The History of Israel with Pastor Jeff Shipley - Part 11



SNBS   Revelation Part 12

SNBS Revelation Part 12

About 2100 BC, and the events that God had from Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, Joseph, the facts that we pointed out, and I just want to go back over a couple of those, the facts that we pointed out that no matter what man did, no matter how bad
Israel failed, God in His promise to Abraham all those many years ago did not fail.
Remember guys, when we are faithless, God and His promises are still faithful. But there's an apologetical understanding here as well.
And church people, this is the number one thing that you people have got to quit doing, is you've got to quit acting and sounding like church people.
Please, for the love of God, please, y 'all listen to me, don't just discount this as the opening statement.
Learn to understand that there is no Bible stories, guys. There is no
Bible history. There is no Bible science. I laugh when people say, well that's secular science.
Guys, gravity, the laws of thermodynamics, what happened in 2100
BC, that's a reality that is apart from our interpretation. It is a fact that is what guides absolute truth.
The fact that God told Abraham, let's just go over some of these. God told
Abraham in 2100 BC, and be honest with you church people, I can't date that like it really happened on January 13th.
No matter what Usher says, I can't say that that actually happened in 2100 BC. But around there, circa,
God told Abraham, I am going to take you, you 75 -year -old guy and your 75 -year -old wife that have no kids, and I'm going to make a great nation out of you.
And in 2020, right now, in reality, as we speak, there is an entire nation of people from that bloodline.
There are three religions from that same bloodline. There is Abraham. I mean, there is
Christianity, there is Judaism, and there is Muslim. Okay? Right now, that's a reality.
Guys, also understand this, that God promised Abraham's descendants would be a nation, but God also promised them this, and we went over all this last week, that God would scatter them if they ceased to obey.
And it was so amazing that from right here, from 2100 all the way down here to 722
BC, God's people said, yeah, I'm sure, well, yeah. And they thought
God was counting one, two, three, but God doesn't count. He says, if you do this, this is what's going to happen.
And the ten northern tribes of Israel went poof with the nation of Assyria.
And then in 586, the Babylonians came in and smacked the two southern tribes of Judah and scattered them everywhere.
But it still wasn't done. I hear theologians talking about these two dates as the culmination of the scattering of the
Jewish people, and once again, that is not accurate. You go forward and forward all this time through Alexander the
Great, through even the Barqo, I mean, even the Maccabean Revolt and all this other stuff, the
Romans spread them. Everyone, every nation has walked over from Ottomans, Mamluks, to the
British, everyone has scattered. And in 135 AD, in the
Barqo Revolt, in 135 AD, the Jews finally told Rome again, we're done with you people.
And Rome said, think again. And they whooped them, changed the name of Jerusalem, changed the name of Judea, and absolutely decimated what was left of Jerusalem.
And the people were gone. Only five percent of the total Jewish population actually lived in Jerusalem after that time.
Most of them, ironically, moved to Babylon. They moved back to Babylon, where their great -great -great -great -grandfathers had been taken many years ago.
But then God said, I'm going to preserve this people group. Man, this is crazy.
Where are the Edomites today? Where are they? Hey, man, how are you? It's good to see you, son.
Where are the Edomites today? They're in Israel? Sort of.
But where's the nation of Edom?
It ain't a cheese. Where's the Hittites? Do you know where the
Hittites are? Where'd you put the Hittites? Come on, tell me where you put the Hittites. Hey, baby, how are you?
Where's Telly? Where are the Hittites? Guys, where's the
Cherokee nation? Guys, this is hittin' rhetorical, Farley.
Listen. Where are they? On a little reservation. Where's their nation? Bye. That happened 200 years ago.
I'm talking about something that happened 2 ,000 years ago. Yet watch this. God said,
I'm going to preserve my people group. Now watch this. God said, listen,
I'm going to gather you back from the east and the west, from the north and the south.
And it's amazing. He actually said, when I gather you back from the north and the south, you're going to have problems.
The east and the west, you're not going to have any problems. When Israel became a nation again in 1948, people from the
United States and Great Britain, i .e. west of Israel, all started moving back. People from the east of Israel, actually the
Arab countries were allowed to move back. But the Russian Jews in 1948 weren't allowed to come back.
And the biggest, massivest, biggest Jewish group was in a place called
Ethiopia in the south, and they had trouble coming back. Pick up your phones right now, just for giggles.
Pick up your little phones right now, and type in Operation Solomon. And just bookmark it so that you can read it later, especially you guys under the age of 30 that thinks that religion and preachers and churches are here to control your minds and your money, and that God's Word's really not that poignant.
Alright? So, do you have it? Okay. Read that later, okay?
That's really a cool little thing. Alright. God said, I will preserve the people of Israel. And then it says,
Israel be a nation again. Watch this. Israel stopped being a nation way back here, in 722.
And here's where they became a nation again. There was no land named Israel. There was no city named Jerusalem.
You can't find it on a map prior to 1948. But on 1948, they became a nation again after 2 ,500 years.
Now here's what you've got to wrap your head around. Either, yes, the Bible is full of little stories, and that white people are using it to control your mind, and to make you socially acceptable, and to steal all your money in Jesus' name.
Or, God's Word is real, and the history of man is at the behest of the sovereignty of God.
It's one of those two things. You're going to have to come to grips with it. And if you come to grips with the fact that God's Word does not be, is not subjective to man's will, the other part of God's will is this.
You either accept Jesus Christ, or He will reject you. Period.
For eternity. And I know some of y 'all, that just offends you, and it's weird that a preacher would get up and say that when so many preachers are there just saying,
God will, sorry Richard, God will accept you just the way you are. Smile, Jesus loves you.
But I'm here to tell you truth, not something to make you feel better. I don't, you have nothing
I want or need. Nothing. I don't want your money, your membership, or anything. If I never see you again,
I'm still going home and having a good night's sleep tonight. Okay? My self -worth and value is not wrapped up in your acceptance.
Okay? And the reason I'm saying that is not as a shock value, but to know you have nothing
I want or need. So the motive, or the onus of why I'm telling you this is by God Almighty and not by employing some sort of gratification from you.
Are you with me? Alright, here we go. Watch this. Next question.
Is God done with Israel? This is for you Christians that actually know something.
For you lost people, just hold on. But for you Christians, the question is, is God done with Israel? Is God done with it?
It's called replacement theology. For those of you that want to study it, I think it's devoid of any true intellectual thought.
I think it borders on a heretical understanding of hermeneutics within scripture.
But if you want to for giggles, you can study it. But basically, replacement theology says this.
Here's old Israel. Here's all the Jews. Say oy. Oy. And so God said,
I'm done with the Jews. Get out of the way. Let me bring in the church now. And everything
I promised you Jews, I'm done with you. It all goes to the church now.
Hmm. Okay, let's read Romans chapter 11. Not Deuteronomy, not
Chronicles, not Kings, but Romans. Romans chapter 11. Paul's writing, it says this.
I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery brothers and sisters so that you will not be conceited.
A partial hardening has come upon Israel. Wait a minute.
Has come upon Israel, but Israel's okay. Come upon Israel until the fullness of the
Gentiles has come in. And in this way, all Israel will be saved.
What is God's plan for Israel? Same plan that God has for Gentiles.
Same plan God has for anybody. Right? How many races of people are there? I mean, you got all of us and then you got the
Mexicans. By the way, Rolando, you look great behind that wall playing those drums. Guys, do you actually understand that God's plan for man has been from the word go, listen, has been from the word go to redeem us back from our sinful selves.
Are y 'all with me? All right. Watch this. It keeps on. And this will be my covenant with them when
I take away their sins regarding the gospels. They are enemies for your advantage.
But regarding election, they are loved because of the patriarchs. Watch this.
Are you ready? This is so awesome. How many of you have sinned so much and cried walking forward because you need to get right with Jesus and then you go back and you do the same thing you did at first and you feel stupid about it and you feel guilty about it?
OK, great, man. All of you young people in here, you don't ever backslide. That is so cool.
So, guys, listen. Here's the good news. The promises that God made 2000 years ago are still in effect regardless of my condition today.
In other words, this my salvation is based on my position in Christ rather than the condition of my flesh.
OK, so my failures are irrelevant to God's promises, just like my plans are irrelevant to God's plans.
All right. Let's let's move on. So is God done with Israel? All right. Well, watch this. Back in Genesis after 15, this is what
God told Abraham, I'm going to make a great nation out of you. But then he got real specific and he says in Genesis 15, on that day, the day
God promised, the Lord made a covenant with Abraham saying, I give this land to your offspring, not to Abraham, to your offspring.
And it's from the brook of Egypt. There it is, a little mile, to the Euphrates River.
Here's the Euphrates River. Now, for those of you that don't understand geography today, see this little dark green or whatever that's called.
That is actually the land of Israel today. Now, God promised Israel, I'm going to give you all that land to your generation unto the thousandth generation forevermore.
Well, he Israel didn't own that. I mean, that's Iraq. You know, that's
Iraq. That's Jordan right there. That's Saudi Arabia. That's Egypt. So if they don't have that land, but God promised they would hold it forever.
What's that mean? God's not done. Look at this. Watch this.
God said in Revelation, he told John, there's a vision.
I was given a measuring reed like a rod. With these words, go and measure the temple of God and the altar.
Notice where it says, and the altar. I'm millennialists. Please explain how there's an altar when this was written in 98
AD after 70 AD. Some of y 'all don't get that, but that's okay. Some of you. Watch this.
Go and measure the temple of God and the altar and count those who worship there, but exclude the courtyard outside the temple.
Don't measure it because it is given to the nations and they will trample the holy city for 42 months.
Now we're about to get into that big time. Watch this today. Right now, this came off of Google, whatever.
Right now, watch this here, right here, right there is the
Wailing Wall. If you go look up your phone, you can look up your phone right now, live view of Wailing Wall, and you will see it right now.
That is the Wailing Wall. This is the part of the temple complex that Jesus preached in that's still there today.
Right here is called the Dome of the Rock, and this is the third most holy site in all of Islam.
Right there. Right back here is called the Al -Asqa Mosque. Right here.
Now what's really stinking cool is this. We actually think now, well I shouldn't say we, but a lot of guys today actually think this is where Solomon's temple was.
So what's that mean is this, is the mosque wouldn't have to be torn down for Solomon's temple to be rebuilt.
Now some of you don't understand why that's important. Well, the reason it's important is this.
If the temple's got to be rebuilt, how can it be rebuilt without putting 1 .2
Muslims in jihad by tearing down that Dome of the Rock? Well what if we could all just get along?
What if we could all finally come to a place where we could just agree to disagree and everything would be cool?
You know the guy who could end up making that happen, that dude would be a pretty big stud, all right?
So God's not done with Israel because there is going to be another temple. All right, here we go.
And this is where we're going to be for the next 20. Open your Bibles to Matthew chapter 24.
We're going to start in verse 15. I encourage you once again, both in intellectual honesty and hermeneutical logic to read all of it, okay?
But for right now, start in verse 15 and we're about to rock and roll. All right?
This is the conclusion looking at the history, the future history of Israel.
Oh, by the way, please write on your papers or write on your phone the Yom Kippur War of 1973.
Remember last week? I was going to get all into this. I had all these stats, but I knew I didn't have time.
Last week I talked about the 1967 war, about how here's Richard again and all of that table right there and all of this table attacked
Richard and he was a little baby because he was only born on May 14th of 1948.
And then all of these guys piled on him. And in six days, Richard whooped them all.
And on the seventh day he rested. By the way, that's history, 1967, six day war.
Go look it up. Well, the Muslims decided to make it round two. And so in 1973, they were all getting together and on Yom Kippur, a high holy day of Israel, they all decided, let's try this again.
And this time they were backed by the Soviet Union and they all attacked Israel again.
This time Israel had a little bit more trouble to be honest with you. And it took them two weeks to beat them all this time.
So they tried it again. Eleven nations backed by the Soviet Union and Israel backed only by the
U .S. took two weeks to beat them all. But it's all a big conspiracy.
There really is no God. And all of this stuff found in the Bible is just pure luck and coincidence.
So watch this. In the first part of chapter 24 in Matthew, the disciples come and ask
Jesus three questions. You see, they're walking out of the temple. Let me give you a little back story.
Is everyone with me so far? Okay. In Matthew chapter 22 and 23, Jesus is in the temple complex for the last time.
He's walking around right in here somewhere. Of course, this thing wasn't there.
But, you know, he's walking around in here, right? And the Pharisees and the
Jews are there. And for two chapters, Jesus calls them, I mean, just calls them out, calls them hypocrites.
Jesus wasn't nice for two chapters, okay? For you 1980s country kitchen
Christians, this is going to be really disturbing for you to read those two chapters. But in reality,
Jesus wore them out. So Jesus, they're all walking out of the temple and the disciples come up to Jesus and like, hey, dude, man, can you dial it back a little bit?
I mean, do you understand? Look at this temple complex. Look how awesome this is.
Jesus looks at him and says, let me tell you something. Not one stone that you see standing is going to be left standing on another.
That's how bad it's going to be. And so they all walk out, they walk down the Kidron Valley, they walk up Mount Olive and the disciples and all the other people are sitting there and Peter, James and John say, hey man, let's go check
Jesus out for a second. So they all walk up to Jesus because they did it privately because they wanted everyone to think that they already knew all this.
And they said, hey, read chapter 24, starting in verse one. It says, hey,
Jesus, we love you and everything. I'm in Revelation. We'll be there in a second. But it says right here, as Jesus left and was going out of the temple complex, he came up and called his attention to the temple buildings.
They replied to him. Do you not see all these things? I assure you not one stone will be left on here on another that will not be thrown down.
Verse three, while he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him privately and said, now listen to the three questions.
Tell us when these things will happen. And what is the sign of your coming? And what is the end of the age?
Three different things. They're a little nervous. They're a little scared. OK. And so they ask him three questions.
The only one I'm going to deal with today is the last one. Really, the last two.
But when is the end for Israel, for the history of Israel? Matthew 24, 15 says this.
So when you see the abomination, we're going to get to this in a second, that causes desolation.
Spoken of the prophet Daniel. Write in your notes, Daniel chapter 9, Daniel chapter 11, if you want to read that later.
Standing in the holy place, let the reader understand. Then those in Judea must flee to the mountains and a man on the housetop must not come back down to get things out of his house.
And a man in the field must not go back to get his clothes. Woe to pregnant women and nursing mothers in those days.
Pray that your escape may not be in winter or on a Sabbath. For at that time, there will be a great tribulation, the kind that hasn't taken place from the beginning of the world or till now or never will be again.
Unless those days were limited, no one would survive. But for those days will be limited because of the elect.
Now, we're about to just get a little bit theology and a little bit intellectual. OK, I don't want to bore people, but let me let me just please encourage you.
Write stuff down. Remember, I am a fallible. Obviously, that was ironic.
A great example. I'm a fallible idiot. OK, I'm just a dumb white redneck high school dropout.
But I'm just one center showing another center where to find truth. So I want you to write down and try to think and go back and study on your own.
OK, please do that. Please, especially my church people. Please become intelligent.
Please study what you say you believe in. It was funny. We were at a church yesterday morning handing out food to.
People who needed food and there were a bunch of Christians there and asked this Christian, I was like, why are you a
Christian? And he said, well, because I accepted Jesus. I said, can you find that in Scripture? Well, no.
OK, so why are you a Christian again? Well, because Jesus is in my heart. Can you find that in Scripture?
No. OK, why are you a Christian? And he couldn't answer the question.
Guys, that's sad. It's really sad. And by the way, when you don't know stuff like that, your mind gets filled up with half truths and you end up sounding like a hypocrite and idiot and you get all arrogant and then arrogance leads to depression and you repeat the cycle for the rest of your life with the caveat of you've ruined the children that you're going to have later.
Anyways, moving on, a little side sermon there. Moving on now, it says here there's going to be an abomination of desolation.
OK, then number two, it says this. If you're in Jerusalem, get out.
If you're out of Jerusalem, don't go back. All right. What is the abomination of desolation?
And I know this is going to irritate you all, but stay with me. It is basically this in Daniel chapter nine and Daniel chapter 11.
It talks about in the temple complex, a man, a man of wallowness and second
Thessalonians. But a man's going to come up into the holy of holies and he's going to desecrate the temple.
And then it says this. He's going to stand in the temple and proclaim himself as God.
OK, now, some Christians think that this has already happened. That's all past.
That's already happened. Well, just looking at this, here's a problem with that.
Just looking at the text, we have remember using history and hermeneutics instead of your feelings or your theology.
Number one, if this happened in 70 A .D., that's when a lot of people say this already happened.
What happened is the Romans came down to Jerusalem. They surrounded Jerusalem and for two years laid siege to it and then killed everybody that was home.
Now, here is God, Jesus Christ, giving you advice on what to do when that happens.
If you're surrounded, Jesus says by the Roman army, if that's what he was talking about, his advice to you is to run out of the city.
Watch this. You're safe behind the walls. Here are all the bad guys surrounding you.
Jesus advice for you to stay safe is run out to them. Hmm. Hmm.
No, don't think that's good advice. By the way, some Jews did do that. Josephus actually writes that a lot of Jews did do that and the
Romans crucified them around the city. Second thing, he said that this time would be so bad in the history of Israel, there would be nothing that would ever be as bad as that.
70 A .D., 40 ,000 Jews were killed inside Jerusalem. 40 ,000, that's a bunch.
40 ,000. That's not that many.
I know you're sitting there going, oh, that's gross. Well, there was this thing called the Holocaust. Y 'all remember that?
Rena remembers. Happened back in 19, from 1935,
I mean, I'm sorry, 1939 to 1945. Six million Jews. And really,
I know that's what we all hear about, but Hitler and the
Jews was a lightweight. Stalin killed 10 times that many.
OK, Hitler was just the guy, the guy Hitler. Stalin killed a lot more Jews than that.
And remember, Stalin and Hitler are just in a long line of people all the way back, almost to that garden guy when he said, have
God really said? And he started jacking with the line of Adam all the way down. And throughout all of written human history,
Jews have been hated and persecuted. Now, that doesn't make them special to me, but it does make the word of God come alive when he said that's what's going to happen.
Now, if this has already happened, then
God lied. So there is no way that you can compare what happened in Jerusalem in 70
AD to 1945. You know what that means? God is not done yet.
By the way, here's another little cool thing. Oh, wait a minute. No, not yet. Here's another little cool thing. In the
Old Testament, God said that the Hebrew language would become pure again. You got to remember,
Jews came from everywhere all over the world in 1948 to come back, but they all speak in Russian and Sudanese and whatever, you know,
Mexicanese. They were speaking all these eases from all over the world and they came back to Israel.
Now, here's what's really cool. In 1948, they reestablished the infrastructure, but you know what they did?
They reestablished the Yiddish language, and today Hebrew is spoken in the old tongue just like they did way back the times in Babylon.
But I guess the Bible got lucky on that too. Oh, and also it said this. Watch this. This is so cool.
Back in Jeremiah, it says, one day not only will Israel be a nation again, but they'll have the shekel back.
That's a form of money, right? Go type in your phones right now.
Google Israel shekel. 20 years ago,
Israel reinstituted the shekel as a form of monetary payment.
But once again, I guess that's a coincidence. This is where all you collectively go. Oh, I know.
But here's the thing, guys. You're waiting to be entertained when the truth of God's Word, not for me,
I'm an idiot, but prophecy after prophecy after prophecy after prophecy after prophecy is coming true in our lifetime.
But you see, you've heard this so much and God and your
Christian life are so bland that Jesus Christ, just like in the days when he walked the earth, can be standing right in front of you, you would still yell crucify him instead of fall down and worship him.
Because our minds treat with contempt the things that are God, because it calls us to a place of obedience and service rather than elevate us to a place of pride and being served.
And so the very thing that God calls us and warns us about. I mean, think about y 'all actually believe everything
I'm telling you right now. OK, great. How many people have you witnessed to about this in the last 48 hours ago?
So let me ask you, do you really believe? Because like the virus thing.
Oh, my gosh. It's on every news outlet. Everybody in the mom is talking. We just had a family quit our church because I won't kick people out for not wearing masks because masks are important.
Oh, my God. But people are dying and going to hell right now, right now, right now, all over the world.
Every time I snap my fingers, about five people die without Jesus. But Pastor, when are you going to shut up so we can go home and eat something and watch
TV? We have been lulled to sleep church. I got more people that are concerned about a style of worship.
How many are offended at drums today? The first person sends me an email about them drums.
I'm going to come punch you in the face for lying. I'll be honest. I couldn't stay up on the pulpit, man.
It was hurting my ears so bad. Come stand here and be Mercedes. But you know what?
I don't care. We have got our minds focused on so many stupid things.
The truth of God's word and even one of them. I got to keep going. I'm going to close with this.
That comment, man. Why did the time get so fast? Read all of Matthew 24 and its parallel passage is found in Revelation six.
I'm going to do this and I'm done. I promise. Let me do these last six things and I'm done.
Okay. Well, no, no, no, no. I'm done.
Hold on. Watch this. In Matthew 24, Jesus is sitting there and says, you're going to hear wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, plagues.
It's going to be dogs sleeping with cats. It's going to be horrible. Okay. All right. You go to John, the book of Revelation, where John wrote this.
John was there in Matthew 24. Jesus was talking to him. John wrote this and Jesus is talking to him again and he fleshes it out.
He gives more details about what Matthew 24 is here. Go to this little picture.
I'm going to do these real quick. I'm just going to run through them. You write, write them down and learn something.
The first seal is opened and I believe it happens right here. Right there.
Basically, it's like this. What if we're all sitting in this room right now? How many of y 'all watched the Memphis State game last night?
Who won, by the way? Memphis won? Wow. And they played a powerhouse team.
Guys, how many of y 'all are UT fans besides me? So the elect of God.
All right. So what? Watch this. So watch this.
What if right now, as I was finishing this sentence, suddenly every
UT fan in this room suddenly disappeared? Right, right.
Baby, you're going to be here during the rapture anyways. Don't worry about it. But for the rest of you, you would suddenly, huh?
Yeah, you probably wouldn't notice. Yeah, that and probably get confused with the whole solar system.
But guys, watch this. Listen, if 10 people in this room suddenly disappeared, somebody in this room is going, holy mackerel.
Of course, most of you would reach for the left behind series rather than the word of God. But, but you would be a little on the scared side.
OK, but don't worry, you'd have the deacons to comfort you. Guys, that's what's going to happen.
You remember when 9 -11 happened? We weren't black or Mexican or white or Presbyterians or cops or whatever.
We were Americans, right? M -E -R -K -A -N, Americans. There is nothing that unites a divided people like a common enemy.
Psychology 101, history of mankind for 6 ,000 years. Ain't nothing that's going to happen.
I promise you there's going to be some cataclysmic event and this individual is going to stand up and go, can we all get along now?
Can we please? We have a common enemy. I'm not going to speculate on that. Can we all get along now?
And here's what we're going to do, guys, to validate that. Hey, the Muslims and the Christians are going to take the lead and the
Jews are going to take the lead. And in a city, the only city in the world that is physically and geographically divided by religion, we're going to come together right now over me.
And they're going to build, I believe, a little temple right here. I believe that's going to happen.
And for three and a half years, this place is going to be jamming. Oh, it's going to be awesome.
Everybody's going to be it's going to be like the 1970s hippie style. It's going to be your toe.
Ricky is going to be awesome, man. Ricky's going to fit right in.
And then as with every human being in the history of the world, they start believing their own press.
They start believing they all that in a bag of chips and they're going to start doing this, right? I'm more important everybody else.
And I believe that second seal is going to be open. And that same guy is going to stand in that temple that's rebuilt right there.
And on television, he's going to go, guys, I got something to tell you. And this will help explain why those people disappeared and all this.
I am God. I am God. And the Bible says the whole world is going to follow after him.
You see, here's what's really cool. Science, to me, is super cool. I love science.
I think it's just awesome guac flash fire. OK, the only thing more awesomely cool than science is history.
OK, but but watch this. There's so many skeptics now and everyone hates religion and justifiably so.
Everybody is just. But all of that is going to take a knee when a couple million people are gone.
The impossible is going to now seem possible. The things that don't fit in a
Petri dish or a book are to become more relevant and more believable.
And so when this guy stands up and says, I am God, everybody's going to go lovely, lovely, lovely.
And then he's going to do this. No more sacrifices the
Yahweh, no more worshiping Allah, no more worshiping
Jesus. All you folks are going to worship. And it's funny, the very next verse, it talks about this cataclysmic war that opens up, which is a logical progression.
Of that thought process, I'll let you read the rest. My favorite one in the whole world.
And I'm just I just I got to read it to you. Is that fifth or that sixth seal? Because to me it makes such sense.
And I'm such a military and history nerd anyways. But basically it says this. The star.
Where am I? Right here. Starting verse 12. Then I saw him open the second, the sixth seal. A violent earthquake occurred and the sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat's hair.
The entire moon became blood red and the stars of heaven fell to the earth as fig tree drops the sunripe fruits shaken by a high wind.
The sky separated like a scroll being rolled up and every mountain and island was removed from its place.
Now, I believe that's nuclear war. You can go look that up on your own, but watch what it says. It says the people of the earth, by the way, stars falling from the sky.
You ever seen a nuclear explosion? It rolls up. I mean, it's not that hard to see that John's looking at something and trying to write down what he's saying.
Right. It's so cool. But once again, this is all fake for you. But anyways, here's what it says. The people will hide.
And this is what they say. They hide their face from the Lamb of God. There are people that will know there is a
God, know his name is Jesus and still go forget you.
By the way, I've seen some of your children, grandchildren do it, so it's not that stretch of an imagination.
Our pride will turn to hatred. Our sin and self elevation will turn to bitterness.
When you keep looking inside to try to find truth and you don't find anything but your black, crusty, sin filled heart, you get angry, you get bitter.
When you have no boundaries, you become angry and you become bitter. And that's what's happening in the world today.
Guys, I'm asking music dudes and the pastors to come up here.
But as they're moving, ADD people especially look right here. Look right here. I am not asking you to be a member of my church.
I'm not asking you to come down some stupid Isle and ask Jesus Christ into your heart, which is found nowhere in scripture.
I'm asking you in the name of Jesus Christ. Every bit of mercy that is possible to submit yourself to the
Lord Jesus Christ. Well, pastor, I did that. Dear Jesus, come. It's not a prayer.
It's a lifestyle. See, if you're one of those people that say,
I believe in God and I'm kind of spiritual and you think that's going to get you to heaven, you're not reading scripture.
You're listening to your feelings and the idiot ramblings of a world religion today designed to jack you up.
The greatest thing Satan ever invented was religion. Get away from it. Got me and Sam Harris agree.
That's pretty sad. Religion is bad. Mr. Yuck sticker bad.
OK. If you are not 100 percent, please listen, if you're not 100 percent sure right now of where you would go when you die, the church can't save you.
A preacher can't save you. The blood of Jesus Christ can save you. Pastor, I'm not sure how to do that.
That's why God invented fat, bald pastors. OK, because I can't do nothing for you, but I can point you to where you need to go.
OK, I remember I am nothing. Same spirit of God. Same man. Same spirit. God's in you.
OK, I'm nothing. If you're in this room today and you're not sure where you are going, please today come and get some help.
Number two, if you need to join a church, not because you want to know what the church can do for you.
This is not that church need gone somewhere else. I want people to join this church. They'll say,
I want to go to work. I don't care which children's ministry like your worship services like or any of that other little bougie millennial stuff.
OK, I want you to believe serving Jesus Christ. I want you to bleed because in that you will find the greatest peace that you're really looking for when you die to yourself.
This is cool. I came up with this. Check this out. You can quote me on this. I must decrease so that he will increase.
Is that not the coolest saying? Oh, yeah. Jesus already beat me to that. But anyways, if you want to find peace, it's not going to be in a sermon or song.
It's going to be in surrendering your will and serving till you die every day to something greater than yourself.
And that ain't a football team or youth retreat or any of that other stuff that gives you that momentary emotional pain.
It's a daily walk with Christ and it's a joy that won't go up and down.
OK, because joy doesn't do that. That's feelings. That's happiness. That's how some of you immature
Christians are measuring it. Joy is something that's like this. It's like cool, fresh air on an airplane when everybody else stinks and it's hot.
It's that just that some of y 'all know what I'm talking about. Guys, if you need to join a church, understand this, we're going to put your work and hold you accountable.
But come on now. If you need to get baptized, come on down. Christians, if you already are a
Christian, but you're living that church life and you know and we all know that you struggle with that and you're ready to be done with that, please don't wait till you feel a way to do that.
OK, because here's what's happened. You'll be 30 something year old with rebellious kids, a rebellious wife and be absolutely miserable, blaming it on your mommy and your daddy and going to therapy to try to get some help with it.
Right here, right now, humble yourself before Almighty God and he will lift you up in due time.
OK, quit blaming everything else. You humble yourself. If you're one of those people that are sit there and hold the back of the chair and go, man,
I'm going to repent next week. Man, I'm going to get it done next week. Ain't ever going to happen.
Publicly, with humility, repent today and know the peace of God. I know that's a long invitation thing, but you can tell that this is coming out of my heart, not just out of some script.
This is what I'm actually feeling in my heart right now from the spirit of God. It's not come take me by the hand and say,