WWUTT 2262 Zechariah Praises the Lord (Luke 1:67-75)
WWUTT Podcast
WWUTT 2261 The Birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:57-66)
Saturday Special: No, Democrat Presidents Do Not Reduce Abortions
WWUTT 2260 Q&A Unfaithful Pastors' Wives, Trouble With NAMB, Again on Cessationism
WWUTT 2259 Out of Egypt, I Called My Son (Hosea 11:1-12)
WWUTT 2258 Mary Exalts in God Her Savior (Luke 1:50-56)
WWUTT 2257 Mary's Song, the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-49)
WWUTT 2256 Mary Meets Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-45)
Sunday Sermons: Avoid Foolish Controversies (Titus 3:8-11)
Saturday Special: The Billy Graham Rule is Still Wise
WWUTT 2255 Q&A Confronting Pride Parades, Door to Door Evangelism, Fourth Watch Ritual
WWUTT 2254 It is Time to Seek the Lord (Hosea 10:1-15)
WWUTT 2253 Nothing Will Be Impossible With God (Luke 1:30-38)
WWUTT 2252 Gabriel Announces the Savior to Mary (Luke 1:26-29)
WWUTT 2251 Gabriel Afflicts Zechariah with Muteness (Luke 1:18-25)
Sunday Sermon: When the Goodness of God Our Savior Appeared (Titus 3:1-7)
WWUTT 2250 Q&A Theories About Luke, Doug Wilson Conversation, Steve Lawson News
WWUTT 2249 Do Not Rejoice (Hosea 9:1-17)
WWUTT 2248 Announcing the Birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:8-17)
WWUTT 2247 Meeting Zechariah and Elizabeth (Luke 1:5-7)
WWUTT 2246 Introduction to the Gospel of Luke (Luke 1:1-4)
Sunday Sermon: For the Grace of God Has Appeared (Titus 2:11-15)
WWUTT 2245 Q&A Helping Christians and Unbelievers, Kings James and Other Translations, Prohibiting Alcohol
WWUTT 2244 Israel Reaps the Whirlwind (Hosea 8:1-14)
WWUTT 2243 The Unusual Ending of Mark (Mark 16:14-20)
WWUTT 2242 The Women and the Markan Appendix (Mark 16:9-13)
WWUTT 2241 The End of Mark (Mark 16:1-8)
Sunday Sermon: Younger Women and Men in the Church (Titus 2:6-10)
WWUTT 2240 Q&A Saved by God or by Faith, Poofing Out of Nothing, Ministering to the Sick
WWUTT 2239 Like a Cake Unturned (Hosea 7:1-16)
WWUTT 2238 Jesus Death and Burial (Mark 15:35-47)
WWUTT 2237 Jesus Mocked and Crucified (Mark 15:16-34)
WWUTT 2236 Jesus Before Pilate (Mark 15:1-15)
WWUTT 2235 Q&A The Agabus Prophecy, Mighty Man Nimrod, Paul Harvey's Letter from God
WWUTT 2234 I Desire Mercy and Not Sacrifice (Hosea 6:1-11)
WWUTT 2233 Peter Denies Jesus Three Times (Mark 14:66-72)
WWUTT 2232 Jesus Confesses that He Is the Christ (Mark 14:53:65)
WWUTT 2231 Jesus Betrayed and Arrested (Mark 14:43-52)
WWUTT 2230 Q&A Is Seminary Required, The Chosen Outreach, Rebellious Children
WWUTT 2229 They Will Seek God and Not Find Him (Hosea 5:1-15)
WWUTT 2228 Jesus Prays in the Garden and the Disciples Sleep (Mark 14:26-42)
WWUTT 2227 The Passover and the Lord's Table (Mark 14:12-25)
WWUTT 2226 Jesus Anointed and the Plot to Betray (Mark 14:1-11)
Sunday Sermon: Older Men and Women in the Church (Titus 2:1-5)
WWUTT 2225 Q&A Christian Books, Date of Revelation, J.D. Greear's Non-Apology
WWUTT 2224 My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge (Hosea 4:1-19)
WWUTT 2223 No One Knows the Hour or the Day (Mark 13:17-37)
WWUTT 2222 Wars and Rumors of Wars (Mark 13:1-16)
WWUTT 2221 The Widow Gives Two Small Coins (Mark 12:35-44)
Sunday Sermon: Unfit for Any Good Work (Titus 1:10-16)
WWUTT 2220 Q&A King James Onlyism, Anglicanism, Gender Confusionism
WWUTT 2219 Gomer and Israel Play the Harlot (Hosea 2:1-3:5)
WWUTT 2218 The Greatest Commandment in the Law (Mark 12:28-34)
WWUTT 2217 Jesus Challenged on Taxes and the Resurrection (Mark 12:13-27)
WWUTT 2216 The Parable of the Vinegrowers (Mark 11:27-12:12)
Sunday Sermon: Hold Firm to the Trustworthy Word (Titus 1:5-9)
Saturday Special: Q&A Pastors and Elders, Pronouncing Yahweh, Pre-Trib Rapture
WWUTT 2215 Q&A How to Live Longer, Communion Before Baptism, Women and Head Coverings
WWUTT 2214 Hosea's Unfaithful Wife (Hosea 1:2-11)