Introduction (Testing The Spirits Podcast - Episode # 2)
Moore's Corner Church
Deconstruction & False Teachers (Testing The Spirits Podcast - Episode # 1)
Ruth 3-4 Bible Study
(Part 3) Lesson # 13 God's Will & Guidance
Andy Stanley defends deconstruction of Christianity while taking veiled shot at John MacArthur?
Feeling Guilty?
The Golden Rule
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Pastors who speak against racism but not LGBT & Putting kids through "Transgender" surgeries
Andy Stanley's Ministry Leader Gets Lap Dance from Drag Queen at Gay Bar Called "The Heretic"
Ruth 2 Bible Study
(Part 2) Lesson # 13 God's Will & Guidance
Greg Laurie says "Jesus Revolution" fulfilled deathbed prophecy made by Lonnie Frisbee
Pulling The "Judge Not" Card (Amy Grant, Charles Stanley vs Andy Stanley)
Did Jesus Come To Correct Moses & The Old Testament?
Tucker Carlson on Church vs Culture / Fired from Fox News as Network Drifts Celebrating Pride Month
Ruth 1 Bible Study
How Did Christ Fulfill the Law of Moses?
Transformation Church Easter Service & How to Find a Good Local Church in An Age of Apostacy
Lesson # 13 God's Will & Guidance (Fundamentals of the Faith by John MacArthur)
Holding off God's Judgement (2 Peter 3 / Matthew 5:13-16 Salt of the Earth - Part 3)
Worldly Churches Lack Credibility (Salt of the Earth - Part 2)
The Rise of The Roman Catholic Church (325 AD - 590 AD)
You Are the Salt of The Earth (Matthew 5:13-16)
Charles Stanley Dies / Discernment Ministries Wonder About Impact It Will Have on Andy's Ministry
Judges 19-21 (Part 2) Bible Study / Podcast
The Early Church Fathers (100 AD - 325 AD)
Obedience (Part 3) Fundamentals of the Faith Lesson # 12
Paul at Athens (The Areopagus Sermon) Mars Hill
“Mishandling The Word of God” (Sermon Against False Teachers)
The Apostolic Age (30 AD - 100 AD)
TGC Article Claims Jesus Has AIDS! Russell Moore of The Gospel Coalition
Full Interview Billy Graham w/ Robert Schuller Reviewed HOUR OF POWER CONTROVERSY
Judges 19-21 Bible Study / Podcast
Andy Stanley Teaching Evolution at Northpoint Community Church
(Part 2) Lesson # 12 Obedience (Fundamentals of the Faith by John MacArthur)
Every Sunday Is Easter Sunday
Addressing the Doctrine of Universalism
Good Friday / Evidence for The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Deconstruction Among Pastors & Laypeople
Judges 18 Bible Study / Podcast
Why are people "Deconstructing" their faith?
Lesson # 12 Obedience (Fundamentals of the Faith by John MacArthur)
The Millennium
What Is "Christian Universalism" & Does Hell Exist?
Battle of Armageddon v Gog & Magog - What's the difference?
Judges 17 Bible Study / Podcast
Pre, Mid & Post Trib Arguments, Daniels 70th Week (The Tribulation) & The Rise & Fall of Antichrist
Andy Stanley Suggests Defending ‘Gay Rights’ is a ‘Moral Value’ the Gospel Set Loose
The Beatitudes & The Gospel (The Beatitudes Part 3)
Blessed Are the Meek (The Beatitudes Part 2)
The Beatitudes
Isaiah Saldivar Says Christians Should Undergo Exorcisms / Can Be Demon Possessed Pastor Greg Locke
Judges 16 Bible Study / Podcast
Historic Premillennialism vs Dispensational Pre-Mil
God's Prophetic Timeline: The Pre-Trib Rapture vs The Second Advent
Part 2 - Evangelism & The Believer (Lesson # 11 Fundamentals of the Faith)
There is a Balm in Gilead
The Healing Ministry of Jesus (Matthew 4)
Misunderstanding Cessationism