The Command of Missions Part Two "The Command of the Great Commission"
Laurel Bible Church
The Command of Missions Part One "The Context of the Great Commission"
The Command of Baptism
Lord's Day Worship - Installation Service (FULL) for Pastor Rob Kimsey
Why You Need An Eternity-Minded Pastor
Theological Ordination Examination of Pastor Rob Kimsey
The Command of Communion
Church Membership Part Four "Ten Biblical Reasons
Church Membership Part Three "Responsibility to Elders"
Church Membership Part Two "The One Another's"
Church Membership Part One "The Question of Church Membership"
The Search for Wisdom
The Life of Josiah
Living for the Word of God
The Good Shepherd
The Way, The Truth, The Life
Three Great Assurances
Walking in a Way that is Worthy
5 Marks of a Healthy Church
The Bounties of God's Provision
The Belt of Truth
Christ is the Strengthener
Finding Confidence in God's Promises
Practicing a Heavenly Perspective
Standing Firm in Unity and Support
Be Imitators of Christ
To Live for Christ
The Surpassing Value of Knowing Christ
The False Confidence of Spiritual Pride (Part 2)
The False Confidence of Spiritual Pride (Part 1)
Marks of a Commendable Gospel Worker
The Kindred and the Self-Seeking
Rejoicing in the Sacrifice
Living as a Child of God
Salvation and Sanctification
The Conduct and Joy of a Worthy Purpose
Christ be Magnified, Christ be Glorified
Great Hope in the Midst of Trouble
Rejoicing in the Battle
God's Gospel Providence
The Perfect Work of God
The Suffering Savior
The Lord's Prayer
Introduction to Philippians