以赛亚 9:1-7, 引爆点
Covenant Reformed Baptist Church
以赛亚书 8章, 你惧怕什么呢?
Isaiah 9:1-7, The Tipping Point
以赛亚 7 章, 上帝的独生子的征兆
Isaiah 8, What Are You Afraid Of?
Isaiah 7, The Sign of the Son
以赛亚书6, 章 崇高、庄重、圣洁的上帝
Isaiah 6, The High, Heavy, Holy God
以赛亚书 5:1-7, 在主的葡萄园的野猪
Isaiah 5:8-30, Woes and Therefores
Isaiah 5:1-7, “A Wild Boar in the Vineyard of the Lord”
The Gospel of the Kingdom 5
以赛亚书4:2-6, 保证的确据
Isaiah 3, God's Gun
以 赛 亚 书 3:1-4:1, “上帝的警告”
Isaiah 2, Day of Doom and Delight
以赛亚2, 末后的日子和喜悦
以赛亚书 1:21-31, 重新建立忠信之家
Isaiah 1:21-31, Recovering a Community of Faithfulness
Isaiah 1:1-20, Eat or Be Eaten
以 赛 亚 书 1:1-20, “吃或是被吞吃”
Numbers 21, Pitfalls to the Promised Land: Unexpected Opposition
Numbers 20, "Pitfalls to the Promised Land: Losses"
Numbers 19, Pitfalls to the Promised Land: Uncleanness
Numbers 18, Pitfalls to the Promised Land: Boundaries
提摩太前书 6:3-21, 这对我有什么好处吗?
Numbers 15, Pitfalls to the Promised Land: Sin
Numbers 16-17, "Pitfalls to the Promised Land: Rebellion"
提摩太前书5-6:2, “怎样才能受人尊重呢?”
提摩太前书4章, 你上健身房吗?
1 Timothy 6, What’s In It for Me?
1 Timothy 5-6:2, “Do You Want Respect?”
1 Timothy 4
提摩太前书3章, 你服从指示吗?
1 Timothy 3, Are You Following the Instructions?
提摩太前书 2章, 你为人如何?
1 Timothy 2, "Do You Know How to Behave?"
提摩太前书1 章, “你能持受吗?”
1 Timothy 1, “Can You Stay?”
John 17, What Do You Pray For?
John 16:16-33, How Do You Get Them Ready?
约翰福音15:18-16:15, 你需要的是什么呢?
约翰福音 15:-16:4, 它是什么样子?
John 15:18-16:15, What Do You Need?
John 15, What’s It Look Like?
约翰福音13, 你洗净了吗?
约翰福音14, 你遇上了麻烦吗?
John 14, Are You in Trouble?
John 13, Are You Washed?
Eschatology of Dispensationalism
约翰福音 12:12-50, 生命在哪里结束?
John 12:12-50, Where Does It End?
Judges 3:7-31, How Do You Know Who Your Savior Is?
约翰福音 11:45-12:11, 你有何意图?
Hermeneutics of Dispensationalism
约翰福音11:17-44, 接下来的故事
John 11:45-12:11, What Are Your Intentions?
John 11:17-44, The Rest of the Story
John 11:1-37, "Jesus At a Funeral"
Luke 13:31-35, What Did He Know and When Did He Know It?