The First Advent (12/24/2023)
Moore's Corner Church
The Compromising Church - Letter to Pergamos (Revelation 2:12-17)
Catholic Church Now Blessing Same Sex Unions / End Times Significance
John Chrysostom
The Second Advent (12/17/2023)
A MODERN DAY GIDEON? Satanic Display Torn Down by Michael Cassidy (Iowa Statehouse)
Revelation 2:8-11 (Letter to Smyrna - Overcoming Persecution)
Saint Augustine
GOP Lawmaker / Pastor Makes Excuses For Satanic Display in Iowa Statehouse
"Christian Nationalism" (Testing The Spirits Podcast - Episode # 59)
Essentials vs Nonessentials (12/10/2023)
THE GAP THEORY (Young Earth vs Old Earth)
Revelation 2:1-7 (Letter to Ephesus - Do the First Works)
Athanasius Against the World / Church Creeds & Councils
Imagine by John Lennon performed at Funeral for Rosalynn Carter (The Secular Religion - Part 2)
The Secular Religion & Its Crusade Against Christianity
The Feeding of the 5,000 (12/3/2023)
God, Government & Christian Nationalism
Revelation 1 (Introduction - The Time Is Near)
What Musical Instruments Should Be Used in Church, if Any?
The Council of Nicaea & The Deity of Christ
Blurring the Lines (The NWO Religion)
John Killed for Preaching Against Herod (11/26/2023)
1 Samuel 28-31 (The Witch of Endor / Death of King Saul)
4 Evangelical Leaders Who Accepted Mormonism & Why It Matters (Domino Effect)
Irenaeus, Tertullian & Origen of Alexandria
Danger of the "Christian Music" Industry / Lecrae hates words like "Bible" after Deconstruction
Ecumenical & Interfaith Compromise / Billy Graham's Acceptance of Mormonism?
The Parables of Christ (11/19/2023)
18 Distinctive Beliefs That Define the Mormon Faith
1 Samuel 23-27 (Seeking God's Will / Samuel Dies / David Spares Saul & Allies w/ the Philistines?)
What is Calvinism & Arminianism?
Heresy Update
Justin Martyr, Worship in The Early Church & The Necessity of Polemics
A Brood of Vipers vs The Family of God (11/12/2023)
(Part 2) Refuting Those Who Contradict
1 Samuel 21-22 (David & The Holy Bread / Saul Kills the Priests)
The Problem with Max Lucado
Apologetics, Polemics & Justin Martyr
Refuting Those Who Contradict (Part 1)
Walk in the Light (11/5/2023)
Church Service (11/5/2023)
Does Matthew 18 Apply to False Teachers? (Grasping at Straws)
1 Samuel 19-20 (God's Sovereign Protection)
Early Church Fathers (Part 2) Polycarp, The Didache & The Epistle to Diognetus
Christians & Firearms
The Unpardonable Sin (10/29/2023)
The "Church" of Scientology
"Halloween & Demonic Activity" Program for 97.3FM WLPV out of Greenfield, MA (Wednesday 9am!)
Universal Reconciliation
The Disciples of the Apostles (The Patristic Period - Part 1)
Lord of the Sabbath / Rest for Your Souls (10/22/2023)
Part 2 - Why Does God Allow False Teachers?
1 Samuel 18 (Saul Resents David)
Why Does God Allow False Teachers? (Part 1)
The Jerusalem Council Thru the End of the Apostolic Era
The Doctrine of Israel (10/15/2023)
Witches, Wizards & Halloween
TGC compares Taylor Swift to Jesus?