Book of Malachi - Ch. 3, Vs. 1 (04/30/2023)
Park Meadows Church
Romans 16:1 - God's Roles for Women in the Church, Pt. 3 (04/23/2023)
Book of Psalms - Psa. 13, Vs. 1-6 (04/23/2023) | NOTE: Incomplete recording
Romans 16:1 - God's Roles for Women in the Church, Pt. 2 (04/16/2023)
Book of Malachi - Ch. 2, Vs. 17 (04/16/2023)
Resurrection Sunday 2023 (04/09/2023)
Book of Malachi - Ch. 2, Vs. 16 (04/09/2023) | NOTE: Incomplete recording
Book of Malachi - Ch. 2, Vs. 10-15 (04/02/2023)
Romans 15:29-16:1 - God's Roles for Women in the Church, Pt. 1 (04/02/2023)
Book of Malachi - Ch. 2, Vs. 1-9 (03/26/2023)
Romans 15:27-33 - The Preaching & Ministry of Paul, Pt. 3 (03/19/2023)
Book of Psalms - Psa. 12, Vs. 1-8 (03/19/2023)
Book of Psalms - Psa. 11, Vs. 1-7 (03/12/2023) | NOTE: Low volume until minute 6:19
Romans 15:25-26 - The Preaching & Ministry of Paul, Pt. 2 (03/12/2023)
Does Ephesians 2:8 Prove That Faith is a Gift? (03/05/2023)
Romans 15:17-24 - The Preaching & Ministry of Paul, Pt. 1 (03/05/2023)
Book of Psalms - Psa. 10, Vs. 1-18 (02/26/2023)
Romans 15:17-18 - How to Judge a True Revival (02/26/2023)
Romans 15:16 - What the Temple Represents Spiritually, Pt. 2 (02/19/2023)
Book of Malachi - Ch. 2, Vs. 1-6 (02/19/2023)
Romans 15:16 - What the Temple Represents Spiritually, Pt. 1 (02/12/2023)
Book of Malachi - Ch. 1, Vs. 11-14 (02/12/2023)
Book of Malachi - Ch. 1, Vs. 11 (02/05/2023)
Romans 15:16 - The Offering Up Of Our Prayers (02/05/2023)
Book of Malachi - Ch. 1, Vs. 9-11 (01/29/2023)
Advancing the Kingdom, Pt. 2 (01/22/2023)
Book of Malachi - Ch. 1, Vs. 6-8 (01/22/2023)
Advancing the Kingdom, Pt. 1 (01/15/2023)
Book of Malachi - Ch. 1, Vs. 2-5 (01/15/2023)
Book of Malachi - Ch. 1, Vs. 2-3 (01/08/2023)
Romans 15:16 - How Cleansing the Inner Temple Cleanses the Outer Court, Pt. 2 (01/08/2023)
Book of Malachi - Ch. 1, Vs. 2 (01/01/2023)
Romans 15:16 - How Cleansing the Inner Temple Cleanses the Outer Court, Pt. 1 (01/01/2023)
Romans 15:16 - Repairing the Door of Your Heart, Pt. 3 (12/18/2022)
Book of Malachi - Ch. 1, Vs. 1-2 (12/11/2022)
Romans 15:16 - Repairing the Door of Your Heart, Pt. 2 (12/11/2022)
Romans 15:16 - Repairing the Door of Your Heart, Pt. 1 (12/04/2022)
Book of Psalms - Psa. 9, Vs. 1-20 (12/04/2022)
Romans 15:16 - Keeping the Charge of the Tabernacle, Pt. 2 (11/27/2022)
Book of Psalms - Psa. 8, Vs. 1-9 (11/27/2022)
Romans 15:16 - Keeping the Charge of the Tabernacle, Pt. 1 (11/20/2022)
Book of Psalms - Psa. 7, Vs. 6-17 (11/20/2022)
Romans 15:16 - How We Are Made Believer-Priests, Pt. 3 (11/13/2022)
Book of Psalms - Psa. 7, Vs. 1-5 (11/13/2022)
Book of Obadiah - Vs. 17-21 (11/06/2022)
Romans 15:16 - How We Are Made Believer-Priests, Pt. 2 (11/06/2022)
Book of Obadiah - Vs. 15-18 (10/30/2022)
Romans 15:16 - How We Are Made Believer-Priests, Pt. 1 (10/30/2022)
Romans 15:16 - The Purpose of Unbelievers (10/23/2022)
Book of Obadiah - Vs. 15 (10/23/2022) | NOTE: Audio malfunction until minute 8:49
"From Penitent to Powerful" | Psa. 6 (10/16/2022) | NOTE: Audio drops from minute 40:47 to 45:34
Romans 15:16 - Promises to the Believer-Priest, Pt. 2 (10/16/2022) | NOTE: Poor audio quality
Book of Obadiah - Vs. 10-14 (10/09/2022)
Romans 15:16 - Promises to the Believer-Priest, Pt. 1 (10/09/2022)
Book of Obadiah - Vs. 10 | Parenthetical on Pride Conclusion (10/02/2022)
Romans 15:16 - What It Means to Be a Believer-Priest, Pt. 3 (10/02/2022)