John 8:33-36 (Covenantal Freedom)
The Shepherd's Church
How God Writes History And Fulfills History Through Covenant
1 Corinthians 2:6-3:4 (The Characteristics of Wisdom)
John 8:31-32 (To Continue With Christ)
John 8:13-30 (How To Go To Hell In 4 Easy Steps)
John 8:12-20 (Christ, The Light Of The World)
John 7:40-52 (Rejected For Christ)
John 7:37-52 (The Christ Of Tabernacles)
John 7:25-36 (Forbidden From Heaven)
John 7:19-23 (The Christ Of The Covenants)
John 7:17-24 (The Unwelcomed Christ)
John 7:8-18 (The Rejection and Reception of Christ)
John 7:1-9 (The Regulation Of Rebels)
1 Peter 2:4-12: (Building The Exile's Identity)
1 Peter 1:22-2:3 (Community in Exile)
1 Corinthians 1:30-2:5 (Unintended Consequences)
John 6:60-71 (The Word Offends)
King's Commission (Resurrection Sunday)
King Crucified (Good Friday)
King Forever (Palm Sunday)
John 6:48-59 (Drawn to Feast)
John 6:44-47 (Drawn To Obedience)
John 6:44 (The Drawing Of God)
John 6:41-43 (How The Gospel Breaks Our Grumbling)
John 6:30-40 (Counterfeit Christianity)
Lamentations 3 (Hope In A Dark World)
John 6:22-29 (Work That Will Never Fade)
John 6:15-21 (Divine Contrasts)
John 6:14-15 (The Idolatry Of Nation)
Psalm 29: The Knowledge Of God That Fuels Hope and Ignites Our Praise
John 6:1-13 (Jesus and the Exodus)
1 Corinthians 1:18-31 (The Wisdom Of God In The Gospel Of God)
The Christ Will Reign in Isaiah!
The Christ Is Born In Isaiah
The Christ Will Shine In Isaiah
The Christ Announced in Isaiah
The Foundation Of Christmas In Isaiah
Mission: How Does The Church Worship God?
Mission: Glorifying God Together
Revelation 2:4-5 (Lost First Love)
John 5:31-47 (The Testimony of Christ)
1 Corinthians 1:10-17 (A House Divided)
John 5:17-32 (Who Did Jesus Say Jesus Is?)
John 5:1-16 (Betraying Jesus)
John 4:43-54 (Signs and Wonder-Driven, Woke-Ridden, False Faith)
John 4:25-42 (Gospel-ignited Missions)
John 4:23-24 (The Puzzle Of Being A Christian)
John 4:7-26 (Sin, Shame, and Spiritual Confusion)
Romans 12 (A Successful, Faithful, and Effective Church)
1 Corinthians 1:1-9 (The Childlike Church)
John 4:1-10 (Christ The Living Water)
John 3:31-36 (The Supreme Christ)
John 3:22-30 (He Must Be Greater!)
John 3:17-21 (This Present Judgment)
John 3:16 (The Assurance of God's Love)
John 3:13-15 (Look at Him!)
John 2:23-3:12 (War on False Faith)
Philippians 3:20 (A Better Citizenship)
John 2:13-22 (The War On False Religion)
John 2:1-12 (The Dawning of the Kingdom of God)