The Here I Stand Theology Podcast Ep #12 (Interview with Gabe Rench of CrossPolitic)
Here I Stand Theology
The Christian and Prayer Luke 9:37-43
Episode 11 The Here I Stand Theology Podcast: Interview with Chris Rosebrough
The Here I Stand Theology Podcast - Creeds Confessions and Catechisms Ep10
Sermon for Lord's Day June 20, 2021 "The Transfiguration of Jesus"
O Christian! Do Not be ashamed of Jesus!
The Immortality of the Soul of Man Luke 9:25
The Here I Stand Theology Podcast Episode 9 (Steven Furtick's false teaching)
Redemption and Destruction (Losing your life for the Gospels sake)
The Here I Stand Theology Podcast Ep #8 {False Teaching}
The Gospel Stands Unchanged
Lukes first account pt 2
Lukes first account pt 1
The patterns and practices of the early Church
The content of Christ's Message
Matthew chapter 11
The Holiness of God
Dont let sin be your ruin
The content of the Apostles message
The substance is of Christ
The importance of being a Berean Hearer
Jesus- the treasure of all wisdom and knowledge
The work of Jesus Christ
The person of Jesus Christ
The word of God
Redemption through His blood
The Purpose and aim of Reformata Baptist Church
The Bible...Its all about Jesus! Its not about you!
Gods will for every Christian!
Introduction to Colossians
Colossians 1:9-12
Good works are the result of Salvation {antimonianism, legalism, or Saved By Grace}
Four things the Lord has done
The person, purpose, and power of the Gospel 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
The promise of the Messaiah in the book of Zechariah
God is faithful Ezra 9-10
Behold your God!
Looking unto Jesus December 16, 2018
Haggai's 3rd and 4th sermon to Israel
Haggais second message to Israel
Reformata Baptist Church's affirmation of the Statement on social justice and the Gospel
Haggai's first message to Israel after captivity
10/14/18 Ezra 4
10/7/2018 Ezra 3
09/30/2018 - Ezra 2
Ezra 1
Foundation for understanding Ezra - Isaiahs prophecy
8/19/18 Intro to Ezra (Foundations for understanding Ezra-The sovereignty and providence of God
9/2/18 The sovereignty and providence of God in salvation (Romans 11:17-34)
Prayer and Praise belong together
8/26/18 Foundations for understanding Ezra- Jeremiah's prophecy
Phillipians 3:15-21
Think on these things
Sufficiency of Christ (Giving to the local church
Pauls commendation of Timothy and Epaphroditus
Philippians 3:21-4:3