
United States of America's history in relation to the entire timeline. I'm going to try very carefully to go really slow.
Now, this is not going to be as hard as next week. Next week, we're actually going to talk about what's going to happen in the future.
Okay? But right now, I'm recapping and then talking to you about that modern era of Israel since 1948.
But I'm going to review just for a second for the Mississippi folks just to catch them up.
Okay? Courtesy chuckle or something would be appreciated. Okay.
Y 'all are too churchy today. All right. Let's get real. All right. First slide. Watch this. Hold on.
Do I have my list? Oh! Oh! All right. There's some dates.
You can look them up later. All right. Guys, the first thing I want to talk to you about is this. Now, I'm not giving you my opinion.
I'm giving you a fact. Okay? First of all, understand that we have writings of the
Old Testament that were copied right here in 400
B .C. For those of you that read the internet too much and you're a conspiracy theory and religion's all here to control you and you're wearing a black little hat waiting for the helicopter to come get you, okay, the reality is we have 5 ,300 copies of the
New Testament in about 200 different languages. Wrap your head around that if you got to.
But we have thousands upon thousands, tens of thousands of copies of the Old Testament.
Some of them written in Babylonian, guys. Who knows where Babylon is today? Oh, they're not here.
Yeah, Iraq. Correct. But they're not here. Okay? That's how old we're dealing with. We know that in 2100
B .C. it was written, for those of you skeptics, I'm not saying that this is real, but we have a documented account of this.
That a man named Abraham, Abram at the time, a man named Abram was told by God, it was recorded, hey,
I know you're 75 years old, I know you have no children, I know your wife is as old as Rina, okay, okay,
I get that, but out of you I'm going to make a great nation.
Now think about that for a second. Out of you I'm going to make a great nation. They're going to be known as Hebrews, eventually
Jews. Now the reality of whether you want to believe that or not, factually that has happened.
Y 'all ever heard of a Jew before? Okay, 2100 B .C. it is recorded that God told
Abraham that. Next. God said, and I wrote a whole bunch of little verses down here for you, if you look at this next page, no sooner had
God's people come out of Egypt, God kept telling them, y 'all keep messing up and I'm going to scatter you all over the world,
I'm going to scatter you all over the world. Once again, that's been recorded many times. Now I want you to understand the complicity of this great conspiracy or this religious church thing to get all these nations over 5 ,000 years to all come together just to fool you, you arrogant, self -centered, intellectually vacant, pseudo -intellectual.
That's what, it's either truth or it's a lie. The Jewish people have been scattered all over the world.
Now church people, let me be mean to you for a second, okay? Please stop saying that the nation of Israel is the oldest civilization in the world.
That is not true. And when you say it, you're being intellectually dishonest, probably based upon some preacher way back when or what your mama told you.
Actually, the Chinese have been around a lot longer, okay? Remember when God told
Abraham, I will make a great nation out of you, by implication of those words, it means that he was not yet, okay?
And church people, this is what we got to do. We have to start being intellectually truthful and honest with both science and history if we are going to have a voice to capture the hearts and minds of folks that are on their way to hell in a handbasket in a hurry.
You got to quit trying to stretch the truth. God don't need no help from your exaggerations, okay?
Just say it like it is. It's magnificent enough. I want you to look at your little papers for a second.
I want you to look at your little papers for a second, and I want you to notice on this piece of paper right here, it's page 40 at the bottom, page 40.
Remember, this is history, guys, and if you're bored with this, I'm sorry, but I don't have a
Dr. Seuss brain, so you're just going to have to work with me, okay? Watch this, 1050
B .C., archeology, historical fact, there was a nation named
Israel, and we actually have little archeology things that talk about the house of David.
You know David and Goliath, you know that guy you warned about in school? Yeah, well, he was a real dude. He wasn't a
Bible story. He was a historical figure, you know? Well, how do you know that? How do you know George Washington wasn't real?
Have you ever met Martin Luther King? So shut up. So right here in 1050, there was a nation of Israel.
It was a powerful nation, but it kept walking away from God, and then
David had a son named Solomon, but Solomon's son came up, and he wasn't a strong leader, and the 12 tribes of Israel had a civil war.
The 10 northern tribes started calling themselves Israel, and the two southern tribes started calling themselves
Judah. By the way, historical fact, okay? Stay with me, stay with me, and you guys that are going to go home today, and your girlfriend or your wife is praying for you to get right, and you're going to go, well, he doesn't know what he's talking about, right?
Come to my office. Come teach me. Bring your lunch. I'll write you a check for $1 ,000 today if you can prove anything
I'm telling you is not real, okay? Because I see some of y 'all going like this.
Bring your little internet warrior self into my office. I'll be more than happy to chat with you, okay?
But do me a favor. If you refuse to believe, don't drag other people to hell because of your arrogance, okay?
All right? All right. So, 722
B .C., God told the 10 northern tribes, you best get right. They didn't get right, and a nation called
Assyria, right, because the Senates are still known today as, go ahead and say
Syrians. We already all know it, right? See, when I'm making this up, Assyria walked into the 10 northern tribes of Israel, and you know what they did?
What Assyrians did, by the way, you can look this up, the Assyrians did, they would say, okay, we're taking over this country.
All of y 'all get up, go over there, and all you Assyrians who are over alive, y 'all are going to get new land.
Y 'all settle here. And that's what they did. And the people of Israel were scattered everywhere.
If you look at this little picture right here, that top one, that's some of the Diaspora routes.
We'll get into that later. That's some of the Diaspora routes that were taken. Now, that was in 722
B .C. The two southern tribes, Judah and Benjamin, where you get the word
Jew from, Judah, Jew, right? Where you get the name Jew from, they were sitting there going, that's right.
And 10 northern tribes bucked up against us, and God showed them what we mean business, right?
And Judah was powerful. It had much guap. It was very wealthy, right?
Are you with me? And they thought they were all that in a bag of chips. They were kind of like white
Anglo -Saxon Protestant Baptists in the south, who think, I'm voting for Republicans, because Trump's a
Christian. Right, exactly. Guys, who you vote for is irrelevant to what
God has done, and more importantly, what he's going to do. You vote for whoever you want to. God's not going, oh my gosh, what are we going to do now, okay?
But that's what people think, that we got to help God out. What we got to do is obey
God, and just be part of God's plan. But we'll get to that in a minute. And so in 586,
God kept telling the Jews, hey, y 'all are celebrating because something bad happened to your enemies?
You better repent. You better get right. Here's the key word, you better humble yourself.
And they didn't. And Babylon, someone say it, right, walked in and totally smacked
Judah in 586. They burnt the temple down, they tore Jerusalem down, and they carried a bunch of Jews off away as prisoners, okay?
Now, if you don't believe that, not only is that found in scripture, but you can get on a little airplane right now and fly to London, and there is something called a steel that is sitting there.
It's a cruciform writing written by a Babylonian 2 ,500 years ago talking about destroying
Jerusalem. Or for you guys, who basically sit at home, some of you in your mama's basement playing video games, talking about how the world stinks, just look it up on your little
Google right now. And if I'm lying, I'll quit and go home. People are looking at it right now, it's okay.
Right now, Rebecca's going, pastor, please stop being so sarcastic. Let me tell you something, your professors, your godless friends, your influences are jacking your mind up, telling you lies, and you're believing in mistruth.
You are turning your back on God because you equate God with religion, and somebody's got to wake you up before you ruin the rest of your life.
This is not a joke. This is not a sermon. This is not a Bible story. This is not some moral teaching.
This is a historical fact. And if all these facts God predicted would come true, have come true, then you had better listen to, coming to me, all you that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Perhaps that peace you're looking for is only going to be found in the arms of God. But you better also hear this.
Those who reject me will be departed into outermost darkness with a very weeping and gnashing of teeth.
And all the woulda's, coulda's, shoulda's in the world won't save you then. So a little bit of sarcasm, though it might be offensive to some of you, get over it.
Because the critical message of the gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be encapsulated to us.
Jesus Christ in your heart is your Lord and Savior. And that's how so many people from church are going to hell.
586 BC, Israel is obliterated. Now watch this. God said, no matter how bad it's going to get, my people, now remember he told
Abraham all the land that I promised you, your descendants will have for a thousand generations.
If a generation is 40 years, how many years is that? 40 ,000!
That's a bunch, right? Sorry, I didn't finish high school. So anyways, God told
Abraham that. He told Isaac the exact same thing. He told Jacob.
He told Joseph. He told David. He told Amos. He told the judge. And he keeps repeating it.
You know all those books in the Bible you just skip through in the Old Testament because they're boring? It's God's plume saying this is going to have this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this.
And he repeats it over and over and over and over. And it happened.
The people of Israel were scattered. Now look at this. Just a little historical context.
This right here, top of page 41, is a map.
I want you to find the nation of Israel on that map. This is actually a map from World War I, 1917.
This is a railroad map that was published in 1917. Find the nation of Israel real quick.
Now I'm going to take a breath before I pass out while you look. Man, it's hard to be fat.
Have you found it yet? Because, guys, listen, after Babylon whooped them, they struggled on.
It was like this. Israel used to be like the state of Tennessee. And then Assyria and Babylon came in and the entire
Tennessee population lived in Bartlett because so many have been killed and taken away.
The house of Israel was Jerusalem and a few suburbs. That's it.
The once great and powerful nation, God said, you keep disobeying me and this is going to happen.
And it happened. Once again, historical facts. All right, let me go one more. Watch this.
But God said, and Christians, for those of you that need some encouragement today, listen to me.
How many times have you walked down the aisle because of that sin that is kicking your rear and you have said, dear
Jesus, please forgive me? How many times after you read the
Left Behind series, the plane walked over or flew over your house and you're like, oh my God, it's the rapture, right?
And you're like, dear Jesus, forgive me. How many times you've been scared with cancer or death or something else and you immediately started having a fear and that fear motivated you to seek out
God? Okay, that's all okay. But let's try it a different way, shall we?
Let's build some strong Christians, shall we? Instead of looking at a fear -based mentality, which there's nothing wrong with that, let's start looking at this.
For 2 ,500 years, God's people looked at God and said, I ain't doing this.
I don't care. I'm going to go do what I want to do when I want to do it. And God would go, or God would go,
I'm sorry, millennials, that's a spanking. It used to be a form of discipline back in my day for your children.
I'll explain it to you later, right? God kept doing that.
But watch this. When I scatter them among the peoples, they will remember me in far countries and they with their children will live and come back.
You know how far you have to go to outstretch the grace of God?
Eternity. You can't. See, it doesn't matter how much you've messed up.
It doesn't matter how much you've wrecked your life. God's grace says, I will never leave you nor forsake you.
You see, God isn't just doing this for you, okay? Get out of that 2020 self -centric mentality.
God's doing it to glorify his own name because look back here. He promised Abraham, this is what's going to happen.
And God is not a lie. God does not lie. So he's going to do what he said he was going to do to glorify his own name, to keep his promises.
He's going to be faithful even when you're faithless. You understand what I'm saying to you? God's people started returning.
The children of Israel started returning. God kept telling them, hey, repent, repent, repent.
There's a Messiah coming. Jesus Christ was born. And the Jews said, whatever.
We were looking for David who'd walk in and throw the Romans out of here and make us a great nation again.
Make Israel great again. Build that...
All right, guys, Jesus didn't come to save Israel.
Jesus came to save mankind, right? Because how many races of people are there?
Say it again. No matter what Fox News or CNN or MSNBC or your professors tell you, a
Dalmatian is a dog, a chow -chow is a dog, okay? It's not that hard, guys.
When you remove all the cultural bull from science, reality reveals itself. There's only one race of people.
Rolando, who's Mexican. Where's Rolando? Oh, he had to go to his church.
Well, I was hoping he'd get saved today. But anyways, he's of the human race, I'm of the human race.
Even when people with pink hair are of the human race, just of shorter stature. Guys, in 135
AD... Well, I'm sorry, in 66 AD, after Jesus had rose again, the
Jews said, we're not going to take this. Rome hammered them. Rome hammered them. In 135
AD, remember this date, they revolted again. This time Rome came in.
Listen, this time Rome came in, killed everybody. Tore the temple, everything that had been still standing, tore it down.
And this is what the Romans did. They took plows and every building that was important to the
Jews, they removed the stones and then plowed up the land in the exact footprint of the building and put salt in the furrows and covered it up.
Because they wanted a living scar on the land to show, you don't mess with Rome.
Then they did this. They took the name Judea and they erased it from history.
They took the name Jerusalem and erased it from history. They renamed it two different things.
And they said, we are going to cause that civilization to cease to exist.
That was 1 ,900 years ago. Now, while it's true that Chinese and aboriginal civilizations and cultures existed before Israel, it is not true.
And it is only to this one specific culture, i .e. Hebrew, Jews, that for 2 ,000 years, they did not have a home, a city.
They were hunted by all people. If you look at this little picture, and once again,
I got these off of Google, JPEG 7230, I don't know all that stuff.
But if you look at this little picture, this was in the Middle Ages. The Jews would fly everywhere.
I mean, not fly, but they would go everywhere. And then the people, the European peoples, do you all know who it was that made
Jews wear little yellow stars on their clothing so they could be identified as Jews? That's right, it was
England in the 1200s. Hitler just repeated an idea. They have been hated by all nations.
Wait a minute, just like the Bible said they would. Now, if God's not real and the
Bible's not real, explain to me for 2 ,000 years how all the kings of all the different nations who hated each other all came together and said,
I'm going to kill you, but we got to have this secret because we want to fool little James and we want to fool little
Susie in 2020 America to make them believe that religion's not real. Well, guys, religion ain't real.
The facts of God's Word are, and they're proven by history. Right now as we speak, there was no
Israel until... Are you ready? I put it on the first page. Put it on the first page, right?
Watch this. All these years in medieval history, all these years there were no
Israel. From here, well, way back here they got whooped, right? Scattered everywhere.
Here, even their homeland was renamed. It was like if Tennessee got renamed
Oogawoogawoog, right? And for 1 ,900... We've only been around for 244 years.
But if Tennessee got renamed Oogawoogawoog and for 1 ,900 years
America actually continued to exist, do you actually think anybody would remember being Tennessean?
Let me help you with that. No, right, because you all remember the Whig Party, right?
No, you don't remember it. You learned about it in school. Those of you who weren't with me in the parking lot, you know.
All right, so watch. World War I happened. Ottoman Empire.
Britain whooped them in World War I, okay? So Britain became the main thing, the main country now.
It's not Assyria, it's not a Babylon, it's not Rome, it's not Greece, it's not every other country that's walked through the
Middle East and took it over. Now it's Britain. And Britain decided this. We need to give them
Jews their country back. We need to give them Jews their country back. It was called the
Zionist Movement. You can write that down and look it up. And in 1940—I'm sorry, in 1939 something happened.
It was an idea, but it couldn't get much support, okay? But in 1939, on September 1st, 1939, this little army of Germans run by a guy named
Hitler marched into Poland and started World War II.
Now it's funny. When he marched into Poland, you know what he started to do? Rounding up Jews in Poland.
How are Jews in Poland? Because God said, I'm going to scout you throughout all the world. Oh, by the way, every country that Germany went in, they gathered
Jews. How could they gather that many Jews? Are y 'all with me yet?
Okay? Stop smoking the internet. We'll be in Start Learning History, okay?
So some of y 'all are bored. I understand. Stay with me just one more second. So in 1945,
Germany got whooped. And at the end of the war, it got public that over 6 million Jews had been burnt in ovens during World War II.
And everybody was like, oh, that's horrible. They've been doing that for 3 ,200 years.
But now we're going to be shocked, just like God said it would happen. But that emotional play worked.
And people started going, man, we need to give these poor people some room. By the way, Stalin killed more
Jews than Hitler even dreamed of, okay? Stalin was killing Jews like they were going out of style.
Every time some guy even went, oy, man, he was shot right there, okay? Stalin killed more
Jews than Hitler even dreamed of. Stalin killed more Russians than Hitler did. But that's a whole other story.
Okay, I'm going to wrap it up. Watch. In 1948,
Isaiah, which prophesied way back here in 400 B .C., asked this rhetorical question.
And you can read it in your little books, those things called Bibles. Before Zion was in labor, we sing about Zion today.
That is the hill in Jerusalem that David's palace sat on.
Remember, Mount Moriah, we're going to talk about that in a second. Man, I'm running out of time. Watch. Who has heard of such a thing?
Who has seen such things? Can a land be born in one day or a nation be delivered in an instant?
The only time in the history of the world, on May 14, 1948, after 2 ,500 years,
Israel became a nation again. Well, that's just luck.
See, I don't care what your teacher taught you. That's a historical fact. Google it.
Explain that to me. If there is no God, if Scripture is bull, explain it to me.
Explain how in 400 B .C., 2 ,300 years before this happened, some dork just wrote and said a nation is going to be born in a day.
But yet it's the same thing God had been saying this whole time. Okay? For those of you that God is speaking to right now, this is clicking in your little brains.
For the rest of you, good luck. But you're the ones I'm speaking to. Okay, listen.
In 1948, Israel became a nation again. Now watch this. The day after, the day after they declared themselves a nation, every
Arab nation that surrounded them declared war and invaded. Now, the
UN gave Israel this much land. Said, okay, this is going to be yours. Transjordan, an old name for Jordan.
Lebanon, Syria, Egypt all went, uh -uh, that ain't going to happen. So let me put that in perspective for you.
Say this table right—oh, I'm sorry, what's your name? Say this table right here.
This dude looks like he can handle himself, and Johnny's good, but, you know, then you got four chicks. Let's say this table right here.
We say this table is Israel. And this little table stood up and goes, we'll take all of you on right now.
Are they going to win? The answer's no.
These six dorks are not going to win. They're not going to win.
Yet in one year, Israel whooped them all. And the land that the
UN said was Israel actually turned out to be this much. See, the Arabs should have left well -known because you don't fight against God's promises and win.
Last thing. Even though the
UN gave them that land, what they did is they took Jerusalem and divided it in half to keep everybody happy.
Half of it will be Jewish, half of it will be Arab, okay? And Jew was like, you know, but that half is...
In 1967, and once again, I want you all just to listen. If you didn't listen to anything else,
I'll be done with this. Listen to this. Once again, I'm giving you facts. Not a sermon, not a
Bible story. Facts. This happened two years before I was born.
It's in our lifetime. All right? Of course, the Revolutionary War is in some people's lifetime.
But anyways, listen. In 1967, 20 years after becoming a nation, armies started piling up on the border of Israel.
All right? 11 nations said we are going to take this land back.
So once again, think of Tennessee and all the surrounding states and then more states after that.
And then the other states who didn't actually send troops supported these states who did. And they're all going to invade
Israel on the same day. And they did. And in six days,
Israel won. And on the seventh day, they rested.
Six days. In six days, they whooped them all.
Now, look. I even put the little picture here. Where is it? That's not it. Here it is on this page.
Page 41. At the bottom here, this little mappy right here, this was Israel before the
Six -Day War. This was Israel six days later. The blue is what they captured.
Not only did they defend their borders, hiding and doing some kind of guerrilla warfare. They go, what? You want to punk us?
All right. And whooped everybody and took over five times as much land. Let me ask you a question.
How is that possible? That is two pictures. Oh, go back.
Oh, no. I have the little thing. This is so beautiful. If you've never seen this.
These two pictures are of Israeli paratroopers in 1967.
What month? It only took six days, guys. Same month. 1967.
Oh, I'm in the way. These are the first Jewish soldiers to be standing at the
Wailing Wall in Jerusalem in over 2 ,000 years. For the first time,
Jerusalem was back in the hands of Jews, of the nation of Israel.
Now, dang it. There ain't no way I'm getting to this. We'll do it next week.
What? Yeah. Say that one more time. Great question.
He said, who was Israel's major arms provider? What's really cool in both the 1948 and 1967 war, in 1948, all the weapons and arms
Israel had to fight were old German weapons that had been captured in World War II. They were using
MG -34s, man. They were using old German stuff. They were still using that stuff in 1967.
However, there was a nation that said, you know what? Maybe we better support these guys because way back in the book of Genesis, God said, whoever blesses you,
I will bless them, and whoever curses you, I will curse them. And the United States of America were sending planes and tanks to Israel.
But that's a story for next week as well. Guys, great question, by the way. This is
Jerusalem today. OK? Let's see if I have a better...
Yeah, this is Jerusalem today. This is what we're going to talk about next week. And I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to get to all of this, but we're going to be talking about the book of Revelation and all that stuff next week.
But watch, this is Jerusalem today. This is where Solomon's temple, the little things in red on your little list of dates, this is where Abraham went to sacrifice
Isaac in Genesis. This is where David bought the threshing floor.
This is where all of that happened. This is the temple that Jesus... This area, I should say, was the temple
Jesus... But in 692 AD, these group of peoples called
Muslims said, Oh, yeah? We ain't going to... We took this place over. Now we're going to build our own dome.
And that is the Dome of the Rock right there. That is a Muslim temple.
And this right here, I don't know if you can see it that good, this right here is a mosque, an
Arab mosque. This little area right here is the
Wailing Wall. Have you ever watched the news and seen little guys with little curly Qs going, Ha ha ha dee da ha ha at the wall?
That's where they are right now. That's called the Western Wailing Wall. OK, let me close with this,
OK? People, I know you're like,
Oh, God, this is lasting forever. But hang with me, OK? Because here's the reality.
Listen, some of you in this room are playing a game, not with God, with yourself.
You're in this room, and at some point in your life, you have faith and quiet into your heart, and you walk down an aisle.
Nowhere in Scripture does it say to ask Jesus Christ into your heart. Nowhere in Scripture is there a prayer of repentance to get saved.
Nowhere in Scripture is there a stupid aisle or church membership. See, that's religion, and it's all bull.
What's the difference between a believer and a non -believer? Watch this, it's real simple. Obey. How many of you have asked
Jesus Christ in your heart, and nothing in your life changed? You ain't a Christian. I know they won't tell you that otherwise, because see, churches want to worry about building themselves up with people, and so they tell you things to make you feel accepted and loved.
Smile, Jesus loves you. It's all right. Be the best you you can be.
You know what's hilarious? It's preachers that tell you to work on you, and to tell you to focus on you so that you can be a better you.
It's the same lie Satan was talking about way back in Genesis. When it's focused on you, it's not of God.
When it's focused on God, it's from God. And some of you have been fooled. And some of you are going to sit here today, and you know the very words that are thumping in your heart right now, not mine or some church's, but God's word that's thumping on your heart, saying, convicting you, saying, yeah, that's you?
You're going to sit right there, hold onto that chair, look at that screen, mumble a few words, walk right out that door the same way you walked in.
And if you die today, you will spend eternity in hell. I don't really feel that.
I don't believe that. Your belief system is irrelevant to the sovereign word of Almighty God.
If it's been right for 2 ,500 years on 30 ,000 square miles of land, do you think it might be a little bit real on your eternal destiny?
Guys, they're children, they're walking in. It's okay, focus. If you're in here today, and you are not 100 % sure you're a
Christian, Baptists won't save you. Okay? I can't save you.
The same spirit of God that's in me is the same spirit of God God wants to put in you. I ain't nothing special. I got exhaust fans in my bathroom too.
Okay? That is nothing special. Only thing I can do is show you in God's word where you can find the salvation that will change your life.