Response to Matt Chandler ERLC #MLK50 Speech
AD Robles
4 Good Reasons to Oppose SJW Christianity
4 Terrible Reasons to Oppose SJW Christianity
Response to Dr. Russell Moore ERLC #MLK50
A Common SJW Tactic to try to Manipulate You
2 Ways SJW Christians Might Attempt to Manipulate You
Ezra 10
There Will NEVER be Racial Reconciliation and We Should Stop Trying
SJW Christian Magazine Calls For Segregation
Ezra 9
Ezra 8
America's Gun Violence Problem -It's Not What You Think
Ezra 7
Ezra 6
Warning for Black and Brown and White Social "Justice" Christians
Ezra 5
Why Star Wars Lore Matters
Ezra 4
I Might No Longer Be Pro-life
Social Justice Christians: Don't be Ruled by Your Emotions
Ezra 3
Response to Faithfully Magazine on Forgiveness
Why Racial Disparities Do Not Prove Racism
Desiring God's "Discernment Blogging" of the Dead
Ezra Chapter 2
Russell Moore Gets Pwned on Theocracy
Ezra Chapter 1
I'm Not a Monster - Sometimes Evidence Is Not Required
Vermont is Racist? - A Response to the Rutland Herald
Sermon on Joy (3of3)
Sermon on Joy (2 of 3)
I Was Wrong About White Privilege But I Found Something Worse
No, Christianity Today, #BlackWomen Did Not Save Evangelicalism
Woke Level 11 -Watch Your Mouths When You Talk About the Bride
Sermon on Joy (1 of 3)
5 Reasons Why People Might Call you a Marxist
The SJW Sinner's Prayer
It's OK 2 B White! Sort of....kind of.....not really...
Pastor Matt Chandler Talks About White Privilege- Some Puerto Rican Responds
A Suggestion For My Black and Brown Brothers In Christ
Is the "white church" really this bad? - Response to 9Marks Article
Response to The Urban Perspective on Dr. James White (part 5)
Response to The Urban Perspective on Dr. James White (part 4)
Response to The Urban Perspective on Dr. James White (part 3)
Response to The Urban Perspective on Dr. James White (part 2)
Response to The Urban Perspective on Dr. James White (part 1)
Sound Check