The BIG Problem with Youth Groups
Wise Disciple
About That Debate | Trent Horn
What "The Matrix Revolutions" Is REALLY About | A Christian Analysis
Advice for the Next Apologist | J. Warner Wallace
What "The Matrix Reloaded" Is REALLY About | A Christian Analysis
What "The Matrix" Is REALLY About | A Christian Analysis
Debate Teacher Reacts: James White vs. Trent Horn
Why Pray If God Is Sovereign?
What's Your Favorite Apologetics Argument?
STOP evangelizing.
Debate Teacher Reacts: Sam Harris vs. Jordan Peterson
Why Christian Movies Are BAD
How I Got Saved
Debate Teacher Reacts to Cancel Culture Arguments | Feat. Dave Chappelle
Investigating Most Disturbing Exorcisms | Billy Hallowell
Debate Teacher Reacts to Abortion Arguments | Feat. Ben Shapiro & Steven Crowder
How Should the Church Approach Homosexuality? | Angel Wilson
Debate Teacher Reacts: Greg Koukl vs. John Baker
Why you NEED First Date Evangelism
Dr. J.P. Moreland's Arguments for the Soul
Debate Teacher Reacts: Trent Horn vs. Matt Dillahunty
How to Engage Apatheism (i.e. When They Don't Care about God)
How to Be an Effective Christian at Your Secular Job
Debate Teacher Reacts: William Lane Craig vs. Sam Harris
If God Exists, Why Are There So Many Denominations?
Debate Teacher Reacts: Inspiring Philosophy vs. Cosmic Skeptic
Question: Should Christians Watch Horror Movies?
Was the Cross Cosmic Child Abuse? | Michael Horton
Top 3 BEST Apologetics Debates!
Has an Atheist Ever Blown My Mind?
Debate Teacher Reacts: Mike Licona vs Matt Dillahunty
Leighton Flowers, I'm sorry...
Dear Christians, Watch Your Language!
Debate Teacher Reacts: James White vs. Leighton Flowers
Debate Teacher Reacts: Inspiring Philosophy vs. Aron Ra
Evangelism 101: 4 Gospel Questions
Effective Evangelism | Avoid This Mistake!
Effective Evangelism | How to Start Conversations
Is God Evil for Creating the Devil? | Greg Koukl
I need to apologize...
Has Science Really Disproved Miracles? | Lee Strobel
Debate Teacher Reacts: William Lane Craig vs. Shelly Kagan
Why I Left the Mormon Faith with Micah Wilder
Debate Teacher Reacts: Mike Winger vs. Matt Dillahunty
Debate Teacher Reacts: How to Debate Atheists (William Lane Craig)
Debate Teacher Reacts: Jeff Durbin & James White vs Greg Clark and Dan Ellis
Debate Teacher Reacts: Frank Turek vs. Christopher Hitchens
Debate Teacher Reacts: Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham
If You Don't Do This, You're Not a Christian | Failing at Apologetics (Dr. Clay Jones)
The problem of evil is SMALL | Atheism is dishonest (Dr. Clay Jones)
Biblical illiteracy is a huge problem | Lessons from Ravi Zacharias (Greg Koukl)
ALL religions can't be right | You can't escape God's world (Greg Koukl)
First Date Evangelism: An Easy and Effective Method | Ep. 3
Effective Evangelism: Proper Order of Persuasion | Ep. 2
Traditional Christians vs. Progressive Christians: Reaction with Angel Wilson
3 Pro Tips for Effective Evangelism | Ep. 1
Debate Teacher Reacts: Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden
Debate Teacher Reacts: John Lennox vs. Richard Dawkins
Understanding Global Warming As a Christian with Dr. Hugh Ross
Debate Teacher Reacts: Dinesh D'Souza vs Bart Ehrman