The Greatest Preacher of All Time
Moore's Corner Church
Is AI a threat to Christianity? (Artificial Intelligence & the Antichrist)
False Prophets / Naming Names
Mike Pence Uses Bible to Defend Legality of "Trans" Surgeries, After All It Says Love Thy Neighbor
Prophets & Kings (Part 2)
1 Samuel 6 (Philistines Send the Ark to Beth Shemesh / God's Wrath Displayed)
Is The Bible Tolerant & Inclusive? (Turning The Tables on The Critics)
The Apostle Peter (Summary)
Do Not Cast Your Pearls Before Swine
Moses, The Red Sea & Baptism (Sermon from Baptismal Service 6/11/2023)
Did Jesus Have Long Hair? Hippie Jesus of The Chosen / Jesus Revolution
Primary Issues vs Secondary Issues (Adiaphora) - Testing The Spirits Podcast Episode 9
Are There Modern-day Prophets & Apostles?
Universalism? Andy Stanley Says "All Are Justified" / Appears to Deny Doctrine of Hell
1 Samuel 5 (Philistines Place the Ark in the Temple of Dagon)
7 Reasons You Shouldn't Listen to Joyce Meyer
New Apostle of the Week Series / What is an apostle?
Prophets & Kings (Part 1)
What is the role of a preacher when it comes to politics & current events?
Rick Warren vs The SBC on Women Pastors / How Liberals Take Over Churches & Denominations
The Sin of Pride
Smoking Cigarettes, Chewing Gum & Judging Hypocritically
Pennsylvania Man Arrested for Quoting Bible at Gay Pride Event
1 Samuel 4 (The Death of Eli / The Ark is Captured)
CMA votes to approve female pastors / How does this line up with Scripture?
Religious Separation
The Postmodern Church (1970 - Present)
* Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness.
Degrees of Separation
Ash Wednesday vs What Jesus Taught About Fasting
The Chosen Attacks Critics / Continues to Promote & Defend Gay Pride Flag
The Chosen Defends Gay Pride Flag Because Jesus Taught "Love"
The Modern Church (1789 - 1970)
1 Samuel 3 (Samuel Hears God's Voice)
The Chosen Displays Rainbow Flag in Season 4 Promo Video, Released Just in Time for Gay Pride Month!
Same Sex Desire & The idolatry of Pride Month
Our Daily Bread (The Lord's Prayer Explained - Part 2)
Abba Father (The Lord's Prayer Explained - Part 1)
What Are Vain Repetitions?
The Coming Storm
1 Samuel 2 (Hannah's Prayer / The Wicked Sons of Eli)
The Church During the Age of Enlightenment (1648 - 1789)
The Falling Away (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3)
Andy Stanley Redefines Sin / Rejects Biblical Definition in 1 John 3:4
Leaving Behind The Doctrine of Hell? Andy Stanley's New Sermon Series "The Fundamental List"
The Protestant Reformation (Part 2)
Worship that is Sincere (Do Not Be Like the Hypocrites)
For an Audience of One
The Replacement of Christianity
Was Gamaliel’s Advice Biblical? Is it a reason to not call out false teachers?
Post-Mil crowd accuses John MacArthur & Premillennialists of having "Loser Theology" Stawman refuted
The Reformation Period (Part 1)
1 Samuel 1 (Hannah's Vow / The Birth of Samuel)
Pastors Who Aid in Deconstruction (Testing The Spirits Podcast - Episode # 3)
What Is Heresy & How To Handle It (Titus 3:10)
An Impossible Standard / The Sermon on the Mount
Various Teachings of Christ
Jimmy Carter, Playboy & Adultery of the Heart
The Medieval Church (590 AD - 1517 AD)
Introduction to The Reformation