SNBS - Revelation Part 14 - 7 Bowls


SNBS - Revelation Part 14 - 7 Bowls


SNBS - Revelation Part 15 with Pastor Josiah Shipley

SNBS - Revelation Part 15 with Pastor Josiah Shipley

It was the blood of those and they asked God how much longer Lord? Will you avenge our brothers?
And God said just a little longer. Hey Michelle!
We got something going on on the 21st don't we? You mean March 21st? Yes I do! Oh are you talking about the spring break block party?
I am. Where on earth am I going? You're gonna be at Witton Baptist Church which is 6773
Macon Road. It's right on the corner of Witton and Macon. Across from the Walgreens we're gonna have free hot dogs.
I like free. Popcorn, snow cone machine and cotton candy.
Also it's not just food we're also gonna have games. All games. So you know little hoops and we've got some other other games going on.
The first 100 families to come to our spring break block party on March 21st from 4 to 7 pm will receive a free gift bag and that's actually what
I was just working on right now. Do we have a slide? We do have a slide. Should I post it right now? Yes post the slide right now.
Good evening. Welcome to Sunday Night Bible Study with Pastor Josiah Shipley of Witton Baptist Church.
We're going to continue our study of the book of Revelation. We are in chapter 16.
We'll get through probably seven verses tonight. So let's go ahead.
This is part 14 in our series so if you're new to this and haven't been checking it out thus far haven't had the opportunity go back at Witton Media Ministry on YouTube and there is an archive of all of this series on Revelation.
All 14 videos we've done leading up to this point. We've gone in order. You know an introduction to Revelation, different views, chapter 1, 2 as you know we're going on and on and on and here we are in chapter 16.
This is part 14 and here we go. I'm going to read verses 1 through 7 of chapter 16 of the book of Revelation.
I'm reading out of the ESV. Then I heard a loud voice from the temple telling the seven angels go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God.
So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth and harmful and painful sores came upon people who bore the mark of the beast and worship its image.
The second angel poured out his bowl into a scene and became like the blood of a corpse and every living thing died that was in the scene.
The third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and springs of water and they became like blood. Then I heard the angel in charge of the water say just are you
O holy one who is and was for you brought these judgments for they have shed the blood of saints and prophets and you've given them blood to drink.
It's what they deserve. And I heard the altar saying yes Lord God the Almighty just and true are your judgments.
Okay very good. So before we walk through that little bit of review and then we'll walk through those seven verses.
Well first off remember who wrote the book of Revelation? It was the
Apostle John. Apostle John wrote five books of the New Testament the epistles of first second and third
John the gospel of John and the book of Revelation which we can be pretty certain was written in the 90s.
There are believers who try to date this pre 70 AD before the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem.
I find that unconvincing doesn't mean I'm right but and we've talked before typically those who put it at a pre 70 writing are have a preterist view which go back to part one and two to learn about that.
At any rate John is writing and we've discovered so far the book of Revelation is chronological but not perfectly chronological.
There's a lot of flashbacks and skip forward flashbacks just like the book of Genesis you know chapter one talks about the six days of creation in the book of Genesis and if you read
Genesis chapter one I'll just read it the very end it says this because remember there's really only six days of creation the seventh day
God rested. It says here that he made man in his own image male and female he created them
Genesis 127. Well Genesis chapter two talks about in detail the creation of man and woman that's not two separate accounts
Genesis one is an overview of all six days of creation and Genesis chapter two for the most part is an in -depth look at day six the creation of man.
Well you kind of have that in the book of Revelation you have them telling the whole story and then going back and explaining in detail what we're reading in chapter 16 immediately precedes the second coming of Jesus and the setup of the millennial reign.
Well that's not until chapter 19 chapter 17 and 18 are in -depth look at the causality of what happens in chapter 16.
Okay so chronologically chapter 16 ends where chapter 19 the return of Christ begins chapter 17 and 18 are just an in -depth look at these bowls of wrath in chapter 16.
We the majority of the book of Revelation I believe is describing a seven -year event known as the tribulation specifically the great tribulation.
I believe the rapture already happened back in chapter four um but there's still
Christians on earth because there will be a revival and a another remnant as there always has been and always will be
God will always have a remnant and those will be living through the great tribulation.
Now remember church even if you are a pre -trib rapture guy you will live through tribulation
Jesus promised that John 16 33. What I'm referring to is the great tribulation okay the day is coming church where pastor
Jeff says it often each other is all we're going to have that day is coming as it already is for some of our brothers and sisters elsewhere in the world.