Does Presupp Require Reformed Theology
Revealed Apologetics
Answering Objections to Presuppositional Apologetics
(Gary Habermas) Answering Objections to the Resurrection
The Transcendental Argument
The Trinity & Presuppositional Argumentation with (Brant Bosserman)
(Part 2): Guillaume Responds to Leighton Flowers, Tim Stratton, & Braxton Hunter.
A Biblical Defense of Presuppositional Apologetics
Presupp Applied to Canonical Studies with Dr. Michael Kruger
A Presupper Responds to Dr. Richard Howe
Covenantal Apologetics Stated and Defended: Eli Ayala & Scott Oliphint
Presuppositional Musings
Vocab Malone & Eli Ayala Talk Presupp
The Apologetic Legacy of William Lane Craig
French Calvinist Philosopher Responds to Critics
Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? (With Dr. Kirk MacGregor)
Live with Braxton Hunter (Trinity Radio): How to Stop a Bleeding Church
(Part 2) Leaving Molinism with Max Andrews
Leaving Molinism with Max Andrews (Part 1 of 3)
Answering Objections to Calvinism with (Chris Date)
Does God have an Actually Infinite Amount of Thoughts? (Does God Think Sequentially?)
Eli Ayala & Jonathan Pritchett Talk Weight Loss, Theology, and Apologetics (Excellent Discussion)
(Corrected Version): Tyler and Eli talk Molinism and Tim Stratton’s Calvinist Quiz
Eli Ayala & Chris Bolt (Choosing Hats) Talk More Presupp (A MUST LISTEN!!!)
Tyler Vela and Eli Ayala talk Calvinism, Molinism, and Tim Stratton’s Calvinist Quiz
(Advanced Presuppositional Apologetics Discussion): Eli Ayala & Matt Yester
What’s on Eli’s Kindle? A Look into my theology & Apologetics digital library!!!
Can God Create a Rock He Can’t Lift? NO!!!
Interviewing Tim Stratton: A Respectful Response to James R. White (Molinism Discussion)
(Debate/Friendly Discussion): Eli Ayala (Christian) Vs. Eric Murphy (Atheist)
Not Saved by Works!
Presuppositional Apologetics: Q & A
Who Needs the Old Testament Anyway?
Interview with James R. White (Calvinism, Molinism, & Free Will)
Aren’t Miracles Impossible?
Responding to Aggressive Atheism
Help! My Kid is an atheist!!!
Will There be Animals in Heaven?
If Jesus is God, Why Did he Pray?
(Debate): Is Christianity True? Eli Ayala (Presuppositionalist) vs. Negation of P
Christian Worldview & Discipleship
What is Apologetics?
(Debate): Does God Exist?