Does the Bible Mesh with What We Know about History?
Genesis Apologetics
Does Carbon 14 Dating go Beyond Biblical History?
Is the Bible True and Reliable? Isaiah 53 and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Fossil Record: Noah's Flood or Evolution?
The Fossil Record - Millions of Years of Evolution or Noah's Flood?
Lucy the Australopithecus: Missing Link or Extinct Ape?
Did God use Evolution? Theistic Evolution vs. the Bible
Radiometric Dating Debunked in 3 Minutes
Human Chimp DNA Similarity
Genesis Apologetics Mobile App Promo
Genesis Apologetics Mobile App - Promo Video
Debunking Transitional Fossils: Archaeopteryx & Tiktaalik
New Testament Artifacts-IAC Training Video
Dead Sea Scrolls-IAC Training Video
Noah's Ark and Flood-IAC Training Video
Age of the Earth-IAC Training Video
Pildown Man-IAC Training Library
Aleppo Codex-IAC Training Video
Hebrew Genesis Scroll-IAC Training Library
Diplodocus Toe Bone - IAC Training Video
Lucy the Australopithecus Afarensis - IAC Training Video
Hilda Bonebed Book - IAC Training Video
Triceratops Occipital Condyle - IAC Training Video
How Do Dinosaurs Fit Into the Bible?
Reliability of the Bible: Dead Sea Scrolls and Isaiah 53
Radiometric Dating & the Age of the Earth: Bible History vs. Secular Science
Importance of Believing in the Bible
Is "Lucy" the Australopithecine an Ape-to-Human Transition? (updated)
Is "Lucy" the Australopithecine an Ape-to-Human Transition?
Debunking Evolution Trailer - Genesis Apologetics
Lucy (Australopithecus) Reviewed in 9 Minutes (Public School Version 2)
Lucy (Australopithecus) Reviewed in 9 Minutes (Public School Version)
Lucy the Australopithecus Debunked in 90 Seconds
Lucy the Australopithecus Debunked in 11 Minutes
Debunking Evolution Clip: Homo Erectus
Debunking Evolution Clip: Species vs. Kind
Debunking Evolution Clip: Mutations Can't Create New Genetic Information
Debunking Evolution Clip: Gibberish Can't Create Anything
Debunking Evolution Clip: Lucy
Debunking Evolution Clip: Natural Selection Rant
Debunking Evolution Clip: Mutations Are Bad
Debunking Evolution Clip: Homo Habilis
Debunking Evolution Clip: Darwin's Tree vs Creation Orchard
Debunking Evolution Clip: Natural Selection Can't Turn One Animal into Another
Debunking Evolution Clip: Religion of Death
Debunking Evolution Clip: Ape Men Frauds
Debunking Evolution Clip: Neanderthals
Debunking Evolution Clip: Ape Men Fossils vs. Bible
Debunking Evolution Clip: Natural Selection and the Mutant
Debunking Evolution Clip: Cladograms
Debunking Evolution: Genetic Recombination
Debunking Evolution Clip: Ape Men Inconsistencies
Evidence that Dinosaurs Died Thousands (not Millions) of Years Ago
The Six Days of Creation in Genesis 1
Lucy's Fall From Science
Watch a Christian Student Defend Her Faith in Biology Class!
Debunk Evolution in Public Schools
Debunking Evolution (Short)
Human Evolution Teaching in Public School
Young Earth v. Old Earth: What Does the Bible Say?