Mega Edition: Examining a Sam Allberry Podcast
Conversations That Matter
Dangerous Affirmation with M.D. Perkins: Part II
Dangerous Affirmation with M.D. Perkins: Part I
Christian Supremacy vs Liberty, CRT at Cedarville, Mark Dever on Local Church Accountability
Don Lemon Shut Down, A Promising Young Evangelical, & Mohler Goes Christian Nationalist
Four Leftist Assumptions About Christian Nationalism
Tobias Riemenschneider on the Frankfurt Declaration
Understanding the Term “Christian Nationalism”
Frank Turek and Christopher Yuan on Homosexual Desires and Christianity
How Mohler Pushed the Needle Left
Al Mohler's Recent Pivot
Al Mohler Changes Positions on Some Important Issues
What to Think about King Charles’s Accession
Robert Godfrey on Socialism, Criminal Justice Reform, & Two Kingdoms
White Horse Inn Tells Pastors They're Causing Homosexual Suicides
Mega Edition: So I Guess White Horse Inn is Now Woke
Is This Anarcho-Tyranny? & Michael Horton Blames White Evangelicals
News Roundup: Rings of Power, GCC, Those Austrian Economists!, & What's up with Moscow?
News Roundup: Grove City, NAE, SBC
The Gender Anarchy Downgrade
TGC implicitly supports BLM Narrative, Fears Right Wing Algorithms & John Jasper: Black Hero
Evaluating Christian Leaders: Some Guidelines
Is It Worth Fighting for the SBC?
Understanding Change Allowing Counseling
Baptists Invented Transgenderism?
Protestant Two Kingdom Theology
News Roundup- SBC DOJ Investigation, Dan Darling's Co-belligerency, Pronoun Hospitality
The 14 Worst TGC Articles
TGC Takes a Nosedive
News Roundup: Todd Benkert, Marvin Olasky, and Glenn Youngkin
Rightly Ordered Affections
A Few Thoughts on Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self
Men's Retreat with Dr. Russell Fuller
American Monument: The Quest for Cultural Amnesia
Architects of a Political Third-Way for Evangelicals: Carl Trueman- "Republocrat"
Is the Evangelical Free Church Going Woke?
News Roundup: Russell Moore's Fantasy, Jesus was Disabled?, Rings of Power is Woke etc.
Grew Up in Romanian Communism- Now Warning About School Indoctrination
What Dobbs Left Out
Praise for Adam Kinzinger and Keller Explains Third Way
How Wokeness is Infiltrating Country Music
One Christian Organization Not Going Woke
Former Cru Staffer Shares Experience
Where are Evangelicals on Abortion?
More on SBC's MeToo Moment, JD Hall's Situation, & Rosaria Butterfield on Conversion Therapy
Jordan Peterson's Message to the Church
SBC Elites Enshrine Their #MeToo Moment
July 4, 1619 Project, & Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings
James Coates on God vs. Government
What's Happening in the Christian Reformed Church?
What Happened at the 2022 PCA General Assembly?
The NYT, Atlantic, and TGC Give Evangelical Perspectives on Pro Life
Social Justice Adjacent Evangelicals React to Dobbs Decision
Tom Rush and Russell Fuller Weigh in on the SBC and Overturning of Roe v Wade
3 Ways the Pro Life Movement is Changing in Evangelicalism
Where Does the New President of the SBC Stand?
Secular Marxists Appreciate Woke Evangelicals
Welcome to Pride Month
The Big Moment at SBC22