The Secret Rapture?
Moore's Corner Church
Why Christian Support for Israel is in Decline
The 11th Commandment
"He Made Them Male & Female"
Speaking with other tongues - What the Bible actually says happened on the day of Pentecost
Was Noah's Flood Local or Worldwide?
The Pelagian Heresy: Are People Basically Good Or Is Mankind Sinful?
How Joel Osteen Rips Bible Verses Out of Context to Teach the Prosperity Gospel
Greg Locke Ordained An "Apostle" / Pope Francis Says the Human Heart is Good - 60 Minutes Interview
Seventy Times Seven
Mark of the Beast is HERE claims Matt Chandler / Billy Graham Statue Goes Up in Washington DC
Young Earth vs Old Earth
Voddie Baucham speaking alongside Mormon Glenn Beck at "Christian" Men's Conference - Fearless Army
Spiritual Manipulation
Church Discipline
The New Jerusalem (Revelation 21 & 22)
Kingdom of the Cults 2.0 / Cultic Movements Within Modern Charismatic Christianity NAR Word of Faith
Must Demand More from God? Mike Todd Crosses the Line - New Blasphemy & Plagiarism Charges
Humility & Service
Thy Kingdom Come (Revelation 20)
Fake Deliverance! Proof Katheryn Krick is a Bad Actor / False Apostle
"Once Saved Always Saved"
John MacArthur Under Fire for PTSD / Mental Illness Comments
Rick Warren on TBN / John MacArthur Responds to Driscoll Sword Swallower / Man Centered Pragmatism
Trying Not to Offend (Sermon)
Why Were the High Places Allowed in Ancient Israel?
The Second Advent / Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 19)
The Book of Life
Church Discipline & Infant Baptism (Driscoll / Lindell / Magala / James River Church Controversy)
"Jesus Rebukes the Demon" (Demon Slayer Movement / Jezebel Spirit)
Spiritual Abuse / Touch Not the LORDS Anointed (Mark Driscoll & John Lindell) Men's Conference
Mystery Babylon (Revelation 17 & 18)
John Hagee, The 7th Day Adventists & False Rapture Predictions
Billy Graham & The Rise of Neo-Evangelicalism
Signs of The End / Elijah Must Come First
The Bowl Judgements (Revelation 15 & 16)
The Prophet Mohammed was a follower of Jesus? He Believed the OT? Did Billy Graham affirm Islam?
Can Deny Bible & Still Be A "True Believer" / Complete Fellowship w/ Rome is Great says Billy Graham
The Five Fundamentals of The Christian Faith
Billy Graham & The Pentecostal / Charismatic Movement (Unity with Rome)
Come Out of Her My People / THE VELVET MAFIA
Part 2 - Progressive Christianity & The Battle for the Bible
The Resurrection Chapter
Babylon Is Fallen (Revelation 14)
CBS News Reports REAL reason for War between Israel & Hamas / Red Heifer prep for rebuilding Temple?
Sam Storms & Michael Brown Refuse to Call Benny Hinn a False Prophet / Justin Peters Roundtable
The False Prophet & The Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13 - Part 2)
4 Views of Revelation
Progressive Christianity & The Battle for the Bible (Part 1)
The Certainty of Salvation
The Beast System - Revelation 13 (Part 1)
The Modern Missions Movement
Our Love for Jesus is “Erotic to the Core” says John Piper at John MacArthur's Shepherds Conference
"Empty Pews"
The Transfiguration of Christ (Sermon)
Israel Persecuted by the Antichrist - Revelation 12
God's Sovereignty vs Human Free Will / Closed vs Open Communion - J. Edwards Run Out of Northampton
John MacArthur Calls "The Chosen" Unbiblical vs Allen Parr Who Love it & Wants Acting Role