Mega Edition: Al Mohler Fires Conservatives at SBTS, then A Discussion on Dating and Marriage
Conversations That Matter
Beth Moore Goes Egalitarian and Evangelicals Carry Water for Communist China
The Social Justice Spin on Covid 19
Government Overreach, Anti Christian Bigotry, and Absent Big Eva
Did Martin Luther Inspire the Holocaust?
Mega Edition: SBC Cancelled, Russel Moore's NYT Article, Cary Gordon on Rom 13
Men, This is What YOU Were Made For!
How the Media Used Racism to Divide Americans During Covid-19
COVID-19: Globalism, “Trusted” Evangelicals, and Dr. Bob
What Happened at FBC Naples?
CPAC Update: Secularism and the Future of Conservatism
Standpoint Epistemology with Bill Roach
The Conservative Baptist Network With Brad Jurkovich
A Lesson in NeverTrumpism & A 1/2 Hour with AD Robles
Al Mohler & Social Justice
A Crash Course in CRT, SBC Pastor Tells White Church Member He's Guilty for Last Name?!
Big Eva Strikes Back!, March for Life, & Russell Moore's "Pro Life" Definition
Did America Have a Christian Founding?
Mega Edition: Montage Reaction, Some Civil War Stuff, and Equipping the Persecuted
Encouragement for 2020, SBC's "MLK Day of Service," and "The People's Republic of Walmart"
What the Church Can Learn from the World?, James Cone in Heaven?, & TGC on Economics
How Disney Became Revolutionary & The Top Three Christmas Movies
The Gospel Comes With a House Key & The Fairness For All Act
BREAKING: SBC Professor Threatened and Fired for Publishing Orthodox Views on Homosexuality
Giving Tuesday, Cru Staff Speaks Out, & Matthew Hall on CRT
Evangelical Immigration Table, Weird Stuff at SWBTS, & Keeping Youth from Going SJW
The "AND" Campaign
Medical Reparations at Duke, John MacArthur, and Arguing with Egalitarians
Former Cru Intern Shares Story about Ministry's Leftward Drift
Reactions to Beth Moore "Go Home" Controversy & the "Split" Begins
King David a Rapist? & Confirmed: Cru Endorses Social Gospel
A Deeper Dive into Cru's Decline
CRU Goes Down the Woke Hole
TGC on Economic Disparities, Social Justice 1977, and Understanding CRT
Think Local Act Local with Eric Rowell
Academic Group Think, Social Justice in the 70s, What God Says About Wealth, and Fan Questions
Stand Against Marxism with Judd Saul
Deflect, Deny, Disguise! Three Bad Responses to the "Evangelical Dark Web"
Three SBTS Professors Pushing Critical Race Theory: What It Means
The Month in Review: CRU, Josh Harris, SBC Seminaries, and Approaching Your Pastor
Director Marcus Pittman discusses "Babies Are Still Murdered Here," and the future of social media
Tennessee Heartbeat Bill: Where Was the ERLC?, with Matthew Nowlin
Warriors, Capitulators, and Reconcilers With Stephen Wolfe
SBC Professors Caught Pushing CRT & Liberation Theology, Where are Honest Leaders?
Brion McClanahan on Nationalism, History, the GOP, and Barbecue!
How Marxism Invaded the Church: Trevor Loudon Explains
Is the SBC on Life Support? with Federalist Author Matthew Garnett
Since Resolution 9: Criticizing Marxism 1.0 While Importing Marxism 2.0
Critical Theory, Intersectionality, and Resolution 9 Destroyed in 10 Minutes
Tom Buck and Jared Longshore on Approaching Pastors & Laymen on Critical Theory and Social Justice
What Just Happened? Tom Ascol on Critical Theory and Intersectionality at SBC19
Complementarianism and the SBC with AD Robles
"Dabney On Fire" with Zachary Garris
The Equality Act, Gay Christians, and Conversion Therapy with Robert Oscar Lopez
Jon Harris Gets Hired By The Gospel Coalition
BONUS EPISODE: How I was Equipped to Fight Social Justice and Francis Schaeffer on the Middle Class
Arguing for Alabama's Pro Life Bill and Against SJWs in the Church
Critical Theory, Liberation Theology, and SEBTS
R.C. Sproul Jr. on "Growing Up With R.C."
Tish Harrison Warren's "Liturgy of the Ordinary"