WWUTT 1081 Bar-Jesus the Magician?
WWUTT Podcast
Sunday Sermon: Children Obey Your Parents, Parents Teach Your Children (Ephesians 6:1-4)
WWUTT Q&A Purgatory, Unbelieving Spouse, Could Jesus Have Sinned?
WWUTT 1079 Envying the Wicked?
WWUTT 1078 Herod Perishes?
WWUTT 1077 Peter is Rescued?
WWUTT 1076 James Killed, Peter Imprisoned?
Sunday Sermon: Marriage as Christ Loves the Church (Ephesians 5:22-33)
WWUTT 1075 Q&A Babies are Still Murdered Here, They Went Out From Us, Lamb or Goat of God, Be Ready to Give an Answer?
WWUTT 1074 The Wrongs I Have Done Are Not Hidden?
WWUTT 1073 When Christians Were First Called Christians?
WWUTT 1072 God Grants Repentance?
WWUTT 1071 Peter Visits Cornelius?
Sunday Sermon: What the Will of the Lord Is (Ephesians 5:15-21)
WWUTT 1070 Q&A Halloween, Reformation, Christmas, Could Jesus Have Sinned, Mortification of Sin?
WWUTT 1069 If I Had Cherished Sin in My Heart?
WWUTT 1068 Helpless Persons Raised to Life?
WWUTT 1067 They Did Not Believe Saul Was A Disciple?
WWUTT 1066 From Damascus to Arabia and Back Again?
Sunday Sermon: Fruitless Works of Darkness (Ephesians 5:4-14)
WWUTT 1065 Q&A Truth Matters, Soft Bibles, O Canada, God's Presence, Women Preachers?
WWUTT 1064 Seeking the Sanctuary of God?
WWUTT 1063 Saul of Tarsus Becomes a Christian?
WWUTT 1062 Jesus Appears to Saul of Tarsus?
WWUTT 1061 Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch?
Sunday Sermon: Children of Light (Ephesians 5:1-3)
WWUTT 1060 Q&A Truth Matters, 3 Day Exodus, Syrophoenician Woman?
WWUTT 1059 For God Alone My Soul Waits?
WWUTT 1058 Simon the Magician?
WWUTT 1057 The Dispersion of the Church?
WWUTT 1056 The Speech of Stephen?
Sunday Sermon: Be Kind to One Another (Ephesians 4:25-32)
WWUTT 1055 Q&A Mayor Pete's Faith, the Culture's Double Standard, and God Closing Doors?
WWUTT 1054 Break the Teeth of the Wicked?
WWUTT 1053 Stephen the First Martyr?
WWUTT 1052 More About Deacons?
WWUTT 1051 The First Deacons?
WWUTT 1050 Q&A Amber Guyger Trial, Smartphone Tongues, Piracy Again, and Women Deacons?
WWUTT 1049 He Puts Our Tears in His Bottle?
WWUTT 1048 Gamaliel Defends the Apostles?
WWUTT 1047 The Apostles Imprisoned and Freed?
WWUTT 1046 Many Signs and Wonders?
Sunday Sermon: Growing Up Into Christ (Ephesians 4:11-16)
WWUTT 1045 Q&A Divorce and Remarriage, Pastors and Lust, Christians and Piracy?
WWUTT 1044 There is None Who Does Good?
WWUTT 1043 Ananias and Sapphira?
WWUTT 1042 What God Had Predestined to Take Place?
WWUTT 1041 No Other Name By Which We Are Saved?
WWUTT 1040 Q&A Meaning of Life, Disrespectful Pastors, and Modern Montanists?
WWUTT 1039 Why Do You Boast of Evil?
WWUTT 1038 Peter and John Preach a Sermon?
WWUTT 1037 Peter and John Heal a Lame Man?
WWUTT 1036 The Early Church?
Sunday Sermon: Unity in the Bond of Peace
WWUTT 1035 Q&A 120 Years, Chris Pratt, Meditation in Public Schools?
WWUTT 1034 Create in Me a Clean Heart?
WWUTT 1033 Saved by the Definite Plan of God?
WWUTT 1032 Resurrected by the Definite Plan of God?
WWUTT 1031 Crucified by the Definite Plan of God?
Sunday Sermon: The Love of Christ that Surpasses Knowledge (Ephesians 3:14-21)