The Eternal Security of the Believer
Alpha & Omega Ministries
The Matthew 16 Controversy?
The Perfect Atonement of Christ
Election: God's Unconditional Way of Saving Mankind
Sharing the Gospel in a Godless Age
Total Depravity: The Fall of Adam
Why I Am A Reformed Baptist
The Sovereignty of God
Sola Scriptura: God Breathed?
The Early Church Fathers and Sola Scriptura
What Really Happened at Nicea?
Sola Scriptura or Sola Ecclesia?
Sola Scriptura & Witnessing to Roman Catholics
Sola Scriptura and the Authority of the Church
Teaching Theology to Children
Being Prepared for Suffering
Witnessing to Mormons
The First Show on KPXQ
How Biblical and Ancient is the Papacy?
Predestination and Election (White vs Barber)
The Great Debate III - The Papacy - Pacwa
Sola Scriptura II (White vs Matatics)
Is Calvinism Biblical? (White vs Barker)
Is the Bible the Only Infallible Rule of Faith?
Is the Bible the Only Infallible Rule of Faith? (Staples)
The Apologetics of Vinney Lewis
The Marian Doctrines Pt 1 (White vs Matatics)
The Marian Doctrines Pt 2 (White vs Matatics)
The Marian Doctrines
The Origins of Christianity
The Papacy Debate at Boston College Pt II (White/Zins vs Sungenis/Butler)
The Papacy
The Papacy Debate at Boston College Pt I (White/Zins vs Sungenis/Butler)
Perseverance (White vs Akin)
The Eucharist, Sola Scriptura and Tradition - White vs Akin
Radio Debate: Proclaiming The Gospel of Grace in Salt Lake
Is the King James the Best Version? (White vs D.A. Waite)
The Marian Doctrines (White vs Fastigi)
Are Indulgences Biblical?
Justification by Faith - White vs Fastigi
Are Indulgences Biblical? - White vs Fastigi
Papal Infallibility - White vs Fastigi
The Bible and its Origins
The Witnessing to Mormons Seminar
Can Men Become Gods?
New Age Bible Versions Refuted (v Gail Riplinger)
Does the Bible Teach Sola Scriptura? (White vs Madrid)
Did The Early Church believe in a Papacy?
Does the New Testament teach that Peter was the First Pope?
Defending Letters to a Mormon Elder in SLC
By Faith Alone? (White vs Matatics)
The Apocrypha (White vs Matatics)
Sola Scriptura I (White vs Matatics)
How We Got the Bible
Challenging Mormonism Live in Salt Lake City
Justification (White vs Sippo)
Justification by Faith (White vs Pacwa)
The Mass (White vs Pacwa)
Was Peter a Pope? (White vs Matatics)
Eternal Security? (White vs Matatics)