SBTS Trustee Whistleblower on Al Mohler
Conversations That Matter
The IMB, CRT Subverting Justice, and the Great Reset
Stop the Steal Rally and Trevor Loudon on Chinese Election Interference
The Doctrine of Lesser Magistrate with Matt Trewhella
Rod Martin on Where the Election Stands
Election Madness!, a Woke Evangelical Response, & Practical Advise for the Future
Election Thoughts and New Poll: "Churchgoing Biden Voters Question the Bible at Alarming Rates"
Why I'm Voting for Trump in 2020 (and why I was never trump in 2016)
Phil Vischer's Voting Video & Kevin McGary on Every BLM
What Happened to John Piper?
A Review of David Platt's Before You Vote
Is the Fundamentalist War on Wokeness a War on Christian Love?
Church Discipline for Being Woke? & SBTS Does Reparations?
Session 3: Egalitarianism and Marxist Theory in Christianity
Session 2: The Social Justice Religion and Standpoint Epistemology
Session 1: The History of Social Justice
Evangelism Prof. Assumes Some Soft CRT
Raoul Dripp Warns Against Buying Social Justice Goes to Church
Paul Popov on Communism and Christianity in Bulgaria and the United States
Trump vs. Biden & Wallace Analysis
John Piper's "Christian Hedonism," Mark Dever's "One Issue Voting, & John MacArthur's take on CRT
Enoch Burke Explains John Piper's Christian Hedonism
Evangelical Elites React to Q Anon
The Notorious Reaction to the Passing of RBG
Social Justice Goes to Church Book Trailer
The Social Justice Gospel
Phil Leigh on the Debate Over Confederate Monuments
Neil Shenvi & Jon Harris Convo
Conversations That Matter Channel Trailer
Is Liberty University Going Woke?
The Rise of the Evangelicrats
Al Mohler's Uncertain CRT Bugle
TGC Slanders Kyle Rittenhouse and The Loss of Harmony in Music & Life
Eric Mason's "Blame It Claim It" Gospel
Understanding Tim Keller's "Social Justice"
What Happened to Max Lucado?
The Founding Fathers on Rights and Responsibilities
Neil Shenvi, John MacArthur's Friends, and Historical #CancelCulture
Danny Akin, Ed Stetzer, and Tim Keller, Oh My!
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Goes Woke
9 Marks Reacts to John MacArthur's Church Reopen Statement
Eric Muldrow on Police Reform and the Future of Policing
A Review of Eric Mason's "Woke Church"
What Happened to Paul David Tripp?
The Monument Debate
Phil Vischer's Dishonest "Race in America"
How Woke Evangelism Corrupts the Gospel with Seth Richardson
A Lament: How TGC is Destroying Justice and the Church
Top 10 #BlackLivesMatter Memes
The Confusion of Law and Gospel, From Young Calvinists to Social Justice
Black Lives Matter and the New Religion
Why are All My Friends Marxists? (See Description for Full Video)
MEGA EDITION: Fuller Reaction, Southern Denominations, The Civil War, CRT, Rom 13, Demonstrations
Downgrade at Southern Seminary: Critical Theory & Al Mohler (Part III)
Downgrade at Southern Seminary: Postmodernism (Part II)
Downgrade at Southern Seminary: Higher Criticism (Part I)
A Follow Up on the Tragic Ahmaud Arbery Situation
Ahmaud Arbery, Woke Evangelicals, and Biblical Justice
Mega Edition: Seminaries, Church Meetings and Malum in se, Jonathan Leeman's Identity Politics
A Few Thoughts on Those Defending Mohler's Firings at SBTS