Simple Church 2: Back to Basics (7) - "What Does Biblical Church Life Look Like?"
Redeemer Bible Fellowship
The Cutting Room Floor Ep 6 - "What are the Means of Grace?"
Simple Church 2: Back to Basics (8) - "What is Biblical Preaching?"
Simple Church 2: Back to Basics (6) - "What are the Means of Grace?"
The Cutting Room Floor Episode 5: "Does Doctrine Matter?"
Simple Church 2: Back to Basics (5) - "Does Doctrine Matter?"
The Cutting Room Floor Episode 4: "How Does Jesus Rule the Church?"
Simple Church 2: Back to Basics (4): How Does Jesus Lead the Church?
The Cutting Room Floor Episode 3 - "Does the Bible Teach Church Membership?"
Simple Church: Back to Basics #3- "Does the Bible Teach Church Membership?" (Selected Scriptures)
The Cutting Room Floor Episode 2 - "What is the Purpose of the Church?"
SImple Church: Back to Basics #2 - "What is the Purpose of the Church?" (Selected Scriptures)
The Cutting Room Floor Ep 1 - "What is a Church" (Simple Church: Back to Basics Pt 1)
Simple Church Vol. 2: Back to Basics #1 - What is a Church?
Anchored #13 - "Grounded in God's Calling" (1 Peter 5:5b-14)
Anchored #12 - "Grounded in God's Authority" (1 Peter 5:1-5a)
Anchored #11 - "A Grounded View of Suffering" (1 Peter 4:12-19)
Anchored #10 - "Grounded in our Perspective" (1 Peter 4:1-11)
Anchored #9 - Grounded in our Great Example (1 Pet 3:13-22)
Anchored #7 - Grounded in Good Works Pt 3 (1 Peter 3:1-7)
Anchored #6 - "Grounded in Good Works (2)" - 1 Peter 2:18-25 (audio only)
Some Pastoral Thoughts on Roe v. Wade
Anchored #5 - Grounded in Good Works (1 Peter 2:11-17) (AUDIO ONLY)
Anchored #4 - Grounded in Divine Activity, Grounded in Divine Identity (1 Peter 2:4-10)
Anchored #2 - Grounded in our Salvation (1 Peter 1:3-12)
Anchored #1 - Introducing 1 Peter (1 Peter 1:1-2)
Genesis #9 - Foundations #9 - God and the Nations Pt 1 (Genesis 9:18-10:32)
Genesis #5 - Foundations #5 - The Effects of Sin (Genesis 4)
Genesis #6 - Foundations #6 - The Search for Significance in a Fallen World (Genesis 5)
The Gospel Defined (and Implied) in a Nutshell (1 Cor 15:1-11) - Kenny Gray
Genesis #4 - Foundations #4 - "Fallen" (Genesis 3)
Simple Church #4 - More than a Meal: The Lord's Table (Has Low Audio due to tech issues)
Simple Church #1 - The Word of God: When God Speaks, Things Happen (Selected Scriptures)
Christmas 2021 #3 - God Gave Us a King: The Gift of a Gracious Sovereign (Luke 1:67-79)
Christmas 2021 - The Reason for the Season #2 - The Gift of a Representative (Selected Scriptures)
Galatians #21 - Walking in Gospel Liberty #4 - “Walking in Restoration” (Galatians 6:1-5)
Discipleship Vision Meeting
Spirit and Truth (6): "Anointed with the Holy Spirit and Power" - Jesus and the Holy Spirit Part 2
Spirit and Truth (5): "Anointed with the Holy Spirit and Power" Part 1
God's Black and White on Gray Areas (2) - "Life, Love and the Pursuit of Unity" (Romans 14:13-23)
God's Black and White on Grey Areas (1): Put the Gavel Down! (Romans 14:1-12)
Worship in the In-Between (Hab 3:1-19)
July 19th - "Penal Substitution: The Theatre of the Gospel" (Selected Scriptures)