Unashamed of Inerrancy Pt. 1
Alpha & Omega Ministries
Unashamed of Inerrancy Pt. 2
Get Ready: Two and a Half Hour Long Dividing Line
Ignatius and Church History, Andy Stanley, Ravi Zacharias, Epistemology, 1 Corinthians 1:18ff
13 - Papias and Structure of Early Church
Dr. Licona Ignores Me; Alan Ruhl and the Roman Priesthood; Steve Tassi On the Non-Debate
12 - Ignatius and Polycarp
Was Mark Confused? Birth Narratives? Original Readings?
Responding to William Lane Craig on Catholicism Then Brief Discussion of Anti-Reformed Rhetoric
11 - Ignatius to Smyrneans, Romans, Ephesians
Romans 9-Calvinism Debate
The Freedom to Blame the Potter: Steve Tassi’s Video Reviewed
Marcus Rodgers Video Reviewed, Jacob Prasch Attacks Again, ISIS Attacks the Cross
Blessings for Obedience
Curses on Disobedience
10 - Diognetus - Ignatius
Exposing False Attacks Upon the Trinity
Apologia Church, Jeff Durbin, JD Hall, and “the Controversy”
Wood, Qureshi, Dunn
Warning for Cursings
09 - Epistle of Barnabas
Intro to Blessings and Cursings
A Few Comments in Response to the GOCC and GMA, Plus Psalm 2
God's Response to Rebellious Leaders
A Jumbo Mega Dividing Line—If That Makes Sense
Judaism’s Influence on the Hebrew Israelites
Radio Free Geneva: Jacob Prasch and the Armenians (OK, Arminians)
Hebrew Israelite History: The Fractured 90s
The Atonement: Defined by Revelation, or Philosophy?
BHI and the Apocrypha
Speed Wobble---Thanks to the Silver Car Driver!
Ignatius in His Own Words; Problematic EFS Quotes; Doubling Down on False Judging from Afar
The March of the Totalitarians, BHI Craziness, Judging From Afar Rebuked
Response to Sicarii
08 - The Didache
Full Debate with GoCC Elder Elder Rawchaa Shayar on the Dividing Line
Vocab Malone and Hebrew Israelism: Mega Edition with Calls!
Difficult Laws Concerning the Land
07 - Clement of Rome Part 2
Social Justice and Justification
Dialogue with Elder Rawchaa Shayar on Hebrew Israelism
KJVO Discussion, the Pope Escapes His Handlers Again, Debate Tomorrow, the Trinitarian Controversy
06 - Clement of Rome Part 1
Consistency and Fairness Once Again; Then More on the Comma and Textual Criticism
Simple Truthfulness & Consistency, Steve Hays Melts Down & Review of Oneness Advocate Steve Ritchie
05 - Greek Philosophy
Responding to Orlando
An Arminian Loses Psalm 33:10-11, SES and Rome, the Comma Johanneum Once Again
William Lane Craig, the Lowered Bar, Molinism, and Erasmus
04 - Gnosticism
Islamic Apologetics and Islamic Apologists
No Creator, No Humanity, or, Of Apes and Men
Divorce and Miscellany
Usury, Vows, Harvests
The Didache, P45, Washingtonianus, and More!
03 - Jewish Backdrop
Why I *Am* A Calvinist---Brief Response to Michael Brown
Travel Report, Response to Steve Camp and then some KJVOnly Wackiness
Hijacking the Scriptures Part V: The Romans 9 Debate - Rightly Dividing the Word?