Classic: The “Almost” Christian (Part 1)
No Compromise Radio
Baker Dictionary of Theology
Christ Is Pre-eminent! - [Colossians 3:18-4:18]
Clothes Make the Man (Part 2)
Shane Rosenthal and the Humble Skeptic
Webster 1828
Exaltation Of Jesus Christ - [Colossians 3]
Clothes Make the Man (Part 1)
Duplex Gratia (from Colossians) (Part 2)
What Happens When We Worship?
The Sufficiency Of Jesus Christ - [Colossians 2]
Duplex Gratia (from Colossians) Part 1
Jesus is Superior. So What?
The Aquinas Fuss
The Supremacy Of Jesus - [Colossians 1]
Thankful For False Teaching?
The Beza Briefing - Law and Gospel Continued
Application in Preaching
Faith And Faithfulness - [Hebrews 13]
Getting The Gospel Right (Part 2)
Getting The Gospel Right (Part 1)
Luther Lessons
The Church Without Compromise - [Acts 4:23-31]
Classic: What I Wish People Told Me (Part 3) (2015)
Classic: What I Wish People Told Me (Part 2) (2015)
Classic: What I Wish People Told Me (Part 1) (2015)
Reasons For Praise (part 2) - [1 Peter 1:3-9]
Reasons for Praise (Part 2)
Reasons for Praise (Part 1)
Renee Esquerra Interview (2023)
Sermon: Reasons To Praise (Part 1) - [1 Peter 1:3-9]
Books, Books, Books (September, 2022)
Steve Nichols Interview (2017)
S. Lewis Johnson: Simon
Why Did Jesus Come To Earth? - [Hebrews 2]
Luke Abendroth Christmas Eve Message (2022)
What Jesus Accomplished (Part 2)
What Jesus Accomplished (Part 1)
Ecclesiastes 12
The Beza Briefing - The Law and the Gospel
The Beza Briefing - The Role of Works
Teach Your Children the Bible
Ecclesiastes 11
When You Do Not Know (Part 3)
When You Do Not Know (Part 2)
When You Do Not Know (Part 1)
Ecclesiastes 10
Theology Quiz (Part 3)
Theology Quiz (Part 2)
Covenant Theology vs Neonomianism (Part 4)
Ecclesiastes 9
Covenant Theology vs Neonomianism (Part 3)
Covenant Theology vs Neonomianism (Part 2)
Covenant Theology vs Neonomianism (Part 1)
What Does Wisdom Say? - [Ecclesiastes 8:14-17]
Ecclesiastes 9 & Enjoyment
Ecclesiastes 9 & Death
Theology Quiz
You Don’t Say? - [Ecclesiastes 8]
I Commend Joy!