Psalm 35 (Strong Identity)
The Shepherd's Church
Titus 2:3-5 (Biblical Womanhood)
Galatians 6:6-10: The Duty and Blessing of Strong Giving
Genesis 2:7-25 - Biblical Manhood
John 15:26-27: The Spirit Filled Life
John 15:17-25 (Hated for Christ)
John 15:12-17 (Defined By Christ)
John 15:1-11 (Part 2 - The Fruitful Life)
John 15:1-6 (Part 1): The Fruitless Vine
John 14:27-31 (The Peace of Christ Part 2)
John 14:27a - The Peace of Christ (Part 1)
John 14:25-26 (The Spirit and Revelation)
John 14:19-24 (The Conditions Of Christ's Love)
John 14:16-18 (The Spirit Our Helper)
John 14:15 (If You Love Me)
John 14:13-14 (Praying In His Name)
John 14:12 (Believing Ones)
John 14:5-11 (The Knowledge of God in Christ)
Philippians 1:1-11 (Christian Leadership)
John 14:6 (Christ Way For Us)
John 14:5 (The Way Of Christ: Good Friday)
John 14:2-3 (Christ Betrothes Us)
John 14:2-3 Part 1 - Jesus And The New Temple
John 14:1 (A Warrior's Mindset)
When God Feels Distant (Various Passages)
John 13:36-38 (When God Lets You Face Plant)
John 13:31-35 (Saved and Assured)
John 13:18-30 (God's Purpose in Reprobation)
John 13:14-17 (The Obligations That Lead To Blessings)
John 13:12-17 (Jesus' After Action Report)
John 13:5-11 (Washed in Jesus' Grace)
John 13:1-5 (What Jesus' Love Does For Us)
Salt and Light
The Blessing of Giving
Simeon's Song
God's Song on Angel's Lips
Zacharias' Song
Mary's Song
The Christmas Song in Psalms
The Love of Christ for His Church (Ephesians 5:22-32)
The True Church Final (1 Peter 2:1-12)
Unity and the True Church
True Church Government
The Home And Our Commission
Continuity At The Lord's Table
Consecrated To The Law Of God
Confession is Essential
Called Into Sabbath
The Necessity Of Covenant Renewal Worship
Remember Your Baptism!
Preparing, Participating, and Practicing the Presence of God
The Blessed Necessity of Gathering in the Presence of God
The True Church
John 12:42-50 (How To Be A Fake Christian In 3 Easy Steps)
John 12:34-41 (Damned, for the Glory of God)
John 12:27-33 (The Shaking of the Savior)
John 12:20-26 (Called To Be Witnesses)
John 12:16-19 (He Shall Have Dominion)
John 12:12-15 (Expecting The King)
Jeremiah 20:1-7 (Captivity and Commission)