True Repentance Luke 19 Vs 1 10
Faith Bible Church
The Humble Kingdom Luke 18 Vs 31 43
The Rich Ruler Luke 18 Vs 18 30
Childlike Trust Luke 18:15-17
Justified Before God Luke 18: 8-14
Persistent Prayer Luke 18:1-8
The Eschatological Kingdom Luke 17:20-37
The Grateful Samaritan Luke 17:11-19
Distinct Disciples - Luke 17:1 10
Focus on the Afterlife Luke 16 Vs 19-31
Reliable Resurrection John 20:1-18
Parade of Peace John 12: 12-19
Risky Rejection Luke 16 Vs 14-18
Serving the True Master Luke 16:1-13
The Tale of Two Sons Luke 15:11-32
Gods Disposition toward Sinners Luke 15 Vs 1 10
Careful Considerations Luke 14 Vs 25 35
The Banquet Guests Luke 14 Vs 15 24
Selflessly Serve Luke 14 Vs 7-14
The Silent Rejection Luke 14 Vs 1-6
The Result of Rejection Luke 13 Vs 31 35
January 7, 2024 The Book of Ruth
Invitation to His Kingdom Luke 13 Vs 22 30
Kingdom Impact Luke 13 Vs 18-21
Restoration and Rejoicing Luke 13 Vs 10 17 1
The Superiority of the Son Hebrews 1 Vs 5 14 1
Urgently Repent Luke 13 Vs 1 9
Discerning the Time Luke 12 Vs 49 59
Watchfully Waiting Luke 12 Vs 35 48
Antidote to Anxiety Luke 12:22-34
Worshiping Wealth Luke 12:13-21
God's Attributes Displayed in His Church Eph 3;7-13
Path of Discipleship - Luke 12:1-12
Woe, Woe, Woe Luke 11:37-54
Result of Rejection Luke 11:29-36
The True Blessing Luke 11:14-28
Prayers for Christ's Disciples Luke 11:1-13
Prioritizing Jesus' Presence Luke 10:38-42
Good Samaritan Luke 10 Vs 25 37
Rejoicing in Our Relationship Luke 10:17-42
Great Revelation Great Responsibility Luke 10:1-16
Journey to Jerusalem - Luke 9:51-62
True Greatness Luke 9:37-50
The Divine Confirmation - Luke 9:28-36
Who is the Christ of God Luke 9:18-27
Messianic Banquet Luke 9:10-17
Responding to the Gospel - Luke 9:1- 9
Death to Life with Christ - Romans 6 :1-11
Disease Death and Daughters Luke 8:40-56
Authority to Deliver Luke 8:22-39
Destiny and Identity Luke 8:16-21
Varying Responses Luke 8:4-15
Forgiveness Produces Fruit Luke 7:36-8:3
Rejection of Redemption Luke 7:18-35
Authority Over Death Luke 7:11-17
Absolute Authority Luke 7:1-10
Fruit and Root Luke 6:43-49
Marked by Mercy Luke 6:37-42
Sacrificial Love Luke 6:27-36
Righteous Reversal Luke 6:20-26