James White Adnan Rashid Debate Did Jesus & Mohammed Preach the Same Thing - Trinity College Dublin
Alpha & Omega Ministries
Scriptural Case for the Deity of Christ/Interaction & a Proposal for the Government to “Study” Islam
William Lane Craig on Presuppositionalism, More on the White/Howse (Get It?) Controversy
A Little Bit on Eugene Peterson, a Whole Lot on James Simpson
Useful Idiot for Islamism? Or Adorning the Gospel of Christ? A Response to James Simpson &
Cultures That Abandon God’s Light Lose that Light, Then Hebrews 1:3 Textual Critical Discussion
Skype Dividing Line from Evergreen, Colorado
34 - Theories of the Atonement
Inerrancy and Harmonization: What's the Problem?
Yusuf Ismail and Deuteronomy, and Further Response to Abu Zakariya
33 - The Council of Chalcedon
Colossians 3 in P46, Hagmann's Take on the Dialogue, Beginning of Review/Response to Abu Zakariya
Bodily Assumption, Then Facts and Observations on the Misrepresentations of the Qadhi Dialogue
32 - Aftermath of Nicaea
Believe and You Shall See the Glory of God
Do You Believe This?
John 11, Surah 3, and Consistency
Josh Buice on the Dividing Line
Screenshot Insanity
Talking Southern Baptist Life with Tom Buck
Lazarus is Dead and I am Glad for Your Sakes
Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life
Brannon Howse Falsehoods Exposed and Refuted
Bernie Sanders and Brannon Howse: You Won’t Believe What They Have in Common!
First Day Back---Wide Variety of Topics
Accountability in Para Church Ministry
How could our culture in less than 50 years move to affirm Gay Marriage? Epistemology.
Dealing With Drug And Alcohol Addiction
Confronting the Culture of Death
Preacher: Preach the Word (Part 2)
Preacher: Preach the Word
The Marian Dogmas Debate
Why Celebrate the Reformation? Reason 187: Rome's Marian Dogmas
Twisting Words, Two Examples
31 - Tertullian and Baptism in Early Church
Thoughts on the King James, TR, Ecclesiastical Text Movement, etc.
A Program for the INC: John 1:1, 17:3, and Other Biblical Issues Post-Debate
May the Son of God be Glorified
He Whom You Love Is Sick
And Know That I AM
A Textual Critical Geeky Dividing Line
INC Debate Review, P&P Controversy
New Testament Reliabity, Part 2
New Testament Reliabity, Part 1
Presentation on Mormonism
Who is God?
A Mega Dividing Line with 50 Minutes of Open Phones
Lord's Supper - Who Shall Bring A Charge?
Can a Consistent Eastern Orthodox Believer Be the Bible Answer Man?
30 - Nicaea Continued
Hank Hanegraaf and Eastern Orthodoxy, David Allen’s Refutation, and an Insightful FB
Resources on Eschatology Then Matt Walsh, Rome, and Mary as Mediatrix
Reformation Tour, Allen Debate Invitation, Rome and Mary, and More
29 - Origen, Constantine, and Nicaea
Tim Staples and the Marian Dogmas
William Lane Craig, Andy Stanley, and Albert Mohler, Then, Surah 9, Islam, and the Changed Heart
28 - Foundations of the Trinity
Many Believed in Him There
Jesus Uses the 82nd Psalm
God Made Them Male and Female, then, Mike Licona on the Resurrection and the Bible