Equip 2024: Our Blessed and Boundless God #3 - He Who Needs Nothing: Aseity and Simplicity
Redeemer Bible Fellowship
Genesis #36 - Unlikely Grace #8 - "Unlikely Grace on the Long Way Home" (Genesis 30:25-31:55)
Equip 2024: Our Blessed and Boundless God #1 - He Who is Blessed: Divine Blessedness | Steve Meister
Equip 2024: Our Blessed and Boundless God #2 - He Who is: Divine Incomprehensibility | Steve Meister
Genesis #35 - Unlikely Grace #7 - "A Message Out of the Mess" (Genesis 29:31-30:24)
Genesis #34 - Unlikely Grace #6 - “A Crash Course in the Mystery of Providence” (Genesis 29:1-30)
The Centrality of the Church #2 - "Why the Gathered Church Matters!" (Heb 10:24-25)
Creeds and Confessions #1 - Why Creeds and Confessions?
The Centrality of the Church #1 - "Making God's Perspective on the Church Yours" (1 Tim 3:14-16)
Running the Race to the Finish (Hebrews 12:1-2)
Genesis #33 - Unlikely Grace #5 - Grace in the Face of Spiritual Failure (Gen 27:41-28:22)
Genesis #32 - Unlikely Grace #4 - Tragically Misunderstanding God's Promise (Genesis 27:1-40)
Genesis #31 - Unlikely Grace #3 - Temptations in the Pathway of the Believer Pt.2 (Gen 26:26-35)
Genesis #30 - Unlikely Grace #2 - Temptations in the Pathway of the Believer Pt.1 (Gen 26:1-25)
Genesis #29 - Unlikely Grace #1 - The God of the Upside Down (Gen 25:12-34)
Old Foundations for a Fresh Start (Acts 2:42)
Life in the Father's House #5 - A Culture of Biblical Equipping Pt. 2 (Eph 4:15-16)
Life in the Father's House #4 - "A Culture of Biblical Equipping" Pt. 1 (Ephesians 4:11-14)
Life in the Father's House #3 - "A Culture of Mutual Care" (Romans 12:12-21)
Life in the Father's House #2 - "A Culture of Spiritual Zeal" (Romans 12:11)
Life in the Father's House #1 - "A Culture of Christian Love" (Romans 12:9-10)
Deep Joy: The Message of Philippians #11: "The Joy of Faithful Stewardship" (Phil 4:10-23) AUDIO
Deep Joy: The Message of Philippians #10: "The Pathway to Everyday Joy" (Phil 4:1-9) AUDIO ONLY
Idols Then and Now (Exodus 32:1-14)
Deep Joy: The Message of Philippians #9: "The Joy of Pursuing Spiritual Excellence 2 (Phil 3:17-21)
Deep Joy: The Message of Philippians #8: "The Joy of Pursuing Spiritual Excellence (Phil 3:12-16)
Deep Joy: The Message of Philippians #7: "The Joy of a Real Righteousness" (Phil 3:1-11)
Deep Joy: The Message of Philippians #6: "The Joy of Faithful Service" (Phil 2:12-30)
Deep Joy: The Message of Philippians #5: "The Joy of Humility" (Phil 2:1-11) (AUDIO ONLY)
Deep Joy: The Message of Philippians #4: "The Joy of Gospel Progress" (Phil 1:18b-30)
Deep Joy: The Message of Philippians #3: "Joy in Advancing the Gospel" (Phil 1:12-18a)
Deep Joy: The Message of Philippians #2: "The Joy of Pursuing Gospel Partnership" (Phil 1:3-11)
Deep Joy: The Message of Philippians #1: "Introducing Philippians" (Phil 1:1-2)
Genesis #28 - The Gospel According to Abraham #18 - "The Legacy of Faith" (Genesis 25:1-11)
Genesis #27 - The Gospel According to Abraham #17 - "Faith for an Uncertain Future" (Gen 24)
Genesis #26 - The Gospel According to Abraham #16 - "How Faith Deals with Death" (Genesis 23)
Genesis #25 - The Gospel According to Abraham #15 - "The Tests and Triumphs of Faith" (Genesis 22
Genesis #24 - The Gospel According to Abraham #14 - "Responding to God's Grace Work" (Genesis 21)
Genesis #23 - Abraham #13 - The Patterns of the Past and the Grace of God (Gen 19:30-20:18)
Gen #22 - The Gospel Acc to Abraham #12 - "Is There Anything Too Hard for the Lord?" (2) (Gen 18-19)
Does the End Matter? (Selected Scriptures)
Gen #21 - The Gospel Acc. to Abraham #11 - "Is There Anything Too Hard for the Lord?" (Gen 18:1-15)
Genesis #20 - The Gospel According to Abraham #10 - "Covenant Relationship" (Genesis 17)
The All-Encompassing Grace of God - Titus 2:11-14 (Doug Biddle)
God's Purpose for Redeemer Bible Fellowship - Ephesians 3:14-21
Genesis #19 - The Gospel According to Abraham #9 - "God's Way or the Highway?" (Genesis 16)
Hebrews 10:24-25 (Pastor Jon Benzinger, Redeemer Bible Church, Gilbert, AZ)
We Got Adopted by @RedeemerBibleChurchGilbert!!!
Worship by the Book #4 - "Does Style Matter?" Pt 2 (Selected Scriptures)
Worship by the Book #3 - "Does Style Matter?" (Selected Scriptures)
Worship by the Book #2 - "A Better Word: The Dialogical Principle of Worship" (Heb 12:18-29)
Worship by the Book #1 - Who Decides How to Worship God? The Regulative Principle of Worship
Growing Deeper and Further in 2023 (Hebrews 5:11-6:3)
Genesis #17 - Abraham #7 - "The Dark Night of the Soul and the Promises of God" (Genesis 15)
Genesis #16 - The Gospel According to Abraham #6 - "Making Sense of Melchizedek"
Genesis #15 - The Gospel According to Abraham #5 - "Faith Wars" (Genesis 14)
Genesis #14 - The Gospel According to Abraham #4 - "Faltering Faith, Faithful God (2)" (Genesis 13)
Genesis #13 - The Gospel According to Abraham #3 - "Faltering Faith, Faithful God" (Gen 12:10-20)
Genesis #12 - The Gospel According to Abraham #2 - "Covenant Grace Pt. 2" (Genesis 12:1-3)
Genesis #11 - The Gospel According to Abraham #1 - "Covenant Grace Pt. 1" (Gen 11:10-12:9)