Schools Introduction by Matt Slick
CARM Introduction Video
Does Deuteronomy 18:15-18 predict the coming of Muhammad?
Was the Resurrection Story of Jesus borrowed from Pagan Mythology?
An Analysis of T.D. Jakes
Do you have to know when you became a Christian?
Interfaith Alliance Followup
Is the Empty Tomb of Jesus Historical?
Did Jesus Exist?
Does Romans 6:23 refer to spiritual death or physical death?
Is a marriage ceremony performed by the state and not the church valid?
Manti Mormon Miracle Pageant
Questions to Atheists on Standard of Morality
Questions to Atheists about Morality based on reducing harm
Evangelism, Boise Street Fair 2011-06-09
Newsletter 2011 06 06
CARM Newsletter Hate Mail 2011-June-06
The Power of the Word of God
the other side of eternity
Two Fold Calling
Showing what you believe by what you do
Isolating the Gospel
Harold Camping and May 21, 2011
CARM Newsletter-2011, May-18
Love-Wins by Rob Bell, Book Review
A question for atheists regarding free will and rationality
Another Response to Lack of Belief of Atheists
Examining Lack of Belief in God.wmv
Three Important Verses in Evangelism
Can we become sinless with Jesus living in us?
CARM Intro
CARM intro
A comparison between Jesus and Muhammad
How holy is the God of Islam
The Life of Muhammad Part 2 of 2
The Gospel for Muslims
What is Islam?
The Life of Muhammad Part 1 of 2
Muslims, please watch this first
A polite challenge to debate Arnold Murray of Shepherd's Chapel
What does the Shepherd's Chapel Teach?
To the students of the Shepherd's Chapel
Who is Arnold Murray?
What is the Shepherd's Chapel?
Why did Jesus have to die for our sins? Part 1 of 2
Should women be pastors and elders? Part 2 of 2
Why did Jesus have to die for our sins? Part 2 of 2
Should women be pastors and elders? Part 1 of 2
Why is there evil and suffering in the world?
Refuting Relativism
If a Christian commits suicide, is he still forgiven?
What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Can a Christian commit it?
Where did God come from?
What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
A Dark Story
What is spiritism?
Is praying to the saints Biblical?
What is the Euthyphro's Dilemma?
How can we experience God's love?
Are there absolutes or is everything relative?