Making Your Own Heart Clean? - [Matthew 12:9ff]
Bethlehem Bible Church
Heresy 101 (part 3)
Did God Command Diversity? - [Ephesians 4:1-16]
Heresy 101 (part 2)
Heresy 101 (part 1)
Impressed By Jesus? - [Matthew 17:1-9]
Christ's Bodybuilding Program - [Matthew 16:18]
Biblical Ethics - Ten Commandments (part 2) - [Exodus 20:1-17]
The Mysterious Messiah - [John 7:25-36]
Manipulator, Maniac Or Messiah? - [John 7:10-24]
Biblical Ethics - Ten Commandments - [Exodus 20:1-17]
With Brothers Like This, Who Needs Enemies - [John 7:1-9]
Platonists And Judaizers In The Sheepfold (part 2)
Platonists And Judaizers In The Sheepfold - [Colossians]
Did God Command Polygamy? - [Genesis 4:16-24]
God's Great Mercy - [Jonah 4]
Great Is Thy Faithfulness - [Lam 3:22-23]
Do You Believe IN Jesus? - [John 6:45-59]
Do You Believe Jesus? - [John 6:37-44]
Amazing Words: Grace (part 1)
Worship (part 2) - [Psalm 95]
Assurance: False And Genuine
Tepid Worship (part 1) - [Psalm 95]
The Power To Overcome Unbelief - [John 6:30-40]
Evangelism - [Acts 13:42-48]
Grace Boys, Works Boys And Puritan Boys
Mysticism And Sola Scriptura (part 3)
Elder Q&A
My Five Year Plan (part 2)
My Five-Year Plan (part 1)
Sola Scriptura And Mysticism (part 2)
What You Can Learn From Death Before You Die
You Might Be In A Cult If...[Colossians 2:6-10]
Sola Scriptura And Mysticism (part 1)
The Liberating Power Of The Gospel [Galatians 5:13-15]
The Ressurection
Arise From The Dead!
Enemies Within The Walls: Lack Of Love (part 3)
Common Questions (part 6)
Redemption Accomplished [Ruth 4:7-22]
Enemies Within The Walls: Lack Of Love (part 2)
In Christ
The Cost Of Redemption - [Ruth 4:1-6]
The Need For Redemption (part 2) - [Genesis 3]
Common Questions (part 5) - Do Babies Go To Heaven?
Enemies Within The Walls: Lack Of Love (part 1)
The Fall And The Need Of Redemption - [Genesis 3]
What Was The Holy Spirit Doing Before Pentacost?
Silencing Liars - [Titus 1:6-12]
Cults 101 (part 3)
Common Questions (part 4)
The Drama Of Redemption - [Ruth 3:10ff]
Run Christian Run - [Hebrews 12:1-9]
Cults 101 (part 2)
Q&A With Jesus - [Mark 8]
Common Questions (part 3)
Can Boaz Be Trusted? - [Ruth 3:1ff]
Cults 101
Relative Redeemer - [Ruth 2:17-23]
The Way To Heaven Is Always Through Obedience - [Luke 18:18ff]