Jesus, What A Friend for Sinners! (8/13/2023)
Moore's Corner Church
The Apostle Phillip
Joyce Meyer compares Elijah to a televangelist / You are a Pharisee if you refuse to give her money?
Cashing In on the Prosperity Gospel - Joyce Meyer Makes Outrageous Claim, Bring Your Receipts to God
Charismatic Chaos / A Return to Babel (Sermon Audio)
Heaven - Part 2
5 Ways Churches Changed Over the Past 50 Years
1 Samuel 13 (Saul's Unlawful Sacrifice)
The Christian Sabbath? (Podcast Episode # 20)
6 Types of Crosses & What They Mean
Do Heaven & Earth Become One?
Jesus Calms the Storm (8/6/2023)
Heaven - Part 1
Teen Arrested for Preaching the Gospel at Drag Show for Kids
1 Samuel 12 (Samuel’s Address at Saul’s Coronation)
"At the Movies" The New Evangelical Trend / Churches Look to Hollywood as "Source of Biblical Truth"
Churches Preaching Sermons About Barbie / The Fruit of The Seeker Sensitive Movement
What is a Hireling? (Podcast Episode # 19)
1 Samuel 11 (Boldness & Righteous Indignation)
Teacher fired from Christian school for attending drag queen show / says she doesn't understand why?
What is a Cult?
Christians AVOID Fox News! Satanic Temple Support, Celebrating Pride Month, "Trans Gendering" Kids!
Pope Francis Affirms Transgenderism?
Doug Batchelor Refuted Point by Point / Master's Seminary Video Calling SDA Church A Cult
Social Justice & The Social Gospel
Doubting Thomas?
Is The SDA Church A Cult? Denying The Trinity / Bible + Ellen G. White?
The Cost of Discipleship (7/23/2023)
Why Evangelicals Voted for Trump
Demonic Oppression vs Demon Possession
1 Samuel 10 (The Spirit of The Lord Comes Upon Saul)
The Chosen leaves out Transfiguration / Greg Locke & Benny Hinn / Andy Stanley learns from Atheist
Patriarchy vs Feminism & Do Churches Push Men Away? Podcast Episode # 15 Testing The Spirits
The Apostle Matthew
Do I Really Need the Church? (7/16/2023)
Gender Confusion, Evolution & The Refusal to Excommunicate (Consequences of Not Making Application)
4 Types of Christianity
What is Excommunication in the Bible?
Setting Dates For The Rapture / Return of Christ
1 Samuel 9 (Saul Chosen To Be King)
**Reinterpreting The Bible to Fit Your Own Agenda
The Apostle Andrew
Healing in the Atonement?
The Pope's Mother-in-Law
1 Samuel 8 (Israel Demands a King)
Prophets & Kings (Part 4)
Jesus Heals the Man with Leprosy
The Apostle John
Build on the Rock
Why is Jesus called the Son of Man?
Why Are People So Confused?
It's good to deconstruct your faith? Andy Stanley redefines deconstruction in recent sermon.
Why Did God Create the Devil?
1 Samuel 7 (Samuel Judges Israel / God's People Must Turn from Idols)
False Prophets & Modern Abominations / Prophets & Kings - Part 3
Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction!
James The Son of Zebedee
Andy Stanley Laments That ‘Entire Bible’ Has Become Church’s ‘Authority’ / Defends Deconstruction
Taking it to the Next Level